1996/05/02 Ordinance 1242 - Creating an Urban Renewal Plan/Airport-Ballfield Complex - 2nd ReadingORDINANCE NO. 1242
WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Montana Urban Renewal Law,
the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, did
adopt Resolution No. 4256 finding that 1) blighting
conditions exist within the area of the Kalispell City
Airport Neighborhood Plan, and 2) that rehabilitation,
redevelopment or a combination thereof, within the area
is necessary in the interest of public health, safety and
morals or welfare of the residents of the City of
Kalispell, and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell acting in its
capacity as the Urban Renewal Agency has directed that an
urban renewal plan for the blighted areas be developed in
accordance with the Montana Urban Renewal Law; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana
(herein Agency) has caused to be made detailed studies of
the land uses, ownership, building conditions,
demographics, transportation and safety within the
Neighborhood Plan area and determined that said factors
contribute to blighted conditions under S 7-15-4206, MCA,
and are detrimental and a menace to the safety, health
and welfare of the inhabitants and users of the area, and
WHEREAS, the Agency has been fully apprised and is aware of the
factors and conditions, and
WHEREAS, there has been prepared an Urban Renewal Plan for the
project, known as the Kalispell City Airport/Athletic
Complex Redevelopment Plan Analysis (hereinafter
Analysis) which has been reviewed by the Airport Advisory
Board, an official advisory group; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Title 7, Chapter 15, Part 42, Montana
Code Annotated, the City/County Planning Board is the
duly designated and acting official planning body for the
City and has submitted to the Agency its input and
recommendations with respect to the Analysis and has
certified that the Analysis conforms to the general plan
for the locality and the Agency has duly considered the
input, recommendations and certification of the Planning
Board, and
WHEREAS, the Analysis has been referred to the Agency for review
and approval. The Analysis consists of textual matter
inclusive of supporting material and maps and is attached
hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part
hereof, and
WHEREAS, the Analysis for the project area requires, among other
a. minimizing hazards to navigation,
b. developing the airport in accordance with an
airport layout plan,
C. increasing development opportunities on nearby
d. promoting compatible land use in and around
the airport,
e. establishing a funding mechanism for airport
properties, and
f. establishing a priority schedule for plan
WHEREAS, the Agency is aware that a market exists in the area for
commercial development consistent with the Analysis, and
WHEREAS, the City will comply with Federal and State laws
governing the relocation of person(s) displaced as result
of implementation of the Analysis, and
WHEREAS, the members of the Agency have general knowledge of the
conditions prevailing in the project area and the
availability of property for the relocation of families,
businesses and recreational property that may be
displaced by implementation of the Analysis, and have
determined that a relocation program is both workable and
feasible for the needs of the project area, and
WHEREAS, the Agency is cognizant of the conditions that are
endorsed in the undertaking and carrying out of the
Analysis including those prohibiting discrimination under
the Montana Human Rights Act, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the S 7-15-4215, MCA, the Agency did
hold a Public Hearing on June 17, 1996 after due and
proper notice, both by mail and publication, of same.
SECTION I. That the Kalispell City Airport/Athletic
Complex Redevelopment Plan Analysis for the
City of Kalispell, Montana contained in
Exhibit "A" hereof, having been duly reviewed
and considered, is hereby approved and the
City Clerk of Council is hereby directed to
file said copy of the Analysis with the
minutes of this meeting and in the Ordinance
Book. Said ordinance is to be posted as
required by law and copies made available to
the public upon request.
SECTION II. That it is hereby found and determined that
the project area of said Analysis is blighted
and qualifies as an eligible project under the
Montana Urban Renewal Law.
SECTION III. That it is hereby found and determined that
the objectives of the Analysis cannot be
achieved except through more extensive
rehabilitation of the project area.
SECTION IV. That it is hereby found and determined that
the Analysis for the project area conforms to
the Kalispell City -County Master Plan or parts
thereof adopted for the City of Kalispell
planning area.
SECTION V. That it is hereby found and determined that a
sound and adequate financial program exists in
the Analysis for financing the projects
contained therein.
SECTION VI. That the redevelopment of the Analysis area is
necessary for the proper development of the
SECTION VII. That it is hereby found and determined that
the Analysis for the area will afford maximum
opportunities consistent with the sound needs
of the locality as a whole for the renewal of
the area by private enterprise.
