Resolution 2639 - Budget - Annual AppropriationsRESOLUTION NO. 2639 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1967-1968. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA. Section .1. That the Budget for the fiscal year 1967-1968 shall be as follows: GENERAL FUND City Council Salaries & Social Security 14,020.00° Material & Supply 120.00 Misc. Expense 200.00 $ 14,340.00 City Clerk Salaries, Soc. Sec., Ind. Ace. 2,600.00 Material & Supply 35 0. DO Utilities 260.00 $ 3,210.00 City Treasurer Salaries, Sec. Sec., I. A. 7,400.00 Material -Supply -Ins. 758.00 Utilities 126.00 $ 8,234.00 City Attorney Salaries, Sec. Sec., I. A. 2,800.00 Office & Steno. Exp. 900.00 Misc. Eees - Court Costs 50.00 New Publications 75.00 Litigation 300.00 $ 4,125.00 City Engineer Salaries, Soc. Sec. 13,128.00 Material &- Supply 600.00 New Equip. - Repair 500.00 Car Expense 61100.00 Utilities 300.00 Ind. Accident 105.00 $ 15,233.00 Po I ic C , Jucl 'e Salary, Sec. See. 3,775.00 Vacation 200.00 Material & Supply 200.00 Utilities 135.00 Jurors & Witnesses 100.00 4,410.00 (1) (2� RESOLUTION NO. 2639 GENERAL FUND (cont.) City 31all Custodian Material & Supply Fuel Water -Lights Repair Taxes -Ins. Misc. General Expense Misc. Publications Travel Municipal League Inspectors Salaries, Soc. Sec. Car Expense Ind. Ace. Parking Meter Salaries, Soc. See. Mat. & Sup. - Uniforms INd, Ace. New Equipment Off Street Parking Elections Election Expense State Examiner Examiner Fee Street Lighting City Portion (25%) Police Dept. Salaries Material & Supply Police Car Operation Utilities Prisoner Board Now Equipment Police Commission Medical Aid Uniform Allowance Radio Maintenance Industrial Accident 430.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 2,200.00 750.00 650.00 900,00 475.00 2;652.'00 900.00 46.00 9,373.00 2,400.00 162.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 1,0()0.00 840.00 8,900.00 103,522.90 1, 847.87 3,035.33 600.00 2,250.00 1,717.40 60.00 1,375.00 1,000.00 1,843.68 (2) $ 6,630.00 $ 2,025.00 $ 3,593.00 $ 33,435.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 840.00 $ 8,900.00 (3) RESOLUTION NO. 2639 GENERAL FUND (cont.) Police Dept. (cont.) Schools Warehouse Maintenance New Patrol Car Insurance Car Allowance Exp. Fire Dept. Salaries Material & Supply Hose & Tires Dormitory Warehouse Maintenance Insurance New Equipment Hydrant Rental Industrial Accident Uniforms Radio Alarm System Schools Utilities GRAND TOTAL QVIRAL FUND STREET FUND Street Department Material & Supply Wages & Soc. Sec. New Equipment Traffic Lights Insurance Engineer Warehouse Street Signs Hydrant Rental Industrial Accident City Warehouse Salaries, Soc. Sec. Material & Supply Utilities Repairs Tools - Machinery Insurance Industrial Accident rVAND IU9TL STREET FUND 685.00 100.00 1,675,00 80.00 840.00 $121,106.28 89,660.00 2,250.00 950.00 30"00 500.00 345.00 1,150.00 750.00 1,729.71, 730.00 120.00 500.00 400.00 190.00 13,000.00 60,000.00 15,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 5,500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,300.00 22,900,00 1,000.00 2,000,00 500.00 1,100.00 00.00 682.00 (3) $ 99,624.74, $326,961.02 $106,300.00 $ 28,432.00 $134,7S2.00 (4) RESOLUTION NO. 2639 '?ARK FUND Parks Wages, Sec. Sec. 18,000.00 Material & Supply 4;000.00 Other Parks - 14,1ges, S. S 8,000.00 Other Parks - M & S 2,500.00 Engineer I'000.00 Taxes - Insurance 5,000.00 Warehouse 1,200.00 New Equipment 2,500.00 Industrial Accident 468.00 Hydrant Rental 1,000.00 Capital Investment 20,000.00 GRAND TOTAL