Resolution 2160 A - Issues GO BondsI ,`E:3015TION N'0. 2100
BE !T RESOLIW y by the City Gounc-11 of the City of Kalispell,
Montan-, as f"'Alows:
1. It in Araby found, determ',ned and de-,-,I-red that this
Comwil has herete-)"nre heon (luly nuthorized to Issue Genrrnl
Obligatlan Bonds of the City of Kalispell, lvlontarn in t1ne
principal nmount of $81,000,00 for the purnose of providing
fuAs to purclip-se oquipment, repairs, relulacemont -,nd facilities
for the use of the Fire Department of Kali smell -; and the Council
has duly adverti-sed said bonds at public es, -,le and all bicis
submitted pnrsuant to said published nntiee he.vinr, i sea rejected
for the best jntwests of mid City of Knlla�)Pll ,nd said bonds
having been sold at prim, to E--Alr to the Conrad National Pnnk
of Kallspelli Kalispell, NoWna, A 'we 1lar "lue thes'eof
,rAus a,,,.,cru(-).d _Interest to date of delivery, and be,,iring, i-nterest
at the rat of 1%, one percent, per annum an 1,11 c,u-,.ons maturing
.1�rom July T, 1949 to July 1, 3954, 9nd at the rate of 2%,, two
percent, per nnnum on all internst co-,.,,pons After July
1, 1954; cnd said sale ao made h,--,s fo-ond to be sand is to
the lost interests of said City of Montana, and all
acts, condi.ti-,)ns, and reqi.i-lred iy the Corstit:,A1,c;)n slid
Laws of the Ante of Montana to be doue, to exist, to hQppen and
to be performed precedent to the issuance 1 delivery of said
Wands have been done, do -Ast have happened land have been
performed in regular and alliRPM, time ,�nd ranner as to required.
2. That said City of Kalispell, D,'on� aria shall, on or before
the first day ooc f Dorliber, 1949, or at any later d,,tea at the
option of the said Conrad Nat! nal Bank of K<Jispeli-1 issile its
nagotiable coupon General Obligation Bonds in the ngprin,,tate prinicipa
sum of $F11000.001 or rny lesser arqoijnt that may be determined
adequate for the eccomplIshment of t1,w purposes fo,,, which ssid
bonds a re lsE-,ued. Said bc)nds shall be dated July 1, 1949 shall
be 90 (ninety) inymmber, and numbered from I (one) to (ninety)
Q0, inclusive, each in the amount of :$1000.00 except bonds numbered
9118,27,36,45,54,63,72,81, and 90 inclusIve, ljyhich shall be in
the amount of $100,00 eaphl beaWrF interest at the following
ratos: one percent (1%0 per rmnum on the conp=s° naturing, from
July 19 1949 to July 1, 195%, two percent (2%,0 or tire coupons
r,.1.aturngafter July 1 and dnnU.c-,ry I Of PaCh YEI.,.T, and shall
Mature sprially in order of spri,;l ml,inbers, lo7,c,,---rst numbers first
in th.e amount of $8100.00 on July Is 19150 and in the amount of
$8100.,00 on Jul,- I in each of the years 1050 to 195c3, inclusive, all
subject to rodempti,)n and preniaymont at the wntior of the said
City of Kalispell, Mlontana ,=:t any interest paying period, qt
par and accrued inter,,-!st up,,-,n notice of call for redempt:11.on
so spQn1find in the form of bond hereinafter prescrlbcd. The
principal. of' and intor,st on said bondF, shall be payable at the
offine of the said Conrad Bonk of in Kalispell,
3. Said bonds PTA the intor-st to be att,,,cl-led .-,nd
the repistration certificate to be ladorsed thprc,,on shL,11 be in
substantially the follo",rinff form.
City of Kalispell
County ofFlathead
stntc of Montana
T ,1nited St,,tea of Ponerica
General Dblj,<ration Bond
$1000.00 (51-)0.00)
E',QV' ALL 'BY "I'LLESS' Thv.-;t the City of 11aliap,oll,
in the gaunty of Flpthend, State Of Mon'an_q, - -iuly
and existing municipal corporation, vrhosq post affice ad;i',ess
is Kalispell, Montana, hereby ocknguledges itself indebted and
for value rentived rmomised to pay to beare.r tho r,,.-mq on 01"TE
THOUSNAD DOLLANS (ONE YT3,NTDR!,3 DDLL011,5) r)n thp Ist Jay ,)f' July
or on a date prior thereto on vv eb. this and shall have
been duly called rede)uptlon, acd to p-,y inter-st thora-,..)n, from
the date hterof mAil said principal sr- be pn`d or mtjl
this bond has been duly called for rnd�mntion, at the rate of
One per -cent (1%) per annum dur-.' rig 'the perio e.g.1 nring July.
1949 and ending Julae Ayo y 1, 19,14, and rat the ratof tfec ront
1Q) per annam after said date of July 11 1954 until maturity
unless earlier duly a01ed for rndemptlon, p,,.-,yable Januaryl,1950
and semi-annually thorenfter on the lost d,,y of July �)nd. th.e 1st
day of January of each year, interest to maturity or red -,option
being payable in accordance v,vith Mid u-on prose ntat' )n nnd S�urrender
of the interest counons %ereto annexed r,s they
become due. Bohi principal and interest are payable, al, tile
office of the Conrad National Bank- -)f' Kalis�nelll 1-n Kaljs,ell�
Montana, in 1xvirul, mmey of t? e 'Taal teed ii tc s of 1",merica.
