1996/12/30 Resolution 4308 - Airport AuthorityAGENDA ITEM 5 - Airport Authority on July 1, 1996, The Council unanimously passed Resolution 4274 granting all power of an Airport Authority to the Council, adopted the Airport Business Plan, and to continue the Airport Board. {This resolution was to provide a transition to the Airport Authority that is independently operated from the City. The Advisory Board was to continue to operate by exploring policies and options for future operations of the airport, an Airport Business Plan to be submitted to the Council for consideration and implementation. on January 1, 1997 the City Council intent was to create an Airport Authority "independent of the City Council" to begin full operations and to have complete control of airport administration. There appears to me to be some concerns that need to be addressed more thoroughly before the Council makes a transition to operational format of the airport. I will address several items that I question concerning our desire or at least, our timing for this proposed organizational change. 1. As I have discussed in a previous report, as a basic philosophy, I am concerned about transferring total authority that currently is the City Councils, to a board. By making the change to an Airport Authority, the City Council will lose all oversight and/or control of airport operations, maintenance, improvements, or funding. With the Council's loss of authority and oversight, the citizens of Kalispell also lose their oversight. This is lost because the citizens Agenda -December 30, 1996 do have the ultimate "oversight" on the council members -the election. A Council member can be held responsible for their actions at each election. An independent board is completely buffered from politics (probably a good thing) but they are also not accountable to the City Council or to the citizens (even in a remote way). 2. Budgeted impacts of a change to an Airport Authority has not sufficiently been planned for. Although the resolution anticipates a January 1, 1997 implementation for the Authority, the budget does not consider the change. The budget expenditure summary indicates that the 1997/98 budget for maintenance and operation is parallel (equal) in services to the 1996/97 budget. In fact the budget was reduced by a total of $3,125 ($14,685-95/96 $11,559-96/97). There are no funds budgeted for Personal Services and the Contract Services line item is for appraisals and cost of land sales. 3. Transition -Record keeping/Changes; Upon the creation of an Airport Authority (other than the Council) there will be a complete severance of services from the City. That severance will include all bookkeeping. The Authority will be a "component" unit only of the City. This means that the Authority will be responsible for all records and they must provide audited financial statement to us to include within our financial reports. This will require the Authority to be on the fiscal year as the City. The Authority, as a self sufficient independent business will Agenda -December 30, 1996 for City reporting purposes only, be classified as an Enterprise Fund. The Authority's books should be consistent with the State requirement for the their chart of accounts and will have to utilize full accrual basis of accounting to be consistent with our processes, reports, and record keeping. If the Authority uses accounting basis that is not compatible with our system, we should anticipate audit comments on our financial reports illustrating several short comings. All budgeting will need to be completed and adopted by the Airport Authority. All claims, check writing, investments, record keeping, payroll taxes, payroll reports, insurance (liability, workers compensation, FICA), and retirement system record keeping will all need to be in place and continued by the Authority. Any employees of the Airport Authority will not be City employees. A transfer of assets and liabilities will need to be completed. As of December 17, cash on had was $9,556.66 with an