Resolution 2383 - Meade James Appreciation553 RESOLUFION YN Z353 mams, it has bocfma necessary, due to physical disability incurrod in line of duty for Neade James, Chi cE of Police of tho Kalispell Police DewrOment to retfro from active duty, and WITREAS, Police Chief inmes has given thu Wtv of KnUspell nineteen years of WyN, faithful, nod creditable servicc as a member of iLs 1411ce. Deportment, N I OW 1111ER]"F1101E, BE IT RESOLVED, tivat the Mayor and City Council uxprQss in this Resolution thcir appreciation for scrvicas well and faithfully perForned, and, wish to Mende Woos, continued joy and happiness and that satisWcLian which comes from service well dnno. AN",) l3th DAY OW AP',RTl,, 1959, Clnude UnW-,,, CT77"Terk 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell hereby ccrrify that the foregoing is a true and corrcat copy of the Resolution duly passed by the City Council of the City of KalispQ11, WnLana, at !,ts specint 'un April 13LI1, 195% TT TATS Del I Vlan Ln as