For the prompt nnd full pa7ment of suc,.�b s,CT'incj,prii and interest
as the same respectivoly bpcomdup, the full faith, credit,
and taxtng pdavers ofs-,id City of KalaspeJ1, Moritpna are hereby
J,:rrevocably plodped.
This b-)rd Is one of nn issue in the. gp.regate principal
amount of $611000.00 all of like date and tenor except as to
denomination and maturIty, Issued by sal City of Kalispell ?
Montana, under Futhority of an in full cam.T.,Iiance irrith Scctaons
52M1 to 5278-30 Inclusive, of the Revised Cod!s of Montema
1,935, and all acts amwAatary thereof and supplementary t*,ierct-)
and is issued for the purpose of pra&AYE fumbs to purdnso
eyopmead, impairs, repi" coment •wd Awil"ies for the nw, >f
the Fire Depa:irtraent of Kalis-:ell.
The bonds of this Wwy a-e eas',j, sia!,ject to redemption
and pre-"yswnt, nt the option of said City, on any interest
paying date ,.fter lh.e `,ssuancc thereof, vt par and accrued
interest, upon cotice mn'll.r-d at Jpast tOrtydays prim to the
date snecified for redmMtim) to said Conrad Nat`r.)nal of
Kalicpell' Kallspell, hiontara.
IT TS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND PECTMI-ED that all ac',s, cotiditions
and then,.7,s'Lred by the Conctitution and i of hs State
of Montana to be done, to exist, to happen and to be p(-,fform.ed
pre dent to ond in the issuance of th-.)s lo'.lrd, in order, to male
it a Md. and binding 7eneral ubli�-,,qtion of s!_!d City accauding
to its termsi has been done, do exist, hcve hal,.),pennd and have
been performed in rnEulnr and due form, time r',nd innner as so
required; thot a direct annurl tax 'ha lo-Je(l, an ,.!I the
tamble inoparty in said City WficAent to pay the Interest here—
on vrihen it frlls fue ' ndl also to pay and disOmrfe the lafnApal
hereof at maturity; and tlt the total lndebtrcnes, of tjre said
City of Kalispell, MoUans, including this not ev.coed any
ConstJtutl)nnl or Statutory 1'1,nitat:"_on tbrrof.
TN WMHMF, the Cityff Kalis,,')ell, ',rnn"',,ana, in the
C,.)unl,-y of Flathendl State of Uon!mna, has caused UYW bond to be
executed 'by its 11yar End City T-rc,,rsnrr,,r1 to 1""Y
its City Clark and the C,)rporate we" A" �f cz"',i3 cil-y to be hereto
alfixed; Pnd the ntUchnd interest: to be ex'ecoted' lipid
.ent,"oz'ated, by the, sigrilures of 5WA officerq
and has owned this bond to l-,,e ns of JI)ly 1 7 1949.
C i t y 7 CC I O:nr 1V
� A 44
No $&00 01"00) W"50) (51.00,
on the dy of Janunry (July ), 19_, the City of halispe'll,
in the Cvnntf Flathead, StRW Of alll pay - a hearer
ut the Cyril-ld Nnt' n�! Brr,nk of,' -',-n Kailsnell, Yontana
the sim, of Five- and no/100 dollars (Teri -end mo/100 1)ajjvj,$)9
(Only Fifty Cerits) We nrd no/00) lawful money of the, United
Ct,-,tes for Inter-st then due an its General Obligation Band
dated July 1, 1949, radess evIrIlej- enlie(I for ,ad , omqj on.
City Clerk City Treasurer Bayer
) S S
I hereby en,tify that I b,,avr r ; { a th-s 1-on(I in ,'Iy
office in a book provided for thit ;urpos--, In thip manner
provldc.-' by ln-i
Dated -t Uantsne' this 111 o-P
City Tieasmer
4. AND BE 1-T FUR71P,:,"t fl, �c llfay�-)r the Ci y �
Treasurer, SW tto City Clerk of said City o Kn�ls-'Pll, 1,)nt--nn,
W PW Wy '.ro hereby nuthvDLed rnd, direr (.,ted to ex^cute sajd
bonds and ha irtarnnt cou -ons &Vched thoreto in tho Manner
p,r.ovided, by law; -'nd tn"e Intel—,"z't cou-ons Shall ecr-I)tc'd
Lnd 2ut4votibatcl bj tho facsPHIc sQrctures of H of rd wh(-,Cicers;
— n so cx-,.ntes� t'he sa""-o be re�,,istered by the
City Treasurar as provided by Pro; and My= so execute! vdO
nyristerpd Enid bonds shmil he i4ivenA to saiJ jmrOwser iyon
payment of the urelmse InWe ng.n.d u-pon rd saL�
purchn,se " i, r s I -� 11. P o t e, re I'l -"" 7' n' 0, �' o S,,,% o t o t !-- c, pi, n,, I ctl 1, -", o n
or sold pumAusq prim, beyo& pqwent the.reo' Cj.ty of
KaMsqoU, Tmtana.
by thO' City comwil Of the �-it;y of end apz,roved
by it this 2Yth day A Anpustl 1j?49.
FF. Keller
ATTEST: Q 14 Erever
City Clerk
1� C. EPr, ar, Clerk of the City of �Iu horeby ce'rtlfy
th'-t 'he "'hove, wo�s, ndoptnd by he Cmuic�!I of Sato. City
- t a m `
r-�etlng held' th:-S �q�r
j t �yC I e -f--7t—h 077-1 —ty'7 ITont