Stokes/City of Kalispell/Airport/Proposed Industrial ParkMar 27 06 04:40p Elizabeth 406-257-0459 p.5
To All Interested Parties
Regarding: City of Kalispell e Airport i Proposed industrial Park.
Purtnose: To explore the economic advantages for the City of Kalispe t regarding,;cornmitrnerit for
relocation of KGEZ broadcast towers and facilities and resulting posi Ive economic benefit.
An assuannption appears to have been made regarding the KGEZ core ration wily c�sntinue it's operation
in Ws current forth and mais_tain the status quo_ t;nder the new management of ZOO inc, KGEZ will
actively pursue and acquire additional broadcast licenses, either on th EM or AT\ land as the frequencies
become available from the FCC. Currently, there are five new brow ast licenses pending approval from
the FCC for the greater Flathead area. When KGEZ acquires new broadcast licerrse�s, the construction of
new additional broadcast towers would be upon the current existing properties. Realignment may still
indeed encroach upon the existing deeded property rights. It is not fo nd that the City has ever protected,
restricted or passed an Airport Restriction Zone C7rdinance or similar act. It does nlot appear this issue
has been discussed 'within the context of the Airport expansion plans f the city_ Ani additional tourers
will of course be subject to FAA regulation ?7 for approval.
The existing towers and supporting ground infrastructure are locateu va a permanent 160 +I- acre
casement. The subservient tenant property is prevented from utilizin the highest and best use of the
property while the permanent deeded easement remains. Only KGE4has the authority to release and or
abandon. the easement upon the 160 acres. These properties highest d best use isa industrial parr or
similar type zoning annexed into the city. This would maximize the rise of the pFop€erty and economic
impact to the advantage of the community.
The State on Montana is currently undertaking reconstruction on Higway 93.
The City of Kalispell, has undertaken steps to extend water and sewerLservices scut to the Four Corners
93 intersection. indications are the City will coordinate installation of the new water and sewer and
utilities services to coincide with the second phase of the highway 93 onstructioh project and realize
reduced. construction costs. As currently planned the utilities will be E vailable to ithe intersection where
the tower property is located.
It is understood the city will allow adjoining property owners to hook p to water and sewer services
provided they are within the city limits. For property owner's outside ibe existing±ciiy limits this may be
accomplished by petitioning for annexation.
In an effort to cooperate with the city and accomplish expansion of thi airport ane provide property
available for annexation into the city as a large parcel industrial park_ IThe following should be
Relocation of the towers and privately acquiring the needed property f r the broadcast corporation would
be favorably considered. The land replacement for the existing easern nt is 160 acres. The needs of the
corporation for the foreseeable future could be accomplished with a nimum of 80 acres. This gesture
arts casts to the City by a considerable atriount, The new replaccrnen property hauit be located within
the pattern established by t>he engineers. Currently there are no properties availabe that suit these needs.
It is anticipated property will be come available, or the combination o ---properties cars and will be
Mar 27 06 04A0p Elizabeth 406-257-0459 p.6
acquired by the corporation through the private sector. Cornpensatio of the relo}c
contingent upon the corporation accomplishing the above and will se. �e as a coon]
an eernent to remove the towers frorn the existing property and xelea�e of liability
agr=-rent to the city. :Negotiations for an abandonment of the easetrnt is under]
parties and is subject to the City of Kalispell funding the relocation c l sts of the t4
he allowed to :stand. until the new airport is ready for operation. Ho ever the Cit
rights, provide proof to the FAA the tower issue is resolved and no longer an issti(
provide the additional funding sought by the City. Prelim' ary disco ssions last
indicate, even with realignment, the towers are a hazard and an issue
on fee will not be
to release and
d hold harmless
tsideratian by the
rs. The towers will
vill have secured the
id the FAA will
s with the FAA
in return for funding the relocation costs today and securing the agreed removal of 4he towers. the
corporation will begin with all earnest acquire the required replacerrle�tt property�ar�d relocate the
broadcast towers at its own cost. This method allows for extreme flexibility and -the ability to move
quickly once suitable property is located and construction will be begin immediately', without theworry
and uncertainty of capital funding.
This proposal also frees up the 160 acres_ The tower property then bacornes avaijal'Ie for annexation into
the city under the inost favorable zoning and use to benefit the entire ommunity As property owners we
in fact would life to be brought into the City- of Kalispell. Industrial zoned prop' serviced by modern
utilities, i.e. water, sewer, fiber optics, paved roads. The market value of the anr?'e) ed vacant industrial
land would be a rninirnum often million dollars ($10,000,000.00) Uplon build out off the improvements it
is likely to exceed Fi fly Million in new taxable assets and constant soLrce of rewr~nue for the City of
There also appears to be numerous state, federal and private grants fof large parc l ilndustr-ial park
development. Indeed, the relocation funds for the towers. may be available throtxgla these sources,
rminirnizing the impact upon the city. The new industrial park property, willhave �cce5s to the new
Highway 93 and side road and close proximately to the new airport, tremendous�nd treasurable
economic boost to the city of Kalispell_ An industrial parcel of this s e is hereto: f Ire unknown within
the city. Industrial park development of the site will have the least irrDact upon services, and
overcrowded schools.
The above has been submitted for discussion purposes and consideration, so the parries may make an
inforrr�ed cconotrric decision that will affect the development of Kalispell, increa ed tax base, and jobs
for the community for decades to come.
1 am available to further discuss or answer any questions at any time � d look forward to assisting the
City of Kalispell any way that 1 can.
Respectfully Submitted
Jahn Stakes
2-600 irrc.
P.O. Box 1869
Bigfork, Montana 59911
phone 1 fax 837-2283