2014/08/25 1996 Urban Renewal Plan Update - Request for Qualificationsl�
City of Kalispell
TO: Mayor Johnson and Kalispell City Council
FROM: Doug Russell, City Manager 3)jZ
MEETING DATE: August 25, 2014
SUBJECT: 1996 Urban Renewal Plan Update — Request for Qualifications
At a previous work session, council discussed updating the 1996 Urban Renewal Plan for the
City of Kalispell. Direction was provided to initiate the process through the development of a
Request for Qualifications for planning services.
The 1996 Urban Renewal Plan contained efforts for improvements at and around the Kalispell
City Airport. This plan outlined goals of the urban renewal efforts and identified potential
funding mechanisms, including the existing Tax Increment District, which was established to
hetp fund projects in the 1996 Urban Renewal Plan and extends until approximately 2020. As
council now considers a direction for the facility, it would be appropriate to take a broad look
within the realm of the urban renewal process which has brought us to where we are today. In
addition to providing direction for the airport, reviewing the 1996 Urban Renewal Plan could
lead to project development in the southern end of Kalispell as additional property could be
included in the plan and projects defined to initiate re -development opportunities.
The attached scope of work includes historical review of applicable documents and mapping,
evaluation of the current plan, public outreach, identification of key development concepts for
the South Kalispell Corridor, short and long-term development strategies for the airport and
surrounding area, and the preparation and presentation of the final report to council.
The attached RFQ has been reviewed by the Urban Renewal Agency and Airport Advisory
At the work session, we will review the Request for Qualifications with council and the planning
process that would be part of the update.
1.1 Pursuant to the authority granted to it under MCA 7-5-4301(2)(a)., the City of Kalispell seeks
to procure a qualified professional service provider to provide professional planning services to
the City of Kalispell.
1.2 The Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) must be received by the City Clerk at 201 First
Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana, by 5:00 p.m. local time, (Date Due)
1.3 Questions pertaining to the selection process should be directed to Tom Jentz, Kalispell
Planning Director, at 758-7940 or tjentznkalispell.com.
1.4 The City of Kalispell shall not be held responsible for any oral instructions. Any changes to
this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be in the form of an addendum, which will be
furnished to all registered RFQ holders.
1.5 The City of Kalispell reserves the right to reject any or all SOQs, to waive any informality or
irregularity in any SOQ received, and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective SOQs
1.6 A pre -submittal conference for the contract will be held at 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell,
MT on (Conference Date and Time). City staff will discuss the scope of work, general contract
issues, and respond to questions from the attendees. Because staff will not be available to
respond to individual inquiries regarding the project scope outside of this pre -submittal
conference, attendance at this pre -submittal conference is highly recommended.
1.7 The Service Provider will be selected on the basis of demonstrated competence and
qualification for the type of services required and thereafter the City will negotiate the services
agreement with what it deems to be the most qualified company.
After being selected, the Professional Service Provider will execute a services agreement with
the City to provide the scope of work set forth below in Exhibit A. After the selection has been
made, The Professional Service Provider and the City shall negotiate the terms of the contract
which shall include a more specific scope of work.
3.1 The Professional Service Provider (PSP) will be selected through a qualification -based
selection process. Firms interested in providing requested scope of services to the City of
Kalispell must submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) that addresses the following
evaluation criteria. Applicants are encouraged to organize their submissions in such a way as to
follow the general evaluation criteria listed below. Information included within the SOQ may be
used to evaluate the PSP as part of any criteria regardless of where that information is found
within the SOQ. Information obtained from the SOQ and from any other relevant source may be
used in the evaluation and selection process.
3.2 Cover Letter (I-page)containing at a minimum: Company name, contact name, address, fax
number, and email address.
3.3 Qualifications Criteria
3.3.1 General Information
Description of company
Legal company organization; organization chart with names
List of applicable Montana licenses
3.3.2 Relevant Company Experience (20 points)
a. Applicant's overall reputation, service capabilities, and quality as it relates to this
service agreement.
b. List and briefly describe the professional services the company provides to 3-5 other
jurisdictions and the length of time the services have been provided.
c. A minimum of three referrals and references from other municipalities or local
d. List and describe any litigation; arbitration; claims filed by your firm against any other
jurisdiction as a result of a contract dispute; any contract or negligence claims filed
against your company; premature termination from a services agreement.
e. Applicant's. capacity and intent to proceed without delay if selected for this contract.
