Resolution 2168 - Resolution of Intent - SID 286RESOLUTTC)DI NO. 2168 A RESOLUTION DECLfRING TT TO 7. -E THE TNTEMT'aON OF THE' CITY CO',=IL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL MONTLNAI TO CRE,M, SPIIXIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2F6 IN THE OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, FOF -HE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A SIX '-TNCT! S1,.NITARY SM'JER E`ITET,TD7NG ALONG 11EMMIAN ROAD FROW THE ALLEY 13ET1'4rLEN FOURTH )a,ND FIFTE SIRE Ts TO THE NORTH PROPLRTY LINE OF FOURTH STMEET WEST. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MUNCTL OF THE CITY OF KALTSPELL, 1,q0TITAN'A: Section 1. That public intereEt and conV,-,!n1n,.e-ce -'requires and it is deemed necesFnry to order and create and the City Council of the City of Kalispell, )ntana, dritends to oi-der and creito a Special Tmpr�:�v,emer nt District� witti the n-mbe, the boundaries and the character of the improvement to be ma(ie as are horeinafter set forth. Section 2. It is the intention of the City - Council of the City of Kalispell, Tlontnna, to create and establish in said city a special improvement district for tiro hp purpose of making special im-,-rovemeats upon and along tl.,at portion of 14ERIDIAN ROAD from tho CENTER line of THE ALLEY BETIMN FUP OT11i �LND FIFTH STREETS to the NORTH P70PB7TY line of FOURTIT STREET WEST including all anenues, streets and alley intersections. Section 3. That the number of said Special Improvement 1;istrict is horeby designated as "Special Improvement District No. 2c6 of the City of 'call spell , Montana," Section 4. That the area embraced by said Special. Improvement District, is declar-Id to be as follows-. TRACT 5 DLB OF THE, NWj- SEC 18 T 29 N R 21 W TRACT 5 DLC OF ME NWJ SRC 2.8, T 2 S N R 21 W BOTH OF lilkITCH TRACTS WITHIN THE CGR?0R0'E LTMITTS OF THE CITY OF KkLISPELL, TJONTAVA Section 5. The City Council hereby finds and determdnes that n12 real estate situated in said district will. be especially benefited and affected by such improvement and the property Included within the boundaries of snid distric" is hereby declarod to be the property to be assessed for the cost and expense of mnkdy:g said ia zapr3,,eme'n.t. Section 6. That the character of the improvements to be maade in said Special Improvement District is hereby declare.d to I-,)e as folloN,7,,s: Installation of approximRely 215.0 Lineal Feet of 6 inell diameter sanitary sewer line, ;.-)ne standard 48 Inch diameter manhole and two ayes cor.,iplete together with such incidental work as may be dictated by existing utilities, improvements, and topograpUy all of which improvements are to be made in accordance withihe plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Kalispell., an(," to be adopted by the aInuncil cif mid City, and whihh plans and -specifications will then be on file in, the office of the City Engineer to which reference is hereby made and be such reference are made a pa t hereof, to all. intents and purposes the same as, though said plans and Spe 'ej 4'JC a tions were fully set forth and incor- porated at length in this resoli,ition. Section 7. That the apprOXiMate estimate of the cost and expenses of cons rusting said improvements is the sum of $580.00 for the entire district. Sectic-, 8. 'That all the cost and expense inrui°red in the construct oi: and making of such improvements shall be paid by Special ImprOiaement pis riot Bonds, with inteimt, coupons attached, such bonds shall be drawn in substantially the form as provided by.law in such cases which said bonds shall. be drawn agaIrst "Special Improvement Dis rict Razed No. 2a6 herea�fter to be ordered and created and that the entire cost and expense of said improvement shall be paid by the said Olpecial Improvement District, Section 9. That said assessment shall be paid for in annual installments and are hereby extended over a period fo five years and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum from the date of their registration, interest payable annually on deferr-d payments; said payments shall constitute a fund to be known as "Special Improvement District Fund No. 286 and it Is hereby ordered thtt said Special Improvement District Bonds shall. be issued a-ainst such fund, the denomination and maturity dates of such bonds to be fixed by a resolution to be hereafter ndopted. Section 10. That by the attached waiver all owners of property within the limits of said District have approved the District and waived the legal period for protest. Section Il. That on Monday, the 7th day of November, 1949 at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Kalispell, Montana at eight o'clock P.M. the Couneil of the City of Kalispell, Montana, will create said Special- Improvement District. That afore mentioned waiver is attached to and a pLtt of said resolution of intent. Passed and approved thi.s7th day of November, 1949. --F. 11. Keller F. H. Keller STATE OF' MOYTANA ) SS COUNTY OF FLATHEAD) 11 C. H Brewer, City Clerk of the lity of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that 'Resolution of Intention No. 2168 has been approved by every person, firm, and corporation or the agent of such person firm and corporation having property within the proposed districl, and that such persons, firms and corporations have waived the perod of legal notice. Dated this 7th day of k6vember, 19 49 City lei 347 We, the undersigned, being the ormers of 100 per cent of the property invived in the proposed Opecial Improve- ment District No. 286 hereby waive Notice of Hearing of Protests against the creation of Opecial Improvement District No. 286 and consent to the creation. of such District? the letting of 'the contract for the in- stallation of the proposed improvements and the levying of assessments against the property to ""fray the cost thereof. (Signed) Frank B. Hillis Gernell Hendriskson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of November, 1949. C. H. 3 rower City __71e_iTj_ C. H. Brewer