Ordinance 0885 - Zoning Regulations• ae ORDINANCE NO. 885 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR COMPREHENSIVE AMENDMENTS TO KALISPELL ZONING ORDINANCE, BY PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED THEREIN, BY PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AND CLASSIFYING REGULAR AND SPECIAL USE DISTRICTS; BY PROVIDING GENERAL REQUIRE- MENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING AREAS, LAND USE INTENSITY, SIGNS, GREENBELTS AND FLOOD HAZARD AREAS; BY PROVIDING FOR AN "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP" TO REFLECT THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING DISTRICTS OF THE CITY; BY PROVIDING FOR A ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AND THE FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF A BOARD OF ADJUST- MENT AND ITS DETERMINATION OF CONDITIONAL USES; BY PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT PROCEDURES AND CHANGES OF ZONING TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PUD); BY PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIO- LATION; AND BY PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE AND APPLICATION TO AREAS PRESENTLY WITHIN THE CITY; REPEALING CHAPTER 19A OF THE KALISPELL CITY CODE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA AS .FOLLOWS: Section I. The City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance as pre- sently in force is hereby amended. The existing Kalispell Zoning Ordinance is repealed in its entirety except as provided in Chapter 6, Section 6.17 of this amending Ordinance. Also, Chapter 19-A of the Kalispell City Code is repealed in its entirety inasmuch as same is incorporated herein in Chapter 4. Section II. This amending Ordinance is as follows: CHAPTER 1 TITLE AND PURPOSE Section 1.01. This ordinance and maps adopted pursuant hereto shall be known as, and be cited and referred to as the "City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance" in accordance with and exercising the authority of the Laws of the State of Montana, Title 11, Chapter 27, R.C.M., 1947, as amended. Section 1.02. The purpose of this ordinance is to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the community; to conserve natural resources; to provide adequate accommodations for trans- portation of people and goods; to provide adequate light and air; to facilitate the provisions for public works requirements s-uch as water, sewer, and -environmental needs; to promote orderly development according to the Comprehensive Plan adopted by the City of Kalispell; to regulate and restrict the height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures, the percen- tage of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards and other open spaces, and the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry, residences, and/or other purposes. 1-1 ,;0 CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS Section 2.01. For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms or words used herein are defined as follows: All words used in the present tense include the future tense; all words in the plural number include the singular number and all words in the singular number include the plural number, unless the natural construction of the word- ing indicates otherwise. The word "lot" includes the word "plot" or "parcel"; the word "building" includes the word "structure"; the word "shall" is mandatory and not discre- tionary. The words "used" or "occupied" shall include within their meaning "intended", "arranged", or "designed" to be used or occupied. The word "person" shall include a "corporation", "partnership" or other entity. Unless other- wise specified, all distances shall be measured horizon- tally. The word "City" means City of Kalispell, State of Montana. The term "council" or "city council" means the city council of the City of Kalispell, State of Montana. The term "Zoning Commission" means the city appointed members of. the Kalispell City -County Planning Board duly appointed to serve in that capacity. Abandonment. The actual cessation of a "non -conforming use" coupled with the intent not to put the premises again to the same use. Proof of said intent not to abandon must be clearly infer- able from existing facts. Accessory Building or Use. A use, a building or structure, part obuilding or structure, which is subordinate to, and the use of which is incidental to that of the main building, structure, or use on the same lot. If an accessory building is attached to the main building or structure by a common wall or roof such acces- sory building shall be considered a part of the main building. Agriculture. The use of land for agricultural purposes, includes farming, dairying, pasturage, grazing land, animal and poultry husbandry, feed lots and includes the necessary accessory uses for packing, treating, storing or shipping of products. Raising and harvesting of timber is also included. Airport, Heliport, or Aircraft Landing Field. Any runway, landing area or other facility whether publicly or privately owned and operated, and which is designed or used either by public carriers or by private aircraft for landing and taking off of aircraft, including all necessary taxiways, aircraft storage and tie -down areas, hangers and other necessary buildings and open spaces. Alley. A passage or way, open to public travel, and dedicated to public use, affording a secondary means of vehicular access to abutting lots and not intended for general traffic circulations. 2-1 Alterations. A change or rearrangement of the structural parts ' of existing facilities, or an enlargement by extending the sides or increasing the height or depth, or the moving from one loca- tion to another. Apartment. A room or a suite of two (2) or more rooms in a multiple -family dwelling or in any other building, not a single family dwelling or a two-family dwelling, occupied or suitable for occupancy as a dwelling unit for one (1) family. Apartment House. A building or portion of a building arranged or designed to be occupied by three (3) or more families living separately from each other and containing three (3) or more apartments. Automobile,.Boat and/or Trailer Sales Area. An open area, other than a street, used for the display, sale or rental of new or used automobiles, boats, or trailers, and where no repair work is done except minor incidental repair excluding body and fender work or spray painting of automobiles, boats, or trailers to be displayed, sold, or rented on the premises. Automobile Service Station. (See Service Station). Automobile wrecking. The dismantling or wrecking of motor vehi- cles or trailers, or the storeage, sale, or dumping of dismantled or partially dismantled, obsolete, or wrecked vehicles or their parts. Automobile Wrecking Yard. Any premises devoted to automobile wrecking as the term automobile wrecking is defined hefein. Basement. That portion of a building partly underground and having at least one-half of its height more than five feet below the adjoining finished grade. Beneficial,Open Space. "Beneficial open space" means open space performing a necessary or desirable function in relation to the adjoining residential use. Beneficial open space may include among other similar areas rivers, lakes, public parks, and grounds around public buildings. Board of.Adjustment. A quasi-judicial body, created under Section 6.0— 5 o this ordinance. Boarding House. A dwelling in which more than three (3) persons either individually or as families are housed or lodged for hire with or without meals. Buildable Area. "Buildable area" is that portion of a lot, upon ' which a building may lawfully be constructed. 