Resolution 2595 - Budget - Annual AppropriationsRZ,';tt?I:.UTIO-N NO, 2595 A RESOLUTION ION FIXING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL a r.AR 1966-67. BE IT RESOLVED BY 'EHE CITY COUNCI1. OF rHZ CITY OF KALISPELL, MONT NA-. 5LCjjQN 10 Zhav the Dud, for the f0cal year 1966-1967 shall be as follow GENERAL FUND City Council - Salaries L Social Security $ 14,470.00 11atarial & Supply 300(11 Misc. Expense 600.00 City Clark - Salaries L ,Social oC'.r.'urity 2,46S.00 11terial & Supply 570.00 Utilities 220,001 $ 3,190.00 City Treasurer - Salaries & Social Securivy 6,245.00 t ceriat. - L&polies=2xts.- soncl 1,136AO Utilities 126&0: New Equipment 500.0E $ S,00 ®GO City Engineer - Salaries C Social Security 12,010.00 material a Supply 600.00 New Equip. & Repair 500.00 CarExpense 600,00 €it i l i t: l es 200.00 Industrial. Accident 150.00 14,OGO&C City Attorney - Salaries & Social. Security 2,800.00 Office & Keno Expense 900.00 r1z c, Fees S Court Coasts 50.00 New publications 75.00 Litigation 600.00 Police Court - Salaries § social. Security 3,702.00 Vac at0n. 175,00 Material L Supply 250.00 Utilities, 132WO Jurors & Witnesses 100.00 City t all- Materiral & Supply 35(? O Fuel 1,00()no Utilities 1,100,00 Repair 5,00i7 o Taxes - Insurance 75C3A $ S,200.00 2olSce Department - Salaries 87,6Ci 00 Naterial E Supply 1,600.00 Czar Operation 3,615.Ct0 Utilities 575&0 Prisoner .Board 1,030.00 New Equipment 950&0 Police Commission 60.00 Medical .lid 150.00 Uniform Allowance 1,625.00 FWAI Radio Malptenance $ 800so Industrial Accident 1,733.00 Schools 700.00 Warehouse Maintenance 100.00 Now Car 1,575.00 $ Fire Dopartment- Salaries SO,274.00 Material & Supply & Utilities 3,075.00 New hose - Tires 900.00 Dormitory 260.00 Warehouse Maintenance 600.00 Insurance 345.00 New Equipnent 1,200.00 Hydrant Rental 750.00 Industrial Accident 1,610.00 Uniforms 800.00 Inspectors Salaries & Social Security 2,000.00 Car Expense 1,350.00 Industrial Accident. 50.00 4,000.00 Elections- Judges-Clarks-Natlees-Supplies 1,300.00 1,300.00 State Examiner - Examination Fee 890.00 890.00 Street Lighting - City ( 25% S,50000 8,500.00 Misc. General Expense- Misc. Publications 675.00, Travel 250.00 Municipal League 475.00 GRAND TOEAL GENERAL FUND $ 266,111.00 STREET FUND Street Department - Salaries & Social Security (wages) 69,000.00 Material & Supply 14,500.00' New Equipnent & Meters 10,000.00 Traffic Lights 2,500.00 Insurance 1,000.00 Engineering 4,000.00 Warehouse 5,250.00 Street Signs 2,500.00 Hydrant Rental 1,000.00 Industrial Accident 2,50030 Off Street Parking 15,000.00 127,250.00 Oncludes parking meters Warehouse - Wages & Social Security 19,120.00 Material & Supply 800.00 Utilities I'S00.00 Fuel & Repair 600.00 Tools - Machinery 700.00 Insurartce 300.00 Industrial Accident 550.00 231874=200 GtO,ND TOTAL STRFXy FUND 151,120.00 m PA RK FUND Parks - Woodland Park §iaves & Social Security $ 21,800.00 Woodland Park Ytat'erlal &, Supply 4,000.00 Other Parks Wages 16,000.00 Other Parks Material & Supply 3,850.0() Enl-irleering 720.00 Taxes - Insurance 3,80MO Warehouse 1, , 0")r,. 0() Capital Investment -Land Purchase 2,000.00 New Equlpinent 3,435.00 Industrial Accident 830,00 Hydrant Rental 1,000.00 tL3 2 5 f), _t GRAND TOPAL PARK FUND $ 58,435.00 LIBRARY FUND Library - Salaries Social Security 17,600.00 Material Supply 800.00 Books 3, 000. 