Resolution 2523 - Annexation - Highland ParkI RSSOLVION NO. 2523 A RESOLUFION EXTENPINC CHI CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CI CY OF KALISPELL, MONCANA W BE ir RESOLVEP BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PHE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: SECTION 1. Phat pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No. 2522 entitled "RESOWTON OF INTENrION UO EX MW ME CORPORATE LIMITS OF rHE ciry OF KALISPELL, MOMANA", and after a hearing held at as regular meeting of said City Council in the Council Chmbers of the City Hall in Kalispell, at 7:30 F. M. on February 17, 1964, pursuant to said resolution and notice duty given by publication, as required by law, the boundaries or corporate limits of the City of Kalispell, Montana, are Nereby extended so as to embrace and include the tract or parcel of load described in said resollian of intention No. 2522, and hereinafter described, and the said described tract or parcel of land is herchy declared to be annexed to, and to be a part of the City of Kalispell, Montana, and within the corporate limits thercof. The time when Win resolution shall go into effect and the extension of the boundaries of the City of Kalispell, Montana, be made by the inclusion of said tract or parcel of land within the boundaries or corporate limits of the City of Kalispell, Montana, is hereby declared to be February 17, 19W MCF101 2. That the tract or parcel oF land so embraced and included. within the boundaries of the City of Kalispell, Montana, is more particularly described as follows; HIGHLAVID I%RK FIRST APPITM-1 PASSEV AID APPROW BY PHE CTTY WWII, M TMl CITY OF KALISPIOLL, MOWMNA We 17th My of t0broary, 3964, ATTES0 City Clark T. R. F1 ''9 -771 Jr T, the u"dersigncd, City Clerk of Lhe City of Tallspull hereby certify that the foregoing is a itrue anO correct copy of the resolution duly passed by the City Council of the City f K,jj,,,jj, l i a TeSolar mceting an Fel=runry 17, 1964 City fleck OF -TV? -TT I -Of Kcal il-)jJ77ontann