outstanding account payable for a paving cost of $633.75. We will make these transfers when the Authority is effective. Without more than one employee, there will be no segregation of duties for persons handling billing, collection, and payables. There will need to be strong oversight by the Authority members for this area. In addition to the oversight, a 2 signature requirement for checks will require Authority members to designate members to co-sign checks. Reconciliation of bank statements should be someone other than Agenda -December 30, 1996 the person(s) making deposits or withdrawals. All services that will be provided by the City will be billed to the Authority. This would include Parks, Public Works, and City Shop operations. 4. 1 have enclosed a time line entitled Airport Advisory Board -July 23, 1996 for your review. I would suggest that the current status of this time line would be at the fourth bullet of the list "Adopt Rules, Regulations, etc.". This entire time line and suggested steps implies, at least to me, that there is a fundamental shortcoming for planning of the transition. Those shortcomings "include", lack of in -place policies, lack of positive steps to begin acquiring land, hangar leases (form has been approved by City Attorney), lack of funding for manager, and the biggest chip of all -the lack of a sale of Haven Field and Daley Field. These land sales fund improvements that are anticipated for the airport (and ballfields). I have enclosed a spreadsheet (December 3, 1996) compiled by council member Donahue along with a December 18, 1996 memo that he wanted submitted to the Council. I have added a spread sheet (December 26, 1996) that outlines some of the differences of a commission versus an authority. I also enclosed a memo from the Airport Advisory Board (December 11, 1996) discussing the need to proceed immediately with the Airport Authority transition. My response to the six points outlined in this memo are: Agenda -December 30, 1996 1. Creation of independent authority on January 1, 1997: Do you really want to give all control to an Authority? If you do It is premature to do so because: 1. There is no budget to support it properly. 2. There is not a transition period for an Authority -it begins immediately. Therefore, it is critical that all policies, plans, improvements, finances, etc. are in place prior to the change. If not, I believe the authority is destined to economic failure or at least a higher frustration level than ever for the "Board" members. 2. A 2.5 year transition plan is not an alternative. Once the Authority is in place it is independent of the City and without financing and/or support from the City. It is a business enterprise within it's own organization. The list of items for consideration submitted by the Advisory Board has valid items to be done or thought out. That is my paint! 1. This can and will be done when the Council determines the actual organization and implementation time. 2. The Advisory Board and the City can do this now without a change in organization. 3. This can not be done at this time. There is no funding in the budget. The next budget begins July 1, 1997. In that budget these costs may be considered for transfer as part of the Commission/Authority change. 4. This can not be done with an Authority. The Agenda -December 30, 196 Authority is independent of the City and if we do these operation items we will be billing them back to the Authority. This again, shows the need for budget considerations. 5. Same as #4 except the insurance will not be with the City budget, it will be through the Authority. 6. If we transfer title, we can not insure as anticipated in Item #5. We also can not transfer all City owned property to the Airport Authority since the Haven Field and Daley Field, specifically, are anticipated revenue streams to pay debt services incurred by the City for improvement at the airport and new ballfields. 7. B-1 will be the initial improvements allowed with land acquisition and planning for future B-2 usage. 