Resolution 2207 - Establishes Population of KalispellFM RE&j7TIuN N). 2207 ;, R'FOOLUT107 7SUi,L13HING TH' -,-�,'�-ULATJUN u-F THE CITI vF KA"18PY11, BF IT RFSUVFD, by the "Ity Councli of the City of Ka is ell, that whereas, it Is ap-)Erent that the C I t-,,r of —'cl iis ell null' hFIS the neces 1,,.ry number of inhah-Itants to be c1cssified a city° of the first class, <.nd, FIH11PEAS 3, the revised codes of the State of lont�Ana, 1947, Oection 11-979 pn,vides that the City CQuncll has thPu Per to to,ke a census at, -any time, and, VMPR7A3, a, direct enucaer ticn ol", eli residents ;,rlthin the cor-,,1Qrate 11-Ats of the City of P11, -duntana, was ordered by the City Co,.,iricil at their regular meetings August 6, i951, end, V,1H7RFi,S, such direct enurner,-.Aiun wc s cu,a ietea on —.1,tember i9, -L951 showing , population of 10.1lO for the City of -Filspeli. Nu,'' THFRFFuR,�' LF, IT HFSQiVP1-hl THE, City Council of the City of Kailspe.11, that the figure be declared the uffici�,i -DQpu-L,q.tjon of the Cit, of until the next off,icAai Federz.,,l Census, Nu',` BF IT FURTLIRP R7SLVFD that the City of &alispeli be and is hereby advanced to cities of the first ci 'Pursuant to city classlficGAion contained in erection revised cones Qf' the Sty>Ae of lontana, 19/+7. It is hereby ordered that a cop�, of this Resoliftican be published in the �aliisj;el Ne,,,s-farse -uurnal,&. we'ekly rjei�vspaner. Passed and approved this 2.4th day of deptezmber, �.951. Frank u. Hlilia licting iiayor ATTEST:_.�:33. Fober_,_ City Clerk