2-2 492 Building. Any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls for the housing or enclosure of persons, animals or chat- tels. When any portion thereof is completely separated from every other portion thereof by a division wall without openings then each such portion shall be deemed to be a separate building. Building Area. "Building area" is total area covered by enclosed building space including total area of all covered open space, except for open space covered by eaves and normal overhang of roofs, but not including uncovered entrance platforms, uncovered terraces, or uncovered steps where such features do not them- selves constitute enclosures for building areas below them. Building Height. The height of a building is the vertical dis- tance from the established grade to the highest point on the roof or parapet wall. Building Line. The line of that face, corner, roof or part of a building nearest the property line. Building Pegrmit. An official document or certificate issued by the buildinofficial authorizing the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, movement, improvement, removal, conversion or demolition of any structure within the planning area Business or Commerce. The purchase, sale, offering for sale, or other transaction involving the handling or disposition of any article, service, substance or commodity for livelihood or profit; or the management or occupancy of the office buildings, offices, recreation -or amusement enterprises; or the maintenance and use of buildings, offices, structures or premises by professions and trades or persons rendering services. Campground. Any area or tract of land used or designed to accom- modate two (2) or more camping parties, including cabins, tents, camping trailers or other camping outfits. Carport. A structure to house or protect motor vehicles which has at least 50 percent of the total area of its sides open to. the weather. Child Care Center. Any establishment which provides shelter, care, activity and supervision (with or without academic instruc- tion) for five or more children (between birth and six years of age) between the hours of 7:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Church. A building, together with its accessory buildings and uses, where persons regularly assemble for religious worship, and which building, together with its accessory buildings and uses, is maintained and controlled by a religious body organized to sustain public worship. 2-3 M Clinic'. A building designed and used for the medical or similar examination, and treatment of persons as outpatients. Club. An incorporated or unincorporated association of persons organized for social, fraternal, religious, athletic, educational, literary or charitable purposes whose activities are confined to the members and their guests and are not extended to the general public. Property occupied by a club shall be subject to the regulations governing public buildings and places. Cluster. A pattern of residential development wherein units are grouped together around access courts with the remainder of the yard left in its natural condition. Commercial or Business Use. (See Business or Commerce). Commercial Vehicle. A motor vehicle used for purposes other than a family car, such as a taxi, delivery or service vehicle. Conditional Use. "Conditional use" means a use permitted in one or more zones as defined by this ordinance but which, because of characteristics peculiar to such use, or because of the size, technological processes or equipment, or because of the exact location with reference to surroundings, streets, and existing improvements or demands upon public facilities, requires a special degree of control to make such uses consistent with and compatible to other existing or permissible uses in the same zone or zones. Conditional Use Permit. "Conditional Use Permit" means the documental evidence of authority granted by the Board of Adjust- ment to locate a Conditional Use at a particular location. Condominium. ownership in common with others of a parcel of land and certain parts of a building, together with individual owner- ship in fee of a particular unit or apartment in such building. Court. An open, unoccupied space other than a yard, on the same lot —with a building or buildings and which is bounded on two or more sides by such building or buildings including the open space in a house, court, or apartment, providing access to the units thereof. Covered Moorage Building Area. Shall be deemed to be the area of water lying directly beneath that portion of a structure covered by a roof. Dairy. Any premises where three (3).or more cows, three (3) or more goats, or any combination thereof are kept, milked, or maintained. ' Day Care Center. A use carried on providing care and supervision of more than four (4) children not related by blood or marriage to, or not the legal wards or foster children of the attendant adult. 2-4 `C OW OW Detached Detached Building. A building surrounded on all sides by open space. Developer. "Developer" shall mean an owner or any person with authorization from the owner, who intends to improve or to con- struct improvements upon his property. District. An area defined as to boundaries and location on an official zoning map and within which area only certain types of land uses are permitted and within which other types of land uses are excluded, as set forth in this ordinance. Dock. A basin for moorage of boats, including a basin formed between the extension of two piers or the area between a bank or quay and a pier. Docking facilities may include moorage or docks or any place or structure connected with the shore or upon shore - lands provided for the securing of a boat. Drive -In Restaurant. A use whose retail character is dependent on a driveway approach and parking space on the premises for motor vehicles so as to either serve customers while in the vehicle or else permit consumption of food or beverages obtained on the premises, in a vehicle. Dwelling. A building used for human residential purposes. Dwelling, Multi -Family. A building designed to house three or more families living independently of each other in separate dwelling units but having one yard in common. Dwelling, Single -Family. A detached building designed for and occupied exclusively by one family and the household employees of that family. Dwelling, Two -Family. A detached or semi-detached building used for residential occupancy by two families living independently of each other. Dwelling Unit. one or more rooms designed for or occupied by one (1) family for living or sleeping purposes and containing kitchen and bathroom facilities for use solely by one family. All rooms comprising a dwelling unit shall have access through an interior door to other parts of the dwelling unit. Electrical Distribution Substation. An assembly of equipment designed to receive energy from a high voltage distribution supply system, to convert it to a form suitable for local dis- tribution and to distribute the energy to feeders through switch- ing equipment designed to protect the .service from the effects of faults. Eligible Covered Open Space. "Eligible covered open space" is exterior space open on its sides but not open above to weather, 2-5 in including (if otherwise meeting this definition) roofed carports,. ' roofed porches, lanais, and exterior spaces covered by portions of buildings