Resolution 2130 - Resolution of Intent - SID 28309 4
SECTION 1. That is is the intention of the City Council of the
City of Kalir)oll to 9. Spc�clal. Tmproverient District hereby
deli gnpted as Opecial Improvement District No. 283 and said
Improvement Distract shall_ be for the purpose, of Participating
with the Montana State Commission and the Public Head
Adryd.nistrntion in a pwWram for the installatlan of a concrete
pavement on 14,ain Street exterdln]fort hfroth the South property
line of Railroad Street to the SC)Utll r)Toperty lli,,Ip of Idaho
StreStl n distaneq of a-prox,m,?,e�ly 1200 feet more cr less.
SECTION 2. That the bound,�ry line of said Special Tmprovement
District No. 283 nre as follows: cosmencIng at the intersection of
the alleybetween Mqin Street and First Ave. East north with the
south property line of 1daho Street -,,n KalisPell, thence extending
Southerly the celiter I-tre of �-,,uch alley lr,etwpen Main Street
and first Ave. East Qrtli nr,(3 °+ Soui!,,orly extons'on "wrof across
the Great Northern Rail -ay Coomny rightof way to an intersection
with tLe North 1.,,.)ufidarw line of Railroad Stroet, the center
�,Jne of the Northerly extens'an of the n1ley betnenn Main Street
and First Ave. East a distance of 2161 feet more or jecr, tiince
Resterly along the Nort'll bmindary line of 1-1aiirond Street, a distance
of 390 feet mare or less to an intersection wit, 'Am center line of
the extantion of the nlluy between Unin T,set 11_Jlrst Ave. West
thence} Northerly and along the center line Tt:rs7on of
the alley between Main Street and Plxst Lve. west, "'cross Li e
Grc,,,,,t Northern Rnilroad ri-At of uay nrd n1ong -An center line of
the n1ley between Moil Street and FArst Lve. ',l,'ost Nortl-,, n distance
of 1216 feet, more or less to an intersection A th the 'ouch
property line of Idaho Street; thonc;.., 13.sterly _,long the South
property line of I -aim Strr,et, a distance of 390 feet,,, -lore or
].,,-,.as to tho place of such district nomprising the east
the e t half of Elochs 16 and 25 and Id-iat
Hal& df Blocks 15 and 26 �,i' s �
portion of the Grent Northern Cn-ij)ny riF.I:t -)f ray lying
sout;h ,of the (.1eccrlIned property nnd north of Kilroad StraQ.
SEC'; ION 3. That then gpnerFl charecter of !,.,e im),,-arovoinents to be
made In the pnoposed Spnci: 1 Tsiprovcinents Distr'ct if the laying
of a collor(i-,te ,mVe,,ment inciudlrr, vil work lnci-let,.l t`i£-.,retol
agrPeable to the plans and sp-c1fjc0,.)ns preparOd by the Montana
State Het-_,,hway Department and approved by tI,e Ptibl-c Ronds Admiiistr-atio.n
from the North boundary of Rai lrond Street to tie South propprty-
line of Matto Street.
SECTION 4. That the total a,)proxtm&te <aost of the entire pro�_-ram
Dbovpmeutloned of whieb such Special lmrrovement- Distri-t -'s as part
is $76,000.00 and the approxinrnte shl re or amuunt thereof to be
born by such Special Improvement Dish4ct is fQ19,000.00.
SITTION 5. That the share or amount to r. ea )aid by said 6pec:al
Improvement District in said approxiiante wn'>tuat of $19,000,00
shall be assessed againstoll the property in said District as
above flonting on the bove pror,osed improvement on a
frontage basis in ti-,e ro1,ortion wh ch each foot of front,7-e bears
to the mAire property frontare on s��id i,,,qpnoverle, lit.
SECTION 6. That said ssessment, sh�, 11 1;e paid for in five qual
annual installments herehy extended ever a period 6f five, years.
Said assessment shell constitute a fi,ind to be known as Special-
I,nprovernents District Fund 1,.o. 083,
SECTION 7. Thut said improvements shall be for in Specal
improvements 21strict warrants issued agairst said district in
the sim of ACCQ0Q each bearing interest at J% per annum from the
date of YwTistratlon until called for redeript-lon or paid in flull.
S'^,CTION 6.. That on the 7th day of Dlebruvry, 1949 at the Cound�il
Chambers 'n the City Hall of the City of K,��lispell, -,t ?-.30 oklock
n regular rncetinr, the City Courve!l will hear and pass u1pon
all protesis thnt mny be made P=inct the w2ing of suc,i? Improvericmts
cw the crention of stwh. district.
SECTION 9. Th(City Clerk is hereby :�,uthorized ar,,I dirr-,cted to give
the proper nni-Ice of the paS�in p C)f 4,h-.Ls resoluti-n be pub'lichtion
n-rid mailing 11 required b:,- law, such puhlic-t�'an to 'ce made in
th(,; Kalispell Sir. m4, a -wekly Y,,e,,vFTxapeT ,uvl.Isheo, in tjie CiLy of
Kalic-pell, I-Aontana
Pa,,,s(-,,d and this 11th — djiy of Jvnwary, 3.94-9.
City Clerk
19 C. IT. Brewer, Clerl, of tbo Cj.ty of 1 I]JsTell) do hereby cortify
that the above reso':'L luon Ydlo tis apted b.-v the CmInciof l said City
� at
� meeling held thi —dpy of Februry, 1?49.
City Cler', the City of KalisPall, Hon,