Resolution 2190 - Sale of Real EstateMM "ESODU i3O. 2190 A RESOLUTION AU'I'TH-01?IZING THE RALE OF BY Tl-".E C!'1',Y OF hkL1S,-'ML � il'liun T-"A TO h. A.CxRiEpp. BE -IT RESOLVM 'If.Y 21AM,' CITY COU.11CIL 017+' 271E CITY 01F KALISPE111 AS FOLLOWS: 17JMi,E,A.5 the said Qity of Iraalis'pol 1 is now the owher of Lot 25 3lock 24-3 of Kalis,�)ell -':ownsito Compa.nyls Addition Umbor Seven to Kalis-pe-'17 i'lontarla, which lands al,e not !ald for ny p-ablic use nor -r.,,ave, said lands ever been used for any public ,,,urpose or.( any purposo whatsoever by said Cital y of Ki,,;-, ,,e I and !-,as or a ni)mber of yecrs been allowed to Erow up in i!ieeds cretting an eye sore; and, there is now no use for said lands and it is to tYie J)ost -Intorest of the said City of Kalispell that the same be sold tkie price for S,,,Ich 1-ind is hig�h; and� A. Griepp has to City of poll the swa of $1000.00 for said lands vfnicla is cons-"Ldred a fair i-rice for ,s o; NOW AT X-M-MMU M 12 SMOL'11-01 OF M 1 SA th',cL tue of.F'c?:r, of t-,,e THE CITY Of L �1,1, - R. A. GrieM) 0 acceptud and th-t Lot 9 BNAf 243 of Ka,1:1 Tova-isite Compwwls Pow-t-J,onu -:-,'x�ilo:c, Leven to Kallswell, hontnna, now mined 'by Clt"' ""f KP!I]'-spolll lontana, be sold to the said 11, A. (Ariapp for the svuu of One thous,-, id .,nd no/100'ths DOJJ,LZS; PE IT MUM! RMOLVED that t1he ,'ayor and Cj-�y (;I rk of said City of Kalispell, upon 11,he, xocei'pt of said sita of 61000.00 be and they are to c-,xo�cute a �',oed Vrith the corporate seal of said City 3 U kjhoroto I comraying said lan&; to t1iu said III. A. Gric-,). PAS-ED by the City Uomwil and approved by the 11.ayor th'is 8th day of Ja"'-'nary, 1-1)51. K Keller e 1 lar It ATTEST— 1 E. Bobe City TUM?Ti�— il W. III. Boberq Cler1: of -Ae City of Kalis',,pell, do hereby cprtify Lh&t the above esolut-,ion adopted by 161ne Onurcil of amid City at a meetin; 1v1d this , "JUi day- of Janua.ry, 1951. City Cl OWNe City, of Kalispe,111 11ont.