supported on columns or canti-levered, subject to the limitation that the maximum horizontal area of any covered open space shall not exceed twice the sum of the vertical area of sides or portions thereof which are open and unobstructed. Essential Use. That use for the preservation or promotion of which the use district was created, and to which all other per- mitted uses are subordinate. Established Grade. The high point of the sidewalk at the front or side lot line as established by the City. Existing Use. The actual lawful use of the premises at the time this ordinance was adopted or at the time a building permit has been issued provided work has been actually done thereon or a valid contract made for such work within the intent of the permit and before the amendment of this ordinance, insofar as it:affects the use allowed under the permit. Extractive Industries. "Extractive industries" are commercial or industrial operations involving the removal and processing of natural accumulations of sand, rock, soil, gravel or any mineral. Family. One or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption_, or a group of not more than four (4) persons excluding servants, not related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit. Fence. A masonry wall or a barrier composed of posts connected by boards; rails, panels, or wire for the purpose of enclosing space or separating parcels of land. The term "fence" does not include retaining walls. Flood. The water of any watercourse or drainway which is above the bank or outside the channel and banks of such watercourse or drainway. Flood 100 Year Frequency. A flood magnitude expected to recur on the average of one every one hundred (100) years, or a flood magnitude which has a one percent (1%) chance of occurring in any given year. Flood Fringe. That portion of a designated flood plain outside the limits of a designated floodway. Flood Plain. The area adjoining the watercourse or drainway which h would be covered by the flood water of a flood of one hundred (100) year frequency. 2-6 fM W OW Floodway. The channel of a watercourse or drainway and those portions of the flood plain adjoining the channel which are reasonably required to carry and discharge the flood water of any watercourse or drainway. Floor Area. The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the floors of a building or buildings, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls and from the centerline of divison walls. Floor area shall include: Basement space where the ceiling is at least 30 inches above the ground elevation of adjacent portion of the lot, elevator shafts and stairwells at each floor, mechanical equipment rooms or attic spaces with head room of 7'6" or more, penthouse floors, interior balconies and mezzanines, enclosed porches. Floor area shall not include: Accessory water tanks and cooling.towers, mechanical equipment or attic spaces with head room of less than 7'6", exterior steps or stairs, terraces, breezeways and open spaces. Floor Area Ratio. "Floor area ratio" means the ratio of floor area to land area expressed as a percent or decimal which shall be determined by dividing the total floor area on a zoning lot by the lot area of that zoning lot. Foster Home. A facility wherein (a) the operator is not legally related to the individuals supervised and is licensed by the State and wherein (b) not more than eight (8) individuals reside and are provided with room, board, ordinary care, and supervision. Except that more than eight (8) individuals may reside in a home where such individuals are all related to one another as brothers and./or sisters. The term "foster home" shall include, without limitation by reason of enumeration, receiving homes and free homes. Fraternity, Sorority, or Student Cooperative. A building occupied by and maintained exclusively for students affiliated with an academic or professional college or university, or other recog- nized institution of higher learning and regulated by such institution. Garage, Commercial. A building or portion thereof designed and used for the storage, repair or servicing of motor vehicles or boats as a business. Garage, Private. An accessory building or an accessory portion of the main building, enclosed on not less than three (3) sides and designed or used only for the shelter or storage of vehicles owned or operated only by the occupants of the main building or buildings. Greenbelt. A strip of land, variable in width, for the planting, growing and maintaining of a sight -obscuring screen of healthy native trees or cultivated landscaping to attain an ultimate height of not less than eight feet.. 2-7 Ground Elevation. "Ground elevation" shall mean the finished grade of a sidewalk adjacent to any front yard property line or ' the adjacent street right-of-way line if no sidewalk exists. On side and rear property line, "ground elevation" shall be the natural grade of said side or rear property line. Group home. A facility wherein (a) the operator is not legally related to the individuals supervised and is licensed by the State and wherein (b) one (1) or more individuals is provided with room, board, specialized and distinctive care and supervi- sion in a family environment, or where five (5) or more indivi- duals reside and are provided with room, board, ordinary care and supervision in a family environment. The term "group home" shall include, without limitation by reason of enumeration, receiving homes, and work or wage homes. Guest.House. A detached structure, being an accessory to one - family dwelling with not more than two bedrooms, having no kitchen facilities, and which shall be used and/or designed for use primarily by guest and/or servants for sleeping quarters only. Home Occupation. Any use conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by the members of the family, which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the character thereof and in connection therewith are no commodities sold upon the premises except that which is produced thereon; provided, that the use does not involve more than one-fourth of the total square footage of the dwelling. The conducting of a hospital, barber shop, beauty shop, tea room, tourist home, animal hospital, or any traffic generating use, shall not be deemed to be a home occupation. Hospital. An establishment which provides accommodations, facil- ities, and services over a continuous period of 24 hours or more, for observation, diagnosis and care of two or more individuals, not related by blood or marriage to the operator, who are suffer- ing from illness, injury, deformity or abnormality, or from any condition requiring obstetrical, medical or surgical services. Hospital, Animal. A building or premises for the medical or surgical treatment of animals or pets, including dog, cat and veterinary hospitals, including the boarding of hospitalized animals, but excluding the boarding of animals not subjected to medical or surgical treatment. Hotel. A building containing 5 or more individual sleeping rooms or suites, having each a private bathroom attached thereto, for the purpose of providing overnight lodging facilities to the general public for compensation with or without meals, excluding accommodations for employees. Where a hotel is permitted as a principal use, all uses customarily and historically accessory ' thereto for the comfort, accommodation and entertainment of the patrons, including the service of alcoholic beverages, shall be permitted upon proper licensure. 