Resolution 2205 - Natural Gas System-35CLU"L'I(JN 710. 2205 the 1,�,ont-,-ina Cca. has ed to the Fede,-aj POWOr C'-,mn-J.ssion for a authorizin,-,, it to i.ij-)ort n,1t;ur1j s from Canada to Lionttr a n,,d such conn)`—Osion has set a hoarinr or, such -'PIlcntjon zt, Bili'lings, Mmta' ni . "�Ioptenber 10, lgfl and, WMEAEAS, if allowed to WDor(; such nctural Cos law 11ontana Power Company intends to la -,,, .as r1ain from t ao Pinciler Fjjjd in Canada Qua the rwr& faN: of the Flathead Mar througli Alispell, Llontana, and .pia sswfa, !":)ntama, which will serve Mlispell and Uissoula <;nd tkle lce.,ritory alont, [�',as eAn with ruitural p,as, ,and, V,112REASI the esLablils.-iment of such a natural gas system )e of iml-'-'erwe advantago to 1-th,I�erad ge-,ulty as W1 ns thn entire s0te of lkntami in Wt tho conMuclon of such system would be a tremendour under tLkirqs invo2-vj..zjj7, the expendl.Lure of lorij: sums of immny :end the emQynwA of many men and also the distribution of s�ach Lo the cansiuners would provide business and eiploynent 'or of all of the various irad2s to well no business Mason and in addition thereto, such naQual gas "';oul'd of nivnAnyo to th(,, -public and wan7j to d to the dovoloymnt of i t 1 corr,,-unities served, and 1AREAS1 the AintallMon vsuc.0 nais,ural -,ns a, A a.-,provc,,aon,ts, roaY rt cons titnto ta.,-alole -rope,rithin Flathead, Cc)nnty tux, AWn the City. of Malispell '€s ',"r011 -"S all ot"Ier � -.acc's system ran, a smalnstn'..'tial increment to the tnx a -.,se of such plac S and Fla talc nd County and would thcr-�by be of c1:rc,.,,-u he.,ref-'t l-'rom tho of increasing the tax revenue t. Y.1 si�cn s incl ling Kalitpcli-1 and, TOWAS, such stej, 11s n for%,rard, SteP t(wa-,,­1 the CurWor development of and it apine,,zrin.g, t1hat there it not available in WAsna an ackcqato rea, rave A' sinh natural gas, and it further appearing ,,, iiit the i"(l'porl""--=W Oil of Imnural gas fran Canada is in fact a corservation of our o-,,im natural rusources and it further apenvirig Lhie e.,,t-iasion of n,�-tural gns to Kalispell and nartl-nj3st luill 'be, j.,.n6efin:!Lt(,,ly delayed if sich importation froi Anachi cannot be iande, Wovv ThEREFORE1 BE !T RESOLVIED by the City Council of the City of Kalis.pell' Montann that the importation of n.,,.tmrnl gr.s from C,,,mada to Tlontana is highly Go-sirablo .-wd ,)E,.,naflcial to Y-Aiil.spell, to r-rtlhl,,,est Kontana, and to the entire state of Mntnna, and MY, i license p e r m i t' 1 n E r -)�cl a J -; o.- t,-,, mr,, sli o u� -,,' L, o i s n ue d t n 4 w a p p 11 c a n t . Bic A A=M t-nz,,,L tlie Aoral l'oc,,or Goairlissio.- be reqmsW to chnngo t,'no 'pince :r:L' anid fron! Bill�rlgs' K=Qna. to 7alenn, LmWnn, so Ant fron-, L-,iisprnll, -,ssoula,, and, athar coLuninatles to Q swTvad by wndi imported rns :my be LAW, enAled to aDamr beforc :, ich co.nn.'iissinn and exprnss their on tlae, -,a'ajactl or If omach ho, Cannot prCasrly be Munged lint an adaitional bn 1LO-1d, at '101al1a, Lonkna, ! J ,hc -,e.,saNet cIfovasaid. Bit I- MEMO!', IFRESOL 'D t co,,Di(2s of tn-2,Ls rc-?,,:olat:'Lon be sent to the Federal PosT Wraission and to the "enLan: Power Co-npQr.,y, ITnit-d Stalus 3o2mtor, "d in Congress n-n'd to the (-."Overnor of tlae State of '-nd othor ap,)ro,,}-riato persons NA bolles. The Layor of the City of Kalispell is matho-ristead to ellocuto :bid the City Clark to attest the rYs',')1utj �.n the; coryes thereof nnd to see th t they are A waded to 'the y 3 y 2 ersons. )'.,ssed 'ay.the CA;y �feuricii of tho C-J,ty of Kalispvall, approved by the Ay-)YL, tlt 2��Ah day of Au.!,�ust, 1951. W. E. Bobur D- fl. —1-cy"ride (11tv : A ' mayor STWIM M-10-IM '01 . -1 T ]?, 0 Clerk City of Klalel do hc,--�eby certify th t the ,A)ovte,,olut-Irm by the Councl."- 0 f aza i� C i t Y t a -1 n Z he iLlnis 2'()tAn J'a-Y of AU,,-,-ust, 1951. n 44 City Clerk o'�,r the G j. t y of K�lis 1-1 , 1�;ont