8. Transfer of all current airport funds accounts receivable and revenue sources other than the TIF funds can be completed very quickly. With this transfer, as previously pointed out, all of the responsibilities for record keeping etc. go with the transfer. 9. This should not be a problem at anytime. 10. Purchase of hangars is not budgeted for in the regular budget. The transfer to the authority would not be a problem after or when we own the hangar. 11. Authority can not terminate itself. The "founding" entity of the authority would have to assure us that 34SK-Tri everything comes back to the City. However, as pointed out in their letter, this would happen "in the event of insolvency". Would the City be able to afford everything, assets and liabilities coming to the City? This raises the same question about "total authority" with no oversight by the Council. RECOMMENDATION: Without making this report a larger "epistle", I do not recommend transfer of the Airport Authority to the Advisory Board. I recommend that direction be given to staff to: 1. Complete the sale of Haven and Daley fields 2. Consider a transition period from January 1, 1997 to June 30, 1997, that will address problems with a commission or authority especially in terms of budgeting, record keeping, and asset/liability transfers. I also recommend that the Advisory Board continue. They should begin the leases, work on the grants, and continue their dialogue with FAA for the improvements. The Advisory Board can put together all of these items and then bring them back to the Council for your review and approval. FAA wants to know who they are dealing with for the grant. The answer will be, at this time, the City Council as the Airport Authority. This time frame will assure the City that all of the change over, whether it is to a Airport Authority or to a Airport Commission, is completed in an organized fashion and more importantly a fashion that will not "doom" the Authority/Commission to failure from the first day. I understand the frustration level of the Airport Board members. I understand this frustration is a direct result from perceived historical neglect for airport improvements. However, if we are going to make changes in operation, I prefer to not be rushed or not be compelled to change unless we can do them right. This process can effect the future of the airport more than any single decision the airport Commission/Authority will make. The powers, responsibility and finances that we pass to a new agency can make or break our future. ACTION REQUIRED: Direction to the staff and to the Airport Advisory Board is needed. I would encourage you to direct us to your preference: Authority, Commission or status quo. You may lose some members of the Advisory Board who may not agree with your decision. RESOLUTION NO. 4274 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO EXERCISE ALL POWERS GRANTED UNDER THE °AIRPORT AUTHORITIES ACT" (TITLE 67, CHAPTER 11, MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED) FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING, MAINTAINING AND EXPANDING THE KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT, CONTINUING THE AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD, AND ADOPTING THE AIRPORT BUSINESS PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell owns, controls and operates a facility commonly known as the Kalispell City Airport, and WHEREAS, § 67-11-102, MCA authorizes a city council to exercise all powers granted to airport authorities under Title 67, Chapter 11, Montana Code Annotated until such powers are conferred upon a municipal or regional airport authority, and WHEREAS, the City desires to develop the Kalispell City Airport and City property surrounding said Airport in accordance with the Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan, adopted September 19, 1994, and WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain assistance from interested individuals with a knowledge of aeronautics in order to operate, maintain and expand the Kalispell City Airport for the benefit of the City and the flying public. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the City Council hereby determines to exercise all powers which may be granted to airport authorities under Title 67, Chapter 11, Montana Code Annotated until such powers have been conferred to a municipal or regional airport authority. SECTION II. That the City Council hereby continues an Airport Advisory Board consisting of seven (7), who have an interest in and knowledge of aeronautics and municipal airports, appointed as follows: a) Three members who own real property within the City's Master Plan jurisdictional area, and b) Four members who own real property within the City limits of Kalispell. SECTION III. The Airport Advisory Board, continued hereby, shall be a citizen's advisory board to the City Council to aid the City in formulating City policy in matters pertaining to the airport and the adjacent City -owned property. SECTION IV. The primary responsibility of the Board is to review existing and proposed City policies concerning the proposed improvements to the airport, options of maintenance and operation of the airport facility, creation of an airport authority, and options for utilizing surplus airport property in a manner supportive of the airport operation and further report their findings and recommendations to the City Council. SECTION...1. That on or before January 1, 1997, the City Council shall create a municipal airport authority, independent of the City Council, with all the authority granted to municipal airport authorities under Title 67, Chapter 11, Parts 1, 2, and 3 Montana Code Anotated. SECTION V1. That the City Council by this Resolution agrees to review the Airport Business Plan as proposed by the Airport Advisory Board and implement said Plan, subject to amendments made by the Council, commencing on All revenue generated through implementation of the Airport Business Plan shall be utilized for Airport maintenance and operations. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS tS� DAY OF uL I , 1996. �'J U DougfAs D. Rauthe - Mayor Attest: 6ta (2 rR C_ Debbie GiUAWd, CMC Clerk of Council 2 To: Mayor & City Council From: Norb Donahue, Council Member Date: December 18, 1996 Re.: City Airport I believe we are all in agreement that the City airport should be developed and that the development should get going. The disagreement, if any, is in the vehicle to accomplish this. Both the ""Authority"" and a ""Commission"" has been discussed. I have reviewed the state statutes on the two procedures and prepared a comparison on many of the major issues between them and attached a copy hereto for your information. The "Commission" form can do everything the "Authority" can do, basically, without giving up City oversight in some measure. And, once created, the ""Authority"" can go off in its own direction but still has some power to require the City taxpayers to provide some funds for its operation. I don't think the general population of the City will look kindly on such an arrangement. Also, the "Commission" form requires that the members be City residents whereas the "Authority" members can be from anyplace and have no connection to the City except possibly economic. Future Councils could be very frustrated with an "Authority" yet be helpless to do anything about it. Once created, a "Commission" has some degree of independence but the City could retain sufficient control to prevent a runaway body than they could with an "Authority". The "Authority" can issue its own bonds but the "Commission" would have to act through the City to do so. With the City's record in bond financing, I'm sure it would be able to get a better rate of interest than an "Authority" that has no history whatsoever. An "Authority" may not be able to sell bonds at all because of its lack of history and liquid assets and, if it did, the City would have to underwrite them in case of default — this is extremely important! We also have to face the fact that down the line, possibly 