04-09-15 Parking Advisory Board MinutesCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING
Date: April 9, 2015
Location: KPC Conference Room
In attendance:
Mark Pirrie, Janet Clark, Joel Schoknecht
and Captain Wade Rademacher
Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:35 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie
2. Approval of the Agenda:
Moved by Joel, second by Janet.
3. Approval of January Board Meeting:
Moved by Janet, second by Joel.
4. Hearing of the Public:
5. Approval of Financial Statements of January, February and March:
Moved by Joel, second Janet.
6. Updates from City Parking:
Unfinished Business:
Janet provided a written proposal for the request for metered parking in front of Central School Museum.
The idea was initially discussed at our January 22 meeting when Bill Goodman (KM Building owner)
attended our meeting to express concern over the lack of downtown parking. There are currently 10
metered parking spaces to the south and 13 parking spaces including 1 handicap as 2-hour free parking to
the north in front of Central School. The Board is recommending that the 13 spaces should remain 2-hour
free parking for the benefit of Central School and that the 10 metered spaces be converted to permit
parking. The recommended pricing for the permits is $28.00 for a monthly permit or a discounted price
of $25.00 if purchased for 6 months at a time. Captain Rademacher will discuss the proposal with Gil
Jordan (Central School Museum Executive Director) and would like to contact Mark Flatau
(Superintendant of Schools) to see if any additional parking will be available at Linderman School when
school is not in session. Captain Rademacher will write up a letter to present to Doug Russell to bring
before Council. If approved by Council, the permits would go up for sale with general permit sales on the
28t' of the month on a first come, first serve basis. Joel made a motion to move forward with the
recommendation as presented, second by Mark. A copy of the proposal is attached. Janet went before
Council and addressed the parking situation and ended the meeting by telling them that a proposal would
be coming their way regarding permitted parking.
7. New Business:
Paul Faesele, with the BID will be doing the lot maintenance again this year.
The next meeting will be Thursday, June 11, 2015.
Adjourned at 7:55 a.m.
Approved by the Board on: June 11, 2015.
Respectfully submitted:
Karen Durado