Resolution 2237 - Emergency - Budget Transfer411 AMOLUTAN M 2237 DICIARING My In" IT is 2(' ",. IN TXCES3 OW THE AMOUNT PITUDED & TT& CUj N 0111 or '�J)out the year 1933 the City of Kalislell, with the aid of W, p, A, Mds diverted Spring (,rook I to regutlz channel to the Qst part of MlWell, Kwtarm, to a new courae running westerly al.on,' the southerly boundary of the Areat 'Northorn Railway Ocanpany beginning at a point near the imtersection of nth Ave. Kest, with the, southern bcwndary of the said Great Northern Railway Gc)mpany rigglt-Of-way an,,j, ruinn.ing westerly under and across Meridian Road and continuing to Ashley Greskj t1s; said diversion chmonel was an open ditch of a,..pproximatoly 5 ft. bottom width and 15.4 ft, depth and was cr'-,hocK.1 and braced with Ins in order to hold the ban1,s in, place; and In t1le course of time the said lot-; cribbing rotted and weakuned and uonmwnced breaking away, the City of Kalispell, during the year 2952, comBenced replacing said log cribbing witb cement pipe, 60 inches in diameter, in cooperation with the Gount-y of Flathead, vho r.an rl.tatatcacl a portion of such cement pipe. That said oem,ent pipe has heretofore Men laid for a distance of approximateQ, 200 ft. eas MIT from a point vlmre said channel crosses under Somers Dranch of 'Northern Rail-wKv; that there remains qproxiPotely 460 ft. of said pipe to lay in order to replace all of said. c-ribbing to •Jcrid.ian Road, and WHEREAS, Irrigation of the land adjacent to the gooth, bank of said uhannel has softened the earth bordering and constituting it south bani, of said channel resniting in several recent breaks in said cribbing which resulted in paxtial obstruction of said 60 inch concrete pine; and SAPTAS, he, danger still exists 4nid seld cribbinr, is con!;Inuing: L,o st'ill further wealcen and a more sen`leaus cohlapse, is LTU-iLine'lit; alid TREK AS, Should a sufficient amount of' sa-.,:l wark oavc in as to completely block said channel anJ ,iipa would 1:)c no place, for U'n water of Spring Creek to go except down through tip westerly part of Kalispell near the old natural channal which exiau'. bofoi--e 8@JiA Creek was diverted as aforesaid which woiild ca-,,ise such property an the wasi, side of Kalispell, as well as the City of Kalispell great and irreparable dalaye; mid WHEREAS, It was impossible to provide for the necessary funds for ti'lis work in the regular budRat recently adopted; and WHEREAS, It is estimated that it will require 6,000.00 to coniplct;e the installation of said concrete piptand 4i,.s restore sal (.1hannel to a condition of usefulnoss; and hHEREAS, It is to the hest interest of the CUT of Kalispell to imutediately lay such pipe and thereby preserve said channel, as well as protec't the property in the westerly part of Kalispell, as well as CiLy of Kalis,,pell, from great expenditures and larE; damage should said, present cribbing ,rjivo wa,y. NOV THMMIK BE IT MISCINED BY T11 CITY G,.)Tr-,NGjL c),�-,' CITy nF K-UIS'lPELL UUT BY REASON OF THE FGTS STAT-E�!), ANI ED TIC' exist, under the provisions of the law of the State of Montana in such case, made and ywovidad, and Vaal expenditures iii an mnount of 66,000.00 in excess of the current budget for the General ;i;xpense Fund of the Genernl Fund of the City of Kalispell is hereby authorized for the Imrpose hersinabavu set forth, and the Clerk is 'nerploy autl-Lorized to draw emergency warrants against the said Dind, and the City Treasurer is authorized and directed to pay such vnrrants with any money in the said fund t',.iat is available; and if there be not sufficient money in such fund to pay such varrants, then the same shall. be roga—tered and bear int.erest, and be called for payy2nt in the iiianner provided by law for other, MY Whrrants. Passed and approved this 8th day of September, 1953. la. ", . Mc2ride Mayor TanBT---.— H. J. Himult -- GOY Clerk I, thB undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalisjull, hereby certify A& the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the R000lution duly passed by the City Uouncil of the City of Kalispell, Nontana, at its reVular meeting on September 8, 1953. City Cleric of the !City of Kalispell, Montana V