Resolution 2504 - Orders CurbsRESOLUTION No. 2504 A RESOLOPTON 002RING CORDS IN CERTAIN AREAS IN THE CITY. BE IT RESOLVEO MY THE CITY COUNCIL MTHE City OF IMLISMIT, M0NUQA* fhaL it is the judgment- of the City CoullCil thelt Co,jero , I. I. ,L nor . to u , 11 bs shall he conntrumed along the ronaww locations in the City, pursuant to Section 182 of the Revised Ordinnnees of 1947: Lots 12 and 13, Block 114 Lots 6 and 7, Block 113 Lots 6 salad 7, Block 6, Fisher Addition Lots 6 and 7, Block 5, Fisher Addition Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Fisher Addition Lot 2, Block 3j Fisher Addition LoL 7, Block 9, High School Addition Lots I and 18, block 127 lots 1 and 12, Block 128 Lots I nnd 12, Block 8, Fisher Addition Lots I and 12, Block 98 Fisher Addition Lots I and 12, Block 10, Fisher Addition Lots I and 12, Block 11, Fisher Addition all an 9th Street West between First Avenue West and Seventh Avenue Wpm oc Kalispell, Montona. 1ISSE1 BY TEK CITY COI NCIL A'M APPROVED THIS 17th day Q June, 1963. AFTEST- iL J. I'ML City Clerk Yayor L, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Knilspell hereby certify that the foregoing is a truc and cn-rr<--,tCt CO,af' Of tl-IC' passed by the CiLy Council of the City Q Kalispell, Montana, nt special meetQR on June 17, 1963. " qW.1 City Clark of thn City of Kslispell, Montane