15-20 years, the current airport may prove impractical and we (a future Council) would want to discontinue it. Under an "Authority", that would be most difficult to accomplish. Mayor and City Council Page 2 December 18, 1996 It is my feeling that the "Commission" form is the better for the best interests of the City and its citizens. Recruiting a "Commission" should not be too difficult and possibly there should be a couple members of the Council designated as members initially. At any rate, we should get moving on this project right away. O d N 4.'C3 (1) Ul a) -0 O +) N to r•-1 r-i O t; Z a) O aj C. U >Y > z I~ r- O C I U) i •c: f 4 0 m Ul 5 -W I r� t— is t0 a) a) Ilr r-1 U O U "4 Ul CT �j 1 Ul U) O U? M+1 •ti 0 34 •n-+ 3 , ~ O O� U) a) O A'- • i RS 0 � '� �x P �� a) d 04- 0 U as ° 0 Ito () O J04 u a-) _ •.-1 a) MU) N U) ,o N 4-)r♦ U w � •r I Vl a) a .I.) I � i r-I O U) w fo cA � o UI 4 � w U 4J > ,� U � un 1 1� -' O a I U 0 Ix U) ° 04 Ul U � rq �1 � � i�� Ul U) � � •�-1 k � 04 a) U] U) •ri O .I.= U ri m ra a U ° o � - U) P 4JO � 04 W� r1 �d� a) >4 4ra ' RJ ZM i 0 C U F ° N � 4 a) 04 ar a) P (i �4 � d U Cy r-I U a) U 34 rt3 U) > r A k N Q) O OU U) N 4-)O a)U 4J 44 C J' >+ 0)U � 1~ p O a) r +J U) w tH a) •-� En4-3 rl CT 1 O O a) Q1 � < a) N m 4 ta � to a) > +y 1 •r� C3 U) •ri t0 N , 04 t/l d U 4 a p 1~ O a) •-1) a) O O r+ � to +-) Ul O ul al 4J a .-1 a , U > ,-1 a) •rA a) i4 C4 a) r 1 (N a) 10 )-I '0 �4 a) -P P U) 1 0 U %1 U) O ii r-1 �C -N >4 O 4 1~ :� 1~ >1 S4 •r•1 C� O a) M S4 to U C: CJ Ul > w G Ci = W CO r-t -P -i w -1 CQ O i< = Z Ul 4 O to c O •n (0 O 0 (u p >4 ,-q a) I >r 4 r- w (1) 1 r. to I • A O o A r-1 O O .C; (a O a-) dW (1) O r-1 m 1-1 (0 N .}.) r-1 .,I )4 •H 4J r-4 O —4 I O I i-1 r- O I is Ul 4-) 0 RS I 1 r+ O fa 3 -1 0 rts a)O 1 to U O O A N w . ZO a) (L) U U '� O 3 (n M U O H cn i (aH O - r� y,� a S f r wU S4 w U) : a' �s�oa N O w 0a)0 r i U H �., -PU S4 O w ° O _ O04 :1 :j d U O W r-4 j, a-) O U it H 4J U U S4 U f I I~ R4 U) �� O N U) {~ 0 G •"I < < w a) lO 0 U !- UI Ul O U) 10 N 4J N U U (a d � 0 U a° �' �' ti U3 a) r-1 o a)> U 3 +.s ,q 0 N 0, 4J a) to w r 1p a) •4 � ro ra U m is .a U tr a) U) 0 +J p O J= 4J ,-� O r- • -I ul S4 Ul O rz > ri t!l r-4 (0 w (j }..1 M +-) (1) M 'O O )•-I 0 p >Y (13 (L) U A C; S4 )•I (1) 4-3 Ul a) +-) M N r~ ro (a r 41 O H 'a ca Q, 'O r� w za ovM M-P 0 M w v J � roaa° ro �N 0 CT w a) cl• O U Ul r. u) En ul O O )4 r♦ H 04 �4 •ri (L) S`I O A (a E n cl• 41 R3 'd (a U a) ei (a •I-) a) •r•1 5 ul 1-1 Ul to C; i4 w •r.1 (a U) �4 a) •r 1 L7 0 b� 3 3 > to a x I X. 0 z tr Cry 3 0 e,� f 4 N u} a) ,--+ a3 +-)- 3 M 4-) r-1 >Y > :3 04 o N �j 41 O 0 .J A >» o o >+ 1-4 104 1 S4 ••-i i4 X 4-) N 04 —A :I U) N ­4 4-4 U 04 (aO p ri :j p I .4 a 4J R404^0 U4-) O 04-) ro-4 r 3 ro 4 o44 0 O $4n r-i O O ° U 0 ro O O --- U) U) C� 3 0 R1 U) >+ +-) 1~ 0 O ri w O 0 O a0 4-)A •r1 O a) W 1 0 M> sa a) +-) ram»! � r1 U N 3 s .� ° 41 � O ro m ro � ' + 41 � +J ° � -4 s� O � U) .,� O O i O r` O, A° cis a) �A � >4 O'R�Z O.�A -+ �w r. �� O U A b 0 0 l4 w +� O CV - x a) H .—I !� 04 Q U v 3 N Q) "0 ." i •-i v E 4J N > i � : � •r1 04 � � U M -0 � v ro U) En N ro r- � C W� O 4) ri sa ro N 1 a) ti O •,1 U w +� Q) v? 4) >� `o A ri L7 +a -0 U) 44 ro �'b cn o U r� •1-4 O b s4 o •A � .•4r-) � -H 4-) a>1�� >4 ro C: �. m 1-1 4-) U) I v P 0�4 +-) :1 N m >4 0 0 ::j a) 3 cu >4 as E ::% •� o o (1) rl (1) 0 z (1) 1~ >+ A x < >+ — is M U (d a U +) -0 as >H 0 41 >+ r i 44 -4 • » a) x • I 1 0 +-) O O 0 >I 41 E 0 --, a) 0 a) -Hr- — r, A •'•I f 4 �4 4-) --4 O +) N 3 r� — a) Lo U >+ (1) p U U o 0= 0 •O U) - a) O s4 a) 04 w •rA -O 1 4 O -P 0 3 � U) 41 r-' U a) bn O 0 r- O ✓) r-I •ri � (j) N i4 p r, +-) w P z ro ­4 ro- H •r1 -1 (L) ro sa � Cn ro 04 ° N t- � N �' r { 0 +ems ?, a w0 s; W ° ul I >O 0) A ° d) O �roa� 'a) '", 41 (a U 4-)��� ra U) r-IIn o r::4 t(j U) 4-) to a) = a� ro> O 0 >1� � ra a (a U) a) o A 0 s N cq C> . 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VC ol� - 4J �4 � tU i 4 O >i r—I . o 4-)� E r- � r1 ::j U --i lD >4 :j {3 U O fa .-I U w >~ 4-) U •-I fla :j .