Resolution 2418 - Resolution of Intent - Street Name ChangeEM RESOLUTION NO. 2418 A RESOLUTION OF INTE�,,rioN ro NA.mE Fri,,,Lz,r SEUTTON 1� Whereas, o, peC!�Aol� , ,'AS pres(ance" lo thc, city cc-nuncil aF "hc ("Ity Montana, Signed tg I number of propcxt'y )Wnr'ri s on ",'L4ilroad -Street" oF Kalispell, ro(pustIT"I"', chInge h"' 11.,nle or ',Rallroa(Street" to "C'ENTE'R, STRZETll, and SLCTION 2. 'WITEREAS, it that such change of name would Ina.,3'n �,:bc Iwst iatere,�,,It. of the CILY KolispCII and tho, thercof, SECTION 3, NOW TIH,"E';FORL M, IF RIE'SIOLVED 1by thu city CoLmciI of tbo CD-ly of MonUua, dim, it i,; the intonrloa of t%e City cmincil 0he nnmu of soiicl RAILROAD STREET", n1o�ig its e'ntirp lcn,, ,rh Crom c"Hy Iimif-s t-er t1­11c, westerly I'I'mits tv) tho 11"ITQ of IIcIENrj-'R S'TREET.t SECTION 4. At a xelgulnr mooLial- of H15:, city counwil Lo be, "IcId on E"cp�-vmber 1960, it 7:30 P. M., in Council Chpimbers of the City in Kalispell, MOLILamq, the CiLy council, will hcnr ,my person or pc,,n5ons foz,, or aglainsf, dianga im st,reet uamc. SECTION 5. Thc City Clerk is hc.,,-nzhY Iulvhorlz-"(' ""Ild histruct"ed Lc, ,;Ivc, tiIlu proper vtotice c.�F passalge of. thiq rosol'UtJarir 1sY public""tion ors rc.,qulred Txy Sucl,,t pmb- lication 'is to lae str lu in the Daily Tater Lukej a daffy liewspape'r, published in "he CiLy c�f Kalispell, Movtni)�-). PASSED AND APPROITIE, BY THE CTTY C0JNCTL OF THE, CP'Y OF KALLSPELL, I,MNTPNA THIS fist.. DAY OF tXasr, 1960� --�Ioward V. Pnmme-� ATTLST 11. 'S. flunit city Q�rk City cltsrl< or 0,e CUY of Kal.10-5poll Inareby certify "ll"It fonl'�Y,oh-L„ a-s n Lruv and Correct c',O-py of thc ResolvlLlon cluly p,ssed by the City Council nltaro,, City )r Ktillspcll, HolIL'Inn, oIts ,Cp;ul'nr -meeting on ALmusL 1, 777y —777 o, tlie 77 ty of 77 77p7l T , 777 —arm