05. Chapter 5 - Facility RequirementsMASTER PLAN UPDATE - FINAL
Kafispeff City Airport
5.1 Introduction
The facility requirements section of this study defines the physical facilities needed to safely and
efficiently accommodate the current and future aviation demands at the Kalispell City Airport.
Forecasts of aviation activity are used to establish facility needs. Standard criteria for airport
facilities are found in the FAA's Advisory Circulars and Regulations.
Facilities discussed in this section include the runway, taxiway, tie -downs, hangars, apron,
navigational aids, and miscellaneous facilities.
5.2 Airport C655ification
The FAA publishes an advisory circular, AC 150/5300-13 "Airport Design", which deals with site
requirements for design of utility airports, aircraft data for airport design, and design of airport
aprons. Airport design, under AC 150/5300-13, is guided by the Airport Reference Code (ARC).
5.2.1 Airport Reference Code (ARC)
The ARC is a coding system used by the FAA to relate airport design criteria to the operational and
physical characteristics of the most demanding family of aircraft utilizing an airport. The ARC
consists of two components related to the design airplane selected for the airport. A letter depicts
one component, the aircraft approach category. The five aircraft approach categories, designated A
through E are determined by the aircraft approach speed, which, in general, affects design of
runways and runway -related facilities. A Roman numeral designates the second component, the
airplane design group. This is related to airplane wing span, which primarily determines aircraft
separation requirements and influences the design of taxiways and taxilanes. The six wing span
categories are designated I through VI. Table 5-1 lists Airplane Operational Characteristics for the
FAA ARC System.
The ARC design standards also include a sub -category within Category B, Design Group I,
identified as B-I(sAE). The superscript (SAE) denotes use by "small airplanes exclusively" or
airplanes with a maximum certified takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less. The superscript
(MESA) denotes "not exclusively small airplanes". ARC B-I(sAE) dimensional standards are less
stringent than those for ARC B-hNEsA> and ARC B-II (see Table 5-3).
Since approach speed is one of the most important components of the facility design, planning
should consider an upgrade to accommodate the next higher range of approach speeds. The Critical
Aircraft (Cessna 340) established in Chapter 4 is an Approach Category B aircraft. The next range
of approach speeds, 121 knots but less than 141 knots, is for Category C aircraft. This group of
aircraft is predominantly turbo -prop aircraft and turbine -engine jet aircraft. Any consideration of
Approach Category C standards must also take into account performance specifications of the
critical aircraft to determine required runway length. Category C standards are also more difficult to
implement at smaller general aviation airports. Greater dimensional standards are required to safely
accommodate the higher performance aircraft. Since Glacier Park International Airport is servicing
the same area as Kalispell City Airport and has Approach Category C facilities, it attracts more
operations from this category of aircraft; it is not likely that Kalispell City Airport will develop a
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
need for Category C standards within the 20-year planning period. Therefore, Category B
standards are recommended for use in determining facility requirements driven by approach
TABLE 5- 1
Airplane Operational Characteristics for
FAA. Airport Ref erence Coding System
A (less than 90)
A -ha)
B (91 t0 120)
C (121 to 140)
C-IV(b)(c) C-V(c) C-VI(c)
D (141 to 165)
D -Il'b)
D ��b)�c) D-V(c)
E (166 or more)
(a) Small airplanes (12,500 lb or less maximum takeoff weight). Examples:
A -I: Cessna 177 A -II: DHC-6 B-I: Beech 100 B-II: Beech 200
Cardinal Twin Otter Beech King Air Beech King Air C-90
Cessna 172 Skyhawk Beech Baron B-55 Cessna Citation H
C-II: Rockwell980
(b) Large airplanes (more than 12,500 lb maximum takeoff weight).
(c) Heavy airplanes (takeoff weight of 300,000 lb or more).
Aircraft wingspan is the other critical component affecting facility design. Aircraft with wingspans
of less than 49 feet such as the Cessna 340 and the Beech Baron B55 are included in Design Group I.
This encompasses the majority of aircraft currently operating at the Kalispell City Airport. There is
however some occasional use by aircraft that meet Design Group II standards. Aircraft observations
conducted at the airport from September, 2010 to September 2011 show that there are some itinerant
B-II aircraft currently operating at the airport. However, most of these operations are inconsistent in
frequency and do not meet the 500 operation threshold necessary to establish this group as the
current Critical Aircraft operating at the airport. There is the possibility that one or two factors are
limiting the use of the Kalispell City Airport by B-II aircraft. First, the current airside facilities are
constrained to a 60 feet wide runway and 20 feet wide taxiways. If these facilities were expanded to
meet Design Group II standards (75 feet wide runway and 35 feet wide taxiways) an increase in use
from Design Group II aircraft would be anticipated. The second factor is the proximity to Glacier
Park International (GPI) Airport. Only 8 miles from Kalispell City Airport, GPI can better attract
larger and higher performance aircraft because of the expanded facilities and additional services
which are available. Several advantages that GPI offers include wider and longer primary runway,
crosswind runway, precision approach, lower minimums, weather reporting, towered field, and a
variety of other on -field services. These two factors complicate the evaluation process when
determining ARC code. It is likely however, that the existing width and length of Runway 13/31 at
Kalispell City Airport is limiting operations from the larger and higher performance aircraft.
Because of the proximity of the airport to the City center, the City airport may be the preferred
destination in the valley for itinerant operations from B-II aircraft. It is possible that if the width and
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
length of the runway were increased, there would be an increase in the number of operations from
Design Group II aircraft sufficient to support the Design Group II designation. Based on the
historical and occasional use as well as a projected increase in use by ARC B-II aircraft, it is
recommended that the Kalispell City Airport be planned and protected to meet Design Group
II standards.
Ideally, effective planning should provide for development that accommodates existing and/or
historical aeronautical use and reasonably forecasted growth which meets current FAA design
standards. Based on the Critical Aircraft determination presented in Chapter 4, the current Critical
Aircraft is an Approach Category B, Design Group I (ARC B-I) aircraft; increasing to an Approach
Category B, Design Group II (ACR B-II) aircraft within the 20-year planning period. FAA
Advisory Circular 150/5300-13 states "At locations where provision of a crosswind runway is
impractical due to severe terrain constraints, consideration may be given to increasing operational
tolerance to crosswinds by upgrading the airport layout to the next higher airport reference code
(ARC)." Although existing and historical aeronautical use would currently only warrant ARC B-I
design standards, the Critical Aircraft determination and FAA planning guidance recommend
planning and development to ARC B-II design standards. Therefore, development at the Kalispell
City Airport should plan, protect, and develop to ARC B-II design standards.
5.2.2 Airport Approach Visibility Minimums
In addition to classifying airport design by ARC, the type of runway is classified based on the type
of approach procedure utilized at the facility. The Visual, Non -Precision Instrument, and Precision
Instrument approach procedures are described as follows:
Visual Runway, commonly called "visual flight rule (VFR)", is a runway solely intended for the
operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures, with no straight -in instrument approach
procedure and no instrument designation indicated on an FAA approved airport layout plan, or on
other planning documents.
Non -precision Instrument (NPI) Runway is one with an instrument approach procedure utilizing
air navigation facilities, with only horizontal guidance, or area type navigation equipment for which
a straight -in, non -precision instrument approach procedure has been approved or planned. NPI
runways are further categorized according to the visibility minimum. These subcategories are Not
Lower than 1-Mile, Not Lower than 3/-Mile, and Lower than 3/-Mile. Lower visibility minimums
require more stringent design standards.
Precision Instrument Runway (PIR) is one with an instrument approach procedure utilizing an
instrument landing system (ILS), microwave landing system (MLS), or precision approach radar
(PAR). A planned precision instrument runway is one which a precision approach system or
procedure is indicated on an FAA approved airport layout plan or other approved planning
document. Precision instrument runways are further divided into Categories I, II, and III according
to the visibility minimum and type of approach procedure developed for each Runway. This process
is complicated and beyond the scope of this planning effort.
In recent years, the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), an air navigation aid developed by
the FAA to augment the Global Positioning System (GPS) has led to the development of a new type
of approach called Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV). Essentially, WAAS is
intended to enable aircraft to rely on GPS for all phases of flight, including precision approaches to
any airport within its coverage area.
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
LPV enables pilots to use instrument flight rules for approach and landing operations down to a
decision height of 200 feet and 3/ mile visibilities. Now that GPS technology is much more readily
available in general aviation aircraft, LPV approaches have become much more common at GA
airports. The LPV procedure has the potential to increase safety and airport utility by providing
vertical guidance during IFR conditions.
Runway 13/31 at Kalispell City Airport is currently a Visual Approach. The potential for an
approach procedure will be evaluated in Chapter 6, Improvement Alternatives.
