Resolution 2382 - Sewer and Water Revenue Bonds551 RPS01UTION NO. 2182, WUMMA, the rmalified electors of the City of Kalispell, Flathend Count> Montana, hnve horutc,foro authvrized the issuance of Wator and Sewer Revenue 30nds of said City in the jurincipal amount of $250,000.00 for the Purnnso stnted in the Resolution ndopted February 2, 1959, being Resolurion No. 2179, by a vote of 1164 FOP the issuance of UAter and Sewer Rnvenue bomin and n vow of 491 AGAINST thc Issuance A Warer and Sewer Rrvenuc Fonds, there being 9 invokid votes cnst, and it is deemed advinable by the Mayor and Cokmall Q the City of Kn1impell, Montanm' at this tima Lo issue the 0290,000.5) Wavrand Sewcr atovcaule �OmJls thus auLho'.rized aL the SpeCial clenion, held within chid CUO on ApAl 6, IM, rhc Moyar and Council of We City of KaWpell, Montana, as follows; 1. That Lhere shatl be sold and jSSUed at WAS time the WaLur and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City of KnItspall, Montana, in the amount Q 5250,000.00, which bonds shall be dated May 3, 1959, and shall be a %) deMminaLicol of $1,W), each, 2. TW the City Council reserve the to redeom rtay or of Wd bond issuc maturing nn kw nEter Nny first in each of the years 1965 to 1969, both and all years therein inclusive, an niy interest payment date on or after nay 1, 1965, in the inverse order of their nirkering, WhouL numhers first, upon and aft, prior publication of the notice of the intmolon to redcumi any of sald hom-" by publication W much notion at Wast once in a newspnpnr of ,moral circulation within slid City, said publication to or at least thirty (30) dals prior to thf,', date of intended redempti"n, mid by malting notice of said calt at said time to the purchaser, or purchascrs, oE said hands, and uDon the date fixed for redemption interest M)on thn bonds thus called for redonption shall cease to accure. The Eorenoing redemption to he at par and accrued inmest nt the We !""e by said bonds. 3. That the Notice of Snla of the foregoing Wntar and Saw= levenue Ronds of $250,000,00 shall in in substantially the it lowing faun, viz. NOTICE 01' SAL-l", OF IIIYVI',-'R 07 Uz C"Y OF KUTSPEU ''L NUFICE IS HRREBY CIVEN by the Mayor and Council of the City of Knit -poll, yontann, OF the intention to Rell Water nnd Qwcr Revenue Bonds oF snid City in the amount of S250,000.00, herutof,mc auLhorlzed or n snccinl cleotion hold in said City o''a April 6, 1959, for the purpose of acqutring funds to pay the test of 7naking curLQu improvements to the YntCr and Quar QSLOOS P=Sunnt to the provisions uf Resolution No. 2379, passed and approved hy the Maqw and CUy Cmm&l on Fulnuary 2, IMN Sold bonds shall be dated May 1, 1959, shall hwr innunr at a raw, or rmes, of not in excess of Five per cont (0) per nnnna, pnynble semkannually, and shall run fo0) yoshail ecs, V dennminatinn of $1,000.00 each and shall namme and he pnyable as follmes: $21JTO,W in eadi of, the years 1960 and 1961; $22,000,00 in the yvar 1962; $23,000,0D in the years 1963; $74,000.00 in the year 1964; 125,000.00 in the ye or 1965; 027,000.00 in the year 1966; $28,000.00 in the yens 3967; 529,000.00 in the ycar 1968, nnd $30,0=00 in the year 1969, The City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, reserin: the riqht to radcom any or all bonds of said bond issue maturing on or al7tor -a, first 1" each of the years 1965 to 1969. both and all years therein inclusive, on any interest Wwwont'' We on or Our Nay 1, 1965 , in the inverse nrc]0r_' OF Oar,x tr nu-n-,lun-in,, numhors first, upon ond nVer prinr publication of the noLlcu of the intuntion to redcvm any of said hoods by p0lication, of such ratice at Naar once in as newspaper of Reneral circulation within said Cicy. Wd pohlienvion to he at least Lhirty OU) days prior to the date of intended redumptiou, and by mailDo moWn of snid call at said time to the purchaser, or purchasers, of said bonds, and upon the We fixed for redemption, interest upon the bonds thus callc(l for onali c.ense Lo accrua. The foragning redcmption to he aL par and occrued interest at the ratc,- borne by