Resolution 2206 - Budget - Emergency - General FundNo 2206 i " i1� -A riESOWITI o'�? 1 HING T.H1,T AM Eia'EhG1 N C1 .!`X16TS Aiq'!) THAT IT IS N71CF3SARI TO -KR., &7,PRI!,ATTU-Rif"3 IN FXC733 j.F Ti-IF 1,Jtuj'cT'! PtiVILEI) BY THF� CUFF71T -ILIMU'T TH°' FUNL. ',%rHF,RFAS, The City of i,aLis ell has been sue( by Rex Aolinr for d::mages In tL e sum of $J+0,000.00 which suit w:ss commenceu In the Di.strict Court Of Lake County, MQnt,,.,na, and has b,-�en transferred to Lnu is n,.,N penAng the Listrict Court ul" the Fioventh Judicial ristrict of the 6t to of -vlu,itt.na, in amd for tt),e -uunty of P'Iathe,,21a", jm, �'-E7R,RP,S, The of such suit was unforsee.n durincl' t e pre-Dar"tiuTis of the Present buuget, and It Is nec—,sary to ar,rel;r in ccrurt and defend such suit, and that such defense w1il nec=4ssrliy entk,11 costs, fees and expensos of wari us ',-cinds, InClUding cL,1�rt costs, tra7eling ex,,,snses, seeraial attorneys f-es, -Itne-sl fees, ston,-,gr pher costs, and in the event of an a -,eai to the swreme ,-.-Uurt, i,r1rAin;7 costs of briefs and transcrj.ts, NOT TH7R7Fj9,'17 17 IT RR'SuLVFD BY T11E 'ITY C-U,CJL, of THCIT! UP' KA-IS-FL�" T111AT AN E2i1F7,GE.NC1 LURS, A!U1r' fll-,REDy TO oxist by re son of the above situLition, and uncier the p',ovislcns Of the la s 01' th- Sttoof launtantin such o.ise 1iwle and pm)vided and that expenuit:ire in an amount of ,2,OCO.00 in excecs of the current bud.jet for the City Attorney is hereby autiwrized for the puxr .;Qse herielnEbuve set fort}-, and t7-. - a City is hereby ,'Uthrj7ed to ur v,, erne gency w rr -rits aglnst the s-id fund, and the City Tre:,surer is authu-ized am, directed to pz,y such vv,.-.rrants With any wney In the .ald fund that is avai]-&ble <,nd If there be not sufficient money In such funa to pay suet', thm the s,..,:ae shali be registered -nd bear interest and be for payiaent in the manner r)rovided by for Qth=�r City w:-,rr�,,.nts. Passed and artrLved this .10th a of Depteraber, L951 D. 1j. lebriae jvlayor ATTEST: W. B. Bober�z City Clerk