5.3 Pilots Survey Kesults
Beginning in November of 2010 through early January of 2011, a survey of registered pilots in
Flathead, Lake, Missoula, Lincoln, and Sanders Counties was conducted. A hardcopy of the survey
was mailed to 429 registered pilots in Flathead, Lake, Missoula, Lincoln, and Sanders Counties; with
instructions for completing the enclosed survey or a web based survey (with identical questions).
Over 36 percent (155) of the recipients completed the surveys. Table 5-2 summarizes the response
rate from all of the Counties included in the Survey.
Summary of Response Rates of Surveyed Counties
......... ......... .........
......... ......... .........
......... ......... ............
......... ......... .........
......... ......... .........
35.1 %
......... ......... ............
......... ......... .........
......... ......... .........
......... ......... ............
......... ......... .........
......... ......... .........
......... ......... ............
A copy of the questionnaire and complete results from the survey are included in Appendix H.
Some key noteworthy observations pulled out of the survey are noted as follows:
A6 20% of the respondents from all five counties use the Kalispell City Airport; of these, 20.3%
base their aircraft at Kalispell City Airport;
$ 43.4% of the aircraft used by respondents are equipped with equipment for GPS-based
instrument approaches;
44.2% of the pilots using the airport use tie -downs for parking their aircraft;
-46 Itinerant users of the airport are predominantly from 1) Missoula, 2) Polson, 3) Ronan, 4)
A6 The perceived wind direction is predominantly from the southwest (31.2%), northwest (29.7%),
and southeast (23.9%);
%6 Pilots use Runway 13 for the approach 65.4% of the time;
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
•+k Airport facilities reported as favorable by pilots using the airport included proximity to home,
friends, and family; proximity to business; FBO Service; fuel prices; friendly atmosphere, ease
of flight in and out; use for flight training; and for alternate weather destination;
-46 Airport facilities reported as unfavorable by pilots using the airport included the
runway/taxiway facilities, and airport security;
65.4% (72) of the respondents indicated that it was important to widen Runway 13/31;
46 66.4% (75) of the respondents indicated that it was important to lengthen Runway 13/31;
44 67.3% (72) of the respondents indicated that it was important to widen the existing Taxiways;
84.5% (98) of the respondents indicated that it was important to provide weather reporting
$ 62.9% (66) of the respondents indicated that it was important to develop a straight -in GPS
approach procedure;
73.5% (75) of the respondents indicated that it was important to resurface Runway 13/31;
Questions 15 and 16 in the Pilot's Survey were facilities related. Question 15 requested respondents
to indicate the most needed improvements at the airport while Question 16 requested respondents to
rate existing facilities. Oddly, the conclusions from these two questions were not always consistent.
In Question 15, 65% of the respondents indicated that it was "important" or "very important" to
widen Runway 13/31. However in Question 16, 64% of the respondents indicated that the width of
Runway 13/31 was "adequate" or better. The same discrepancy was found for runway length. 66%
of the respondents indicated that it was "important" or "very important" to lengthen Runway 13/31
but 69% of these same respondents indicated that the length was "adequate" or better. The probable
conclusion of these conflicting responses is that most pilots would prefer to use wider and longer
facilities; they are much safer to operate on. It is not likely that the existing runway length or width
is preventing the majority of pilots from using the airport. One facility which was consistently rated
poor and in need of improvement was the taxiway system. The taxiway system, taxiway condition,
and taxiway widths were typically perceived as "poor" to "marginal" facilities at Kalispell City
Airport. Widening the taxiways was also rated "important" or "very important" to most users. Other
important improvements included improve approach clearances, remove radio towers, and install
weather reporting equipment.
Respondents were also given the opportunity to provide open comment on the questionnaire. All
unedited comments are included in Appendix H. Extraneous comments specific to perceived
deficiencies or requested improvements included the following:
'Relocat�ov�, of rL.W�Iwa�s!extevws�ov, �s veru �nportawt forsa fetus."
"I have wot operat0 at c�tu airport for zo uears or so. Tine ncv,wci �s v,ot aafeq,(Pte for
twl vv, operat�ov�, (C-S40 av�J Tlnere are v,o lnav�,gers ava�Lable for tln s size
a�rcra ft. Tlne prec�s�ov�, opnt rude at cP1 �s veru �nportawt"
"Tine n2Ao towers v�,e0 to coo! Never slnorcLaf leave beev�, erect0 at tl 6r presev�t locatiovv, %v�,
tine fbrst puce. Seen s to be a veru vocal vwdv,oy%btu� that ao v�,ot [��Ze tine airport.
4ctrcaLLu�, Low-I,u vi ,q lciv�J ntMzes ntost of tine c�,crrev,t airport q,dte expevwswe to rct�[Lze
v av�,otlner nt0e."
'Ren o�/w,q tine raAo towers iVv, tine n ost �n portav,t �ssrce. Tine airport �s �n portav,t to
tine c�t� of KaL�spell PV�J tine bresw�,esses.'
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
"Tine Kalispell c�t� A4 rport (s27) prov�es aw excellewt serv/ce to orcr Local p�Lots,
cowtwt�,cwltu av�J to V/s�tors. Tine cltu� co�cwc L shorAL approve tine reaLgww v,,t av�J
�n provewtewts �ntnteAcite[u. we leave strcafleaf awof aebatO �t lowg Jest ao itl°
11 feel thLs ncv�,wci weOs to be lowger awaf wLaer for sa fete reasows. EspecLallu tM� V, ,q
i,wto accoL,cwt tine altltrcafe av�J hrcvi/dAtu �,cy%bwg loot weather. Jest �ow't see how a few
"Mal Cowtewts` caw aeralL this �n provewtewt °
"K.aLspell c�tu �s a great asset to the c�tu� av�J with sonte rcpgraafes �t worAL be evew
better. A wLaer ncv�,wa� Ls aefbvdtelu weeaO, re-orLewtatLow wor,([ f be bewefLcLal to
approaches, awaf sowte tope of VAST worAl be veru helpfrcl for vdgg t awaf aCiu
approaches. TaxLwa�s are too warrow. R.ewval Of the rciAo towers ow the sorcth ewaf
of the fbela shorAL be a pr%or%tu, then are a hazaraf that �s �vtolerable, espec�aLLu� �f
approach�wg the fbela at Wight or �,cv�Jer wtargi,wal weather cov a,Atlows."
"The h6copter operat�ows ow the warrow tax�wa�s are a hazaraf for wi,wof grests
av�J obwox�or,s assoclatO hazarafs. Therefore, whew I ao ret�,crwto a�rplawe owv�,ershLp, �t
w�LL wot be at c�tu rcwless the h6copter propwash �s el�vwdwatO both ow
tax�wa�s av�J i,w the proxlwdtu of the fLteli,wg areas."
"The aLrport weOs the rciAo towers renov0 awaf the r�,cwwa� lewgtheve,O for a0a0
sa fete. It also weeafs a c,�s precLsLow approach awaf a better approach 1L9ht wg s�stewt
for iFR operatLows.°
"I respectfrA[L req,cest that this airport be expawafeaf, reaLgv e,O, Wi, ew, better Lights
Lwstalleaf, c,lPs precLsLow approach Lwstalleaf, obstacles ren ov0 awaf secrcrLtu� fewce
lwstci[10, etc. Iw o0er for safer flights i,wto av�J orct of this airport a vi/dvdntrcnt of
thi,wgs srcch as wawa of above weO to be aowe. Thaws
Summarizing, the need for widening and lengthening the runway, widening taxiways, and removal
of the radio towers are recurring comments that should be evaluated further. Responses demonstrate
strong use of the Airport, underscoring the importance of maintaining the facility.
5.4 FAA Design,5tandard,5
The FAA dimensional standards published in AC 150/5300-13 "Airport Design" are summarized in
Table 5-3. The dimensions are keyed to Exhibit 5-1. FAA dimensional standards provide important
design requirements for a variety of airside development including runway and taxiway width,
runway separation standards, runway safety area (RSA), runway object free area (ROFA), taxiway
safety area (TSA), taxiway object free area (TOFA), and the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ). As
indicated in Section 5.2.1, development at the Kalispell City Airport should initially conform to
ARC B-I design standards but should ultimately plan and protect to ARC B-II design
standards. These requirements are further discussed in the following paragraphs:
5.4.1 Runway and Taxiway Width
FAA dimensional criteria provide minimum requirements for the surface width of runways and
taxiways according to ARC, Aircraft Approach Category, and approach visibility minimums. Width
criteria for ARC B-I runways with approach visibility minimums not lower than 3/ statute mile is 60
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
feet; taxiway width is 25 feet. Similarly, the width criterion for ARC B-II runways is 75 feet;
taxiway width is 35 feet. The recommended dimensional standard for runway and taxiway
width at Kalispell City Airport is to ultimate ARC B-II standards, or a runway width of 75 feet
and a taxiway width of 35 feet. As indicated earlier in this chapter, existing and historical airport
operations currently warrant ARC B-I design standards. However, Design Group H standards are
anticipated within the 20-year planning period. Although the number of operations by B-II aircraft
does not presently meet the 500 operation threshold, the FAA has indicated that they support initial
development of the runway to full ARC B-II standards. Initial development of the taxiway system,
however, may be limited to 25-feet initially if the minimum number of operations from DG-H
aircraft has not been attained. At Kalispell City Airport, Runway 13/31 is limited to B- fNEsA)
standards with a width of 60 feet. Both the east and west parallel taxiways are deficient in width at
20 feet. Neither of these taxiways meet the minimum dimensional standards for B-I operations.
