Site A-2 Lease Assignment/City to Executive Travel AssetsThat MWo, MMCUrrvM TRAVRL ASSETS, LLC C`Aos4wel of DHWn, Mr. for good and valuable consideration rived this date, hereby assign over to the WEIiTllpM CRWfr 'C7MON MssigneeX a Mat= C va t Radon witlt,priudp d address at P.O. Box 37, Whito&% MT 59937, all of our right, No and inteaea in and to do o"stainLeasehrrrml property dsscribW as Aftws: umm tM OF XAL1SPEL1,XAtXA%LL MY AMPORT EXECWIVE TRAVZL ASWrS, LL+C ll'ala gmfi 09y.Abport Hangar Mo Lean A-4, bnp mnent No. 1957, Iocakd on V 3A to the s oOmst quarter of ihs Norl mst Quarwr of SwUon 20, lbwoMp 2W,, Amp 21 W, - Amm, Flathead am*, hlootana; sdMASI RWXCMZ D.i4TM 8-31-2O07ANd aouthwesi tp ►' 'the Northwest ofS Yon 20, Trn p 28M Rmgr11 w, P,W.M., Flathead Cowity, Mooftw I&MI .RpMMM DATS:1?r3f -Wft. It is EXPRESSLY NOTW that this s WVWtent Is NOT made for the purpose of providing coilakrai security For any debt andthis assignment is a cor #ko disposition of.AssigWs right, We and bftrm in said Lassa and ft Fop" hn mve mt looMed ti►ereon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sane unto the Assignee, ad to its snceea m and assigns, f;'rew u, AMCTIVB DATE: DER 22, 2011. Grantor:. 1iXECUT.M TRAVBL , LLC hr STATE aF `` � : COUl►3'I"Y OL- 0( ... This in drumant was acknowledged before we on the (� day of 0.'«..► by hY1�.� esa n �� c iC, asMatsa ofEm adve Trml Ands, LLC. VICKIANuERSEN `a � NOTARY PUBLIC for the ' Stele of mmyd re Pri0ed Nam, i c. -o—v ,dam (SEAL Sf"Al. f1W go9 atftn. Nobuty Public for the Swo of RcWdW.__. September in &kA&,gjj2 16, 201G t�rgnvaession Mires• t • e ub� e • y• :� N . e.. �� .[ Whitefsh Credit Union PO BOX37 qqgg + �inq� �fntl� NNII�� pR�pp qM�N 1�wpt up1�� �pq� 1Nhi1Cii8it, MT 59937 � II�f �01 10 UN {@N11�A iNII IB{ pp�� lnl�t 101100020361 *p♦a!gt. 1 of 1 p srutt► SWMA" lhathaad Cnuniv 4T by KC ir1A6AVI i si��OR �7 SM AbM thk Line is For 1tscordoes Use i)Itty P940 Is LIEU QC EQUCLOun (Loan No. #d#259.705 and 707) For, and in consideration of the covenants herein provided, Executive Travel Assets, LLC ("Grantor(sy ), of Dillon, MT, hereby grants, bargains, sells and convoys to the Whitefish Credit Union ("Grantee"), of Whitefish, MT, all its 4 right, title, interest, claim and demand In and to the following described real property, TOGETHER with any �► improvements, structures and all appurtenances thereto belonging or in any way appertaining, located in the County of Flathead, State of Montana, and more particularly described as rollows: 1 • Katispell City Airport Hangar Site Lease A-4, Improvement No. 1957, located on Tr 3A in the southwest quarter of the Novhw+esr Quarter of Secdon 20, Tow Wilp 28N, Range 21 W,1? M.M., plathead County, Montana. and • Kalispell City Airport Hangar Site Lease A•2, Improvement No. 1626, located at Tr 3A its the saathtt- t quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, Township Zl1N, Range 21 W, t? M.M., Flathead County, Montana Subject to and Together with current encumbrances, easements, reservatlons rand rrstrictlaas, apparent or of record. TO HAVE AND TO 14OLD unto the: Grantee and to the Grantee's successors and assigns, forever. �} This Deed is an absolute conveyance of title, in effect as well as in form, and is not intended as a mtrrtgage, trust conveyance, or security of any kind. TW consideration for this Deed is the release by Whitefish Credit Union of all of the debts and obligations heretofore existing on account of and secured by those Commercial Srcur'sty Agreements in favor of Grantee on that real property described above. DATED thisZ.7, day of 20 L. GitANTOB�,: EXECUTIVE TRELAS$FLC X— / Manager/Managing Member STATE OF ^ L ;COUNTY F This instrument was acknowledged before me on theok_k.day of 20 by L �- . as Managing Member of Executive Travel Assets, LLC. Y' {5 A �,NW PWW fat t t¢ NC" blic for the State of W:l T �, at try Residing in * u>rs at saftrs. Mgnt My Commission Explres,_ 1a.:tir- 'fit 5 My t;Ommrsaxm Expires W AE3Y. t RFGS BQI Q &EAfiE RVIVRN 1'0• Whitefish Credit Union PO BOX 37 Whitefish, MT 59937 ��aiRIYAAIitlf�II��ifA ppPage; I of 2 :ottooa4zosas OW -IN RahtnSmY FiA►huuj rrrrmov NT hu Air: 10IsMolt 4 $tt OM Molt I2 Oe► ~pate Above thh Use is For iteonrder's Use only EYMPPEL AFFIDAVIT STATE OFltt' � 4l %J1 County of ) ring first duly sworn upon oath, depose and say as lotto+%: L WWI, Executive Travel Ab.