SECTION VIII. That it is hereby found and determined that
the Analysis for the area gives due
consideration to the providing for adequate
park and recreational areas and facilities as
may be desirable for the neighborhood
improvement with special consideration for the
health, safety and welfare of children using
facilities within the vicinity of the Analysis
SECTION IX. That a workable and feasible plan exists
therein for making available adequate housing
for person(s) who may be displaced by the
SECTION X. That in order to implement and facilitate the
effectuation of the Analysis, hereby approved,
it is found and determined that certain
official actions must be taken by the Agency
with reference among other things to
minimizing hazards to navigation, developing
the airport in accordance with an airport
layout plan, increasing private development on
nearby properties, promoting compatible land
uses in and around the airport, establishing
funding mechanisms for airport operations, and
establishing a priority schedule for plan
a) Pledging its cooperation in carrying out
the Analysis;
b) Directing the various officials,
departments, boards and agencies of the
locality having administrative
responsibility in the premises likewise
` to cooperate to such end and to exercise
the respective functions and powers in a
manner consistent with the Analysis; and
c) Standing ready to consider and take
appropriate action upon acceptable
proposals and measures designated to
effectuate the Analysis.
SECTION XI. The City Council of the City of Kalispell,
Montana does authorize the Manager to
implement the Analysis with the powers set
forth in Title 7, Chapter 15, Parts 42 & 43,
MCA, and to seek financial assistance as it
may become available from the Federal or State
Government or such other sources as may be
determined appropriate by the City Council.
SECTION XII. This Ordinance will take effect from and after
30 days of its passage by the City Council.
Debbie Gifford, CMC
City Clerk of Council
Douglas D. Rauthe - Mayor
Flathead Regional Development Office
723 5th Avenue East - Room 414
Kalispell, Montana 59901
Phone: (406) 758-5980
Fax: (406) 758-5781
May 22, 1996
Al Thelen, Interim City Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Drawer 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
Re: Planning Board Consideration of the Airport Urban Renewal Plan
Tax Increment Finance District and Improvement Bonding
Dear Al:
The Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission held their regular meeting
of May 14, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in Kalispell City Council Chambers to consider the Kalispell
Airport Urban Renewal Plan in accordance with, Section 7-15-4213(1) M.C.A. states that "Prior
to the approval of an urban renewal project, the local governing body shall submit the urban
renewal project to the planning commission of the municipality for review and recommendations
as to its conformity with the comprehensive plan or parts thereof for the development of the
municipality as a whole."
A staff report was presented by Narda Wilson of the Flathead Regional Development Office
describing the Airport Plan boundaries, the Tax Increment Finance District boundaries and how
the financing mechanisms facilitate the anticipated improvements.
Larry Gallagher with the Department of Community Department elaborated on the goals of the
plan and the financing methods. Gib Bissell, chairman of the Airport Advisory Board, also
spoke in favor the Plan stating that the upgrades to the airport would serve many diverse
The Board discussed the Airport Urban Renewal and agreed that it is a valuable project for the
City as well as the community. They noted that the Airport Urban Renewal Plan will implement
the goals of the Kalispell Airport Neighborhood Plan, improve infrastructure and investment
opportunities in the area as well as increase the tax base.
The Planning Board recommends that the City Council move ahead with the creation of the tax
increment finance district and the implementation of the Airport Urban Renewal Plan. This
matter has been scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting of the City Council on June
17, 1996.
Providing Community Planning Assistance To:
• Flathead County • City of Columbia Falls • City of Kalispell • City of Whitefish •
Al Thelen, Interim City Manager
Airport Urban Renewal Plan
Page 2
Please contact this Board or Narda Wilson at the Flathead Regional Development Office if you
have any questions.
Respectfully submitted,
Therese Fox Hash
Attachments: FRDO Report #KRD-96-01 and packet
Draft minutes from the 5/14/96 Planning Board meeting
H: \...\ 1996\KRD96-1 . TRM
A report to the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and the Kalispell City Council regarding
the Kalispell Airport Urban Renewal Plan. A meeting on this matter has been scheduled before
the Kalispell City -County Planning Board for May 14, 1996 and a public hearing has been
scheduled before the City Council for June 17, 1996.
In 1994, the Kalispell City Council and the Flathead County Board of Commissioners adopted
the Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan as an amendment to the Kalispell City County
Master Plan. This Plan outlines improvements for the Kalispell Airport and recommendations
for implementation. Elements of the Plan include relocating the existing ballfields and
redevelopment of the site for commercial / industrial uses; upgrading the airport to FAA
standards; improving the existing infrastructure; and creating opportunities for private
The City of Kalispell hopes to accomplish these goals, in part, by creating a tax increment
finance district so that bonds may be issued to finance the necessary improvements.
