Resolution 2204 - Budget - Emergency - General FundEM R01,LjTl 1, TM. 2204 A -,".ESULUT01, DECLA:J'G AiA-,,-,!) T,i,,T 10 IS 10 MAKE WTWInMES I-"-. EXCESS O-,E 1V,1'O'-UNTT PP ., ,OVIDIZ IS CDd,NT IB" DC'rET FOR t (:ET,,L`11'1 11UND. VE.11ELS The City of rat :s,,)e1..1 is faced 1,'4,1-th a dana'Ce sult in the Lount of 01200.00 for to 0,mned by Felix "osor and his ,,rife: Annn B. '"oser, and, VMEREAS, Payment of this clahm, unforsoon chi-rirq� the pro- paration of the present ud.,,_'!t, and, UHERUS5 it is doexied to be to th'o �,ert int(Rst of thee City of Kalispell to make such compromise settlement Vomdiately. NO' d 'i7,HZB%EF0.HE, BE 1T WWOLUI) ',!'j1,E CITY C01J-FC1L '0 riu CITY OF KALISPELL TW BB !WSM7 OF = FACTS 1101=50VE STIQ1 Al, ELIZIC-1 NCY 13 !M>3 DECLARED to exist iuidor tho �11-0-VISIO�I-S of the of t'ho tote of -io.'�tana ins,-1,ch c,,,so rind'o :rid pro - tided, and that expenditures in an amoi�uit of �1-100.00 in excons of the curi,ent jl'oj, the Gcnor,-! Lxpense Fun-d of the General Fnnd of the Cit-y of is for the ptir'poses hereiabove set fort1u.a and tho Uity C1er-r1:,,,, hereblith o:'"' thoridnw amo::a zed to raerc-,ncy rrants t1,, l,c s,:;,id fund, and the City Weasurer is aut'for iz d and d--`-rocted to pay such warrants with, any money in the, said, fund tiv�t is available; and if thcre r)o not Sufficient M01-10y in suznh fund to pay such warrants, thon the sama shall be, reF' J-stered nd hear interest and be called for a e rat .n. the manner provided by la,F; for, other City ,°.,,Arrants. Passed W a;Troved this 13th d,y of -uE,,ust, 1951. Frank 13. nillis Acting Mayor ATI'E3T V1._11. 13212L,1- L City Clerk I. W. H. "Worg, Clerk of the ('is do hareby certify that We above resolutior -,,-,,,s aCloptc.d by of said City at a meeting hold th:"s 13th OaY of A'ul;list, i951. CTE=y-777777, —71��* 'y of 7�771-1',