said bonds, The principal and interest of the foreqo1mg bonds are payable at thcoffice of Che City Treasurer of the City of Kalispell, onuqnn, i.n ­.ontuna, None of said hands shall be sold Ent less Wn par and nacrued lutcrest to We of delivery. Sen0d hidfor saW bonds nru re: u"tod and rvqudred, Viddars therAor shall suN,,,iL si-slid ,,Yrit4,cn lhid::; (a) The lowest rate of interest and prumimn, if nny par, at w4hs,cb 0no `)Vdor oill -.aurchnso sniO hondt's, or (b) 1% lowust ratc of intarest at Wch tho bidder will purchase such Bonds at nnr, and 001ch such Kid (excupt any bid Wdi may be nnct"d hy or tm bel"If of thc, Stato Board of QQ Comitissichers of the SconoV mu,,t he by a cortiflod chock in the al"Unt OF Ova per cont (53 OE we wo;Wnt of weir bid, payable to the order of the Pity Clerk, which nmount will be roturnod if the bid is last 3cceptoQ nnd if the successbul hiddor shall 011 to pay or Musc to cowplctc tiro purMse of said bonds in iccoromm wiLh the terms of his bid, the mnomit Of the Uposit shall Wc EnrAltad to tho: City of Kalispull, Montana. All WS mint SWU nut interest cost to the City of KnItspenn ll, jhncn� W hids shall he addroqsPd to the Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, and ,lelivereed to tho C.'lerk of acid CLyd Scaled hids For said bonds will be received by the City CluM aml by said City at the Mice of the CiLy Clerk in the City Nn11 in Wisnoll, Montana, at any tam, War to 7:30 o'clach, P. N., Mounwin Time, on Tueszky, Un 19M thy 0 M", 9Q59, at which tile and in the plate above specificil, thin mquinr mcetinn pinco of said COMWI, said Mayor oral Councilmanta. will in i,)101111C t0r t-hC j`tLTr,-,DoSc OF acnUdcrinq nny kids which may be received thereof, lba Council rcsorvcs the to to ject any and W bids and t-o 'sal l ,,;,nid honds at )7.`lVn',-c szllc� the WNW npprovinA OpinjOn Of 3urchnm N Alnlr, i)ond of SsOkcac, Wash- inyton, will he furnished the successful blddcr. All. bido tor d,. it dcj-L'J.a C"I'la'l be. uaconditiounl, W City of Kalispell, Ahnunna, wH1 fmnAh prOted bwAs renci.v Car execm0on, H. J. WT ETT" c 007 CITY OP EALLSVII, 4ONT,"PA Us AnNor (nD OF AMUT OF SAU) 4. That scaled h1ha for said bouds in conformity, with the fare;ioinR rotin,� of OR will be roceivcd hy the Cirrk and by Cat& City M any time prior to 7:30 o'clock P. A., Nountrin I Wo, on TucsHy, May 190, 195",.},, iuid, ntprovided in sn.td Notice of Sale. and the COrk Q further rpWred to 1vc Notice of We sale of said bonds to the State Ward of Lend Camissioners of the StaLu of Montana, at. Helcna, Montana, such Notice to be given aL least 10 thys prim, to the time fimdl Car the snic V said Hands in said Notice, 5. The City Wark is herHy required to couse publication of the farm wing; Noticc of SAO at least once at Hoot QVC (5) days behEore C:o clnt, o'l-', suoh in a ncuspvper oF general circulation wtuhin said City, said no paper. beinq the Daily Wtor Lake, which is printcd cod publishad nt Kalispell, Montann, and the CUrk is further required to causo publication of the foregoing Notice of Saba once in a Hunnalal iiawspancr publishad either W the CUy al New Awk, (Womy, ar San Francisco, snid publicntion to lac nt least Eivu (5) days before the date of sale. 6, A mWag of Un Tyur and My Council is hereby tixud and ordered Lo be hold nt the time and place Hxud for thq salc or the Forcycin; bonds, nL which Lane, the Ma; or and Cnimcil, in opcn public muctinq nt its regular mcminj place in thu city An1l, in Kalispell, lkintana, Shall onuo an(1 lbib-, uhci'l ;u:a.y he t;oldvrcd :or said bonds and will at that tWe swnrd such bonds to Cho succcssful purchnser, or in rhe unvurcrollvd discrution uf said Mayor and Co"ncil, shall reject any and all hids Wrefor, (00 OF U%M000 Claudc WaItcr Wr Clcrk ayor oi 553 ul,ldlc',75, I c',Ou�,A Ct -V C I ex! L11c,City uKz-, I! ""':zc- 1. 1 lwr�(, ar L, it v tn(� f ore go� in � is 9 t ru'--, n n d cc—rr(� f,'opv o h c" R III t. 3, cm C� Z- I[ v po ss c"d �v t,!- c v Cr,Amcil of the City of, Kalispell, at its spvoin! on ?�pril- l3th, '19"13 9. �/ �) A 7-- c,'. f c i, of a I i S p e U, t.,j m,,,j