FAA Dimensional Standards (a)
(Approach Categories A and B with Approach Visibility Minimums not tower than 3/4 Statute
sty Area (RSA)(c)
ect Free Area (RSA)(c
Width, ft:
Runway Width
Safety Area (RS.P
Object -Free Area
................ ....................... :...............................................................................................................................................................
Taxiway Width
Taxiway Safety Area
Taxiway Object -Free Area
Taxilane Object -Free Area
Minimum Distance Between:
Centerline of Runway and Centerline of Taxiway
Centerline of Runwayand aircraft arkin Area
Centerline of Taxiway and aircraft parking Apron
Centerline of Taxiway to obstruction
Centerline of Runway to Building line or obstruction
(SAE) Represents airport serving only small airplanes (an airplane of 12,500 lb or less maximum certificated takeoff weight).
(NESA) Represents "Not Exclusively Small Aircraft".
Blue text represents the dimensional standards met by existing
a "Airport Design", FAA Circular15015300-13.
b Reference Dimension Key to Exhibit 5-1.
c Length is beyond runway end.
d For a Visual approach, BRL is based on 250 foot wide primary surface and a 22.5 feet structure
e For a Non precision instrument approach, BRL is based on 500 foot wide primary
surface and a of 22.5 feet.
Chapter s Faci/ity Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
} } } Z r
3 3 3 0 3
Of m cr m
cl� 0 0:� m 0
m r
a �
z z
J �
m O
0 Z
Lj- O
Z c)
w Z
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
5.4.2 Runway and Taxiway Separation
FAA dimensional criteria require a minimum separation distance (centerline to centerline) between a
runway and a parallel runway, parallel taxiway, or aircraft parking area. Separation requirements are
based on two components: 1) Approach Visibility Minimums and 2) Facilities Expected to Be
Served (or Approach Category). The recommended Approach Category at Kalispell City
Airport is "A & B". There are essentially two options for approach visibility minimums: "Visual
and Not Lower Than 3/ Statute Mile" and "Lower Than 3/ Statute Mile". Lower approach visibility
minimums are better so it ideally separation standards should be protected that would allow for
lower approach visibility minimums. At Kalispell City Airport, approach visibility minimums are
presently "Visual". Because of development constraints limiting separation standards at the existing
site, approach visibility minimums exceeding "Visual and Not Lower than 3/ Statute Mile" are not
anticipated. However, alternative sites may have the potential to provide greater separation
standards and meet the requirements for an approach procedure with minimums "Lower than 3/4-
Mile" Visibility. For "Aircraft Approach Categories A & B" and approach minimums of "Visual
and Not Lower Than 3/ Statute Mile", FAA separation standards for ARC B-I(NE" requires a
separation of 225 feet and ARC B-II requires a separation of 240 feet. Increasing approach visibility
minimums to "Lower than 3/4-Mile" visibility would require a separation of 300 feet between the
runway and parallel taxiway. Based on this criterion, the minimum required separation between
runway and taxiway at Kalispell City Airport is 240 feet (ultimate ARC B-II standards and
"Not Lower Than 3/4 Statute Mile". However, alternatives should be evaluated and compared
to accommodate the greater separation of 300 feet consistent with approach minimums of
"Lower Than 3/4 Statute Mile". At Kalispell City Airport, the current separation between Runway
13/31 and both parallel taxiways is only 130 feet and therefore does not meet the minimum
requirements for any of these design standards.
5.4.3 Runway and Taxiway Safety Areas
FAA dimensional criteria for a Runway Safety Area (RSA) requires a relatively flat area free of any
obstructions at each end of and surrounding the runway. FAA criteria for ARC B-I RSA require a
total width of 120 feet centered on the runway centerline, extending to a length of 240 feet beyond
the runway end. Criteria for ARC B-II RSA require a total width of 150 feet centered on the runway
centerline, extending to a length of 300 feet beyond the runway end. Although existing and
historical aeronautical operations only warrant ARC B-I dimensional standards at this time, B-II
standards are anticipated during the 20-year planning period and must be protected. Therefore, the
required dimensional standard for the Runway Safety Area at Kalispell City Airport is to
ultimate ARC B-II standards, or an RSA width of 150 feet. The existing RSA dimensions for
Runway 13/31 generally comply with the grading and obstruction criteria for ARC B-I standards.
However, a portion of the RSA lies outside of airport property and is therefore not under the control
of the airport. Approximately 10 feet of the RSA on the west side of Runway 31 lies off of airport
property for a distance of approximately 1,430 feet.
FAA dimensional criteria for a Taxiway Safety Area (TSA) require a relatively flat area free of any
obstructions surrounding the taxiway. FAA criteria for ARC B-I TSA require a total width of 49
feet centered on the taxiway centerline. Criteria for ARC B-II TSA require a total width of 79 feet.
Although existing and historical aeronautical operations only warrant ARC B-I dimensional
standards at this time, B-II standards are anticipated during the 20-year planning period and must be
protected. Therefore, the required dimensional standard for the Taxiway Safety Area at
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
Kalispell City Airport is to ultimate ARC B-II standards, or a TSA width of 79 feet. The
existing TSA dimensions for the west parallel taxiway currently meets the criteria for ARC B-I. The
existing TSA dimensions for the east parallel taxiway generally comply with the grading and
obstruction criteria for ARC B-I standards. However, a portion of the TSA lies outside of airport
property and is therefore not under the control of the airport. Approximately 14 feet of the TSA on
the east side of the parallel taxiway (on the Runway 31 end) lies off of airport property for a distance
of approximately 1,260 feet.
5.4.4 Runway and Taxiway Object Free Areas
FAA dimensional criteria for a Runway Object Free Area (ROFA) require an area on both sides of
the runway to be free of objects, except those objects needed for navigational purposes. FAA
criteria for ARC B-I(sAE) standards require a total width of 250 feet centered on the runway
centerline, extending to a length of 240 feet beyond the runway end. B-I(NEsA) standards require a
width of 400 feet, extending to a length of 240 feet beyond the runway end. B-H standards require a
width of 500 feet, extending to a length of 300 feet beyond the runway end. Although existing and
historical aeronautical operations only warrant ARC B-I dimensional standards at this time, B-II
standards are anticipated during the 20-year planning period and must be protected. Therefore, the
required dimensional standard for the Runway Object Free Area at Kalispell City Airport is
to ultimate ARC B-II standards, or an ROFA width of 500 feet. The existing ROFA dimensions
for Runway 13/31 generally comply with the grading and obstruction criteria for ARC B-I standards.
However, a portion of the ROFA lies outside of airport property and is therefore not under the
control of the airport. Approximately 75 feet of the RSA on the west side of Runway 31 lies off of
airport property for a distance of approximately 1,430 feet.
FAA dimensional criteria for a Taxiway Object Free Area (TOFA) require an area on both sides of
the taxiway to be free of objects, except those objects needed for navigational purposes. FAA
criteria for ARC B-I TOFA require a total width of 79 feet centered on the taxiway centerline.
Criteria for ARC B-II TOFA require a total width of 115 feet. Although existing and historical
aeronautical operations only warrant ARC B-I dimensional standards at this time, B-II standards are
anticipated during the 20-year planning period and must be protected. Therefore, the required
dimensional standard for the Taxiway Object Free Area at Kalispell City Airport is to ultimate
ARC B-II standards, or an TOFA width of 115 feet. The existing TOFA dimensions for the west
parallel taxiway currently meet the criteria for ARC B-I standards. The existing TOFA dimensions
for the east parallel taxiway generally comply with the grading and obstruction criteria for ARC B-I
standards. However, a portion of the TOFA lies outside of airport property and is therefore not
under the control of the airport. Approximately 29 feet of the TOFA on the east side of the parallel
taxiway (on the Runway 31 end) lies off of airport property for a distance of approximately 1,260
5.4.5 Runway Protection Zones
FAA criteria for a Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) require an area clear of all objects such as
buildings, roads, and any places of public assembly. The RPZ is trapezoidal in shape and centered
about the extended end of the runway. RPZ dimensional requirements are based on two
components: 1) Approach Visibility Minimums and 2) Facilities Expected to Be Served (or
Approach Category). Facilities to be served are presently "Small Aircraft Exclusively" but
should be increased to protect for "Aircraft Approach Categories A & B". There are essentially
three options for approach visibility minimums: "Visual and Not Lower Than 1-Mile", "Not Lower
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
Than 3/4-Mile", and "Lower Than 3/4 Statute Mile". Lower approach visibility minimums are better
so ideally separation standards should be protected that would allow for lower approach visibility
minimums. At Kalispell City Airport, approach visibility minimums are presently "Visual".