PARK FUND SEWER FUND Sewer Lines Wages, Soc. Sec. 12,523.00 Material & Supply 9,000.00 Utilities 500.00 Insurance 100.00 Warehouse 1,900.00 Engineer 2,100.00 Equipment 5,000.00 Hydrant Rental 500.00 Industrd6i Accident 438.00 Plant Improvment 5,000.00 Sanitation & Insp. 600.00 P. E. R. S. 476.00 Sewer Plant Wages, Sec. Sec. 13,446.00 Material 6, Supply 8,000.00 Utilities 2,500.00 Insurance 300.00 Warehouse 1,500.00 Engineer 1,000.00 Equipment 1,000.00 Revenue Bond Payment 10,000.00 Industrial Accident 206.00 Plant Improvnient 5,000.00 Sanitation & Inspection 1,200.00 P. E. R. S. 435.00 GRAND TOTAL SEWER FUND (4) $ 63'668.00 $ 63,668.00 $ 33,142.00 $ 44,5S7.00 $ 82,729.00 Mul W RESOLUTION NO. 2639 PUBLIC F,,TL0YV1-S RZT111ILMENT SYSTEIA FUND City Portion 6,600.00 GRAD TOTAL P. Z. R. S. FUND $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 POLICE PENSTON FUND Pensions 23,890.00 $ 23'C'90.00 GRAND TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND 23,890.00 FIREMEN PENSION FUND Pension Fund '7,664.00 37,664.00 GRAND TOTAL FTRk:MEN PENSION FUND $ 37,664.00 AVIATION FUND Airport 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 GRAND TOTAL AVIATION FUND $ 2,000.00 LIBRARY FUND Library Salaries, Soc. Sec. 1,140.00 Capital Investment 27,108.00 28,243.00 GRAND TOTAL LIBRARY FUND $ 28,248.00 AMBULANCE FUND City Ambulance Drivers, Attendants 5,000.00 Utilities 200.00 Laundry 70.00 Repairs 400.00 Material & Supply 300,00 Insurance 297.00 Equipment 350.00 Clerical, S. S., I. A. 1,696.40 Radio 40,00 $ 8,353.40 GRAND TOTAL AMBULANCE FUND $ 8,353.40 (5) Q RESOLUTION NO. 2639 TER WORKS FUND Water Dept. Pump labor Pumping Expense Customer Serv. & Maint. Maintenance Labor Maint. - Mat. & Sup. Warehouse Expense City Shop Supervision Engineering Office Supplies Office Wages -Office Maintenance Misc. Exp (deposit refunds) Insurance P. E. R. S. Social Security Utility Equip Exp. Capital Expense ARAND TOTAL WATER WORKS FUND WCAPITULATION EXPENDITURES General Street Park Sewer P. E. R. S, Police Pension Firemen Pension Aviation Library Ambulance Water Works TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,000.00 7,000.00 20,000.00 9,000.00 13,000.00 1,800.00 5,182,00 7,200.00 2,100.00 2,500.00 13,000.00 10,000.00 4,500.00 2,900.00 2,400.00 2,S00.00 2,000.00 75,000.00 326,961.02 134,Y2.00 63,66S.00 82,729.00 6,600.00 23,890,00 37,664.00 2,000.00 IS,243.00 S,353AN 196,3S2.00 16) $196,02.00 $196,382.00 0911,277 004 (7) RESOLUTION NO. 2639 REVENUFS General Fund Fees 8- Permits Fines & Penalties Licerlsc-14 Liquor Tax Int. &- Penalty on Taxes Engineer Dept. (transfer) 'Meter TOTAL GENERAL FUND RZVZNUE Street Fund Car License Warehouse (transfer) TOTAL ST11ZET FUND REVENUE Park' Fund Swim rool< Misc. TOTAL PARK FUND REVENUE Aviation L., hrzkry Water 'Oorks Police Pension Ambulance Sewor Service T0T.,%1, ALL REVENUE 3,500.00 32,2 - CO.00 .00 1,7()0.00 15,2-31 '00 37,000.00 3,900.00 23,432.00 2,850.00 500.00 $ 124, 6-2,3 . 00 $ 37,3c2.0'0 $ 3,350.00 $ 2,0oo.00 $ 0 $200,350.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 78,000.00 $456,515.00 PASSED BY 111E CITY COUNCIL OF TIRE CITY OF KALIS'PELL AND APPOVED BY T11E MAYOR THIS 141"1 DAY OF AUGUST, 3,967. vK Laurence C. Bjorn7l' 14AYOR 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, hereby certify thdt the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution duly passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montan."t a regular meeting on August 14, 1967. - ) 11-� (7) ty glirg/of the q1ty of Kalispell, Montana