9M T Junk Yard. A lot, land or structure, or part thereof, used for the collection, storage and sale of waste paper, rags, scrap metal or discarded material, or for the collection, dismantling, storage, salvaging or sale of parts of machinery not in running condition. Kennel, commercial. Any lot or building in which four or more adult dogs and/or cats are kept, boarded, trained or propagated, whether in special structures or runways or not. Livestock. "Livestock" means horses, bovine animals, sheep, goats, swine, donkeys, mules and all wild animals. Living Open Space. "Living open space" is that portion of open space not used by automotive vehicles, but reserved for outdoor living space, recreational space and landscaping. Lot. A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by one building and the accessory buildings or uses customarily incident to it, including such open spaces as are arranged and designed to be used in connection with such buildings. Lot Area. The total horizontal area within the boundary lines of a lot. Where surface utility or street easements are located within a parcel, lot area computation shall not include that area contained within the easement. Lot Corner. A lot at the junction of and fronting on two or more intersecting streets. Lot, Depth. The mean dimension of the lot from the front street line to the rear line. Lota Interior. A lot fronting on one street. Lot, Through. A lot fronting on two streets that do not inter- sect on the parcel's lot lines. May be referred to as "Double .Frontage Lot". Lot, Width. The dimension of the lot line at the street, or in an irregular shaped lot the dimension across the lot at the building line, or in a corner lot the narrow dimension of the lot at .a street or building line. Marquee. A fixed shelter used only as a roof and extending beyond a building line and which is entirely supported by the building to which it is attached. Mean Ground Level. The average of the finished ground level at the center of all exposed walls of a building. Where walls are parallel to and within five feet of a sidewalk, the sidewalk shall be considered the mean ground level. Mobile Home or Trailer. A portable dwelling unit exceeding 8 feet in width and exceeding a total of 320 square feet, overall, designed to be moved from place to place by an independent power source; subsequent removal of means of portability does not change the character of such a unit. 2-9 1 '. i Mobile Home Park. improve f� or the dential use. A parcel of land which has been planned and placement of one or more mobile homes for resi- Mobile Home Subdivision. A subdivision designed and intended for residential use where residence is in mobile homes exclusively, and where the lot is sold or rented to the occupant. Mobile Module. A factory -fabricated, transportable building unit designed to be incorporated at a building site into a structure to be used for residential, commercial, educational, or indus- trial purposes, put on a permanent foundation and joined to make a single unit. Moorage. A place to tie up or anchor a boat or vessel. Motel. (See "Hotel"). Non -conforming Use. A use which does not conform to the regula- tions of the district in which the use is located. Nursery, Day. (See Child Care Center). Off-street Parking. Parking facilities for motor vehicles on other than a public street or alley. ' 2en S ace. Any part of a lot unobstructed from the ground pwar .T Any area used for parking or maneuvering of automotive vehicles or storage of equipment or refuse shall not be deemed public open space. Parking Space. A space within or without a building, exclusive of driveways, at least 180 sq. ft. used to temporarily park a motor vehicle and having access to a public street or alley. Pasture. An area confined within a fence or other physical ba er and which area is used for grazing or roaming or live- stock. Permanent. Having attachment to the ground through the use of concrete footing and foundations in confirmity with existing building codes. Permitted Use. Any use authorized or permitted alone or in conjunction with another use in a specified district and subject to the limitations of the regulations of such use district. Planned Unit Development. A tract of land developed as an inte- grated unit. The development is unique and is based on a plan which allows for flexibility of design, setting, and density not otherwise possible under the prevailing zoning district regulations. Planning Area. The City of Kalispell and any other area to which the zoning jurisdiction of the City is lawfully extended. 2-10 500 Prefabricated Building. A structure prepared and manufactured so that it can be conveniently shipped to a place of assembly, erected and placed on a permanent foundation. Principal Use. The primary or predominant use to which the property is or may be devoted, and to which all other uses on the premises are accessory. Professional Offices. Offices maintained and used as a place of business conducted by persons engaged in the healing arts for human beings, such as physicians and dentists (but wherein no overnight care for patients is given), and by engineers, attor- neys, architects, accountants and other persons providing services utilizing training in and knowledge of the mental discipline as distinguished from training in occupations requiring mechanical skill or manual dexterity or the handling of commodities. Projection. The distance any part of a structure extends over public property or beyond the building setback line. Public Utility. A public service corporation performing some public service and subject to special governmental regulations, or a governmental agency performing similar public services, the services by either of which are paid for directly by the recip- ients thereof. Such services shall include, but are not limited to, water supply, electric power, telephone, TV cable antenna, gas and transportation for persons and 'freight. ' Recreational Area, Commercial. An area operated for profit and devoted to facilities and equipment for recreational purposes, including swimming pools, tennis courts, playgrounds and other similar uses whether the use of such area is limited to private membership or whether open to the public upon the payment of a fee or service charge. Recreational Area, Noncommercial. An area devoted to facilities and equipment for recreational purposes, swimming pools, tennis courts, playgrounds, community club houses and other similar uses maintained and operated by a non-profit club, homeowner's associa- tion, or other corporate structure and whose membership is limited to the residents within the area. Recreation Space. Recreation space" is open space for both passive and active recreation. Passive recreation facilities include outdoor sitting areas in the form of sundecks, balconies or roof gardens, shaded areas along walkways or portions of walkways overlooking open areas. Active recreation areas include pedestrian ways located and landscaped to provide for strolling activities, tennis courts, swimming and boating areas, shuffle- board courts, bridle paths, playlots, playgrounds and playfields. Recreation Vehicle. A travel trailer or camping trailer designed to be towed, motorized homes and pick-up campers on coaches designed and constructed for human habitation, which can be 2-11 501 operated independently of utility connections and designed to be used principally as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation and vacation. A travel trailer shall not exceed 8 feet in width nor 32 feet in