Resolution 2524 - Budget - Transfer FundsMME RESOLPTION 10. 2524 A RRSOLATION TRANSF71IRTIC CERTAIN FPIPS IN rHY CTPY PREASURY SEC710% I. That whrreas $30,000.00 par value A United States Treasurey Bonds matured on February 15, 1964, helll in reserve For redemption A Revenue Bonds of 1959, and whereas it is desired that t"hese furvis he rv-Svested in interest hearing obligations until required for redempticn3 of !Iojjr!a, of jq51),, NOW, MIERUOPE BE TT RqSOLVE!- 13Y T117 CTTY Cf)!!'XTL OF Cr-rY Cl, KALISPUL, MOWS, thaL the above ','30,000.00 be invosted in local Bank Time Certifientes For periods of 6 nwiths. N�00000 � R. J. Hunt City Clerk A R. F1, mayor Tj Chu undcrsignud, City Clerk of the C"y of Kali"e" QrQy cwtify Ant the kregning is a true and enTrect copy W the resolution duly passed by the city council or the City of Kalispell, Montana, at a rpVlar mectQg Mi PeNunry 17, 1964. VITY CIJOTT' -00--t-TICT, City of Kalispell, Montane