-I U) H = A tI 3 t t r ri +-) O 4-3 ID4 -I t > (0 O Uri H RS(� U (1) r i 4-) 0= O al ro A •-I O O "4 �I i� U Z 4-) 4-) UI a) = a1 +j 'O �4 r O ,fie (d O •rq 4J 'O +J a) I~ 0 4-1 O • 4 4-J -I -P 4J 4 a) :J J-- O a) O is •H �4 4J4J 0 +J-H4'4 > 4, AJ ::I > 4 .w ,~ o > 4J 4 01 N U Qf P ca O U) = Ul A CO A a r-+ tr+ +-) O >+ (1) +J U) I~4-)+,•H n (1) U f 4 (1) 4-3 > 0 —I 'I O t3 UI O•.-1 0" A 0 > 4j .N O � 54 ' O a) 904 41 O Ra H $-4 U UI C 0a cU'o U) a �• o o cn 0 rI 3 -P a P 04 rn 4-4U 0 4) a) rI 0 �+ +-)a av U?v fa O 4-) >4P+-J >4>4 U)A 104•r-44A 3 0 x 0) cc > 0 ca U Q) -0 4- CL 0 0 c + 3 -0 0 M CL a) 0 E CL (D -0 E C: > -0 A0 Q) m :3 a) .01 a) a) O a) > m r- E (D CL I x C 0 a Qy 0 m E 2 E w 0 0 i5 C;) Co 2 CL C:4� 0 (D 4— >1 ca co 0 0 z 0 E U 3 E ire 0L- 2 0 U) 0 (D C: c cn 0 0 CL x (D C) E w 'D C: CL :3 C: (D M (DC: > cn co a) CL cm _0 0 co c a) cnQ- CD E x w wCL CL < x w cu IIIrMint i , i # . ' _ 0 1. Determination of composition and appointment criteria for Authority members. 2. Provision of matching funds and application for State Aeronautics grant and/or loan to cover cost of eastside fencing by January 31, 1997 deadline. 3. Commitment by City of two-year salary for part-time airport manager at approximately $1,000 per month plus negotiable benefits, based on experience. 4. Continued mowing, snow removal, incidental maintenance, and security, fire and ambulance services as at present by City at no cost to the Authority for 21 years, subject to periodic negotiation. 5. Continued insurance, secretarial, accounting, personnel and legal services as at present by City at no cost to Authority for 21 years, subject to periodic negotiation. 6. Transfer title of all City -owned airport property to the Authority after any necessary initial sales (specifically including ``- Daley Field), and also transfer existing leases within the City Airport boundary. 7. Facilitation by the City of zoning and annexations to implement Airport Neighborhood Plan, and final "Airport Layout Plan" acceptable to FAA, using target of the "B-II/visual" standards. 8. Timely transfer of all current airport funds, accounts receivable, and revenue sources including airport TIF funds to the Authority. Interim budget preparation by the City. 9. Clearing of all encroachments on City airport property at any point, but especially along south and southeast boundary, and simple fencing to be installed by the City. (Possible volunteer assistance.) 10. Purchase (or lease -purchase) of Thomas hangar by City to be accomplished and transferred to Authority. 11. Provision to be made for Authority to terminate itself in a reasonable time in event of insolvency, with return of all assets to the City. (No reference for this found in MCA.) Agenda -January 6, 1997 AGENDA ITEM 8 - AIRPORT AUTHORITY/HAVEN FIELD BACKGROUND/CONSIDERATION: I have enclosed a late memo (3:00 p.m. Friday) from the City Attorney. Upon receiving his answers from Mae Nan Ellingson concerning both the sale of Haven Field and the Airport Authority, I recommend we (re)discuss the options that are. now available. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that the Council authorize the third advertising of -he offering for Haven Field. I also recommend that we reconsider the Airport Authority transition. If we create the Authority, we will not have the capability to finance the airport improvements by TIF funding. I believe we should (re)analyze the original funding plan. The City would complete all projects, through TIF, and upon completion of these improvements, we would then turn the airport over to a Commission/Authority at that time. ACTION REQUIRED: A MOTION to authorize the readvertisement for Haven Field is needed to proceed according to the Bond Attorney's advice. A decision for the airport administrative structure will need to be addressed. icll l � 0i �jl� Incorporated 1892 Telephone (406) 758-7700 FAX (406) 758-7758 Douglas Rauthe Post Office Box 1997 Mayor Kalispell, Montana Zip 59903-1997 Clarence W. Krepps City Manager City Council Members: January 3, 1997 Gary