Resolution 2212 - Workmen's Comp Amendment Opposition=`OLtSTIOI,! NO. 2212 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Honorable Mayor and the City Council of the City of Kalispell, IiJontana, in regular imecting assembled, that Whereas, petitions are now being circulated for an initia-Li-ve Lacasuro to amend the Workmen's Compensation Law of the State of Iviontana in many respects, and, Thoro,IS7 such amendments would place a tremendous and unreasonalle burden on the economy of the entire State of Montana and ;his community, and would serve to discourage new industry coming in and drive present anduslLry from this State the,eby creating more unemployment, and Whereas, such burden would fall not on industry alone but on all state, county and municipal bodies and all taxpayers of th'is state, and that add ,tional tax in some unknown but extremely large amount would be required to finance such a program, and that all go-,ernmental activities would necessarily ha;,e to be curtailed because of such financial load, and Whereas, many state, county nd municipal officials and employees are covered by the provisions of the Workmen's Com- pensation Act, and are therefore vitally interested in it, and Whereas, many persons have been and are now L)eing asked to sign such petitions witkiout having a corfq)lote and full under- standing of the measure and the bad effects it; would have on boh. employer and employee, NOW THEEEFORE, being gravely concerned regarding the wel- fare of our state and this communit,and partictalnrly regarding the dangers incident to such initiative measure, we hereby place ourselves on record as being 7 ' vigorously opposed to such petitions and such measure and that we further urge all citizens and tax- payers to refuse to sign such petitions and to remove their signatures from any such petition which they may have heretofore signed or to sign P w'thdravlal petition if the origi nal 'petition is not now available. Dated May 5, 1952. ATTEST "I _j E, B c,je r F. ILill City Clerk Acting Mayor II g. !I. Boberg, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above; resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held this 5th day of May, 1952. City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Mont. V