Resolution 2164 - Resolution of Intent - SID 285N RESOLTTT�ON NO 2164 A RESL)LITTION D.',ECLfj�TT' TO � F ­. - G I . THE ]"N'TENT703 OF HEC"Ty OF ULATSPELL MONTAN&, TO C11.11NATE SPECTAT, TMP'1,0VRTT-1`NT ID'STR7CT NO. 28� IN THE CITY OF KALTSiELL, TITONThNA F'DT11 7"E' P!!PPOSE� OF 'NIDIU1,17, THE 11,A.VED PORTNNS OF SEC' I)IND I-NF. NUE Ej'ST FROM ,511C114OND TO 'JJTT�D STM'T"T A.7�7T17TRD slmI�EBT F330"� SECOALLEY,P,ST TO C "VE. EAST AND FOURTH S"RE) 7 FROM SECOND ALLEY EAST TO SECOND AVE1171TE EAST. BE IT RESOLVED D" THE CDUNTCJL OF THIl CITY OF KALISPELL, 71,10NITAINA: Soctfon 1. That piiblic interest ,nd voncenience requires and it is deemed necessary to order -nd create <.nd the City Council of Kalispell, 'Llontana, intends to order and cra�ate. a Special Improvement District, with the number, the boundr=111_11 and the character of the improvements to be made a; are; hereinafter set firth. Section 2. Tt is the, intenti,)n of the City Co,7n.cil of the City of Kalispell, Montana to create Pr'. ­st,-blihh :In said City a special improvement district for tlae, purpose of making special Jmprovemeis upon and along that portic)n of second P,venue East from Second Av(-,mue East and F,Mrth Street from Second A,: -ley E&st to Second ,`,venue East inciudjjrg the Intersectiorc of Second Avenue E,-.st and Third and Fourtb Streets. That the nt,.nber of said a>Trc c al Improvement Dist,rict is htreby designated as "SP[,C1AL I'MPROITT"11,�77 DT57-1T(1,T No. 2-85 OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTA111A." Section 4. That the ioundaries of said Spec-11al Improvement District are hereby declared to be e,,s follows: On the West, the Center Line of Second Alley ],,,-at. On the East, the Center Line of Third Alley Rast from the Center line oll Second Street to tlinp "enter line of Third Street, an,d the (;ent(.-,r 11re of Second A7enue East from the ',onter 1-ine of Th-'rd Street to the extens,"on of the property lirp between Lots 3 and 4, Block, 77. On the 'North, the Center Line of Sec;inO Street-. On the Soiith, the property between. Lots 3 �­rd 41 Block 77, from the Center line of' S,?cord Alley to thE= Center llr%e of `a-icond tivc.rne Enst. The Center line of Third Stre et from the Center Lira of Second Avenue East. to the, Centc,,r line of Third Alley East. Section I The City Council hereby finds and drternlil es tjl,-t all rral estate situated in Mstrict will, be 0_.specially benefited and affected by such imporvement and the property incli.ided within the boundaries of said district is hereby decl@red to be the prop- erty to be assessed for the co~t ancj expense of making said improve- mentt. Section 6, That they charicte.r of the ImprVvements to be made in said Special improvement Dstrict Js hereby d(-,',clar,,d to be as follows. 1. Removnl of trees from outside boulevard, .Excavate outside bDujevjrd to stre<t subrr<-,de elevation, 3. Remove existing curb. 4. Move exist",Zne curb cocks and h�drants. 5. Construct new ciirb abutting outside edge of existl_ng walks. 6. Place subb«so foundation gravel In boulevard section. 7. Pave area Preriously oce,,u,,A.ed by boi.ilevard. All of which Improvements to be made in accordance with the Dlans oared speclficat:!.c,ns to be preparcd by the City Engineer of the City of Kalispell-, and to be adopted by the Council of said City, and which plans ind specifications wi11 then be on file in the office of the City.Engineer to which reference is hereby made rand The such r(,-,,ference are, mnde a pa-Tt bereof, to all. intents Barad purposes the same thnuph said plans and spew.ificntions ­iere fully se;.;t forth and incorporatnd at length in this resolution. Section 7. That the approximate estlmate of the cost and expense of constructing said improvements is the sum of %�_5c)o.00 -for the entire district. Section 8 That all the cost and expense incurred in the oonstruction rand making of such Improvements shall be Maid by Special Tmprovement District bonds, with interest coupons at.tached, such bonds shall be drawn in substantially the form --.s provided by 1n,i,i in such cases which said bonds shall.. be dr,,,,,,,,n agninst 11SPIECIAL IMPROVELIENT DTSru'RTCT FrTND NO."" . 