03-24-15 Impact Fee Advisory Committee MinutesLL MONT.4NA IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date: Tuesday March 25, 2015 4:04 -5:34 P.M. Location: City Hall Council Chambers Attendees: Board members ® Jeff Zauner (Chair) ❑ Jason Mueller (Vice Chair) ® Rick Wills (Treasure) ® Justin Ahmann (Secretary) ® Merna Terry Others Present: ❑ Doug Russell ® Jim Cossitt ® Charlie Harball ® Susie Turner ® Terri Loudermilk ® Wade Rademacher ® Dave Dedman Public Attendees: None Jeff Zauner called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM Approval of Minutes Rick made a motion to approval the minutes of 11-25-14. Jim seconded. Motion approved. Dave Dedman: A Fire Draft Report was provided. It was discussed that the time area map previously provided is inaccurate. Discussion continued on fire impact fees. Specifically the dramatic increase: 2006 2010 2015 Residential $547 $483 $1,067 Apartment $433 $367 $811 Commercial (1,000 sq ft) $246 $350 $406 Table 1: Summary of Fire Impact Fees It was concluded that the growth rate largely effected the results in 2010 & 2015. For the next meeting Dave will have a final report (with maps) ready for an approval. Wade Rademacher A Police Draft Report was provided. Discussion continued on police impact fees. The decision was made in Nov 2014 to use the median construction cost per square foot of 302 ft2 per officer (Bozeman, Whitefish, & Missoula were $361.2/ft2, $302/ft2, & $242/ft2, respectively). Respectfully Submitted by Justin Ahmann Page 1 of 2 W-U � —PC ip A9ONT.4NA The decision was made in August 2014 to use the average space needs of 358 ft2 per officer Bozeman ratio (Bozeman, Whitefish, & Missoula were 358 ft2, 338 ft2, & 213 ft2) Specially the comparison of the current square footage per officer (level of service) with what is proposed. After reviewing the following increase, the decision was made to reduce the space needs to the average space need of 303 ft2 per officer (Bozeman, Whitefish, & Missoula were 358 ft2, 338 ft2, & 213 ft2, respectively). 2006 2010 2015 Residential $44 $41 $327 Apartment $35 $31 $249 Commercial (1,000 sq ft) $13 $16 $211 Table 2: Summary of Police Impact Fees For the next meeting Wade will have a final report ready for an approval. Old business None. IFAC agreed to meet again in April. Jeff made a motion to adjourn at 5:34 PM. Justin seconded. Motion carried. Date of next meeting: April 28, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. The fourth Tuesday in April. Respectfully Submitted by Justin Ahmann Page 2 of 2