Resolution 2557 - Designates Depository Bank0 RESOLWIC)'N' NO. 2527 A RESOLIUMN PEESICNATIN` ; r,.PoSrrm YWNK BE T'r REoixum -fn- crry cou""ICIL OF MIE CTTY nF ',�ALISPELL, MkX,rANA* SECTION 1, I'lial, the VALUEY BANK, of 'Kalispell, Montana be and is hereby designated as a legal depository of moneys belonging to the City of 'Kalispell, Flathca(l Coup-Ity, and such nioneys belonging to said City of Mont,,I�' Kalispell, may be deposited in said VALLFY BANK, from time to time,. PASSE?, AND, APPROV0, 13Y THr CHY COUNCIL OF ME CI"..Y OF KALlSPT,.TL, MONrA%'A, this 6th clay of April, 1964. A TTLS f.: J1. j . Hunt City Clerk 11. R. 11 Mlayor !, the, undersigned, City Clerk of the City of T,Cnlispall hereby certify that the for e.Tolng ir a true and correct copy of the. resolution duly passed, by the City Councl of the City of Knlispell, 'Montana, at a regular meeting on April 6, 1964. CT—ry Clerk of the CILY of Kalispell, "Mont -ma