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07-06-15 Council AgendaCITY OF KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JULY 6, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 201 FIRST AVENUE EAST CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. AGENDA APPROVAL B. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL All items listed on the Consent Agenda will be accepted by one motion. If a council member desires to discuss an item separately, the item can be removed from the Consent Agenda by motion. 1. Council Minutes — Regular Meeting — June 15, 2015 2. Police Officer Confirmation Police Officers Colton Bagnoli and John Fusaro have successfully completed their one-year probationary period with the Kalispell Police Department and council confirmation is requested. 3. Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Acceptance Acceptance of this no match, $10,836 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice will allow the Police Department to purchase one In -Car Camera and nine patrol car GPS Tracking Units. C. COMMITTEE REPORT None D. PUBLIC COMMENT Persons wishing to address the council on any issue not on the agenda are asked to do so at this time. Those addressing the council are requested to give their name and address for the record. Please see the last page of the agenda for Manner of Addressing the Council. (Comments shall be limited to three minutes.) E. PUBLIC HEARING — FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET Council will accept comments concerning the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget. F. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUBSEQUENT COUNCIL ACTION Persons wishing to address the council on individual agenda items will be asked to do so following staff reports. Please see the last page of the agenda for Manner of Addressing the Council. (Comments shall be limited to three minutes.) Kalispell City Council Agenda, July 6, 2015 Resolution 5720 - Preliminary Plat for a two lot Commercial Subdivision in Gateway West, Addition 34 This resolution considers the request of ACG — Kalispell Investors, LLC for preliminary plat approval to subdivide the 16.501 acre Gateway West Mall property into two commercial lots consisting of 2.017 and 14.484 acres. 2. Resolution 5721 - Kalispell Regional Healthcare, Resolution of Intent to Adopt, Amend or Reject a Proposed Amendment to the Kalispell Growth Policy This resolution schedules a public hearing for July 20, 2015, to consider the adoption, amendment or rejection of a proposed amendment to the Kalispell Growth Policy for 9.55 acres located directly north of the existing Kalispell Regional Medical Center facilities from High Density Residential designation to Urban Mixed Use designation. 3. Resolution 5722 — Salary — Nonunion Emplgyees This resolution establishes a market based wage and salary matrix for nonunion city employees and fixes the limits of the salary and compensation of the city officials, supervisors, and all other nonunion employees. 4. Alcohol Special Event Permit — Arts in the Park fundraiser for the Hockaday Museum of Art This motion considers the request of the Hockaday Museum of Art which seeks approval for a special event permit to serve alcohol as part of its Arts in the Park fundraiser July 17-19. F. MAYOR/COUNCIL/CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS (No Action) G. ADJOURNMENT FOR YOUR INFORMATION Next Work Session — July 13, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers Next Regular Meeting — July 20, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers Reasonable accommodations will be made to enable individuals with disabilities to attend this meeting. Please notify the City Clerk at 758-7756. Watch regular City Council sessions live on Charter Cable Channel 190 or online at the Meetings on Demand tab at Page 2 of 3 Kalispell City Council Agenda, July 6, 2015 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Adopted July 1,1991 Section 2-20 Manner of Addressing Council a. Each person not a Council member shall address the Council, at the time designated in the agenda or as directed by the Council, by stepping to the podium or microphone, giving that person's name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record, and unless further time is granted by the Council, shall limit the address to the Council to three minutes. b. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member of the Council or Staff. C. No person, other than the Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion either directly or through a member of the Council, without the permission of the Presiding Officer. d. No question shall be asked of individuals except through the Presiding Officer. PRINCIPLES FOR CIVIL DIALOGUE Adopted by Resolution 5180 on February 5, 2007 ■ We provide a safe environment where individual perspectives are respected, heard, and acknowledged. ■ We are responsible for respectful and courteous dialogue and participation. ■ We respect diverse opinions as a means to find solutions based on common ground. ■ We encourage and value broad community participation. ■ We encourage creative approaches to engage in public participation. ■ We value informed decision -making and take personal responsibility to educate and be educated. ■ We believe that respectful public dialogue fosters healthy community relationships, understanding, and problem solving. ■ We acknowledge, consider and respect the natural tensions created by collaboration, change, and transition. ■ We follow the rules & guidelines established for each meeting. Page 3 of 3