Resolution 2161 - Resolution of Intent - Extend Limits of Oil Sprinkling District 1335 RESOLUTION NO. 2161 A RESOLUTION DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL$ MONTANA, TO EXTEND THE LIMITS OF OIL SPRINKLING DISTRICT NUMBER BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: Section....lL That public interest and convenience require and it is eemed necessary to extend and the City Council of the City of Kalispell Montana, intends to extend the boundaries of oil sprinkling District No. 1 to include the area as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana to extend the limits of oil speinkling District Number 1 to include the following described public ways: Fourth Street West extending from Ninth Alley West to the West City Limits of Kalispell, Montana. Section 3. That the extent of said area to be added includes the following lots and parcels of land. Lot 7, Block 171, Lot 12, Block 173, and Lot 1, Block 172 all in Addition No. 1. Lot 6 and 7, Block 7 Lots 1 and 12, Block 8, Lot 1, Block 13, and Lot 6, Block 14 all in the Western Addition. A strip of land 140 feet wide adjacent to the South property line of Fourth Street West extending from the West property line of Block 13 of the Western addition to the East property line of the Storms Addition. A strip of land 140 feet wide adjacent to the North property Line of Fourth Street West and extending from the West property .Line of Block 14 of the Western Addition to the East property line of Meridian Road. Lats.17 2 and 3 Block 1 of the Storms Addition. Lots 15 to 24 inclusive and Lot 27 all in Block 2 of Storm's Meridian Lots. Lets 4 to 13 inclusive and Lot 1 all in Blcok 3 of Storms Meridian `Lots. Section 4 That the character of improvements to be made shall be Haase provided for Oil Sprinkling District Number 1. ection That assessments shall be as provided for Oil Sprinkl ng District Number 1. Section 6. That on Mondav the seventh day of November, 1949,—a—f "e City Council hers in the City al in the City of Kalispell, Montana, at 8 o'clock P.M., the Council of the City of Kalispell Montana intends to extend the limits of Gil Sprinkling District L;ber I to include the said area, said will hear objections to the same,, at which time and place any person or persons who are owners or agents of owners of any lot or parcel of land within said area, who shall within fifteen days after first publication of the notice of the passage of this Resolution, have delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, a protest in writing against the proposed action shall have the right to appear at said meeting in person or counsel,. and show cause if any there be, why said area should not be included in Oiling District Number I. Section 7. The following notice of the adoption of this Resolu- tion shall be published in the Kalispell News, Thursday, October 6, 1949. Notice is Hereby Given' that on the Third day of October, 1949 the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana adopted a certain Resolution of intention to extend the boundaries of Oil Sprinkling District Number 1 to include Fourth Street West sand Ahiii-tinv Info -rrr%m 336. the West property line of Ninth -11ey West to the West City limits. That said Resolution of intent/on is No. 2161 and is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana to which Resolution for a description of the boundaries of said district, reference is hereby made. That the City Louncil of the City of Kalispell, Montana, will be in session on the Seventh Day of November, 1949 at eight o'dock P.M., when it intends to finally adopt said resolution, at which time and place the City Council will hear objections to the inclusion of said area in Oiling District Number T at which time and place any person or persons, who are owners or agents of•owners of any lot or parcel of land within said area who shall within fifteen days after the publication of this notice have defivr>red to the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell a protest in writing against the proposed action shall have the right to appear at said me3etigg in person or by counsel and show cause, if any there be, why the action proposed should not be taken. By order of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana. City Clerk of t e ity of Kalippe 1, Montana Passed and approved this 3rd day of October, 1949 E.H. Keller F. H. Keller, Ma,or C. H. Brewer City Clerk I, C. H. Brewer, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Council of said. City at a meeting held this 29th day of August, 1949. City Clerk of the ity of Kalispel , Mon