Resolution 2189 - Transfers Fundshl.,SOLUTIOW NO. 2189 FOP, :',110 Of CWTAIN 10NDS: shereass the salaries providod in the Sewer Fund have provan f nadequnto to pay the saln-s,,iies ; and Wreas, there is the s,,rq of �.2000.00 in said fund provided for salaries for engineerin.,.., tied riainitonance and support Wilch will be in excess of the requirement for Styli items; nnd, 71hereas the amounts pro1iido(.1 i'or naato-ials ,Ind sup -plies in,, the enC,,Inoe:'s bu(',-,et has proven L,�,aadnqucvLe ,:3nd there is on lmnd Em excess in the amount ii,d�-oted for salaries ill S,•Iid department; N011i , �'Jie 'he it "',eSojV(iCj I that the shin of $2000.00 'be transferred fro 111 -,.i.z,, erin,,L Account to the Salaries A,ccoun,t of said semer fund as tlio same ,-.iay ,,0- re(,,,u-.Lred. BE IT FU,dEMIR, --',ESOLV'],T) that thel�e is heieby transfe,-red the stun of $�500.00 frora Salaries to 1,1'ateriLls and Supplies in the current wud,",et for the Office. PASSED BY THE CITY COTICIL 1i:,I) BY TEE3 -1CLO1-19 this ,,th d,y of Janua--cy, 1�i51. F. H. Keller Mnyor AV T EAT City Clerk is W. 1% Boberg, Cjer� of the City of Kali3r)ell, do hereby cei tify that the ubove rosolutioi-, -��dop'Le6 by the Co"Incil of said C:Ity at gat r 11�1c h ,th day of January, 1,951. ty of Kalispell, Lllo_tan a