Because of development constraints at the existing site, approach visibility minimums exceeding
"Not Lower than 1-Mile" are not anticipated. However, alternative sites would not be as confined
and could therefore allow for development of facilities meeting the requirements for an approach
procedure with minimums "Not Lower than 3/4-Mile" Visibility.
Dimensional standards for RPZs are summarized in Table 5-4. RPZ dimensions to serve "Small
Aircraft Exclusively" with approach visibility minimums of "Visual and Not lower than 1-mile" is
250 feet (inner end) by 450 feet (outer end) by 1,000 feet (length). To serve aircraft in Approach
Categories A and B these dimensions increase to 500 feet (inner end) by 700 feet (outer end) by
1,000 feet (length); and for approach visibility minimums down to "Not Lower than 3/4-Mile", the
RPZ dimensions increase to 1,000 feet (inner end) by 1,510 feet (outer end) by 1,700 feet (length).
Based on this criterion, the required RPZ dimensions at Kalispell City Airport are 500 feet by
700 feet by 1,000 feet (Approach Category A & B and "Not Lower Than 1- Mile"). However,
alternatives should be evaluated and compared to accommodate the greater RPZ dimensions
consistent with approach minimums of "Lower Than 3/4-Mile". The RPZ's for Runway 13/31
currently do not meet the minimum design standards for "Small Aircraft Exclusively" with "Visual
and Not Lower than 1-Mile" approach visibility minimums. The Runway 13 RPZ falls outside of
airport property and encompasses a segment of Airport Road and 181h Street E as well as portions of
several privately owned properties including a couple of homes. The Runway 31 RPZ falls almost
entirely off of airport property and encompasses a segment of private dirt road as well as portions of
several privately owned properties. The periphery of the Runway 31 RPZ extends out to several
privately owned buildings.
FAA. Dimensions for Runway Protection Zones (a)
(Visual and Not Lower than i-Mile)
Inner Width
W 1
........ .........
Outer Width
........ ......... .........
.... 450
a "Airport Design", FAA Circular15015300-13.
b Reference Dimension Key to Exhibit 5-1.
The primary issue with the RPZ's at Kalispell City Airport is the ownership and control of the
property by the airport. Current FAA practice is to require the acquisition of RPZ's in fee ownership
although easements may be allowed on a case by case basis. To meet FAA requirements for RPZ's,
land would need to be acquired for both runway ends to obtain the necessary ownership and control
for the entire RPZ area. Within the RPZ, existing buildings and structures would need to be
removed. While it is desirable to clear all objects from the RPZ, some uses such as roads are
occasionally permitted, provided they are outside of the ROFA. In the case of Kalispell City
Airport, there are several roads that cross through the RPZ's but fall outside of the ROFA. Airport
Road and 181h Street E are problematic however. Both roads are Arterial Routes with heavy traffic
and would therefore not be allowed within the Runway 13 RPZ. The roads would either need to be
relocated or the Runway threshold would need to be displaced to rectify this issue.
Chapter s Faci/ity Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
5.4.6 Conclusions and Recommendations
There are several deficiencies with the existing airport facilities meeting even the minimum FAA
design requirements for ARC B-I'sAE> standards. Most of these issues are the direct result of
inadequate property ownership for the required safety areas, object free areas, and RPZ's. In
addition, neither of the parallel taxiways meet the minimum B-I requirements for width and runway
separation. To meet minimum B-I design requirements, the following improvements are required:
Acquire property interest and remove obstructions for a 250 feet x 450 feet x 1,000 feet
Runway 13 RPZ;
Acquire property interest and remove obstructions for a 250 feet x 450 feet x 1,000 feet
Runway 31 RPZ;
Increase separation between runway and parallel taxiways from 130 feet to 150 feet;
46 Widen taxiways from 20 feet to 25 feet;
14 Acquire property needed for 250 foot wide Runway 31 OFA;
It should be noted that the FAA will not support federal funding for development that is restricted to
"Small Aircraft Exclusively" (ie ARC B-I(s`E'). Kalispell City Airport is a public use airport that
does not restrict usage to aircraft weighing less than 12,500 pounds SWG. The minimum facility
requirements the FAA would support federal funding on would be to protect for ARC B-II standards
while possibly allowing for interim development of facilities meeting ARC 134NE >
Upgrading to ultimate ARC B-II standards will impact all of the existing airside facilities with the
exception of the new taxilanes and apron areas located on the west side of the airport. To meet B-II
design requirements, the following improvements are required:
46 Acquire property interest and remove obstructions for a 500 feet x 700 feet x 1,000 feet
Runway 13 RPZ;
4 Acquire property interest and remove obstructions for a 500 feet x 700 feet x 1,000 feet
Runway 31 RPZ;
Increase separation between runway and parallel taxiways from 130 feet to 240 feet;
4- Widen Runway 13/31 from 60 feet to 75 feet;
Widen taxiways from 20 feet to 35 feet;
Acquire property needed for a 500 foot wide Runway 31 OFA;
4- Acquire property needed for a 131 feet wide taxiway OFA.
5.5 Kunway Lengtk Kequirements
The required runway length for an airport takes into account the take -off and landing performance of
the most critical aircraft expected to make regular use of the airport. Runway length is a function of
airport elevation, mean maximum temperature of the hottest month, aircraft take -off weight, aircraft
engine performance, runway gradient, etc. All of these variables affect the lift of the aircraft on
departure. Prior FAA design guidance for runway length provided for recommended runway lengths
that would accommodate 75 percent, 95 percent, and 100 percent of the small airplane fleet. Current
FAA guidance (Chapter 2 of AC 150/5325-413) allows for runway length recommendations for 95
percent and 100 percent of the small airplane fleet; the 75 percent length provision is no longer
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
provided. The recommended runway length for Runway 13/31 is determined in accordance with
Chapter 2 of AC 150/5325-413 which provides "Runway lengths for Small Airplanes with Maximum
Certificated Takeoff Weight of 12,500 Pounds (5,670 kg) or Less". This design concept requires
grouping of aircraft using the airport by aircraft approach speed. The highest approach speed group
is then divided on the basis of passenger capacity into "airplanes having fewer than 10 passenger
seats" and "airplanes having more than 10 passenger seats". The less than 10 passenger seat
category is then further based on two percentages of fleet: "95 percent of the fleet" and "100 percent
of the fleet". For Kalispell City Airport, the critical aircraft are twin -engine airplanes with a
takeoff weight less than 12,500 pounds (utility or small aircraft), approach speeds between 91
knots and 120 knots (Aircraft Approach Category B), and wing spans less than 49 feet (Design
Group I).
Two figures are provided in Chapter 2 of AC 150/5325-413 that allow for the determination of
recommended runway length. The only information required for this design basis is the average
high temperature for the hottest month of the year and the airport elevation. For Kalispell City
Airport the recommended runway length was determined from the field elevation of 2932.0 feet
above mean sea level and the mean daily maximum temperatures of 81.6 degrees for the hottest
month of the year. Utilizing this information in conjunction with Figures 2-1 and 2-2 results in the
recommended runway lengths summarized in Table 5-5.
The existing 3,600-foot by 60-foot paved Runway 13/31 does not meet the minimum recommended
length to accommodate 95 percent of small aircraft fleet with 10 or less passengers. The runway
would need to be lengthened by 600 feet to 4,200 feet to the minimum recommended runway length
requirements at the existing site.
Based on comments from the pilot's survey, questions regarding runway length generated mixed
responses. One question reported that 69 percent of the respondents felt the runway length was at
least adequate. In contrast, 66 percent of the respondents thought that it was at least important to
extend the runway. Developing any conclusions from this can be risky. Most of the pilots that
responded to the questionnaire are predominantly flying small aircraft. Runway length would not be
a factor at all with this group of pilots. A better indicator would be to question pilots of larger and
faster aircraft whether they would use the runway if it were lengthened. However, an effort to target
this group of potential users would be difficult, at best. In addition, public comment from regular
users of the airport suggests that the current runway length is adequate for the present type of aircraft
frequently operating at the airport. Again, most of these pilots are flying small aircraft and there
comments may not be representative of other pilots who may be deterred from using the airport
because of the facilities. With Glacier Park International Airport only a eight miles away, there is a
local airport with facilities sufficient to accommodate high performance aircraft.