3.3.3 Company Qualifications (20 points)
a. Describe the company's history in the industry. Provide resumes of key personnel in
Appendix A. List professional continuing education.
b. Briefly describe certifications and licensure held by the company and key personnel in
the state of Montana.
3.3.4 Contract Understanding and Approach (20 points)
a. Describe your understanding of the current needs of the City of Kalispell for the
professional services being requested.
b. Identify and discuss any potential difficult issues your company may face in providing
services within Flathead County.
c. Identify and discuss methods to mitigate these difficulties.
3.3.5 Approach to Contract Management (20 points)
a. Describe your company's approach in initiating and establishing the service that meet
the needs and requirements of the City.
b. Describe systems used for planning, scheduling, estimating and managing manpower
c. Describe the firm's experience in maintaining training and certifications of personnel.
3.3.6 Other Factors (20 points)
a. Current contracts and ability to proceed promptly.
b. Willingness to abide by the City's needs and requirements with few or no objections or
c. Relevant factors impacting the quality and value of service.
4.1 The SOQ shall include a one -page cover letter plus a maximum of fifteen (15) pages to
address the SOQ criteria specified in Section 3 (excluding resumes). Table of Contents and
section divider pages do not count towards the total page count.
4.2 Five copies of the Statement of Qualifications must be submitted to the City Clerk at 201
First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana, 59901 by 5:00 p.m. local time on (Date Duel .
4.3 Failure to comply with the following criteria may be grounds for disqualifications:
• Receipt of submittal by the specified cut-off date and time.
• The number of originals and/or copies of the submittal specified.
• Adherence to maximum page requirements.
4.4 Adherence to the maximum page criteria is critical; each page side (maximum 8 1/2" x 11")
with criteria information will be counted. Pages that have photos, charts and graphs will be
counted towards the maximum number of pages.
5.1 A 5-member Project Evaluation Committee will evaluate each Statement of Qualifications
(SOQ) according to the above criteria, as well as past performance evaluations, and may select
up to three finalists that may be Short Listed for the contract. If the City elects to further evaluate
the applicants from a Short List, those applicants will meet with the Project Evaluation
Committee for interviews. The purpose of the interview will be to expand on the information
provided in the SOQ, not to repeat information already provided. Those firms selected for the
Short List will be provided additional instruction by the City. Those firms not selected for further
consideration will be notified.
5.2 The following tentative schedule has been prepared for this project. Firms interested in this
project must be available on the interview meeting date.
Pre -submittal conference: (Date, Time & Location)
SOQs due: (Date Due) at 5:00 p.m
Firms notified for interview: (TBD)
Interviews: (TBD)
5.3 Following the interviews the Project Evaluation Committee will determine a ranking for each
Short List firm based on the published criteria in 3.3 of this RFQ. Consideration will be given to
both the written Statement of Qualifications and any oral presentations or interviews. No other
factors or criteria will be used in the qualification ranking.
5.4 The highest ranked firm will be recommended to the City Manager and City Council for
contract award.
5.5 Requests for debriefings or selection decisions shall be made in writing to the City. All
information submitted by firms and related Project Evaluation Committee evaluations and
rankings shall be considered confidential until after contract execution and award by the City
5.6 The City will enter into negotiations with the selected firm and execute a contract upon
completion of negotiations for the professional services for City Council approval. If the City is
unsuccessful in negotiating a contract with the highest ranked team, the City may then negotiate
with the second or third highest ranked team until a contract is executed, or may decide to
terminate the selection process.
Exhibit A
Scope of Work
The Kalispell City Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan
(South Kalispell Urban Renewal Plan Update)
The project involves the updating of the 1996 Kalispell City Airport/Athletic Complex
Redevelopment Plan. This plan will be referred to as the South Kalispell Urban Renewal Plan.
The South Kalispell Urban Renewal Plan was adopted in 1996. At the same time, a Tax
Increment Finance District with a 15-year life span was created as a financial tool to assist in the
implementation of the plan. In 2005, the life of the district was extended to January 1, 2021,
through the issuance of bonds.