%As, LLC, arelam the identical party who made, executed and delivered to Whitefish Credit Union that certain Special Warranty Deed in IJeu in Foreclosure conveying the following described real property situated in Flathead County, Montana: Q Kalispell City Airport Hangar Site Lease A-4, Improvement No. 19S7, located on Tr 3A in the southwest quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, 7ownship 28N, flange 21 W, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana; and Kalispell City Airport Hangar Site, Lease A •2, Improi emcnu No. 1626, located on Tr 3A in tits southwest quarter of the Northwest Qttarter of Section 20, Township 28N, Mange 21W, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana Subject to and Together wilt current encumbrances, eaxements, reservations and restrictions; apparent or of record. 2. The Dead in Lieu of Forecclosure was and is an absolute convuyantx of the title to the property to the Grantee named therein in effect, as well as in form, and is not now intended to be a dead of trust, mortgage, security .,� agreement, or other security device of any kind. 3. Po-%Wsslon of tlw property hay; bun surrendered to the Grantee named in the Med in Lieu of Foreclosure. 4, 'Me consideration for Cite Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure was and is the full cancellation of all the debts, obligations, costs and charges previously existing under and by virtue of the foikWaS described Loan(s) documents: • Whitefish Credit Union Loan No. #0259-70S: Ptoniis,+tiry Note(s) dated t13-29-2000 by and between T&L Properties, LLP and the Whitefish Credit Union in the: principal amoiml of $380, 0 VSD, a Commercial security Agreement dated 03-29-2006: and • Whitefish Crcdit Union Loan No. 00259.707: Promissory Note(s) dated 06-01-2007 by and between T&L Properties, LLP and the Whitefish Credit Union in the principal amount of $499,55I10 USD, a Commercial Security Agreetnent dated 06-01-2007, which was mcmtxialkAed by the filing of that Uniform Commercial Code Financing Statement with the Montana Secretary of State under Filing No. 92387978. 5. The Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure was made by me as the result of my request that the Ciranteee ampt such Deed and way my free and voluntary act. At the time the Deed was given to tlx: Grantee, I resit and i still feel that the indebtedness above -mentioned rcpresenwd a fair value of the property so deeded. 2011000143 r a rJy°M #a110u 6. At the time the Heed in Ueu of Foreclosure was given, there were no other persons, firms or corporation, other than the Grantee named therein, interested either directly or Indirectly In the property described in the Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure. 7. The Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure was not given as a preference against any other of our creditors. We are solvent and we have no other creditors whose rights would be prejudiced by such conveyance. We are not obliged upon any bonds or other obligations or deed of trust whereby any lien has been created or exists against the premises described in the Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure. 8, In offering to execute the Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure to the Grantee and In executing the same, we are not acting under any misapprehension as to the effect thereof, nor under any duress, undue