Lengthening of the runway has been planned for several years to the south, off of the end of Runway
31. The current approved ALP depicts staged runway development with successive lengths of 3,700
feet (75 percent of fleet), 4,200 feet (95 percent of fleet), and 4,700 feet (100 percent of fleet). In
order to accommodate the runway extension which would lengthen the runway to an ultimate length
of 4,700 feet and allow for expansion to Design Group II dimensional standards, the existing runway
alignment must be shifted to the south and west and the orientation must be rotated approximately 4
degrees clockwise. It is not feasible to extend Runway 13 to the north however. There are
significant development constraints to north including multiple residences, businesses, and two
arterial roadways.
Chapter s Faci/ity Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
Runway Length Recommendations for Small Airplanes Weighing Less than iz,soo Pounds
Airport Elevation
Mean Maximum Temperature of the hottest month
Critical Design Aircraft Approach Speed
Maximum Certificated Takeoff Weight
Small airplanes with approach sI
Small airplanes with approach sr
of less than 30 knots
of less than 50 knots
Small airplanes with less than 10
passenger seats: 95 percent of Fleet
(Typical of Cessna 340)
Small airplanes with less than 10
passenger seats: 100 percent of Fleet
(Typical of Cessna 340)
Small airplanes with 10 or more
(Typical of King Air E90)
Large airplanes greater than 12,500
pounds but less than 60,000 pounds
(Typical of Dassault Falcon 20)
a FAA AC I50/5325-4B, Runway Length Requirements for Airport Design —Figure 2-I and 2-2
2932.0 Feet
91 — 120 Knots
12,500 Pounds
388 Ft.
1,035 Ft.
4,200 Ft.
4,700 Ft.
4,580 Ft.
5,400 Ft.
Under the proposed plan to shift the Runway 32 threshold further to the south as shown on the
current ALP, there would be some immediate improvements to nuisance noise around the airport and
aeronautical safety. Aircraft making a Runway 32 departure will now be starting their takeoff
approximately 1,550 feet further south. This will allow departing aircraft to gain more altitude
before transitioning from above airport property to above residential property. In a Cessna 172 (721
ft/min rate of climb), the relocated threshold would allow the aircraft to be approximately 170 feet
higher than it would have been departing from the existing Runway 31 threshold. Not only will the
additional altitude improve the level of noise heard on the ground, but there will be benefits to safety
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
also. Every foot of additional altitude that an aircraft has provides additional time and options to
pilot in an event of an emergency. Additional time may mean the difference in finding, and making
it to a safe place to land the aircraft or even making a return to the airport for a landing on airport
property. The additional runway length also provides a greater safety margin for aborting takeoffs
in either direction.
Based on current and forecast aeronautical operations and the FAA's current guidance on runway
length, the minimum recommended runway length to accommodate 95 percent of small airplanes
with less than 10 passenger seats at Kalispell City Airport is 4,200 feet; a 600 foot increase in length
from the existing runway. The need to lengthen the runway to 4,700 feet to accommodate 100
percent of small airplanes is not supported at this time or anticipated during the 20-year planning
period. However, runway length may become an issue if the airport is frequented by higher
performance aircraft in the future, especially if unanticipated use is the result of the airport being
upgraded to ARC B-II standards. Additionally, there has been outspoken public opposition to
extending the runway. The general belief of this opposition is that a longer runway will attract larger
and higher performance aircraft thereby increasing noise and decreasing safety. Of most concern is
a general belief that a longer runway will attract larger, high performance business jets.
Exhibit 5-2 on the following page is a graphical depiction of several common general aviation
aircraft ranging from the single -engine Cessna 172 Sky Hawk to the large jet Cessna Citation X.
The chart graphically depicts the minimum length of runway recommended for the safe operation of
these aircraft. Runway length requirements have been determined for the field elevation and
temperature requirements specified in Table 5-5 for the Kalispell City Airport. Current and
proposed runway lengths have also been added to the figure to show which types of aircraft could
safely operate at this facility under these conditions. This figure clearly shows that most jet aircraft
require significantly greater runway length than what would be available at Kalispell City Airport to
safely operate during the warmer summer months. Use by the King Air 200, needing 4,400 feet of
runway, would even be questionable on a warm summer day. Based on this evaluation, the
recommended 4,200 foot long runway would not likely attract these larger, faster aircraft. These
pilots would likely still continue to use Glacier Park International Airport. In comparison, GPI's
airside facilities are much more suitable for higher performance aircraft. Runway 02/20 is 150 feet
wide and 9,000 feet long meeting ARC C-III standards; there is part time (0800 to 0000) Air Traffic
Control; Automated Surface Observation System (weather); and a precision instrument approach for
Runway 02.
In conclusion, there does not appear to be a perceived need, based on current use, to extend the
existing runway beyond its current 3,600 feet length. However, the forecasted aeronautical
operations and the FAA's current guidance on runway length strongly encourage a
recommendation at Kalispell City Airport for initial development of a runway length of 4,200
feet to accommodate 95 percent of small airplanes with less than 10 passenger seats and an
ultimate length of 4,700 feet to accommodate 100 percent of small airplanes. This will require
that the City acquire all of the land required for the airside facilities which meet the minimum
recommended runway length of 4,200 feet for 95 percent of the small airplane fleet (less than 10
passengers). The City will also be required to depict an ultimate runway extension to 4,700 feet for
100 percent of the small airplane fleet (less than 10 passengers) on its Airport Layout Plan with the
necessary land requirements. A staged approach to runway length would require that the City
periodically "re-evaluate" the critical aircraft using the airport and plan for a future runway
extension accordingly.
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
Typical Aircraft Runway Length Requirements
Cessna 1
\` \y
Cessna 340 3,120
King Air 200
Cessna Citation X
Gulfstream G-111
Cessna Citation 560
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Runway Length
1. All lengths based on field elevation of 2,950 MSL and 81.6' F.
2. Cessna 1721340 length represents runway length to clear a 50' obstacle at maximum takeoff weight.
3. Lengths for King Air 200, Cessna Citation X, Gulfstream G-111, and Cessna 560 are declared distances (length to accelerate
to V1 and then come to a complete stop).
5.6 Airspace Limitations
The FAA has established standards for determining obstructions to airports in Part 77 of the Federal
Aviation Regulations. These standards establish the "civil imaginary surfaces" surrounding an
airport. Objects that extend above these surfaces are considered obstructions and should be removed
or marked and lighted, depending on the nature of the obstruction and the feasibility of its removal.
These Criteria for Airport Imaginary Surfaces for Determining Obstructions are presented in Table
5-6 and depicted in Exhibit 5-3.
Identification of Part 77 surface requirements are established from two components: 1) Approach
Type and 2) Runway Type. Approach Types include "Visual", "Non -Precision Instrument with
Visibility Minimums Greater than 3/ Mile", "Non -Precision Instrument with Visibility Minimums as
Low as 3/ Mile", and "Precision Instrument". Runway Types include "Utility Runways" and
"Runways Larger than Utility". A "Utility Runway" is one that is constructed for and intended to be
used by propeller driven aircraft of 12,500 pounds maximum gross weight and less.
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
Criteria for Airport Imaginary Surfaces for Determining Obstructions (a)
Visual Runway
Non -Precision Instrument Runway
Runways Larger
larger than
greater than
as low as
3/4 mi
3/4 mi
(a) Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 77.
A = Width of primary surface and width of approach surface at inner end
B = Radius of horizontal surface
C = Approach sur face width at end
D = Approach sur face length
E = Approach slope
* = Precision Instrument Approach slope is 50:1 for inner 10,000 feet and 40:1 for an additional 40,000 feet
Although the Kalispell City Airport is presently a "Visual" and "Utility" runway, the City should
plan for the implementation of a "non -precision instrument" approach procedure and protect the
airspace consistent with better minimums and larger aircraft. This approach is consistent with the
current, approved ALP and the Airport Affected Area Regulations adopted by the City. Although
the forecasts do not show substantial use by larger than utility aircraft, the Kalispell City Airport
should protect Part 77 Airspace for a "Larger Than Utility" runway and a "Non -Precision
Instrument" approach with approach visibility minimums "Greater Than 3/4-Mile". Specific
obstructions or penetrations into the Part 77 imaginary surfaces will be evaluated for each of the
alternatives presented in Chapter 6.
5.6.1 Primary Surface
The primary surface is a surface longitudinally centered on the runway and extends 200 feet beyond
each end of the runway. The existing primary surface at Kalispell City Airport is 250 feet in total
width, meeting the minimum requirements for a "Visual, Utility Runway".
There are no documented obstructions to the primary surface.
The recommended width for the Primary Surface at Kalispell City Airport is 500 feet ("Runways
Larger Than Utility" and "Visibility Minimums Greater than 3/4-Mile"). Increasing the primary
surface requirements to "Utility, Non -precision Instrument Runway" or "Larger than Utility
Runway" is not feasible without shifting the runway to the west. On its existing alignment, the 500
foot primary surface would extend into several of the businesses fronting U.S. Highway 93.
