Resolution 2670 - SID 302 Bonds - Form and DetailsRESOLUTION NO. 2670 RIECTI� G 7�iE �X"CUT-ON RES,-,LUTION DIESCIRT3TNC THE FORM AND DETAILS FUR 'DU E)�7 $50,000.00 OY SPECIAL 11-PROVLiIIEINT DISTRICT NO. 302 BONDS OF T.,-�- C7 iv',1L-1SPZ1,1_ IMOINTANA. there has been created under the Statutes of the tat of - you taqn `y City ro icalispeli, :Iontarla, -'Peciil Improvement District No, 302 for tho :)-,Arp,,-,nc of laying sewer Lines and _AP7)urtanaqces in Heanessy Arco of lalisl)etl. t,,1L, astjj:iatecr cost of said project is $50,000.00., 1 7T�REFORZ-, 3-�' IT RESOLVE"), by the City Council of the C--Ly of Kali spell, Montana, as follows; I I 1. That for the purpose of obtaining and providing funcN, to.pay the cost of the above project, and pursuant; to the authorities bf the of b-.ho Sta.e of Xont,mia and rho arocoodings recited in the proan5le hereto, an(I shall forItli be zrepared for exocritlon and delivery Special Improvement .)istrtc�t iio.302 Bonds of the City of Kalispell, Kalispell, Montana, In the aggregatQ principal artolx-.-- ;T- FlirY THOUSAIND DOLLARS ($50,000.00), which is the estimated cost and expense of t-,o fc,ro,,,oin,-, which bonds shall be dated December 11, 1967, and shaill !)Par in'-orccl , - ail the rate of Six per cent (6%) per annum, payable annually. Said 3onds shall one Inu,-ndred (100) in turmber, and numl)ered serially f'ro�.n one to one hundrod, both, inc':iakvo, and said bonds shall becone due and payable or, the first day of January, 1933. Said Bonds Shall he redleamable by the Treasurer of the City Of _Jt at pax and accruea interest, when there are funds in said Special rlct o. 302 Fund, against which said bonds are issued, qvailable th(�re and ,..,id redawrpti on shal I be made in the meaner provided by laa. provided Treasurer shall first pay out of said Special iaazpr rerxer,t istrict NIQ. 301 nio interest on all autstanding bonds upon presentation of the cow, pons bellonginS thereto, and any funds remaining shall be applied to the painiQat of th,,-, principal arLd the redeniption of the bonds. 2. The interest on said bonds shall be payable annually on the first day a,' Janunr,S, of each year commencing January 1, 1969. bonds and the interest coupons to be thereto attached, and no�lst;;atioa cort` cate to be endorsed thereon, shall be in substantially the foral attached � h,�re,o as Exhibit 'W' and by the reference made a part 4. 3csld bonds shall be forthwith prepared for execution and shall Ire executed on 'Dahnlf of the Special Improvement District No. 302 of the City of Kalispell, Montana, ey tine i�-� signature of the Mayor of the City of Kalispell, attested 1,jy the City Clerk of tha City of Kalispell, and by affixation of the official seal of the City of Kalispell, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by trio on- p,i^aved or lithographic facsimile signatures of said officers, which fact shall be to rocited in the bonds, and said bonds shall then be registered by the City Treasurer. When the bonds have been so fully executed and registered, the City Treasurer shall thon deliver them, or cause them to be delivered to the purchaser upon payment to the City Treasurer of the purchase theretolfore agreed upon. 5. T!-,o Mayor, the City Council, and the City Treasurer of the City of Kalispell are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish 'to the purchaser of said bonds, and to its Attorneys, certified copics,of all proceedings and records relating to said bonds and such other certificated and affidavits as may be roqilirad to bring clio 1—iots within their knowledge, all as shown by the books and records under their custody and control relating to the validity and marketability of said bonds, and -!davits, including any thereof hereto- nt d co6ios of cortifj,cz�tZa)and affidavits, alispell, Montana I hall consti .11 :d: roresentation ofe'henC ty,of N� of each fa VrI. d to be shown therein. lv,>il)/,11�DIVED 3Y TN�,, is l'UR AND CITY COUNCIL THIS'AWi DAY 01 i:'AACH 1968. nzT it Y Mayor,, 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution duly passed by the City Council of the City of Kallispell, Montana, at a regular meeting on ---n—rch AJ- 1968 City CleXLk of e City/,bf Kalispell, Montana