Resolution 2176 - Resolution of Intent - Extend Oil Sprinkling District 1RESOLUTION NO. 2176 A 11...SOLUTION 1)ECLAaI1'11'G IT TO BE THE INTEIT,2101a_ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, !Ml',`TANA4 TO M(TEIM THE LIMITS OF OIL SPRI1'fi=flG DIS`t'RICT NO. 1. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL) MOAT. Section 1. That public interest and convenience require and it is deemed necessary to extend and the City Council of the City of Kalispell Ilontana. intends to extend the boundaries of oil sprink- ling, DistUric! 110. to include the following streets and avenues - Section 2. All streets and avenues within the corporate limits of the City of Kalispell with the exception of lst five. East fsata Railroad Street to 4th Street, 1dain Street from Idaho Street to 4th Street, lst Street from the 2nd alley East to the 1st alley West of Llain 2nd Street from 2nd Ave. East to 2nd Avo. Viest 3rd Street from Ld Ave. East to 2nd Ave. West, all of t-he Streets and Avenues in Woodland iiierhts Addition, Golf Course Addition,, Shop Addition and Highland Park Addition and that area East of i400dland Avenue South. Section 3. That the chai,:cter of improvements to be made shall be those provided for in Oil Sprinkling District Igo. 1. Section 4. That assessments shall be is ,),rovided for Oil Aprinlkling District No. 1. Section 5. That on onday, the 3rd day of July 1950- at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Kalispelll Zontanal at 7:30 o'clock P.1111. the Council of the City of Kalispell, tontana, intends to extend the limits of Oil Sprinkling District Nc6l to Jinclude the said area, and will hear objections to the sarlie, at �ilaich taste and place any person or persons, who are owners or a€� ents of owners of any lot or parcel of land within said area iiho shall within fiteen days after first publication of the notice of the paggage of this Resolution, have delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, a protest in writing ncainst the proposed action shall Stave the righ to appear at said meeting in �,qoTson or counsel and show cz,use, if any there be, why said area should not be included in Oiling District No. 1. Section 6. The folloi?,iing notice of the adoption of this Resolution shall be published in the Kalispell Thursday June Sth and Thursday June 15, 1950. Notione is hereby given that on the 25th day of Lllay, 1950 the City Council of the City of Kalispell, 3,111ontana adoptod a Certain esoliation of Intention to extend the boundaries of oil Sprinla'Ling District No. I to incl--Ide all the Stree'6s and Avenues within the corporate limits of tile City of Kalispell with the exception of the following: All streets and avenues within the dorporate limits of the City of KalisL)oll with -the excention of Ist- Ave. East from Railroad Street to 4th Street, 11ain Street from Railroad Str�,.Iet to 4th Street, lst Str,.�et from the 2nd alley East to the lst Alley '44est of .lain 2nd Street from 2nd Ave. East to 2nd Ave. Went, 3r,d Street from Ld Ave. East to 2nd Ave. V,'­�st all of the Streets and Avenues in 'Noodland '`eights Addition Goll Course Lddition, Shop Addition and Highland Park Addition an that area East of Woodland Ave. South. That said R000lution of Intention is No. 2176 and is on file in the office of the City Clerk in Kalispell, Mlontana to which refor once is hereby made. That the City Council of the City of Kalispell, 1,11ontana will be in session on the 3rd day of July, 1950 at 7:30 o'clock when it intends to finally adopt said resollution, at which time and place the City Co-Luicil will hear objections to the extansion of said Oiling .District No 1 and zit which time and place any person or per- sons who are owners or agents of woners of any lot or parcel of land within said area who shall within fifteen days a'L'tler thelst p ,ublic% 6 , tion of 4-h�,s noticF have delivered to the City (;Ierk of the 357 City, of Kalispell a protest in writing ag�aainst the ,)a:,o,,)oso-d action shall have the right to appear at said meetini - -, in -)erson or by Counsel and show cause if ther be any, why the action proposed should not be taken. By order of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Idontana City jerk -)f the -U':L—ty of —Kalispell, 1ontan� Passed and approved this 25 day of 1day, 1950. F,, H. Keller Mayor LTT,E'ST- C.- II. Dreiver City -Clerk 11 C. 11. Brewer, Clark of the City of Kalispell. do hereby certify that the above resolution jqas adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting hold this 25th day of "ay, lq�,�o. '7 —n—ty—cler" of ttie City of S<�lis elf Eonian