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
5,fl��'F17' i
i t7l J
0 40:1 40:1
5,06' (7.1
z c-e,00a'y�"
so -'A
� A
7:1 7:1
7:1 7:1 7:1
- 50:1 7:1 7:1
7:1 1
�� C
r20; l
` 50:1 7:1
� � B
� 2A
FIGURE 5-3 - Civil Airport Imaginary Surfaces
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
5.6.2 Approach Surfaces
Approach surfaces extend outward from the primary surface at each end of the runway. The
approach slope for a "Visual Runway (Utility and Larger than Utility" and a "Utility, Non -Precision
Instrument Runway" is 20:1. A 20:1 approach means that for every 20 feet measured outward
(horizontally), the approach surface slopes upward (vertically) one foot. The approach slope for a
"Larger than Utility, Non -Precision Instrument Runway" is 34:1. Approach surface sizes also vary
according to aircraft weight and approach type and minimums. These different requirements are
described as follows:
44 The approach surface for a "Utility, Visible Runway" expands outward from an inner width
of 250 feet to an outer width of 1,250 feet over a distance of 5,000 feet.
The approach surface for a "Visible, Larger than Utility Runway" expands outward from an
inner width of 500 feet to an outer width of 1,500 feet over a distance of 5,000 feet.
The approach surface for a "Utility, Non -precision Instrument Runway" expands from 500
feet to 2,000 feet over its length of 5,000 feet.
The approach surface for a "Larger than Utility, Non -precision Instrument Runway with
Visibility Minimums Greater than 3/a-mile" expands from 500 feet to 3,500 feet over its length
of 10,000 feet.
The recommended requirements for the Approach Surface at Kalispell City Airport is the 500 feet to
3,500 feet over a length of 10,000 feet at a 34:1 Slope ("Runways Larger Than Utility" and
"Visibility Minimums Greater than 3/4-Mile").
The City of Kalispell has adopted Airport Affected Area Regulations (Appendix B) to protect the
airspace associated with the Kalispell City Airport In accordance with these regulations, no
obstructions are authorized in the approach surfaces, transitional surfaces, horizontal surfaces, and
conical surfaces. The regulations allow the City of Kalispell to review and permit construction
proposals within the airport affected area and require the removal of non -conforming uses which are
not "grandfathered" in. Runway 13 Approach
The existing Runway 13 approach surface is clear of 20:1 obstructions and meets requirements
for a "Utility, Visible Runway". However, two (2) of the light poles at Legends Field penetrate
into the 34:1 approach surface of the larger than utility, non -Precision instrument runway. With the
Runway 13 threshold left in its current location, the light poles would penetrate the 34:1 approach
surface by approximately 35 feet.
There is also the possibility that the Runway 13 approach would have a potential conflict with the
precision approach to Glacier Park International Airport. A straight in approach to Runway 13
would intersect the precision approach to Runway 2 at GPI although there would be a significant
amount of elevation difference between the two approaches. The Runway 2 approach at GPI is
approximately 6000 mean sea level (MSL) and the Runway 13 approach at KCA is approximately
4000 feet MSL, a difference of 2000 feet at the point of intersection. The airspace associated with
both of these approaches will be evaluated as part of the airspace action that will be performed on
the preferred alternative.
Chapter s Faci/ity Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport Runway 31 Approach
The existing Runway 31 approach surface has one 20:1 obstruction and does not presently meet the
requirements for a "Utility, Visible Runway". The primary issue with the Runway 31 approach is
the AM radio towers southeast of the runway. At heights exceeding 300 feet above the ground,
these towers are a hazard to aviation at this airport. One of the towers lies directly beneath the 20:1
approach while the second tower lies outside of the approach surface but penetrates the transitional
surface. The towers penetrate the existing 20:1 approach and transitional surfaces by 173 feet and
108 feet respectively. The towers would penetrate the 34:1 approach and transitional surface by 290
feet and 225 feet respectively. Under any development scenarios at the existing site, the towers will
need to be removed.
5.6.3 Horizontal Surface
The horizontal surface is a horizontal plane 150 feet above the established airport elevation.
Kalispell City Airport currently requires a 5,000 foot radius from the threshold of each runway end
to meet standards for a "Utility, Visible Runway". This horizontal surface is clear of any
The horizontal surface radius requirements increase to 10,000 feet for "larger than utility runways
with non -precision instrument approaches" and "visibility minimums greater than 3/a-mile". This is
the recommended Horizontal Surface to protect for at the Kalispell City Airport. Several
penetrations were found in this larger horizontal surface area. The horizontal surface is penetrated in
the area west of the airport by mountainous terrain. The initial terrain penetration occurs
approximately 6,000 feet west of Runway 13/31 and extends into the conical surface. It should also
be noted that the two KGEZ radio towers extend more than 160 feet above the horizontal surface.
Although these towers actually penetrate the approach and transitional surfaces, the magnitude of the
penetration has a direct impact to the horizontal surface also.
5.6.4 Transitional Surfaces
Transitional surfaces extend outward at 7:1 slopes from the edge of the primary surface and
approach surfaces until they intersect the horizontal or conical surfaces. Transitional surfaces at
Kalispell City Airport extend perpendicular to runway centerline at 7:1 slopes, beginning 125 feet
from either side of runway centerline. The recommended upgrade to "Runways Larger Than
Utility" and "Visibility Minimums Greater than 3/4-Mile" would increase this dimension to 250
feet from runway centerline.
The existing transitional surface is penetrated by multiple buildings along the east side of the airport.
The most significant of these penetrations is from Rosauers Grocery Store with a magnitude of 31.6
feet. In addition, the most easterly radio tower adjacent to the Runway 31 approach surface is a
transitional surface penetration with a magnitude of 108 feet.
As noted in Paragraph 5.5.1, increasing standards to require a 500 foot primary surface is not
feasible because of the proximity of Highway 93 businesses to the existing runway centerline.
5.6.5 Conical Surface
The horizontal surface is bounded by a conical surface, which has a width of 4,000 feet and rises on
a 20:1 slope. It is the same width and slope for all types of runways. The conical surface bounding
the 5,000 foot radius horizontal surface is clear of obstructions. The conical surface bounding the
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
10,000 foot horizontal surface is obstructed by the same mountainous terrain described in Paragraph
5.6.6 Building Restriction Line
The FAA also establishes criteria for a Building Restriction Line (BRL) which requires that the
buildings do not penetrate any of the civil imaginary surfaces. The BRL is directly associated with
the primary surface width. For a "Visual, Utility Runway", the BRL is based on a 250-foot wide
primary surface and a 7:1 transitional surface clearing the roof peak of a hangar. For example, the
BRL for a roof peak of 22.5 feet is calculated as follows:
Example: BRL = (22.5' x 7) + 125 = 282.50 feet from R/W C/L to BRL
The recommended upgrade to "Runways Larger Than Utility" and "Visibility Minimums
Greater than 3/4-Mile" would increase the BRL distance by 125 feet to 407.5 feet. BRL distances
were summarized in Table 5-2 using a 22.5 foot maximum building height.
5.6.7 Conclusion and Recommendations
Since there are no based aircraft at Kalispell City Airport that are "Larger than Utility" and there is
not a "Non -Precision Instrument" approach procedure on either runway end, the Obstruction
Identification Surfaces (Part 77 surfaces) required for a "Visual, Utility Runway" would apply to
existing conditions at Kalispell City Airport. The most significant issue with found in this
evaluation is the radio tower penetrations southeast of the airport. The magnitude of the penetrations
into the approach and transitional surfaces is significant at over 100 feet.
Increasing the dimensional standards for Obstruction Identification Surfaces to a "Larger than
Utility, Non -Precision Runway with Visibility Minimums Greater than 3/ Mile" at Kalispell City
Airport would require the following changes to the current Part 77 surfaces:
$ Increase primary surface width from 250 feet to 500 feet and shift the runway away from the
existing businesses along Highway 93;
44 Increase Runway 13 and Runway 31 approach surface dimensions from 250 feet by 1,250 feet
by 5,000 feet to 500 feet by 3,500 feet by 10,000 feet;
Decrease (flatten) Runway 13 and Runway 31 approach slopes from 20:1 to 34:1 and remove
or lower the light poles and Legends Field and the KGEZ radio towers;
44 Increase horizontal surface radiuses from 5,000 feet to 10,000 feet;
Part 77 requirements for a "Larger than Utility, Non -Precision Runway with Visibility Minimums
Less than 3/ Mile" and a "Precision Instrument Runway" both require a 1,000 foot wide primary
surface. This category is simply not practical at the existing airport site due to the multiple
development constraints surrounding the airport.
In conclusion, the Sponsor should plan for meeting Part 77 requirements for a "Larger than Utility,
Non -Precision Runway with Visibility Minimums Greater than 3/ Mile". This is feasible at the
existing site but will require a relocation of the runway away from the businesses on the east side of
the airport and removal or lowering of the light poles and radio towers. Impacts associated with
increasing Part 77 requirements to a "Larger than Utility, Non -Precision Runway with Visibility
Minimums Greater than 3/ Mile" will be fully evaluated in Chapter 6 along with several different
approach options.
