Resolution 2560 - Authorization to File Application - USA4 _dTtFICA O,
1 That _.._ :ice-,.esolunon is a true and correct copy of the -esotntion as finally adopted at , eting of the gov-
erninr oe r- ._ __._ ez ;h c y of _--... Au ast _, 19- and duly rececded in my o�f..ic e;
2. .mat -. _tin,_ s duly convened znd 'held in 11 aspects in accordance wish Iaw and to the extent required by
law -c .i, . n.,ice of such meeting a s p:v , and a Segal cuor n was present throughout the meting, and a legally
'1- r of members of the governing body voted in the prop- ,annex and for the adoption of asid sesoiut o ; and
n..a.t t c ..manes and proceedings und" h- in", to the proper adoption or postage of said resolution, in-
1 u! 1.cation, if required, have been dully ..nfiiled, c,,-tied out, ,ad ..aherwise observed; and that I n - watkrcrized to
l7,at f on r e of a ecal us; Is-n affixed below, is con.. titntes the official s_a1 of the .phcaat and th+s
is h , ,y <zccntcd -"I"' ,uch offiu.l .c <i, but if n< _c.,i hn_ b,_ n nfGaed, the sri, icaut ioe_ acthae 11 o.£r-
, ,-. ,, ,. I;lL OF, I have hereunto met ny hai r-is 9>n.n _ay of
G_ orp-
H alp want ha, anof zci al seal, impress here. (Tyr n " ef
raffl_uTtom 1,2560
(To be axed unless conarcry to ' ^c'l 1'.)
Autbodaing filing of application v,tlh the United Sza' v of America for an advance to
Provide for the planning of publiz works under the te.-ms of Public Less 560, S3,d Congress
of the United States, as atn-7eJ.
`kk3LREAS, _ (he ;e Dulled d Ap,>>i—C') after
tno-o T, eo*sr '.erasion of the veriou- n.pects of 1 - problem_nd snidy of available data has hereby det-r - ned chat the con-
s'raction of certain public works, generally described as
s desi.rable and in the public interest and to that end it is necessary that action preliminary to the construction of said works
be t.,k— immediately; and
WHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 560, 83rd Congtess, as amended, the United States of Americahasa:athorized
the making of advances to public bodies to aid in financing the cost of engineering and architectural sunveys,designs,pl.ans,
working drawings, specifications or other action preliminary to and in preparation for the construction of public works; and
VRFREAS, the applicant has examined and da;v teas dared such act and the applicant considers it to be in t,e public
interest and to its benefit to file an application under said act and to authorize other action in connection th etewitlx;
1y077, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY -- -----__-- ,
the governing body of said applicant, as follows:
1. That the construction of said public works is ass 1. a1 to '-d to the best interests of the applicanz, and to the
end that such public works maybe provided as promptly as practicable it is desirable that action preliminary to the
construction thereof be undertaken imm ediatel. y;
2. That --;
oe hereby authorized to file in behalf of i pp_ice t on sppt .=on (in fo,-m required by the United States and in
confoemity with said ace) for an advance to be made by the United States to the applicant to aid in defraying the
cost of plan preparation for the above described p c - which shall consist general v of _
3. That if such advance be made, the applicant s.,all p ,e or make .eeessasy arrangements to provide such funds,
ie addition to the advance, as may be requited to eefray the cost of the plan preparation of .such public works;
i,. ar__a 3 au-
Lhori zed to fiunisu suc,r info. ,soon an tile_ such action as may be necessary too =ble ni e applicant
y for the advance;
5ha. ne off.iccr do igaved in the pieced n- i ...ta)iaph is hereby designated as the authorized representative of me
cant for the purpose of fsrnishing o the Uni-d 'States s insormation, data, and documents pertaining to the
iic��. c.xz for an advance as neyboreq nit_; and of .mac ise to act as theauthorired representative of the , lieant
_n--_.—mr, with this application.
ca; ies of this resolndon to irac?tided s of t .^ appl;ration for an ecvuc— to bc, submitted to the