Resolution 2195 - Budget - Emergency - Various Depts�,e4 RESOLUTT'l-DII E0. 2195 h ]R.E'SOLTI�T TIC).'; DECLIMR!.THAT "sib RGE]"CY E=,'311S AND THAT IT 'CESSARY TO LrAKE !7,XPEND1TTJ.T",ES , T11E AMIOUN'T IT �-�XC.,- Jl'S —L ,SS 61,1 T�y P2,0VIDED !-r - -Z Ju E 'E' FOR Hs V.'J Ji TTS DEP'RT1MJ,'Tj-1S FOR THE 'E -,,',',DCj T rISCi�,L 1950-51. -H S Hesolutii")n No. 21�:�8 and 2193 proviLded for oi,.1er,,-ency V17 a 11 r a n t s rainst ',he Street Fund for 3"reet ind 'darelaouse L, apur os ss and tha amount of ,J�15,879.47 vies necessary to ca-,Pe for ex- penditures in the 6treet and 71, rehouse r',!epnrtmonts, add Rosolutioz, No. 2193 provided fov crae�rgcncy &,arrant.,s a,,,,,-Painst the So,,,,,or Fund becuase �`lood condil-1.ons !nd he,vy pr•cipit�Ouiojj during the current year caused waan-e t'o the se�,,7er DIS":)0sal. Platt and =Lines which necessitated an bxp6hditure of $9,074.58; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELLI MONTANA that by reasons of the facts as hereinabove stated an emorgency is hereby declared to exist under the provision of Section 11-140of the Revised Codes of the State of 11ontana 1947, and that the expenditures listed above for the various ,,e.nartments and the several fund,,, are hereby authorized or the purposes herein set forth, and emir ' ency viarrints be dran,,In a,,,,ainst the severAl funds and the C.-Itty Trensurer is hereby authori-ed and directed to pay such warrants with any money in the several funds iiientioned thuoct is available and if there is not sufficient raoney in such funds to pay such war.,arits then the s�rqo shall be To�-isteVed and bear Intc-,,rest and be called for pay'rient in the manner provided for by 1�iw for other State 'Warrants, PAS6,D AIND AP21,0VED T111S 23rd day of July, 1951. D. H. McBride Idayor ATT&'T": V1. 11. Boberg City Clerk I, V1. 217. Bobo-g, Clark of the ity of Kal-Aspell, do certify that, the above resolution ,,,,as adoptnd by the Council of said City at n, nqeetin, held this `31'd dar Of JiilYj 1951. '6ity City -lerlk of of Kalispell, Hontana