RDO Equipment Notice of Award for Used Motor Grader11111 77-! 171 1
Dted Semembe
ar 11, 2015
TO: RDO Eauivinent Co.
ADDRESS.- 3145 Highway 93 South
N 1 59901
PROJECT: Usgd,Motor Grader
You are notified that your Bid dated August 26, 2015 for the above Project has been considered. You are
the Successful Bidder and have been awarded a contract for
Three copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents accompany this Notice of Award.
You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen days of the date of this Notice of
Award, which -is by SeMernber 26., 2015
L Deliver to the OWNER 3 fully executed counterparts of the Contract Documents-
2. Deliver with the executed Contract Documents the Contract security (Bonds) as specified in the
Instructions to Bidders (AAicle 20) and General Conditions (paragraph 5 - 0 1) of the Montana Publ ic
Works Standard Specifications.
Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider you in
default, annul this Notice of Award, and declare your Bid security forfcited.
Within fifteen days after you comply with the above conditions, OWNER will return to you two fully
executed counterparts of the Contract Documents.
. City of Kalispell
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