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Resolution 2642 - Resolution of Intent - SID 305
)7-,JTO'l 26 14 2 M0 REAT ". 31- 05 J T7 BE IT �01T 2 A N 1, S 1s 0 TL ION 1 a 1, of S _Ia:� 0 C e �-_,t- e n'e, the City Ha s,p o," o o n d e s -r i b 0 d a - r nl - ma,nt District �0� f ce 7, 0_1 Lots 1 throu,�h 12 `�,_Lock 'rj lRis ner I s A(ld I t ©n Lots I throuc,", 5 13 I oCk 20 Pisl'ler2s Addition SECTION 2. 1,Ihat the 7en_eral cnaracter of tna i,,-m rove man t 3 s to be made in s,<�id Dlotr2c 'lie of a 3,,,ta-,y sewer. SECTION 3, That the astimatcd cos-1 of said in-proveme"ItS is �1'6,979. 50. SECTION 1). That the entire cast snd exT,)ense of said imnrove- ment shall be assessed ac,,ain6t eac'n lot within the diEtr-ict to be assessed for that part of the wnole cost which it's area bears to the area of the entire district. SECTIO,'J., 5. That said assess r' I 'ent shall be Paid for in full upon con-,letion of t'ne Contract or sl-,,aill be )-aid in ton (10) equal installments hereby ex,, -ended fog:' a per. -Lod of ten (10) years. Said assessments ohall constitute a fund to be Icnown as Soecial Improvement ')istrici; No. 305. SI7,CTION 6. Said inmrovements shn1l be Paid for in Sneci.,,-tl Im,3rovement District "'Ta'--ran-us 2_3sueld af7ai'nst Sc41_d district in sums not exceedin7, :'P'G500.00 each bear-Ing, 'n1ai-est at a rate not to exceed six rer cent (6%) per annum from date of re�;- istration until called fo-r redemption or aaia Ln full. SECTION 7. That on the 9th day of October, 1967, at 7-30 in the Council Chambers o- the City Hall in the City of Ka-1- I onta at a regularme ,etin��,: th ereof, the City Council I'll _n a, .'rill hear and 'pass on any nrotests that may be made a7,ai-nst the making, of said improvements or the creation of said district. SECTION 8, `_"he City Clerk is ',iereby authorized and directed to s�ive the pro -per notice of the pasga-le, of t,iis Resolution by publication and 7 liil as required b,,;7 laa, such publi- cation to be made in the Daily Inter -Lake, a daily newspaper published in the City of Kalispell, 1711ontleLna. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE 07TY COUNC-1111 0"T T_,11E CITY 01? MONTANA, THIS Ilth DAY OF SEPTEMBERP 1967. �A JZ, Mayor ,A 1, the uidersigne"ity Clerk of the f� Kalispell, he -t ify that of copy '� ed by the the foregoing Is a true and correct co"tlf 'he resolutloplp�t "�,P, tj City Council of the City of Kalispell, at a r la meets on Sep- tember 11, 1967. �Ot-a 79, , `�, N9330U=A§3•