Resolution 2236 - Resolution of Intent - SID 287RESOLUTIOW 0. 2236
RESOLUTION OF Wl'E1',N, C10,11 T,) 0117AT1,.] Sl,,'CIAL 1a,,FIROIP tIST111UT NC. 287.
Section 1. fhat it is the intention of Lhr City Council of the City of
Kalispell to create a special inwr,,veent JisLrict hereby designated
as Special TnIurOVeMoTit District No. 287, and said Inprovement District
WWI be for 31ock 260, commencing at a pcint, anion is center line of
alley an Worth line or Lot Cne, Block 260, w:ili a lamp hole, then
extending southerIT alonE center line of sajA alley to a point 5 feet
north of center line of 13th Street to concrete manhole, thence parallel
along 13th Street to center of alley between 7th Ave. East and 9th Ave.
East, 575 feet, more or loss, also Wt One of block 263.
Section 2. f"at the general character of the improvements Lo be We in
said proposed special iaaprovemexit district is the installation of a
sanitary sewor with necessary appurtenances.
Section 3. That the approximaba cost ofsaid :Is '1,00j.00.
Section A. ThaT the entire cost ori expense of such improv(,;.,aents sh.,.all
be assessed against each Zak within the district to be assessed for that
part of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire
Section 5. That said assessment shall be paid for in full upon counplotion
of the conTract or shall be paid in three equal annaal d.nstallments hereby
extended over a period of three years. Said assessments tit -tall,. constitute
a fnnd to be known as Special Improvepyaent District 2`?7.
Section 6. That snid hanrovernnQ shall be paid for in Snecial Inprove-
move 9istrict Narrants Asued against said district in ;qrjf,,s cot to exceed
1(1(3.00 eacii boaring interest at 4% per annur from date of registration
until called for redemption or paid in full.
Section 7. That on the 8th day of Septe:,mbor, 1-9!-)'3j at the Council
Charbers of the Gi1ty Hall of the City of Kalispell, Montana, at 7:30 o'clock
P. H., a regular an can of the City Council will hear and pass upon all
protests that m_a,; be made a7ainsL -U-e making of such ii,,�,�roveincnts or the
creation of such districts.
Section 8. The Gity G1w* is herea authorized mid directed to give
the proper notice of the passage of the rescWtion by publication and
mailing as required by law. Such publication to be made in thce Kal-1-spell-
News-Farm Journal, a weekly newspaper, published in the City of Kalispell,
Passed and anproved this 5th day of August, 1953
D. N. McBride
J. :rlunt
City Glerl.,
12 the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, hereby certify
that the foregoing is a true nx)<z correct corvy w the Resolaluion duly passed
by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana at its special
meeting on August 5, 1953-
, I 'q
pity Clerk the City of Kalispell,
Me ! ana