Resolution 2149 - Special Election - Sewer & Water Bondsit"
iall-IdOLUVI(AT TE,, J,Nfl) Gafl-',)IiCT
ATIO 0111111E OF 1p11'V-"'1'�1J1T1j1,1' O'TGA
BE IT MOINED Q the Council of the Ciiay of
as follows.
1. This Council does hereby find, determine, and, that
it is essential to the health, safety, and w0fare of the City and its in-
habitants for the City to acquire, bare, construe1t, recoro2truct, L,-Mrovo,
bettor and extund an ccnstitaftlng 3, covabi-,eat--Lon of its vater
and sewerage systans and all parts thereof and ap1mrtenancon thereto, in-
cl-oding, but not limited to, supply and distribution systeno, resQrvoirs,
dams, stona sewers, sanitary sewers, and owage treatnQnt and disposal works;
tlaat said pro, ect can beat be out as a single unde.t,tatkin ,,, and p-a-1VI
for bj the iosuance of Revenue Bonds -,Ln conformity with ;3e,,3,,,,,--7.on Lv, 3 of
Hontans for 1939, Chapter 126; that said project can be so carrYd out at
a total cost of Vine Eundred Thrussid, Dal.-Iars (4'900,000); t1xs ,�t -oI -, revorlue$
can be derived in the form of rated, ahArgor, end rentals izs.E?osed for the
use of "`.he faciliti—o' provided lay such caii'blnod s opera OuUicient in wao'= "'s
and times of receipt to pay and discharge all costs f a,� r t- o. o �o a i� -0 , rer�irs,
and maintenance of said systma plus as reasonable depreciation reserve plus
the sinIcing iaid amounts needed to meet all paya �cnta of princ:lr,--tl of and
interest an the Revenue Bonc1s Oaiah may be so autl-iorl-sed, iosu.od, and sold,
as such princl,,pal zoad Interest respectively become due and during the period
of yevrs through which such bonds are to be paid, an therein specified; that
such bonds, if authori2ed, isoued, and sold, shall be jujubla as to both
principal and imterest sclely from, and sball be a valid claim of the holAmrs
1wroof only against, tin sinking fund and the net income and revenues of she
system pladEud thereto, and alall not constitute an indebtedness of the City
within the meaning of any charter, or constituti-on"al limitation
upon tho incurring of indebtedness , nor shall the City ineux in respect thereto
any obligation for the pay-ic,3-it of ::away be lavied; lohat the pro-
po,sal to issue sucllh Revenue Bonin and use the� Procox-ds Lworoof for ,,,ucll
purpooe should be submit ed to -�ie qualified taxpayer voter; cf the City;
and that such qualified taxpayer voters include all, but onlyj the duly
registered electurs of tho� City whose iaam(-�a a T)Qar ikpon 'chey last completed
assessment roll Par state and county ta-mes v-E; titiot,,yers upon prpper-ty
within the City of Kalispell.
2. A apecial election is hereby called and directed to be hold
in and for the City or Friday, the 30th. My of Sytmbw, IN9, .for Me
puxyose of voting on the question ,halted iri the, form of ballet hereinafter
3. At said election all, but only, the duly registered and.
qualified electors of the City whose navos appear upon tho Inst preceding,
s assesmont roll for State, analCoiu,,ty taxes ayp as a ta.yeupo
n on property
within the City shall be entitled to voto, The City Clerk is hereby
authorized and directed so give notice forthv�ith to the County Clerk of the
call of said election. The Gouity Clerk ;ball, after giving due notice of
closing of the registration books, prepare and post printed lists of the
regisLared voters entitJod to vote at said election, and ahall yTepaxe poll
books for ouch election for each precinct of the City in the form and aivamner
required by law.
/+. The City Clerlz, is horeby authorized wul directed, to give notice
of the call uid holding of said election by publication, once each week for
not loss than taro consecutive weeks in a newapaper published In KnJispell,
Montana, tlae lost such publiontion to be on the last day oil 14hich the news-
paper is issued before tho day of Me eloctior, axrc,, by causing notice to be
posted in at least threo of th(,i moot public places -in each voting precinct
in the City at least ton days prior to the date of said election, whicla
notice so published and poster] shall read substnntially as follows,
15TICE IS WEBY GIVEN that on Friday P the 30th day
of Septeod>er, 1949, a special election will be held in and for Who
City of 01isgell, lmontana, for urea detc-r-n.,ination of the qu,(-,stioil whether
said City shall issue and sell its negotiable Revenue Boncls in Chy amount
of Nine lhuadred Thousand Dollars (0,9005000), to be payable during a term
of tuenty (20) years from their We of ism" no two tm prwo&js thermf
to finance the acquisition, purchase, construction, reconstruction, inprove-
ment, betkensent, and extension of an undertaking constitutinE a corkination
of its water and sewerage systems and all parts thereof and appurtenance's
thereto, including, but not limited to, supply and distribution systems,
reservoirs, dwas, storm sewers, annitary sewers, and aewage treatment arr'
disposal works, all in conforulty with Se: ;dcn Laws of 14ontana for 1930
Chapter 126, as aranded, such bonds and the interest Qcreon to be palaole
solely out of net income and revenues to be derived from rates and charges
for the use of the facilities provided 1,,y t-e undertak-InC,,, and not to incur
W Obligation for the paynent of which taxes roy be levied except to pay
for services nrovided bg the undertaking to the CUT itself.
