Resolution 2188 - Emergency - Budget - Various Deptsim RESOLIU','i"'IL01N 3,10. 21,S8 ""GY EXISTS A" IT 13 A RESOLUTION, '11HUT L!,, T k 1ECE3SA7_',Y 120 `AK 1111- EX­'ESS 014' ""HE L.10'JN'T 4 ']"' " FOR VA1"'L'OPAIITMBY OUl"HEBOD,ET DE:_ETS. WHERELS, by ro,',son of the incleiaent weather end snow, and by reason of the desire of the citi,,,,ens of the City of Kalispell to have the snow removed from the sid(,°.7alks and streets of Kal- isn.ell it aas necessary to buy additional materials ind supplies a311 inir bort te City Warehouse in an attempt a add i 4- i 0,yja I la to Preserve and ,-,lake useable the City owned ("al -ion Grader aild other snow removal equi-pment and; the amounts allotted for rial,"'es and �.,-,atorials and si,pp,'Lies have nroved to be in,­(3ec,,uate bec,,,mse of -the ijnexpect(',d expej-jtji_ Lures in atter'llptin,rul, to and remir said City ovjned Galion Grader and other snm,4r reraoval equipment and it is necessary to expend funds in e,:cess of the amount p2ovided by the Cu-rrent 131idget for the Warehouse Fund and VPHIMEAS; it has proved im--)oss1J_b!o to satisfactorily repair said City owned Galion Grader and wr'atlier conditions now require that a new be �)urchssed ii-maediately to remove snovj fro,!j th�e streets and sidewalks of the City of Kaliss,pell and; VAIEREAS; it is deemed to be to the best inter,sts of the, City of Kalispell to purchase a C,%tcr,,)j,llar Grader to replace tile Galion Grader for use as above stated, NTOW 11'HE�MFOI,,3 13Y I','' "ILSOLViM ]3_1'GILL OF COCOJThE C111Y - 1 r� , OF !�AJ,TSPELL THAT BY EEASW' OF F101"S iss 1114RE111ji3c)VE &, :ED AN SLUTIMBITCY -1,9 DB�CLA'EED to exist mder the i)rovisions 0 f the law of the Staluo of _'Ln such case made and _nrovided, 2 and that ex,-;,lenditures in amounts gas yet underteri�,,,� ne(j 4 Ln e~_cess Of the current budc"ets for the Street and F,,,,nds of the City of Kalispell is hereby nuthorized for the T)ur,,poses herej,nabove set forl,117 wad the City Clerk is he:,eljy autborizdd to draw Omer- gpnc,y warrmmts against the said funds, and the City Tre«suj,or is autnoriz,,"d and Clirected to pay sucla ,mrrants ,vith. any money ��s thL�t is available; -an�if ther ' in. the said funs a be not su"fi- 'L cient money in such funds to pay sucia -,mrrants, then the same shall he ro -istere(� and ',)our intaroc ;t and -I"e called for payment in the manner provided by law for other city �;�4,crra rj,-�, s Passed and approved t1ais 4th day of Decembor, 1950 '_ - - Ke I i el r 7 LD,Zyor A-TEGel, W. BobqjL City Clerk 11 V. s, Boberg, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted L.�y the Council of said City at a meeti-,­g held th8t is h day of December, 1950. City Clerk of '-h City 0. Kalisell, 1,Iontana,