Resolution 2129 - Transfers FundsRESOLUTION NO. 2129 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERTNG CERTAIN FUNDS IN THE CITY TREASURY BE IT RESOLVED BY TRE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF K&LISPELL*. IJONTP,N,A THE TITAT FOLLOWING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS BE MADE: - I SECTDN 1. From S.I.D. No. 151 to the S.I.D. Revolving Fund the sum of $15-37. From S.T.D. No. 57 to the S.I.D. Revolving Fund the sum of $59.25. The reason for these transfers is th,%t there are no records of any outstanding warrants in either of these districts. SECTION 2. From S.I.D. No. 106 to S.I.D. No. 206 the sum of $144.44. 'The reason for this transfer is that there are no records of nny outstnding, warrrnts iri S.T.D. No. 106. S.T.D. No. 206 has outstanding, warrants in the amount of $200.00 and there is a possibility of an error in credd.t-inr this amount to the proper 1-,and. SECTION 3. From S.I.D. Vice. 229 to the S.T.D. Revolving Fund the sum of $141.28. There 's one outstanding warrant in the amount of $200.00 in this fund )rd the hold-r of this warrant has inforried us that this, warr,,.nt was 0,�—,troyed several years ago ns -orthless; therefore this transfer is necessary to close inactive accoiant. Passed and approved this 6th day of December, 1948. D. S. Cameron Mayor C. 11. Brewer City Clerk 1, C. H. C'Iler"� of the City of K81i's�)e1a7 do hereby eetify thrt the abover-,olu.tlon tis<s p(�non�l �)the CoCoucj- asaid City at a one 1,�iy of Deceber, 1.94 m8. ji.g field thi Li—*— 3 '--i� of �Kali�sjlellj�Na 777 71777 of t��e C