2F5 , and expense of said improvement shall be paid by said Special Improvement District.' Secti2n_2. That said assessment shall be paid for in annual assessments and are hereby extended over a period of eight years and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six percent (6%) poxes annum from the date of their regIstraction, interrst pay,,able annually on deferred payments; said payments shall constiture a fand to be known as "SPECILL T14PROVE1,4ENT DISTRICT Pjl,,TD NO. 285 ", and it is hereby ordered that said Special Improvement District Bonds shall. be issued &F;ninst such fund, the denominations and maturity dates of such bonds to be fixed by a reyolution to be hereafter adopted. Section 10. That on Nonday, the Fifth day of December, 1949 at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Montana at eight o'clock P.M. the Council of the City of Kalispell, intends to create said Special Improvement District, and will he,.,r objf�cti,,.?ns to the same, at which time and place and person or persons, who are owners or ag(,nts of owners of any lot or p,,rcol of land within said Special. Improvement District who shall within fifteen days after the first publicat"on of the notice of the passage of this Resolijtion, have , ielivored to the City Clark of the City of Kalispell, a protest In writing ngainst the prop1sed work or improvement, or against the extent or nrpatiin of the district to be asspss-d, o-i, both shall have the ribht to appear at said meeting in person or by counsel and show cause, if any there be, why said Special Improvement District should not be created and the improve4- ment herein mentioned should not be made. Snot" i nn, 11 , followlr�, satire of adoption of this Resolution shall be published in the Kalispell News, a weekly ne-spaper published in. the City of Kalispell the Tenth day of November, 1949. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the Seventh day of November 1949 the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana ddopted a certain resolution of intention to create a Special Improvement District for the purpose of making the following imnrovements in s,-,,id district, viz: Widen the paved portions of Second Avenue East from Second Street to Third Streetl Third Street from Secor.d Alley East to Second Avenue East and Fourth Street from Second Alley Eest to Second Avenue East. All of which improvements are to be made in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the City ngineer of the City of KFlispell, and to be adopted by the Council of said City, and which plans and specifications will then be on file in the office of tile �,ity ngineer to which reference is hereby made. The estimated cost of-canstructing said improvement Is $5500.00 for the entire district which cost and expenses are to be assessed by special assessment aga inst the property embraced within said S ecial Improvement District. That said resolution of intention is No. 2164 and is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kalispelli Montana, to which resolution for a description of the boundaries of said district, reference is hereb y description of the boundaries of said distric!t, refer(nce is he reby made. That the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana will be In se--sion on the fifth day of December 1949, at eight o'clock P.M. when it intends to finally adopt said resolution, at which time and place the City Council wil hear objections to creation of said Improvement District end at which time and place any person or persons who are owners or agents of own-rs of any lot or parcel of land within said proppsed Special Improvement District, who Shall, within fifteen days after the first publication of this notice have delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, a protest in writing against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of said porposed improvement district, or both, shall Dave the right to appear at said meeting In person or by counsel, and show cause, if any there be, why the improvement proposed to be made should not be made or why such improvement district should not be created. By order of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana. City Clerk of the-71—t-y- of Kalisrell, Montana Date of publication November 10, 1949 Passed and approved tMs 7th day of November, 1949. F. H. Keller Mayor ATTEST C. H. Brewer ��_ity -Clerk STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF FLATHEAD) SS CITY OF' KALISPELL I, C. H. Brewer, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that I have mailed a cop7 of the notice of the passage of T'esolution of Intantion No, 2164 to every person, firm, and corporation or the agent of such person, firm and corporation having Droperty id thin the proposed district, at his last known address upon the same day such notice urns first published; that the attached coot of such notice Is a true and exact copy of the x1otice as 1,ins mailed to sub; such persons, firms, and corporations. Dated this tenth day of Nov(mber, 1949 —C. H. Brewer City Clerk Il C. H. Frew-r, Clerk of the City of Kalispe 11 do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held this 5th day of December, 1949. lo City Clerk of theCityof K-arispell, k1[ont®