influence or misrepresentation by Ito Grantee or the agent or attorney of the Grantee. We were advised to consult and had an opportunity to consult with Independent legal counsel prior to executing and delivering the Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure. 9. it was and is our intention as Grantor(s) to convey, and by the Deed in .Lieu of Foreclosure we did convey, to the Grantee named therein all of the right, title and Interest absolutely in and to the property described In said Deed. 10. This Affidavit is made for the protcction and benefit of the Grantee in the Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure, its successors and assigns, the title Insurance company who may insure the property, and all other parties hereafter dealing with or who may acquire an interest in thu property descritaod therein, and this Affidavit shall be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of the undersigned. 11. The Grantee proposes and the Grantor(s) agrees that the Grantee shall retain the real estate described above in fail satisfaction of the obligation evidenced by the Promissory Note described above. The undersigned renounce any rights of rademptlon or those rights they may possess under the Uniform Commercial Code, and the undersigned further agree that the Grantee may hold or dispose of the collateral described herein free of any rights that the undersigned may possess under the Uniform Commercial Code. 12. 1 hereby release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Whitefish Credit Union, Its ofitcers, servants, agents and employees ("collectively the lhleasees") from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or relating in any loss, damage or injury, that may be sustained by me or my hears, successors and assigns, or to any property belonging to me, whether caused by the negligence of the releasees, or otherwise, stemming from the Dead In Lieu of Foreclosure or any actions taken by the mIcasees either before or after the recordation of the same. 13. 1 further hereby agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless the reloasees and each of them, from any loss, liability, damage or costs they may incur duo to actions taken before my execution of the Deed in .Ueu of Foreclosure or my execution of the Deed to Ueu of Foreclostim, whether caused by the negligence of any or all. Of the releasees, or otherwise. EXECUTIVE TRAVEL ASSETS, LLC Manager/Manoging Member SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO tldsa�.,day oiicrr,�, 20A. (SEAL) .,, T n Y,Tcr. P rued e: Public for the State of Residing at: Say-�.S My Commission Expires; OaAb a'.1"%r BILL OR SAL$ THIS BILL OF SALE h from EXECUTIVE TRAVEL ASSETS, TLC ("Grantor"), to WHITMSH CREDIT UNION ('Grantee"), WITNE$$BTH, That the Grantor, for and in consideration of die sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable oonsiderefion, tim receipt ofwhich is hereby acknowledged, does hereby sell, trandar, set over and assign Tinto the Grantee and to the Grantee's hefts and assigns, forever, all its right, tWe, Interak claim and demand in and to die following: • Kaltspol CUy Akport Hangar Sit LAwe A-4, Improvement No.19S7, looatad on Tr 3A to the southwest quarter of the Northwest Quarter' of Seotton 20, Towns)* 38N, Range 21 W, RM.)A, Flathead Cowry, Monntana; and • Kalispell City Akport Iiangar0# Leurse A 2, Improvement No.1626, located on Tr 3A to the southwest quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Sed%n 20, Township 28N, Range 21 W, P.M.M, Flathead County, Montana TO HAVE AND+ T HOLD the same unto the Grantee, and to the Grantee's heirs and assigns, forever. DATBD clay c f5 20 Grantor: EXEt'UTIVE TRA SSBTS, By: STA,rz oFAohIA,...: COUNTY OF,& ) Y Lf!� in8lrnmeiit . Was acknowiedged before m as Managing Member of Exemmdv t on the % of 20J. by ravel A LLC. r I L.-- -cflyori My Commission Expires:_ an 0