04-09-15 Parking ProposalApril 9, 2015 REQUEST FOR 10 PERMITTED PARKING SPACES IN FRONT OF CENTRAL SCHOOL,THE SOUTH END OF 2N° AVE. W. There are currently 10 metered parking spaces to the south and 13 parking spaces including 1 handicap as 2 hour free parking to the north in front of Central School. The 13 spaces should remain 2 hour free parking for the benefit of Central School. These 10 metered spaces generated $538.00 this past year, as permitted spaces these spaces would generate $2700.00 per year. Moving tenant parking out of the KM Lot to the proposed 10 permitted spaces allows more customer parking in the KM Lot, and frees up more on street parking for customers and visitors to Imagine If (the Library). Bill Goodman has agreed to allow these permit holders to park in the KM Lot on the 11 Thursdayfest event days that take place in front of Central School June through August. Paul Faesele, the BID Downtown Ambassador, would block these permitted spaces the Wednesday evening before the event with NO PARKING BY POLICE ORDER signage. Pam Carbonari, the KDA Cordinator, has also agreed to this proposal. The permit holders would be made aware of this provision with a written message attached to these permits, and will be reminded with a windshield note by Paul Faesele the Wednesday before Thursdayfest. Changing the designation of these parking spaces better utilizes our limited downtown parking and adds needed revenue to the parking budget.