Resolution 2587 - Orders Curbsz RESOLUTION No. 2587 A RESOLUTION ORDERING CURBS IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI1Y OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, That it is the judgement of the City Council that concrete upright curbs shall be installed along the following locations in the City where not presently curbed pursuant to Section 182 of the Revised Ordinances of 1947: Tracts: 8and, Babba, Babb, Bail, 8ahc, Sahaa, 8aSc, 8agp, Saga, 8agd, Bag, ayb, 8yba, 8ya, Syc, By, 9-3, 8-24, 2dab, 2d, 8ab, 8aa, 8aad,gjp1-,! Buca, 8aaca, Base, 8uaaa, 8uaa, Bq 2ce, 2cf, 2co 2c, 2cl, 2fa,v val-f 2e, 2bdd, 2bdc, 2bdb, 2bdf, 2bde, 2dba; being on both sides of THIRD AVENUE WEST NORTH between WYONING and WASHINGTON STREETS, Tracts; Saha, Sage, Cameron Addition lot 7 Block 12, Churinage Addition lot 12 Block 1; being on both sides of NEVADA STREET between THIRD AVENUE WEST NORTH and FOURTH AVENUE WEST NORTH. Tracts: SaRb, Bake, Bale, Bake, 8-4-b, 3-4, Churmage Addition Block I lots 7, 3, 9, 10, 11, and 12; being on both sides of FOURTH AVENUE WEST NORTH between NEVADA and CALIFORNIA STREETS. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YALISPELL, NONTANTA 'THIS 6TH DAY OF' JUNE, 1966 ATTEST. - George Beardslee City Clerk T. R. Flynn Mayor 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and corryf"Jopy of the resolution duly passed by the City Council of the Ci o Kalispell, f Mon" a at a P regular meeting on June 6, 1966. /,.,. City glery/'t the City/of Kalispell, Montana