Resolution 2506 - AnnexationRESOLUTION NO. 2506 A RESOLUVION OV INTENTION `CO EXTEND T*E CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, llnNTANA BE IT RESOLVED BY TIM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: SECTION 1. Thnt it is the intention of the City Counuil of the City of Kalispell, Montano to extend Cho corporate limits, and to vmene Section 247 of the Revised Drdinnnces oT the Cily of Kalispell, Montana of 1947 the lialits o", sric' City. ESCTION 2. Thnr the proposed additional nren to be included within the corporate limits of the City or Kalispell, Montana, a tract of land situate, lying and being in the Southeast Quarter of the Norchenst. Quarter of Section 19, Township 28 North, Rnnge 21 West &F.M., Flathead County, Mantann, and nere particularly described as Follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner oC the Mortheast Quarter of Section 19; thence S 0 061 W., 1508.6 feet to a point; thence West 30.0 rest to as point on the westerly boundary line of a County Road and the true point of %ginning & the tract oC land being devW esibed; thence `test', 2Feet to a point; thence S 0 061 W., and parallel to the Westerly boundary line of sold County Road, 165,0 feet to a point; thence East and parallel to Lhe North line of the property being described 208.7 feet In the westerly boundary line or said CouRty Rand; thence nlang the Westerly boundary line of said County Road 165.0 Feet to the true place of beginning, and containing approximately 009 nacres of land, more or loss. SECTION 3, Phar che extension of the hoondarjes of the City of Kolispell, MontnnR, as described above, will he in the best interests of the City of Kalispell, and the inhabitants thereof, and to the inhabitants of the Contiguous trpCtS nbove described, nnd to be included within the corporate limits of said City, and Further that said addition will not materially mar the symmetry anO order or the City or' Kalispell, and that:,Said Lract:', propas& to be included within the corporate limits of said City are contiguous to said Cityw SECTION 4. That the said arocts of land above described, and to be included within the corpornLe limits of the City of Kalispell, Montana, are to be classified as number zone. SEC" TON 5. Thar an the Stir day of Aug"st, 1963 at 7:30 P. M. in the Council C%mbers of the City Hall is Knlispell, �',k.)ntvnn' it a regular meeting thereof, the City Council will consider any expressions of approval or disapproval, in writi", of the qmposA wtwshon aF the Imundaries of said City from resident freeholders of the above described lots proposed to he onbruced, which expressions in writing have been filed with the City Clerk oza or before July 31, 1963. SE(TION 6. That Lhe City CleA< is hereby auth'-)r!7'erj and dire.cted to 'gi've the proper notice of the passage of t.bjs resolution by publication, as requirud by law, such publiCaLion to be ande in the Daily Inter Lake, a daily newspaper published in the City of Kalispell, Montnnn. PASSEP AND APPROVED 00 TnE CIrV (70MCIL OF TIM CIVY OF KALISPELL, lKINTANA this 8th day of July, 1963. ATTEST., J. Mmt City Clerk R. Flynn May - 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the city or Knuspen hereby certify that the fnregaing is a true and correct copy OF the resolution duly passed by the City Council of the City of Kai spell, Montana, at as snecial mectina an ;blewS. 1963. A I . , "�—