Further details an to said matter are set forth in Resolution No.
2149, duly passed by the City Council and approved and now on file
and of record in the office of the City Clark.
The places of voting at said election in the City of Kalispell will
be as follows:
E I -0 a
I and 41
2 and 42
3 and 43
4 and 1+4
lWaa y0stce
Coca Cola Plant
451 North Main
Odd Follows Hall 347 First Ave. East
Presbyterian ChLLech Plo.lp and 6th St.
county court House 11aiti and 8th St.
The polls for said election will be opendd sat tvelve ol clock noon and
will re-lin Wpcll until eight ol clock P.M. on calk date of election.
All, but only, tho duly registered and qyalified electors of the Gity
whos,o nAr.ies appear upon tlie -Lqst preceding asseesi,.,ient roll for S ;ai;e and Coi.uity
taxeo as toxpayers upon property within said City or(-, entitled -t',o vote gat said
Daind at Kalispell, Montana, this __day of
City Clork
5. The City Clerk shall canso ouitaLlo 'o,02oto to bs� prej--)ared for
use at said election, and. shell distribute the same to the judges of election
in the respective precincts, togethm with the poll books supl,Iied b-,,.the Countt:f
Clerh and other necessnry and proper election which shall read
substantially as follows:
Septomber 30, 1949
(Wrk as cross (x) in :he square opposite the word
FUR if you wish to vote in favor of (,ho following
proposition, or in the square opposite the word
AGAIRW if you wish to vote ar,,aj-na-t said proposition.)
FOR the City of Kalim-.)ell, MmAmm, inxOg and sollirg
its ne3otiable Revs.nie Bonds in -,he tnnourt of Nine
Hiu-idred Thous,,,,nd Dolians (QOO 000) tIc be _,a.yable
duming to period of twenty years froni tho cla-te, of th.air
issuance, and using the proceeds lhorecf to finances
the acquisition, purchaae, construction, reccnstructtion,
improvBmept, bettemaent, and extension, of an ur-deruaking
constItuting a con1inatinn of its wa,t(.,,r and sewerap"e
systems and all parts thereof and appurtenances thereto,
inc2uJing, but not limited to, supply ,uad distrilyation
systems, reservcirs, dams, stony seuers, sanitary sewn ,rs,
arld seliage tre"'It-'-e'nt an( -I works, all in corfolnity
with Session Laws of Montana of 1939 Chgpter 126, an amended,
such bonds an! the into reat at,a een to be pnymble solely ont
of not income and rovcnue ; to be, derived frorr and
charges for the use of the facilities provided by tho and ur—
takin g amd mat to incur any obligation for the payawnt of
wheib taxes rng be le-riod cca,."t to PVL"/, for
v-ich�d Ic�, 'uho to the City itself,
-11, !!or ACwIN,,3T t.'an GVW of and se.11ing;
its ne,,gotiablc Re'venue Bonds irL a.ho,' aiao'cnt of N,"Inc Huindlred
Thousand Dollars (0900,000), to be payable during a puriod
of twonty y e, s fr<7q tbe date of theix iscuunce, and using
the proceods thereo.f to firancc' t,�G
construction, reccr.,structic.)r, in-.prcver.r!,,
excension Vf aD con 2ti a. ccmbinaticn of
its w"ter an'l sew(,rage Oy2te.-lO c.n"-! al'1 parts t,11nerucJ" emd
apcur Onances thoretu, including, hit not limited to, ovpi,'Ay
and distributicn systens, recarvOrs, dams, stoin Pewors,
sanitary sewers, and sewage treatment and disposal varks,
all in conformity with SesBion Quo of Montana for 1939
Chapter 226, as armnded, such bonds and the intereot thereon.
to be p,,,-tyc.ble solely oii'u of nert, inoune and revv-,,nues to be
derived from rates and chrxges for thu use of tin fscilltje,
provided by IMiG uridertaking and, not to incur any obligation
for the payment of which taxes may be levied except to pay
for services "rovided by the undertaking to Wo City itself.
6. The City Clerk is authorized and -directed Lo ftirnish to the
judges and clerks of election all other necessaiT and convenient facilities
awl sypplies for said alocticn and the returns thoreof. electicn WEI
in ull respects be hold and conducted in acconlawe whT We gmeral %es
applicable to ouch clectiono.
p,d 1.x� YChe City Courcil and approved by they Mayor ON 5th
OWY of jub, 1949.
Approved: F. H. Kellar
Hay ar
C. H. Brewer
City Clerk
1, C. H. Brown,, Clerk of the City of Kalis,-,poll, do hors.,by certify that
the above revolution was adopted bj thu Council of said Git, at a meeting
held this 5(ah day of July, 1941).
City Clerk of tho City of Kalispell, 3•iontona