The goals of the 1996 plan are stated as follows:
1. To minimize hazards to navigation
2. To develop the airport in accordance to any airport layout plan;
3. To increase development opportunities on nearby properties;
4. To promote compatible land use in and around the airport; and
5. To establish a funding mechanism for airport operations.
The focus of the South Kalispell Urban Renewal Plan was to accommodate major improvements
to the Kalispell City Airport, to accommodate new commercial development and re -development
in South Kalispell and to rehabilitate or relocate blighted housing. In doing this one of the first
steps was to re -locate the city athletic fields that flanked the airport grounds adjacent to US
Highway 93. Specific actions called out in the original plan included:
a. Relocate the KGEZ Radio Towers so that they are no longer a hazard to air navigation.
b. Acquire land necessary to relocate the runway and gain control of the Runway Protection
c. Pursue airport development of additional airport and hangar space to meet the projected
needs of the airport.
d. Review growth policy and zoning designations to promote compatible land uses adjacent
and in close proximity to the airport.
e. Continue to promote the in -fill development and redevelopment of commercial sites
along the U.S. 93 Corridor to remove blighting structures and enhance the tax base.
f. Conduct environmental assessments and pursue appropriate clean-up activities on site
with contamination.
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g. Provide housing rehabilitation assistance to upgrade dwellings units that are -classified as
below average condition.
h. Create incentives for development of vacant land and redevelopment of industrial parcels
along the U.S. 93 corridor that promote the goals and objectives of the city policy for
commercial businesses.
Between 1997 and 2012 the athletic fields were re -located and significant commercial
redevelopment occurred along South US 93 on the former ball field sites adjacent to the airport.
However, in 2013 the city electorate by referendum, voted to reject a City Council's proposal to
undertake significant upgrades at the city airport. The City Council had proposed to move the
runway approximately 1000 feet to the south, cant the runway 5 degrees to the southwest
(clockwise), acquire additional lands to create Runway Protection zones and then install
improvements to bring the runway up to a B2 standard. While the referendum vote indicated
that the city voters did not want a particular development pattern at the airport, it unfortunately
did not articulate what the community saw as the future vision for the airport and for South
Scope of Work
1. Urban Renewal Plan Resources meeting:
The project team will meet with key city staff to collect resource data, existing and
historical documents, necessary mapping information, etc.
2. Evaluation of the existing Urban Renewal Plan:
The project team shall become familiar with the existing urban renewal plan and plan
boundaries noting those goals that have been achieved and those goals yet to be
accomplished. The team will develop an understanding of the strengths and weakness,
opportunities and threats facing south Kalispell. The team will then prepare an analysis
of the currency of the plan and the areas that it is deficient or dated.
3. Public outreach and issue identification:
The project team will undertake a thorough multi -tiered public outreach and issue
identification process. Each phase shall be a free standing effort and include multiple
techniques to solicit the most complete and accurate information. The focus of the
outreach will be to gather public input concerning the future direction for south Kalispell.
In particular public comment should be solicited concerning the preferred future land use
patterns and opportunities, the need, if any, for public utility and road upgrades; the
future viability of the airport and what future roll the airport or the airport lands should
have. The phases or tiers shall include:
• Airport property owners and tenants
• Property owners immediately abutting the airport ownership
• Property owners within the existing bounds of the urban renewal plan boundary.
• Property and business owners, residents and tenants in south Kalispell
t E.
• Residents of the greater Kalispell community.
4. Identify key development and redevelopment concepts for the South Kalispell
Based on the public comment received, develop a series of new goals with implementing
strategies for south Kalispell which are intended to foster long term development and re-
5. Specifically develop a series of options for short and long-term strategies for the
airport, airport lands, and surrounding affected neighborhoods:
These strategies should include an analysis that reflects the spectrum of public comment
received and could conceivably range from keeping the airport as is for the foreseeable
future, to incorporating minor changes in the airport design and operation, to developing
a process to close the airport at some point and put these lands to alternative uses.
6. Prepare and present an updated draft South Kalispell Urban Renewal Plan for
adoption by the Kalispell City Council:
Based on the public process to date, prepare an update to the South Kalispell Urban
Renewal Plan. Based on the goals articulated in the draft update, include a time line for