Resolution 2142 - GO Bonds - Fire Dept64_0A
A B35CIE11CU W C"I'21i G,.1_U_Ci11 or "Arl, Ciil C-11 1`20VITDEG
Ili �11? Wulm OF EIMITY ONE 5511010 LAD ro/m, FUrR,
LW;a 0111 FDT 11' 1i_1111'11X'.'',_,T (_,F IUL!U111.1,1,
WITUAS, The CUT Cu-r-rol-I cf '�,ho City of Kalis; 011, Montana has
detc,nl;dnoenc'foz.n6i tht as a rasuR cf 1;�-,o Cit( Bond hold in and
for said City can April 4, 1945 to vote 11'ior -Uie ouestion of issuI.-riO, bonds as
a general obligation of the City of Kaliapoll, ion tuna in the sum of Eighty
Coo Thousand and No/100 Dollars for the purleve of Purchasing
e(.- Ill.-, zle-,lt, repairs, replacancnt and facilitlys for So =o of the Fire Depart—
ment of Kaliqaellll, it hqs boon ann"horized najori,-y cf r(orc �nnn of
the qualified, roaistored electors of said City mititlau '_o vcte on such
sition, to issue ouch lxmdo few the puxDoso aforesaid:
hCh THEAW(RE, be it Resolved : nd. Ordained by the Ci1--,y Ccuncl.l of t"ne
City of WOW!, Eontana:
1. That We City of Kalispell, Mwitana do is sue bon.du, as he ganeral
obligUion of the City of Kalispell, Montan,,-, In -,Iao arioG:.nt of _igohty One Thousand
W no/100 Dollars (Q1,000.00) for the jmryose uf yuxchasinS equInaent, repairs,
facili3jes 07 the use of the fire 2, w of L bcn ana.
2. !Whe bm& or bonds Q be issue c' l'o-rc;under shall bu in the principal
m�orant of 81,0f.;O.00, slall be d2ted Septenber .1 19/,,, sn,,all boar 1,riboroat �_,t
* rate not az:coeding six per centam (61) shall loe joymble through
* period of on (10) fro., _-_ncl, ,ftc-.,,,r dnto of _i,sauc.
2% Such bmd or bonAs so iavued harounder shall be arnitisation bonds
Oil" aerial bonds; preforence shall be amortization bords; if amortization bonds
are issued, thn entire issue y be put inso one (1) tin to bond or divided into
roec;ral boidN a,,�, W pineWpor on, Wicato in his bid and as the City Wuncil
may determine upon at the time of -,hc, oalo; if sovial bonds are iusucd and sold
they will be eigldy (60) in nnuaber, sevcnty—nine of �Ailcli shv-,111 be `Ln the
anount, of One Thousand caid jao/100 dollars eaoh 01,00G.(7, ), Lnd one of Wish
shall be in bho ammint of Two Thcuon-P& vnd 17o/100 dollars 4 2,000.00); the 91nn
of Eir,ht Th,�,ausand and no/100 dollars (08200000) of said serial bonds will be—
conje duo payable on is first da-,y, I J ly 1,-),,o '
�Of 11 '5 ar&1 n, liLe eziount On ;'ne Same
day each yetw thereafter until all of such bonds aia,o the last
instulhuent uill be in thu amount of We Thcumno. c-nd no/10() dcllarn (09,000.00).
TIVa"i-, 'Jilayor an? UP Troasuror (';:k, Go Coy of KojqmU, Hmkm__,
are ha lay authorized and directed to aign said bond or bonas and>ho couy)cna
atbarhsQ thereto and to affix the corporate sonl of Ado City thorcto, nnd thho
said bonds sna-0- be attoaed,, b-', "'lava Clorl,wlietlis-_L, such bords arc issued a*
amortization bomis or aerial bcndo, Drovido(1, honovar, that 10h.agranhic or en —
axed facsimilos c) t_o of 00 war, Asamwer u& city clorli mqr be
affixod to the co1mSo7s in place of their signatures, when ouch fact is so recited
in the bond.
5. Th, t, th.Lis Cs77j1cj1_ meet at the City Hall in Kalispcdl, Montami, on
the 1,1tf da,';- of A.D., 1949, at 8:00 o'clock FJI. of said day Edr Q,
puu.-;nse of receiving, and considering the bidc, on, 'k.-,bo saet_d batds.