0() Maintenance - Repair 500.00 Equiparent 400.00, Misc. & Federation 1,200.00 Utilities 1,150.00 Periodicals 550®00 Taxes -Insurance -Ind. Accident 365.00 $ 2,9, 5 6 3 . 010 GRAND TOTAL LIBRARY FUND $ 25,565.00 POLICE PENSION FUND Pensions 21,670.45 L1,67P.1,5 $ 21,670.45 FIREMENS PENSION FUND Pension FUTId 24, 84 8 . 00, L L 1, - _0 $ 2 4, 84 8 � CH), PUBLIC EMPLOYFE RETIREIIENT FUNID City Contribution 3.3% 5,200.00 5-4220-.00 $ 5,200.00 AMBUI.ANCE Ambulance Department Wages 5, 0cm. ')0 Material & Supply 1,000.00 Repairs 400.00 Laundry 70.00 Utilities 175.00 Insurance 297.00 Warehouse 200.00 New Equipment 7,000.00 Wages -Clerical 1,200<00 $ 1-5,342.0q GRAND TOTAL AMBULANCE $ 15,342_00 AVIATION Airport- 8,779.00 29 1 / 7-1) - L-) 11aJor portion derived from donations $ 8,77900 "'Wil SEWER SERVICE Sewer Department - Wages & Social Security $ 19,100.00 11terial & Supply 15,000.00 Utilities 2,500.00 Insurance 400.00 Warehouse 1,800.00 Engineering I'm= New Equipment 5,000.00 P. E. R. S. 630.001 Revenue. Bond Payraents 1a,000.00 Hydrant Rental 5=00 Industrial Accident 700.00 Sanitation- Inspection 1,750.00 Plant Improvement 19,267.00 TOTAL SEWER SERVICE $ 86,447.00 WATER WORKS Water Department - Pumping Labor 12,000.00 Pumping Expense 7,000.00 Customer Service & Maintenance 20,000.00 Maintenance Labor 15,600.00 Maintenance -Material & Supply 4,000,0 Warehouse Expense 1,500.00 Utility Eq"Iprenr Expense 2,000.00 City Shop 5,000,00 Supervision 7,325.00 Engineering 2,000.00 Office Supplies 21,300.00 Office Maintenance 3,200,00 Insurance 2,900.00 P. E. R. S. 2,500,0 Social Security 2,300.00 Capital Expense 100,000.00 $ TOTAL WATER WORXS DEPARTMENT $ 211,625= RECAPITULATION EXPEND11TRES General $ 266,111.00 .Arrest 151,120.0() Park 58,435.00 Library 25,565.00 Police Pension 21,670.45 Firements Pension 24,048.00 Public Employees Retirement 5,200.00 Ambulance 15,342.00 Sewer Service 86,447.00 Water Works 211,625.00 Aviation S,779.00 TOE -Al, f.'XPENDITUTIES $ S75,142.45 REVENUES General Fund - Fees 0 Permits $ 7,000.00 Fines c4 Penalties 35,000NO Licenses 13,550.00 Liquor Tax 17,000.00 Misc. ReEtud & Revenue 0 Interest L Per alty on Taxes 2,000.00 Engineer Dept. (transfer) 14,060.00 TOLL GE1,,2,,1,AL POND REVENOE, $ 88,610YO Street Fund - Car license 7,900.0o Parking Eetars 36,50C.00 Nisc. Rr�fund & Revenue 0 Warehouse (traimfed 23,0000 TOTAL STREET FUND REVENUE 68,270.00 N Park Fund - Park Fund Rentals Swim Pool Refunds TOTAL PARK FUND REVENUE Aviation Library Water Works Police Pension Ambulance Sewer Service (from Water Dept. & Fed. Aid) TOTAL AIL REVENUE $ 950.00 2,00.00 2 50. CC, $ 4,00000 300.00 8GO 1 00 215,000.00 2,200,00 11,000.00 A 2 �, L.�)O AMOL $ 472.947.00 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AND APPnOVSD OY QE i2YOa THIS STH DAY OF AUGUST, 1966, ATTES0 __-Eeor�"e kearqsiee City Clerk I, the undersigned, City Clerk OE the City of Kalispell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy ie, resolution duly passed by t the City Council of the City of Kalisp n ana, at a �x 7,10. meeting an Adgust 3, 1966. 7it7)C1jfX of thi Cite/gag Kalispell, Montana