Resolution 2133 - Cancels Deliquent Water AccountsMaITIM NO. 2133 A RESUIUMPT AUTEOR77ING TER VNTULA71TON DEL17�,�UE-7 J,"AT-EM BILLS ON 'UHL RITURDS OF I'VATER DEPATITI"ENT OF TIU', CTTY OF KALISPELL$ MONTANA: SECTION 1. That the folloxing delinqucmit �)n the records of the gVate-r DT)art:,,.nent of the City of Kalispell Ire striken from the records and t1mt t"- w1him of Ila Mt loppAment be, nuthonized to nmkp ndjustmenQ in the Imoks to mmel the folMwing accounts. SECTION 2. LINE -0. ADDRESS LOT AMT , 12-6 715 Ist Ave. E. 1.4 57 854,9,1,' 20-P 645 let Ave, Z. 7-8 97 52,20 20-37 694 1st Lve_ 1, 227 l, 8 . "") Cj `3 -1 11-02 3 -rd Av5,,. E. 1-2 140 3 3 - 85, 2 7 27 4th Ave. E.N% 9 40 8.3 5 58-2 106 A, t'h, ive , B. 1 59 28.50 90-46 40 Wood0nd 5 191 91.25 116-307 630 1st Ave. W. F-9 94 20.55 122-44 154 2nd Ave. 15. ( 13 11 , 7 132-2 935 2nd Ave. v4st 14 127 42,75 197-47 932 West 2nd 5" lk;latted 368.6o SEC` Islaty 3. The reason for thir cnc,elatio.n -)j-' dt-.bt is -.,irnifested by fac-t t'n,,-t ar(-� of tho v(,(-mants nre disputed end all of the ahove listed pennRits ard at least 10 yorrs ol& Passe, mY approved this 28th Qq, of "Y"bruary, 1949. C wwon n— — — — city, Clerk 1, m H. �Newer, Olen. of Ue City hnreby .1 cP,:r,tJ,fy th��t the albove esoiutj,��).n -sF41nnt(-�dc�by the "ounc) 1 1 'n, - 11949. f - , 7 -,� th-, (,IIY 1, 3 c , t; Y at EF, rity of Kn1ispc,11, Mont.