6. ThLt, low Cit,,, Clerk of tids Cit; is hereby authorizod Lnd direcLud
to QvB notice uf the sale of the ouid bandu in tho form herainaftir proscribed
and Wat said notice shall be published in Vie Da",ly Inter a of
gonoral circulaticu, jointed =6 p0lished at Kali s .pell, Flathc,,,d
for a period of not less than four (4) succoosiva imcks irmadimely preceding the
date set for the sale of the said bonds; the form of notice of the sala WWI be
as follows:
Notice is horeb, givuu by the City Conacil of he City of Kalispell,
1,.,on-t,.-un,c_ ,,hat tile said Oculcil will, an Uw 15th dry of August, 194',
Et the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. at its Council Gyp, r1ura inthe C. -y
of Kalinpalls Hantamil sell to Was highast and best biddor for cash,
a0her actor timWen or scrful barns of thu said Gitj in So total
an�oim'� of El.:;hty one Thouann! an ncVICO Dollars (081,000.00) for the
puryose of purchasinC equ.J�7Yaent, rop,,,,irs, '.nd (.ac".1it-i.cs
for tho use of the FQo Dopartncnt of Kalisoull.
Amortization bonds will be in first choice and serial bonds will be
the second choice of the Ocuncil.
If annrldzation bonds are sold and issued U,---e entire issuze -LmaU be -
pot into one (1) vinSle bond or divided into several bonds, as the
Council upon at bhe thin of sale, both princilal and
interest to be -aynbla in somi-nnnual instali mcYts during a period
of "O'IL (10) years from tlsi 1ate of lsau-o.
If serial bonds arc wei
r and sold they will be eighty (30) in number,
2eventy-nine NT) of which sWill be in Lho anamuit of Une Thousand and
no/100 dollaro (11,000.00) each, and one of vAich shall be in the mwmt
of Two Thousand and no/100 dollars (I"
2- 000.00); the sum of eight
Thousand and no/100 dollars (08,000,001 cis' said ,3erla1 bon will -(,-
Corte dve ail on the first WY of July 1§50 and a like amount
on 'bhe same my each yeLr Pureafter until all of SUCh bands are j.{id,
excqt th':'t Jast instalknen-'t, be in ulao, ari)jmt of hTine Tholwi-
Ualk end no/100Dollars ( 9,000.00).
The said bonds, •,-hothor aiiortizaticn ,-.,r serial boncls, ,.rill bona date
of septamber 1 Qzq, will bear inturent at a rate not exceeding sA
W ainns per CAI (90 P � �irl, PaYble on the first day of
Jcmimry aW t1m first day of july in each year, and will be redeemable
at U",o option of said City Of Kalioall five (5) ye aria fran she dnte
of is re and on any interoot poryin,,,,, Iato, t0reafter.
Said bonds will be sold for not loss Lhan their par Wme with accrued
interest to lite of delivery and all bidders mist state the loveot
rate of interest at WhIcL thay will.. purclvaze -the bonds at par. The
Council reserves Lim right to reject any and all bid,- ancl, to sell said
bonds at private sale.
2,11 bids othoa.- tl-nua by or on bolialf of the State Bcard of Land Coinjss-
ionero of the State of Mwkas . must be accoin-,panied by a ccrtified check -
in the sum of ]"u-"ig1rity One Huaidred and no/.1(')0 Dollars, ('i8l00.(-)0), payable
to t1m order of tin City Clerk, which will be forfeited by the success-
fu-1 bic1dor in tho event he sho'll fail Or r(--',-Vuso to co.-'�le'tc the purchase
of onid bonds in accordance uith the torus of his bid.
All bids shall be addressed to the Conaacil of the Cit,,- of Kalispell,
Montana, and delivered to the Clark of snid CibY
City clerh
Mayor of the City of Kalispell
7. That at least fifteen (15) days before the resat o fixed for -the sale
Cif ouch bonds, the City Clerk shall send a copy of ouch Dublished notice of sale
of bonds to the Secretary of the State Board of Land of .the; State
of Montana, an(I shall there-o1wm furnish to the auld. -ecro'bary, a tnan,,,cr-,!l)t cf the
proceedings had for &A issuaiwe of such bonds, and ancla other info...',nicbion relatin
thereto as the secretary n;qfind necessary.
Passed 1s,7- the City Cori-icil and approved by the Hayer this 15th day of
April, 19/41S,
D . S . cnmoron
AREA: C. H. Brower
City Cleric
Drev-er, Claim,, of the CHI of KalWall, do hereby certify that the
above resolution ims adopted tll,:Cciumcil of oaj.d at -,. .coins held
-this 156h day, of
fm or Ti P 7 n T 17 177 ol ValisDall. Hontana