length. Rest Home, Convalescent Home, Home for the Aged. "Rest home", "convalescent home", and "home for the aged", means a home oper- ated similarly to a boarding house but not restricted to any number of guests or guest rooms, and the operator of which is licensed by the State and in which nursing, dietary and other personal services are furnished to convalescents, invalids and aged persons, but in which homes are kept no persons suffering from an acute mental sickness, or from a contagious and communic- able disease, and in which homes are performed no surgery or other primary treatments such as are customarily provided in hospitals, and in which no persons are kept or served who nor- mally would be admitted to a mental hospital. Retirement Home. A place of residence for several families or individuals in apartment -like quarters, rented, cooperative, or condominium, which may feature services to retired persons such as limited nursing facilities, minimum maintenance, living accom- modations, and recreation programs and facilities. Riding Academy. Any establishment where horses are kept for riding, driving, or stabling for compensation or as an accessory use in the operation of a club, association, ranch or similar establishment. Rooming House. Same as "Boarding House". Row House. A building or structure that has three (3) or more one -family dwellings erected in a row as a single building, each being separated from the adjoining unit or units by an approved fire wall or walls extending from the basement floor to above the roof along one or both side lot lines and each such "row house" building being separated from any other building space on all sides. Sanitarium. An institution for the treatment and care of the chronically ill or for patients requiring long-term therapy, rest and recuperation. School, Commercial. A building where instruction is given to pupils in arts, crafts, or trades, and operated as a commercial enterprise as distinguished from schools endowed and/or supported by public taxation. School: Elementary, Junior or Senior High, including Public, Private and Parochial. An institution of learning which offers instruction in the several branches of learning and study required ' to be taught by the Montana Board of Education. 2-12 '02 QW School: College or University. A public or private institution for higher learning (beyond grade 12) providing courses of instruc- tion as approved by the Montana Department of Education or a national collegiate or university accreditation agency. Secondhand and Antique Stores. Any retail establishment in which the principal portion of the articles, commodities, or merchandise handled, offered for sale, or sold on the premises, is used or not new. Semi -private Facility. Any facility to which a class or a group of the public is permitted to attend or use subject to the regu- lations of a club or other organization owning or regulating such facility. Service Station, Automobile. An occupancy which provides for a drive-in type business and in which business or service may be provided with or without the customer leaving the vehicle. It also may include the following: a. The servicing of motor vehicles and operations inciden- tal thereto limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and automotive accessories; automobile washing; waxing and polishing of automobiles; tire changing and repairing, excluding recapping; battery service, charg- ing and replacement; radiator cleaning and flushing, excluding steam cleaning and repair; and installation of accessories. b. The following operation if conducted within a building; lubrication of motor vehicles; brake servicing limited to servicing and replacement of brake cylinders, lines and brake shoes; wheel balancing; the testing, adjust- ment, and replacement or servicing of carburetors, coils, condensers, distributor caps, fan belts, filters, generators, points, motors, spark plugs, voltage regu- lators, water and fuel pumps, water hoses and wiring. Shelter Station. A shelter for the protection from the elements of the waiting customers of a public transportation system. Solid Planting. A planting of evergreen trees and shrubs which wall prevent a thorough and unobscured penetration of sight and light. Stable, Private. A detached accessory building in which horses or other animals owned by the occupant of the premises are kept and in which no such animals are kept for hire, renumeration or sale. Stable, Public. A stable other than a private stable. ' Story. That part of a building lying between two floors or between the floor and ceiling of the highest usable level in the building. 2-13 i WIN Street. A public or private thoroughfare which affords the principal means of access Structure. A combination to of abutting properties. materials constructed and erected permanently on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground. Not included are residential fences less than six feet in height, retaining walls, rockeries and similar improvements of a minor character less than three feet in height. Structural Alterations. Any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls or partitions, columns, beams or girders, or any substantial change in the roof or in the exterior walls. Temporary. Not having or requiring permanent attachment to the ground, or involving structures which have no required permanent attachment to the ground. Theater. A structure used for dramatic, operatic, motion pic- tures, or other performance, for admission to which entrance money is received and no audience participation or meal service allowed. Theater, Drive -In. An establishment to provide entertainment through projection of motion pictures or an outdoor screen for ' audiences whose seating accommodations are provided by their own motor vehicles parked in spaces provided on the same site with the outdoor screen. Town House. (See Row House). Trailer. (See Mobile Home or Recreation Vehicle). Trailer Court. (See Mobile Home Park). Trailer Subdivision.* (See Mobile Home Subdivision). Usable Roof Area. "Usable roof area" is total roof area of residential buildings, garages, and accessory buildings which has been landscaped or improved as recreation space for use of resi- dents of the development. Use. The purpose land or buildings or structure now serves or for which it is occupied, maintained, arranged, designed, or intended. Variance. A variance is an adjustment made in the application of the specific regulations to a particular piece of property. A variance is a form of special exception to this ordinance granted by the appropriate body. Yard. An open space in front, rear or side on the same lot with a building or proposed building unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward. 2-14 f Yard, Front. A yard extending between side lot lines across the front of a lot. Yard, Rear. A yard extending between the side lot lines across I the rear of a lot. Yard, Service. An open area, usually paved, with access to a street or alley, to allow vehicular access to a building or use for purposes of loading or unloading equipment, freight, live- stock, or people. Yard, Side. A yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard across the side of a lot. Zoning Administrator. A duly appointed officer of the City charged with the administration and enforcement of the provisions of: the adopted ordinance. 