Resolution 5728 - Annual Appropriations for Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds, Capital Project Funds and Proprietary Enterprise FundsReturn to: City Clerk City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell MT 59903-1997 111i IIII Faac ees Debbie Person, Flathead county ni by Do e/1s/1015-io�aJ0wH RESOLUTION NO.572S A RESOLUTION SETTING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, FOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS, DEBT SERVICE FUNDS, CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS AND PROPRIETARY ENTERPRISE FUNDS AS SET FORTH IN THE 2015-2016 BUDGET ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. SECTION 1. That the annual appropriations of the City of Kalispell, Montana, and the same are hereby fixed as follows: L%, SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: On -behalf Payment -retirement Tax Increment -Airport Tax Increment-Westside Pans In Lieu Parks & Recreation Fund Ambulance Fund Old School Station Tech TIF Old School Station Industrial TIF Public Safety Impact Fee Fund Health Insurance -permissive levy Building Code Enforcement Light Maintenance District Gas Tax Special Street Maintenance Urban Forestry District Developer's Trees MAGI Grant Community Dev. Loan Revolving Community Dev. Loan Revolving #2 Community Development (UDAG) Rural Development Loan Revolving Fund Rural Development Loan Revolving Fund #2 Homeland Security Stonegarden Grant APPROVED APPROPRIATIONS $ 1094469563 1,300,000 112837548 4,085,448 1,277 1,641,834 1,224,725 8 9, 000 10,000 495,085 936,000 488,011 338,386 609,661 2,588,348 291,679 94,052 3755839 1029710 1513000 420,795 172,075 120,250 65,749 Drug Enforcement Grant 92, 3 67 CHRP Grant 58,250 Law Enforcement Bloch Grant 158.,986 Brownfields Loan Revolving Fund 8105713 Fire Grants Fund 1215825 Hazmat Grant 615078 TrailslCTEP 115,000 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: G. G. Bond — 2012 Refunding 503,313 City Hall Debt Service 6911145 Sideway & Curb Debt Service 107146 S ID Debt Service 477,858 Airport TIF Debt Service 62%573 Westside TIF Debt Service 321340 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS: Sidewalk & Curb Construction 25,000 ENTERPRISE FUNDS: Water Fund 5,055,853 SewerIWWTP Fund 9,689, 156 Storm Sewer 1,8795677 Solid waste 1,426, 144 Airport Enterprise Fund 166,798 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: Data Processing 588,746 Central Garage 465,421 TOTAL ALL FUNDS_ 500257725 SECTION 2. The City Manager and Finance Director are hereby authorized to transfer any part of an unencumbered balance of an appropriation to a purpose or object for which the appropriation for the current year is insufficient or to transfer between items appropriated within the same fund. SECTION 3. The City Manager is hereby granted budget amendment authority for the expenditure of funds from any or all of the following: debt service funds, enterprise funds, internal service funds, trust funds, federal and state grants accepted and approved by the City Council, special assessments and donations. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 17TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2015. 1x0\j%j III fill/ Mark John KAL1S�o'�, Mayor ATTEST. �I `r..,,,.■■..,•*.•, .,► r MGMSEs. � • ■ AL momMEMO mows ■ 1892 • goo, ago Judi Funk '�, N3 �` Deputy City clerk `