2013/06/17 Settlement Agreement - Diamond AireCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Fisher and City Council From: Doug Russell, City Manager Re: Settlement Agreement with Montana Diamond Aire, Inc. Meeting Date: June 17, 2013 BACKGROUND: In 2004, Diamond Aire, Inc., filed a lawsuit (amended in 2010), against the City of Kalispell related to allegations of diminished access to the Kalispell City Airport and interference with business operations. Trial on this case is scheduled for August of 2013. The City of Kalispell has met with its insurers and counsel as part of the process to investigate the potential of a settlement versus going to trial. At the meeting on June 17th, staff will present proposed terms for settlement of the case. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and approve the proposed terms of the settlement with Montana Diamond Aire, Inc. MONTANA DIAMOND AIRE, INC., and RJT PROPERTIES, LLCY Plaintiffs, CITY OF ., KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD and FRED LEISTIKO, Pft=kn,,anfc Cause No. DV-04-286(B) (Heidi riche) SETTLEMENT TERMS SETTLEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT TERMS This following settlement terns are agreed to by aiid between Jobs. Talmage,, Montana Diamond Aire. Inc.. and RJT Properties, " .. ` 's" and. pending ratification within seven days by the City Council. the`it of Kalispell,a is ell City p Airport .dvisor card, and Fred Leistiko ,4 e endants"): I. City to make a case payment of *3o,000 within 30 days funded by Defendants" insurers". . Talmage may remove fence between airport and property: . City to waive past,user fees: . City to lift deed restriction.- 5. City to have right of first refusal to purchase the property; . City to gibe irrevocable. transferable/assignable lic to use ri . property is used for aeronautical and/or airportpurposes.-, Defendants will not construct a hangar or other obstruction on spot presently deSigDated for 100 x 100 hangar directly in front of DianioDd Aire so long 't continues to be used for aeronautical and./or airport purposes; R City will allow Diamond Aire sign to be placed by the runway, not to violate airport usage guidelines and city ordinances: . Defendants shall eater i* nto a consent j uda ent the amount of $1.5 million iii. Plaintiffs' favor and assign them all rights! cruses of action against a non - defending insurerr . Plaintiffs will eDlCr into a covenant not to execute the $1.5 million judgment against Defendants- 11. Defendants will cooperate in future litigation with any insurer; E2. Mutual release of parties and. Chards- Old Republic. and MMIA, including any and all claims*,, 1.3. Plaintiffs may void this agreement if a non -defending 'insurer agrees to provide a Z71 defense prior to ratification and/or if Defendants, insurers do not timely fund this settlernent,' 14. If pro erty is used for non -airport purposes by a subsequent grantee/purchaser, the P City may erect a fence at its expense along the perimeter boundary.: 15. Any use following the relocation of the fence, 'if a fence is relocated (as opposed to removal of ffie fence as provi'ded in terni 42), will result in no prescriptive claim and, rather. is a license. Si cmed bv- /-0 dellalf of Defendants n 110 'behdif of PI 77, -1- 1k