2-15 505 CHAPTER 3 ' ZONING DISTRICTS Section 3.01. Intent. The purpose of this chapter is to estab- lish districts wherein compatible uses of land may be grouped to create, protect or maintain a living environment; to stabilize and protect the uses contained within the districts; to allow a maximum degree of latitude within the districts, conduct profit- able business or contribute to the economy of the City. It is also the purpose of this chapter to make it possible to more efficiently and economically design and install all physical public service facilities in terms of size and capacity to ade- quately and permanently meet needs resulting from a defined intensity of land use; providing for the health, safety, morals, prosperity and well being of the total area. Section 3.02. Establishment of Districts. In order to carry out the intent or purpose of this ordinance, the following districts are hereby established with the general purposes listed below and the specifically permitted and conditional uses tabulated in Section 3.03. A. Agricultural AG-1. A district to protect and preserve agricultural land for the performance of a wide range of ' agricultural functions. It is intended to control the scattered intrusion of uses not compatible with an agricul- tural environment, including but not limited to residential development. B. Agricultural. AG-2. A district to protect and preserve agricultural land for the performance of a wide range of agricultural functions. It is intended to control the scattered intrusion of uses not compatible with an agricul- tural environment, including but not limited to residential development. C. Suburban Agricultural SAG-1- A district to protect and preserve agricultural lands for the performance of limited agricultural functions and to provide a buffer between urban and unlimited agricultural uses, encourage concentration of such uses in areas where potential friction of uses will be minimized. D. Residential R-1. A residential district to provide estate type development. These areas would normally be located in rural areas away from concentrated urban development, or in areas where it is desirable to permit only low density development, e.g., extreme topography, areas adjacent to flood plains, airport runway alignment extension, etc. E. Residential R-2. A residential district to provide for large tract development. These areas will be found in suburban areas, beyond sanitary sewer and/or water lines. 3-1 506 F. Residential R-3. A district to provide adequate lot areas for urban residential development; should have good thorough- fare access, and be in proximity to community and neighborhood facilities, i.e., schools, parks, shopping areas, etc. This development will normally require all public utilities. G. Residential R-4. A residential district to provide lot areas for urban development. This development must be served by all public utilities. H. Residential R-5. A residential district with minimum lot areas. Development within the district will require all public utilities, and all community facilities. Two-family dwellings are permitted in this district. I. Residential Apartment RA-1. A residential apartment dis- trict to provide areas for low intensity multi -family use, and for non-residential uses which support or are compatible with the primary residential character. This district is intended as a buffer between residential districts and other denser, non -compatible districts. This district must be in close proximity to thoroughfare and be served by public facilities. This district is intended to apply throughout the Planning Area. J. Residential Apartment RA-2. A residential apartment dis- trict to provide areas for multi -family use and compatible non-residential uses of medium land use intensity. It should be closely associated with primary intensity genera- tors. This district may be applied within the Planning Area, but requires thoroughfare access and all public facilities. K. Residential Apartment RA-3. A residential apartment district to provide areas for multi -family use and compatible non- residential uses of high land use intensity. This district is intended for central and inner-city use and not for suburban use. This district demands public and community facilities and a buffer area between it and other residential districts. L. Neighborhood Business B-1. A business district to provide commercial areas within or adjacent to residential areas to meet the demand for certain types of convenience commercial services which cater to the daily needs of the surrounding population. This district is not intended for those busi- nesses that: 1. Draw customers from well beyond a neighborhood boundary; or 2. Require the outdoor display, sale and/or storage of merchandise, outdoor services or operations, or outdoor consumption of food and beverages. 3-2 l This district should be a business island of not more than five acres in size, rather than a strip development. M. Neiahborhood Professional Business B-2. A business district to provide areas for professional offices within and adja- cent to residential areas. Since these office structures need not be commercial in appearance, they should architect- urally be harmonious with the adjacent residential struc- tures. This district can serve as a buffer between residen- tial areas and other commercial districts. This district should be a business island of not more than two acres in size. N. General Business B-3. A business district to provide areas for those retail sales and service functions and businesses whose operations are typically characterized by outdoor display, storage and/or sale of merchandise, by major repair of motor vehicles, and by outdoor commercial amusement and recreational activities. This district would also serve the general needs of the tourist and traveler. This district depends on proximity to major streets and arterials. This district should be located in business corridors or in islands. O. Community Business B-4. A business district to provide areas for the development of community shopping areas, to serve the range of a number of neighborhoods to a major segment of the Planning Area. This district should be a business island of not more than ten acres and not a strip development. P. Central Business District B-5. A business district to set apart that portion of the City which forms the center for financial, commercial, governmental, professional and cul- tural activities. Suitability of this district for the performance of these functions, it is hoped, will be contin- ued and that uses likely to create friction will be dis- couraged. This district is not intended for general appli- cation throughout the Planning Area. Q. Resort Business District B-6. A district to provide high density hotel, motel, multi -family and limited retail and commercial service facilities where such uses are desirable for resort development and where public facilities are available. This district is not intended for general appli- cation but should be limited to tourist destination centers. R. Industrial, Light 1-1. An industrial district to provide li areas for ght industrial uses that typically do not create ' objectionable characteristics (such as dirt, noise, glare, heat, odor, smoke, etc.) which extend beyond the lot lines. Such light industrial uses would include light manufacturing, 3-3 508 processing, fabrication and assembling of products or mater- ials, warehousing and storage and transportation facilities. ' It is also intended that the encroachment of non -industrial uses within the district be prevented. S. Industrial, Heavy 1-2. An industrial district to provide areas for heavy industrial uses to accommodate heavy manu- facturing, processing, fabrication and assembling of pro- ducts or materials. It is also intended that the encroach- ment of non -industrial uses within the district be prevented. T. Floodway FW. A flood hazard district to restrict or prohibit uses which are dangerous to health, safety of property in times of flood or cause increased flood heights or velocities. U. Public P-1. A public district to provide and reserve areas for public uses in order to preserve and provide adequate land for a variety of community facilities which serve the public health, safety and general welfare. Said public.uses would include schools, public buildings, parks and open spaces, etc. V. Planned Unit Development PUD. A district to encourage a more efficient use of land and of public services by allow- ing under certain circumstances a more flexible means of land development than is otherwise permissible under lot by lot restrictions generally. ' Section 3.03. Special Districts. 