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
5.7 Pavement Strength
There is no information available documenting the pavement structure or pavement strength of the
existing runway and taxiways at the Kalispell City Airport which were originally constructed
sometime during the 1960's. In addition, the Montana Aeronautics Division does not include KCA
in its periodic Pavement Condition Index (PCI) inventory of Montana airports. Generally, the
existing pavements appear to be performing well but are nearing the end of their useful life. These
pavements have oxidized substantially and also have significant cracking. The City has routinely
invested in pavement maintenance to prolong the life of the pavements but they are now nearing the
end of their useful life.
The predominant aircraft operating at Kalispell City Airport are "small airplanes", less than 12,500
pounds. All of the based aircraft are rated for gross takeoff weights of less than 12,500 pounds.
There is reported, occasional use from larger aircraft similar to the Cessna Citation family but only a
few occurrences were observed during the past year. The actual number of these operations is
therefore unpredictable and does not likely account for more than a handful of operations each year.
This is a reasonable conclusion since Glacier Park International Airport is servicing the same area
and has more facilities necessary to support these aircraft.. Based on local observations and these
assumptions, the number of annual operations from these aircraft would be well below 100. From
the information available, there are no indicators that pavement strength in excess of 12,500
pounds will be required at the Kalispell City Airport during the next several years, effective
planning should include provisions for a future upgrade to greater pavement strength if future
operations warrant the change.
5.8 Annual Service volume
Annual Service Volume takes into consideration a number of parameters to arrive at airfield capacity
levels. These include aircraft mix; percent of runway use; percent of touch and go operations; and
ceiling and visibility conditions. Utilizing FAA Advisory Circular 150/5060-5 as a guide, it is
estimated that the Annual Service Volume capacity for the Kalispell City Airport configuration is
between 200,000 and 250,000 operations.
Projected demand at Kalispell City Airport by the year 2030 will be 23,641 annual operations.
These projected operations represent approximately 9 to 12 percent of the estimated airfield
capacity. Therefore, the existing and proposed airfield capacity will be adequate to accommodate
projected demand throughout the planning period.
5.9 Wind Coverage
Wind coverage data at Kalispell City Airport is limited to reports and observations from local pilots
and wind data available at Glacier Park International Airport. Wind data obtained from GPIA has
been used to develop a wind rose for Runway 13/31 at Kalispell City Airport. A wind rose is a tool
used to estimate the percent of wind coverage a runway will have given its orientation. The most
desirable orientation is one which has the largest wind coverage and minimum crosswind
The FAA's guidance for runway orientation is that a single runway should attain 95 percent wind
coverage for a 10.5 crosswind component. If 95 percent coverage is not attainable, than a crosswind
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
runway should be considered. At Kalispell City Airport, the wind coverage for Runway 13/31 with
a 10.5 knot crosswind component is 93 percent based on wind data obtained from GPIA. Since the
wind data used to develop the wind rose was not obtained on -site, there is not enough valid data to
conclude that a either a new runway orientation or a crosswind runway are needed. Wind data
depicted on the wind rose is generally confirmed by the responses received by pilots using the
airport. Question 12 in the pilot's survey indicated that most pilots perceive the predominant wind
direction as southwest and northwest; south and southeast also had strong responses.
Wind coverage will be evaluated and compared for each of the proposed alternatives developed in
Chapter 6.
5. i O Taxiway System
Kalispell City Airport has a full-length, parallel taxiway on the east side of the runway with
connections at both runway ends and at two mid -field locations. There is also a partial -length,
parallel taxiway with a connection to Runway 13 and two mid -field connections on the west side of
the runway. The parallel taxiways and connector taxiways are only 20 feet wide and therefore do
not meet the minimum dimensional requirements for ARC B-I aircraft.
With the existing configuration, pilots departing on Runway 13 only have the east side taxiway as an
option to taxi to the end of the runway. If the aircraft originate on the west side of the airport, they
will have to taxi across the runway. Before taxiing onto the runway, pilots must verify for
themselves that no approaching aircraft are a factor. Pilots can taxi directly to the runway end when
departing on Runway 31 without crossing the runway. There are multiple options for exiting the
runway to either side after landing however.
FAA protocol requires pilots to use "self announce" and "visual separation" when using smaller
airports. At Kalispell City Airport, a Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) of 122.8 is
specified for self announce procedures. Pilots typically begin self announcing procedures, advising
of location and intentions when within 10 miles of the Airport, whether inbound or outbound. Self
announce requirements include taxi operations on the active runway(s). It is incumbent on the pilot
to announce positions and intentions throughout his/her maneuvers, and watch for and maintain
separation with any other aircraft approaching or departing the field.
Extending the west -side parallel taxiway to the end of Runway 31 would improve safety by
eliminating potentially catastrophic aircraft conflicts between taxiing aircraft crossing the runway
and landing aircraft. Widening the parallel and connecting taxiways to 35 feet and shifting the
taxiway centerline separation to 240 feet will also be required to meet ARC B-II dimensional
standards. Taxiway configurations necessary to meet the ideal, unconstrained airport development
for an ARC B-II facility will be evaluated and compared for each of the proposed alternatives
developed in Chapter 6.
5.1 i Heliport Design 5tanJards
As discussed in Chapter 4, heliport design standards are established in AC 150/3590-213 Heliport
Design. The key elements of heliport design include the Final Approach and Takeoff Area (FATO),
the Touchdown and Lift -Off Area (TLOF), the Safety Area, VFR Approach and Departure Paths,
and the protection zones underlying these surfaces. Specific heliport design parameters are
established based on the size of the critical rotary aircraft using the airport, in this case, the Bell UH-
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
1 Iroquois. Key characteristics of the Bell UH-1 (1D) include its weight (9,500 lbs.); its main rotor
diameter (48' -0"); and its fuselage length (57' -1 "). This information is required to establish the
location (from runway centerline) of the heliport as well as the dimensions of the TLOF and FATO.
Based on these characteristics, the following heliport design standards were established for the
Kalispell City Airport:
Distance from Centerline of Runway:
Touchdown and Lift -Off Area (width x length):
48' x 48'
Final Approach and Takeoff Area (width x length):
86' x 156'
Safety Area (width surrounding the FATO):
8:1 VFR Approach/Departure Path:
86' x 500' x 4,000'
Approach Protection Zone:
86' x 115' x 280'
5.12 Apron Facilities and Tie -Downs
There must be adequate tiedowns available for based aircraft that are not in hangars and for transient
aircraft. Peak day operations are used to determine the number of tiedowns for transient operations.
The average number of itinerant operations per day is increased by 20% to determine an average
peak for a busy day (Ref. FAA AC 53004B). Table 5-7 summarizes the tie down requirements for
transient aircraft over the 20-year planning period.
Current (201
Short Term (2012-201
Medium Term (2018-2022
Transient Aircraft Tiedowns
1,066 34
1,344 43
1,582 51
Long Term (2023-2032) 9,690 1,938 63 76 23
(1) Based on "Aircraft Operations Forecast" Table 4-11, the assumption that July (or August) is the busiest month with
20% of the total annual itinerant operations. (Max. Monthly Itinerant Operations = 4,900 operations x .20 = 980)
(2) Peak Day Factor of 20%.
(3) Peak Aircraft Tie -down equal 30% of peak day operations.
Not all based aircraft will be hangared. In Table 5-8 it is assumed that 75% of based aircraft will be
hangared, and that the remaining aircraft will be parked on the apron. A contingency for 2 additional
tie -down is provided in the evaluation.
Table 5-8 summarizes the requirements for transient and based aircraft parking spaces at Kalispell
City Airport. Projected aircraft parking spaces already exceed the thirty-three (33) existing spaces
available on the west side parking ramp. There are also several grass tiedown areas on the east side
near Red Eagle Aviation. Although the projected number of aircraft tiedowns suggests there is a
deficiency, historical operations and airport activity suggest otherwise. Since the west -side ramp
was constructed in 2006 along with multiple new hangar facilities, the airport has not actually
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
experienced a shortage of aircraft parking areas. This would indicate that the assumptions used to
determine tiedown and apron needs is somewhat conservative. However, proper planning should
include the expansion of aircraft parking areas to meet this perceived shortage.
Total Tiedowns
Current (2012) 82 21 12 2 35
Short Term (2012-2017) 85 21 16 2 39
Medium Term (2018-2022) 90 23 18 2 43
........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... ....................................................................
Long Term (2023-2032) 95 24 23 2 49
(1) From Table 4-10
(2) Assume 75% of Based Aircraft Hangared & 25% of Based Aircraft Using Tie -down
Actual apron space requirements can be tabulated using the information in Table 5-8.