The City of Kalispell Department of Planning, Economic and Community Development has
prepared a document titled the "Kalispell City Airport / Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan
Analysis." This document is approximately 40 pages in length and provides a detailed
documentation of the properties included within the neighborhood plan, identifying publicly
owned property, leasehold interests and privately owned properties. It also provides a detailed
analysis of relocation costs for the recreational facilities and associated costs and discusses the
financing alternatives for the redevelopment of the area and airport improvements.
The report concludes by stating that the goals of the Airport Urban Renewal Plan are to
eliminate blight in the area, upgrade the existing facilities and provide profitable, private
investment opportunities. This is recommended to be accomplished through the sale of surplus
land or through a tax increment financed urban renewal project; or through a combination of
The Airport Neighborhood Plan boundaries are shown the map included with this staff report
as Attachment A which indicates that it is bordered on the north by 18th Street East, south along
Airport Road to the soccer fields and then turns east and jogs south for a quarter mile, jogs east
for a quarter mile, jogs south approximately a third of a mile to Cemetery Road, runs east for
a quarter mile and then jogs north for approximately one third of a mile to Highway 93 South.
The Plan's western boundary follows US Highway 93 South back to 18th Street East. The Plan
area contains approximately 122 acres of private property and approximately 135 acres of City -
owned property.
The Tax Increment Finance (T.I.F.) District boundarie vary from the Neighborhood Plan
boundaries in that they extend beyond the Plan boundaries to the west and follow Ashley Creek.
Additionally the T.I.F. District boundaries follow the city limits along the south and include the
Haven Ballfields along the east. The T.I.F. District boundaries follow the city limits because
of certain bond issuance limitations and restrictions for areas outside the city limits. The area
included within the Plan boundaries, but outside the T.I.F. District may be considered for
annexation into the future and subsequent inclusion into the T.I.F. District.
The area within the Tax Increment Finance District would be eligible for low interest loans for
urban renewal, rehabilitation and construction of new building, thereby increasing the City's tax
base. The increased revenue will be used to pay off the bonding obligations within a relatively
short period of time, and will ultimately generate more tax revenue for the City. A more
detailed explanation and analysis of the financing options, enabling state statues and long term
benefits can be found in the "Kalispell Airport / Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan
Parts 42 and 43 of the Montana Code Annotated are cited as the "Urban Renewal Law." Part
42 provides a statement of policy in blighted areas, the need for redevelopment and rehabilitation
of blighted areas as well as the preparation of an urban renewal plan. Section 7-15-4213 through
Section 7-15-4215 outlines the responsibilities of the Planning Commission and hearing
requirements on the urban renewal plan. Part 43 provides for the authorization to issue urban
renewal bonds, infrastructure development bonds, obligations for the repayment of bonds and
other financing elements.
With regard the Planning Commission, Section 7-15-4213(1) states that "Prior to the approval
of an urban renewal project, the local governing body shall submit the urban renewal project to
the planning commission of the municipality for review and recommendations as to its
conformity with the comprehensive plan or parts thereof for the development of the municipality
as a whole."
Further, Section 7-15-4213(2) states, "The planning commission shall submit its written
recommendations with respect to the proposed urban renewal plan to the local governing body
within 60 after receipt of it."
Subsequent to the recommendation of the Planning Commission the City Council will hold a
public hearing. This public hearing has been scheduled for June 17, 1996. All of the property
owners within the proposed Tax Increment Finance District will be notified by mail. This notice
will include the date and time of hearing, area proposed for the urban renewal and a general
Staff would recommend the Planning Board provide the City Council with a recommendation
for approval of the proposed Kalispell Airport Urban Renewal Plan as presented for the
following reasons:
1. The Airport Urban Renewal Plan will implement the goals of the Kalispell Airport
Neighborhood Plan, an addendum the Kalispell City -County Master Plan.
2. The Airport Urban Renewal PIan will eliminate existing blight conditions; provide
rehabilitation, redevelopment and development opportunities.
3. The Airport Urban Renewal Plan will improve the existing infrastructure and airport
4. The Airport Urban Renewal Plan will provide for profitable, private investment
5. The Airport Urban Renewal Plan will provide the opportunity to improve the existing
recreational facilities which may be relocated to the State Lands property on Highway
93 North and Four Mile Drive.
6. The Airport Urban Renewal Plan will benefit the community and municipality by
increasing the tax base for the City of Kalispell.
Staff would further recommend that the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning
Commission formulate a recommendation to be presented to the City Council prior to the public
hearing scheduled for June 17, 1996.
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