3.03.1. Flood Fringe-FF. A. Purpose. A flood hazard district to protect life and property; to reduce public and private costs for flood control and rescue and relief efforts; to guide property development of the flood plain. B. Application. The FF Flood Fringe Special District may be used in conjunction with any of the districts estab- lished in Section 3.02, A.through V. C. Permitted Uses and General Requirements. The uses permitted in Table 3-1 and the Bulk and Dimensional Requirements in Table 3-2 shall apply to the basic district. The requirements of the FF Flood Fringe Special District, as stated in Section 3.03, D, shall also apply. D. Requirements of FF Flood Fringe Special District. 1. Residential structures must be constructed on ' suitable fill such that the lowest finish -floor elevations (including basement) are two (2) feet or more above the elevation of the flood of one 3-4 hundred (100) year frequency. The fill shall be at an elevation no lower than elevation of the flood of one hundred (100) year frequency and shall extend for at least fifteen (15) feet at that elevation beyond the structure in all direc- tions. Where existing streets, utilities, or lot dimensions make strict compliance with this provi- sion impossible, the Board of Adjustment may authorize through a variance a lesser amount of fill or alternative flood proofing measures. The Board of Adjustment shall notify the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and receive its approval prior to approving any lesser fill or alternative flood proofing for residential structures; 2. Commercial and industrial structures must be either constructed on fill as specified in the preceding subparagraph or be adequately flood proofed up to an elevation no lower than two (2) feet above the elevation of the flood of one hundred (100) year frequency. Flood proofing shall be accomplished in accordance with Rule 36-2.14B(18)-S14000 of the Montana Administrative Code and shall further include the following: (a) If the structure is designed to allow internal flooding of the lowest floor, use of the floor ' shall be limited to such uses as parking, loading areas, and storage of equipment or materials not appreciably affected by flood water. Further, the floors and walls shall be designed and constructed of materials resistant to flooding up to an eleva- tion of two (2) or more feet above the elevation of the flood of one hundred (100) year frequency; and (b) Structures whose lowest floors are used for pur- poses other than parking, loading or storage of materials resistant to flooding shall be water- proofed up to an elevation no lower than two (2) feet above the elevation of the flood of one hundred (100) year frequency. Waterproofing shall include impermeable membranes or materials for floors and walls, and watertight enclosures for all windows, doors, and other openings. These structures shall be designed to withstand the hydrostatic pressures resulting from a flood of one hundred (100) year frequency. 3. Roads, streets, highways and rail lines shall be designed to minimize increases in flood heights. Where failure ' or interruption of transportation facilities would result in danger to the public health or safety, the facilities shall be located two (2) feet above the elevation of the flood of one hundred (100) year fre- quency. 3-5 510 4. Public or private structures and facilities for liquid or solid waste treatment and disposal must be flood - proofed to ensure that no pollutants enter flood waters. These facilities must be allowed and approved under the laws and standards administered by the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences prior to any approval given by the permit issuing authority. 5. Agricultural structures that have a low flood damage potential, such as sheds, barns, shelters, and hay and grain storage structures must meet the requirements of Rule 36-2.14B(6)-51440(1)(i) of the Montana Administra- tive Code. 3.03.2. Mobile Home-MH A. Purpose. A district wherein mobile home subdivisions may occur and where mobile homes may be placed on individual lots. B. Application. The MH Mobile Home Special District may be used in conjunction with the AG-1, AG-2, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5 Districts established in Section 3.02 A- H. C. Permitted Uses and General Requirements. The uses per- mitted in Table 3-1 and the Bulk and Dimensional Require- , ments in Table 3-2 shall apply to the basic district with the exception that mobile homes shall be accepted as a permitted use and further, that the requirements of the MH Mobile Home Special District, as stated in Section 3.03.21 D, below shall also apply. D. Requirements of MH Mobile Home Special District. 1. The area to which the MH Special District classi- fication is proposed to be added to shall consist of at least ten (10) acres of land exclusive of streets and alleys. 2. All structures and mobile homes shall be placed on permanent foundations. 3. Additions to all structures and mobile homes shall have the same exterior finish as the original structure or mobile home. Section 3.04. Table of permitted and Conditional Uses. Within the various use districts, as defined in Section 3.02 above, and as indicated on the "Official Zoning Map" of the Planning Area or parts thereof, and subject to the requirements of Section 3.05, ' no land, building or structure shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered for any purpose except as allowed in the district in which the 3-5a 511 building, land or use is located. Permitted uses in the various use districts are indicated by an "X" in the appropriate column of Table 3-1 of this chapter. No land, building or structure shall be used or erected which is intended to be used in whole or in part, for any of the uses indicated by an "X" in the "Condi- tional" column without specific approval of the Board of Adjust- ment. The criteria of Section 6.07 through 6.09.9 shall guide the Board of Adjustment in granting or withholding approval. TABLE 3-1 PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES (Permitted and conditional uses in the various use districts are listed alphabetically beginning on the following page and continuing to Section 3.05) 3-5b 512 aw c 0L5 T It CT C t A 5 S I F I C A T ION •- !