Approximately 360 square yards of apron space are adequate to accommodate each general aviation
transient aircraft under 12,500 pounds. Based aircraft under 12,500 pounds generally require less
apron space, approximately 300 square yards per aircraft. Transport aircraft and general aviation
aircraft over 12,500 pounds require approximately 600 square yards of apron space for each aircraft
parking position. A moderate projection of aircraft over 12,500 pounds has been included for the
determination of apron area needs.
Table 5-9 summarizes the overall aircraft apron space requirements for the Airport throughout the
planning period.
Aircraft Apron Space Requirements
Transient < 12,500 lb 10
3,600 13
14 5,040
17 6,120
Transient > 12,500 lb 2
1,200 3
4 2,400
6 3,600
Based < 12,500 lb 21
6,300 21
23 6,900
24 7,200
Misc. (2 add'l. trans.) 2
720 2
2 720
2 720
Area Req'd. (paved)
The primary tie -down and apron area on the west side of the airport is approximately 190,000 square
feet (21,111 square yards). It is currently 70 to 80 percent of capacity on peak days and will likely
exceed capacity in a few years. There are also additional grass tie -down areas by Red Eagle
Aviation and other tie -down areas scattered around the airport that are typically full. Several of
these tiedown areas will be lost because of development and will need to be replaced to
accommodate current and future aircraft tiedown requirements.
Chapter S Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
Apron and tie -down requirements necessary to meet the forecast aviation needs during the planning
period are summarized in Tables 5-8 and 5-9. Apron and aircraft tie -down configurations necessary
to meet airport development for an ARC B-II facility will be evaluated and compared for each of the
proposed alternatives developed in Chapter 6.
5. 13 Hangar Development
Hangar development growth at Kalispell City Airport is strong. With approximately one (1) new
based aircraft every two years, there is a need to continue providing available ground lease areas for
hangar development. The hangar development area west of the runway and north of the apron is not
fully developed at this time but only a few ground lease areas remain undeveloped. Future
development will accommodate five to six small hangars. There is also vacancy for additional
aircraft in several of the existing hangars. The taxilane facilities serving the hangar development
areas are 25 feet wide and can accommodate aircraft in Design Group I only.
Although based aircraft growth has slowed at Kalispell City Airport, future areas for hangar
development will likely be needed at some time during the 20-year planning period to keep pace
with the growing demand to base aircraft.
Hangar development areas necessary to meet the ideal, unconstrained airport development for an
ARC B-II facility will be evaluated and compared for each of the proposed alternatives developed in
Chapter 6.
5. i 4 Navigational AiJ5
Navigational aids are typically divided into two categories: 1) visual aids such as runway lighting,
signage, beacons, obstruction lighting and PAPIsNASIs; and 2) instrument navigational aids such
and Non -Directional Beacon (NDB), Very High Frequency Omni Range (VOR), Instrument
Landing System (ILS), and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
5.14.1 Visual Navigation Aids
The existing airport navigational aids (NAVAIDs) include runway lighting, basic runway markings,
airport signage, a rotating beacon, and a segmented circle and lighted wind cone. The existing
runway is lighted with low intensity runway lights (LIRL). The lighting system is relatively old and
needs replacement. A new medium intensity runway lighting system should be installed to replace
the antiquated LIRL system.
Taxiways are currently designated with reflective markers. A medium intensity taxiway lighting
system could be tied into the new runway lighting system under a future taxiway reconstruction
Pavement markings and signage should be updated to meet current FAA design standards. If an
approach procedure is evaluated and found feasible, markings should be upgraded to meet the
applicable type of approach that is planned for the airport.
Other navigational aids that will be considered during the planning period include a PAPI on
Runways 13 and 31, an automated weather observation system (AWOS), and Runway End Identifier
Lights (REIL) for approach to both ends of the runway, providing the installations can meet FAA
siting requirements. The REIL is used for positive identification of the approach end of the runway
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
while a PAPI is used to define the desired glide path in relatively good weather conditions. The
AWOS is used to broadcast on -field weather conditions flying to the Airport and is required
equipment for an approach procedure.
5.14.2 Instrument Navigational Aids
There are no instrument navigational aids at the Kalispell City Airport. Technical developments in
Global Navigation Satellite Systems make it possible for Kalispell City Airport to obtain non -
precision instrument approaches, with or without vertical guidance. Approach procedure potential
and instrument navigational aids required to support each type of approach procedure for each
development alternative will be evaluated in Chapter 6.
5.15 (Jtilitie5
Because the Kalispell City Airport is located within the City limits of Kalispell, all of the major
utilities are readily available on or directly adjacent to the Airport. Figure 5-4 shows all of the
utilities currently servicing the airport.
5.15.1 Electricity
Electrical service is readily available at the airport and can be extended into any of the areas which
may be developed. All new electrical should be placed underground in conduit.
5.15.2 Natural Gas
Natural gas service is readily available at the airport and can be extended into any of the areas which
may be developed.
5.15.3 Telephone
Telephone service is readily available at the airport and can be extended into any of the areas which
may be developed. Cell phone service is also readily available in the vicinity of the Airport and has
a strong signal. A public phone may be useful on the west side of the airport for pilots to more
easily close their flight plan. All new telephone should be placed underground in conduit.
5.15.4 Water
City water is readily available at the airport. Water service has been strategically planned and
installed as development has progressed. As hangar development continues to grow, extensions of
the water services will be required to service new areas. The existing infrastructure was designed to
service small individual hangars and businesses. Should greater industrial needs arise, additional
capacity may be necessary.
5.15.5 Sewer
City sewer is readily available at the airport. Sewer service has been strategically planned and
installed as development has progressed. As hangar development continues to grow, extensions of
the sewer services will be required to service new areas. The existing infrastructure has sufficient
capacity to service small individual hangars and businesses it was designed for. Any manufacturing
or commercial facilities constructed on airport property which has sensitive wastewater facility
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
needs, such as chemicals, grease, or oils may require on -site treatment provisions or additional
capacity. These uses would have to be evaluated and addressed individually on a case by case basis.
5.15.6 Storm Water
Recent regulatory changes in storm water quality requirements will ultimately require on -site
treatment provisions for runoff developing on airport pavements. Precipitation which runs off any
airport pavement will be polluted with oils, greases, and tars and will require treatment prior to being
discharged from airport property.
Because the Kalispell City Airport is a City owned and operated facility, the City will require that
the property be annexed into City limits and supported with City services. This will require that any
of the proposed alternatives be serviced with City water and sewer and meet City storm drain
requirements. In addition, it will be necessary that electrical power and telephone service be readily
available also. Utility requirements will be further evaluated and compared for each of the proposed
alternatives developed in Chapter 6 of this report.
5.15.7 Utility Conflicts
There are several City and private utilities located on the south end and west side of the existing
airport site that may require relocation or special design/construction requirements to protect them.
These include the evergreen sewer force main and gravity flow sewer main, Northwest Energy
natural gas line, and buried power and telephone. Impacts associated with these potential utility
conflicts will be evaluated in Chapter 6 of this report.
5.16 Fencing anJ Security
The Kalispell City Airport has a perimeter fence installed around most of the airport. The fence is
generally 6 feet tall with an additional foot of 3-strand barb wire. Although the primary entrances
are gated and secure, there are several gaps in the fencing around the airport where pedestrian and
vehicle access is unobstructed. The two largest concerns with intermittent fencing are inadvertent
access and the potential for wildlife incursions. Given the proximity of the airport to commercial
and residential areas in Kalispell, installation of a full -height security fence should be a high priority
at the airport.
5.17 Airport Access anj rarLing
Access to the existing airport is via Airport Road to the west and U.S. Highway 93 to the east. On
the east side of the airport, designated parking is located directly behind the Red Eagle Aviation
facility; access to the airport is through an unlocked gated entrance next the Red Eagle building. On
the west side, access is through an electric gate controlled by code through a keypad. There are
parking areas available to the north or the apron area, west of the existing hangars. Additional
parking is available further north in some of the undeveloped hangar pads if needed.
Chapter s Facility Ragairamenrs
Kafispeff City Airport
Figure 5-3
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
5.18 Fueling racilities
There are three buried fuel storage tanks in service at the airport. On the west side of the airport,
Diamond Aire owns and operates a self serve fuel facility. One 17,000 gallon, two compartment
tank provides storage for both 100 Low Lead and Jet A Fuels. There are also two buried fuel tanks
on the east side of the airport northeast of Red Eagle Aviation. This self serve fuel facility is owned
by the City of Kalispell but operated by Red Eagle Aviation under their FBO Agreement. The Red
Eagle fueling system includes the fueling island and two separate storage tanks for 100 Low Lead
fuel and Jet A fuel. Fueling facilities are functioning satisfactorily and are expected to continue safe
operations through the planning period.
Chapter s Facility Requirements
Kafispeff City Airport
Chapter s Facility Requirements