W. Nystul Ward I TO: Clarence Krepps, City Manager Cliff Collins Ward I FROM: Glen Neier, City Attorne Norbert F. Donahue Ward 11 RE: Airport Authority--AirportlAth tic Complex Redevelopment Plan Dale Haarr Ward II At the Council Workshop of December 30, 1996 the Council requested that I make )in, Atkinson inquiries with Mae Nan Ellingson of Dorsey and Whitney, regarding the sale of Haven Ward III Field through negotiations with a private developer. At approximately 12:30 P.M. on Lauren Granmo January 3, I received a call from Mae Nan. Ward III Pamela B. Kennedy I explained to her that the City had advertised the Haven Field for sale on two occasions Ward IV and had not received a responsive bid for the property. I indicated the general parameters M. Duane Larson of the Advertisement, indicating the City had required earnest money and a minimum Ward IV bid of $4.48 per square foot. In her opinion, the City should again advertise the property for sale, without setting minimums and without requiring earnest money from prospective developers. She could not recommend proceeding with private negotiations, when other competing interests may have had proposals which were not acceptable under the minimums, but might be viable under a "wide open" offering. We also discussed a concern that has been expressed as to whether or not the City could, after creating an Airport Authority, contribute tax increment revenues for improvements to the airport. In Mae Nan's opinion, once an Authority is created, the property belongs to the Authority, and that the City could not legally transfer funds to the Authority for improvements to the Airport. RESOLUTION NO. _ A3_0$_ A RESOLUTION CREATING AN AIRPORT AUTHORITY TO EXERCISE ALL POWERS GRANTED UNDER THE "AIRPORT AUTHORITIES ACT" (TITLE 67, CHAPTER 11, MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED) UPON APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICATION OF THE FIRST COMMISSIONERS THEREOF, FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING, MAINTAINING AND EXPANDING THE KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 4274, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell owns, controls and operates a facility known as the Kalispell City Airport, and WHEREAS, § 67-11-102, MCA authorizes a City Council to create an Airport Authority to exercise all powers granted under Title 67, Chapter 11, Montana Code Annotated, and WHEREAS, the City desires to develop the Kalispell City Airport and City property surrounding said Airport in accordance with the Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan, adopted September 19, 1994, and WHEREAS, the City, in order to achieve it goals, considers it t necessary to create an Airport Authority pursuant to �- Montana law for the purpose of operating, maintaining and expanding the Kalispell City Airport for the benefit of the City and the flying public. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA AS FOLLOWS: SEC N--I. That the City Council hereby creates the Kalispell City Airport Authority to exercise all powers which may be granted to airport authorities under Title 67, Chapter 11, Montana Code Annotated for the purpose of operating, maintaining and expanding the Kalispell City Airport. SECTION II. That on or before the effective date of this Ordinance the City Council shall appoint a seven (7) member Kalispell City Airport Authority Board in accordance with § 67-11- is\wp\airauth.wpd 103, MCA, whose members shall be qualified for office on July 1, 1997. SECT-19WLIil That the Airport Advisory Board, created by Resolution No. 4274, is hereby continued until the appointment and qualification of the Kalispell City Airport Authority with•the same duties and responsibilities as set forth in Resolution No. 4274. SEION Iy. That this Resolution shall take effect on July 1, 1997. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 6TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1997. DOUGLAS D. RAUTHE - MAYOR Attest: Debbie Gifford, CMC Clerk of Council is\wp\airauth.wpd