Resolution 2551A - Orders Curbs0 REMIUNW! TU. 2751-A ,j MATMAIN 5MMUn EXTIS IN KHMN A=5 IE PTE CUY 11- 'RESOILVE-11) 1Y ZPE CIA W=11, of ,HE CIA OF KaISMLL, WNMOA: Trat It is the PAYMM of Me city 0"CH that mmmue UPI-l"t mns s%1I be MMORd ,alone the follw&i Lociatkas in Am City pursuant to .;P.cLion IN of the RmUned CnHwnws of 1007� Lms I and 2 of Mock 263; being ,, no the Epst, side of SLh ,%venue East betwoon 13Lh and 14th Streets. Twos SOZ, &KE, 84; belong howemn CQIArKa and ,tashington Strcets on rho AM s1de of 6M rNome West Nolh and extWing west on AlUmMa SWopt to no C=My Rwd and exondirtg Zast to CaliOrnin StroK to the Way. Tracts SANW, T-H-KA, &II-D, 3010, 34103, S-110, S 110A 34 NQ R.H.M; 1why; an the Awt We A 6th Avenue dc,sL North 1,oween Ore,,,,on acid Washln8on Sti"oeL' and extending EW Lo the 01ey on KsMn,-_'tcStreet and ewL—,ml§n, �kst to tale a1.1r,.3 on birn!,Lon Strcc-t-. Lots 7, " 9, "d 10 of Mwh W; hNn on ne E", Mde of th .,venne Sd e.. 1etsca,, Ist, and 2nd Streets. Ims 7 Wu U of QW? 2"; WN2 on t'n; AM sWu of 8th Awnuc, Ensi, betwQcr oth and 101,1--, Streo's and East on Ott Street Lo Me alive y and Pxtendlt�,, Ecst care 1C3-11 stre't to Lots I tnu 6 of ?Is& 257+ (TNxVson Field); bola or tho �tosL side of f th ',vcrue AM Avenuo Am %moun Kh and 10h Sums and oxnenrl3u WWP M1 Ah ptrev In cm a1my and oxtendin:,, '.peto, on 10rh .,,reot to UAS 7 LAU 12 of 31.V 9 am LoLS I kwu 6 nf Mmy 10; '>,Art,; or, the East and West sWs of at Memo hwt ANIn Immeen MAm Suwa and AsMawn Arcet, ED TPE ,'IrY UOUNCIL NO) AWMMD We Rh dn of Ady 1055. 1, NO wAkrslam(n N" WoK of Me My pF ispell )wrehy certify Lhat the Eorao&j is a mm and cwvmt cNg of tIQ rowNtion duly passed !),,- the. clty ;:ouncll of U11c -Pty of Kalispell, 'hWana, A a trpW Yole on JuY, 94, 106% 1,7 Q" ,;logo (' �--- o' Pc LOY f