•! - t7 r N t7 Y N r N 4 L I S T O F U S E S - ` C ' U Accessory building or use incidental and subordinate in area, extent and purpose, maintained under the same - ownership, and commonly associated with the operation of the primary use of the lot or parcel of land;. X X X X X X X X X X X- X X X X X X X XI X X Acetylene gas manufacture and/or i[ storage. - X Acid manufacture. - X X 1 Agricultural and horticultural uses, t' including orchards, nurseries, and the grazing, breeding or raising of -horses, cattle, sheep, goats and swineon a commercial scale_. X X X X X X i X Airports and landing fields. X X X I Alcohol and alcoholic beverage' manufacture." - X X i 1 Alcohol beverage distributors. XA ,Alcohol beverage packaged retail sales. X X X X X Ammonia, bleaching powder or jj777 chlorine manufacture. X Xf j1 Amusement enterprises, similar to billiards, 'poo1, bowling, shooting gallery, roller rink, dance hall, but not including theater. X X X Amusement park or zoo. X X X; Animal hospital. X X X X X f i i Antiques, gift and card retail sales X X X X X l t- I Apothecary shopoperated as a retail _ --i( use within a building, the primary !i use of which is for a hospital, clinic or physician's offices, provided that said apothecary shop shall sell only drugs, prescription medicine (both ethical and proprie- tary), medical supplies and appli- ances and pharmaceutical products; and provided Further that not more than fifty percent of the ground 1 4 floor area of such building be used ` 7 for such apothecary shop. X X X` X X X X X ! !)I 1 A; 3-6 o 0 D I S T R I C T C L A S S IF I C A T I O N - I, IS T _O F USES =" ^ N — I'd d l.i Q Q N K IX Ot OC O[ C[ m m .0 m f0 10 LL' O C ue distributors, wholesale, ng; on -site repair. - % % - nce, retail sales. X % galleries, x x x supply, retail sales. X X . _It manufacture or refining. X X ''y halls. X - 1 i•ly halls, coliseums, and ums.- _ X X X -:',ly of machines and appliances previously prepared parts. ----�_ X X ., house excluding livestock, and fowl. �. X -. yards, livestock. x yi X x 14M assembly and manufacture. X X "a, commercial' parking X X X Xbi1e parking operated in Aion with permitted uses and .)rdance with the requirementsX;-pier 1X� 4, Section 4.02. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X '1 le. -(new wand used) and - . -.ry sales. % X -:-i:e repair garages. x x x 'A le service -station as Ix ' in Chapter2. - X X X X X x bile wrecking yard and/or 4 t lards as defined in Chapter 2, :iy when conducted within an i( -tire not less than eight feet t with a solidity of not - n 60 percent: said enclosure located at 50 feet from any t re et right-of-way, g x x .s or baking plants. x xp 514 g D I S T It I C T C L ASS IF I CAT I ON L IS T OF USES 0 °— N — 'Q^V C� k q Bakery shops, confectionaries and delicatessens, wholesale and retail; provided such operations are limited to 1,500 square feet of manufacturing area and to the use of non -snake producing types of furnaces. X X X Banks, savings and loan Institutions. X X Barber and beauty services. X X X Bedding, carpet and upholstery manufacturing, cleaning and renovat- ing, x X Bicycle sales and repair, - x X X Blacksmith. x Blast furnaces. x Blueprinting and photostating establishments. X X x Boarding house. x X x Boarding house, incidental keeping of non -transient boarders or lodgers by a resident family, provided not more than 25 percent of the total floor area in one dwelling unit used for living purposes is devoted to such occupancy. X x Boat launching ramps. X x Boat marinas and sale of boating supplies and fuel. % x X X x x X x x x x x Boat building and repair. X x Boat sales, new and used. - x x x Boiler works. x Look bindery. X x Book and stationary stores, x X % Bottling works for soft drinks. X % Bowling alleys X x X sa 515 D I S T R I C T C l ASS IF I CATS ON - o L I S T OF U S E S - C'J ^ N N fn V N ^ N i'1 ^ N P N m N'I 3 J.2 Q Q Q Q . V Q d a0 k, the or terra Gotta manu- 4 .1rC. X X I �Wpassenger terminal buildings - v g v :.cal and cross-country. % E ;s repair and storage. X X ° 1 . -i-ra supply stores. % X X X f i C.--+.nd container manufacture. x 1 _ a 'y products manufacture, retail X4 X % - remise. - .`'y products manufacture,wholesale. X •-_ avas and burlap products manu- % X X i_:ture, sale and storage r wash -automatic coin operated. X X y :,srshing and waxing, Inside a X x X X% % X ag establishments. - g X� ng establishments conducted } incidental home occupation that not more than two -,:ary employees may be employed rese premises. % X % X % `eophane manufacture. X % f?rr,plaster manufacture. % X erfes, mausoleums, columbsrtums --r-matories. X X X X X X -Cats and allied products ,--`acture. (Also see Industrial % _ ".cal manufacture.) Care Center % X X %% % X X% X X X .C`: sd Care Center X % X X i: na manufacture. - X X X ( I ,,:aches and other places of worshi `;,ding Parish Houses and Sunday !! " Buildings. X X % X% X X X X % X X, - _ _ 9 cs.medical and dental. X X X X .:Ics, medical and dental, -Tided that the same are •,,3i:ed on a zoning lot .:'.cent to or 516 ' c D I S T R I C T C I ASS 1 F l CAT I ON LIST OF USES_ 0 — 3 ^ 0 U — q separated only by a street or alley from a zoning lot on which is situated a hospital, convalescent Sd b home or sanitarium which has a Physical capacity of $0 or more beds. X X X Clothing and apparel stores retail. X X Clothing manufacture. X X Clubs and other places of entertain- ment operated as commercial enter- prises. X X X X Coal and coke yards. X Coin and/or stamp dealers, sales and lapidarles. I X X Cold storage plants. X X Coliseums, and stadiums, profit and ncnprofit. X X Colleges and universities, public and private. X X Colleges, business colleges, trade schools, music conservatories, dancing schools and similar organiza- tions, all without students in - residence, offering training in specific fields. - _ X X X C=ercial recreation areas as defined in Chapter 2. X X X X Common ai uses, listed as permitted uses in the 8-1 and 8-2 districts. X Community center buildings, gymna- siums, swimming pools, beaches and other similar activities operated by a public agency, neighborhood or home owners association. X X X X X X X X X X X X X Concrete or paving materials, mixing plants and manufacture of concrete products. X Y, I Contractor's plants or storage yards X. X i Convalescent and nursing homes for X the care of the agad. X X e 517 I5i I D I S T R I C T C LASS IFICATION LIST OF USES N .`.ition hall facilities. x x x x ;ice and perfume manufacture. x i X : cs, dairy products, bottling `=tion, ice cream manufacture, x wholesale basis. x x Manufacturing or treatment J X x I .or and ice cream manufacture ,rail sale on the premises only. x x x x x x , rm. x X x <s):ucts processing, bottling .- i bution.. % X x X X lIle. (Also see Clinics, F A dental.) 3 x x x x } stores. x x ( "an of bones, coal, petro-- -.lase, grain, tar and wood. X X ::1 piers for pleasure craft, -:d private. no sale of fuel 'Iles• . x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x �:.. restaurants. - x ;r %heaters. x X 'es. 1 . x x x x x wing - pick-up s-ration. X x X X X nning plants. _ x x :�ning, pressing and dying j nerved in conjunction with service counter. .� x x x x ;ling, self-service (coin I dj. X X i xI p 518 1 DI ST RI CT C l ASS IFICAT ION 0 L IS T OF USES" N — N u° -Dwelling, single family X X X X X X X X X X Dwelling, Single family X X Dwelling, two family. X X X X -Dwelling, multi -family, attached row without common interior halls or entrances. - -.X X X X Dwelling, Holt! -family, provided that same shall comply with the - floor area, open space, living space and recreation space ratios of the A-3 District. X X Dwelling, other multi -family. X X X X I p @ Dwellings, cluster development. X X X X X X Dwellings, residential, in detached, semi-detached; attached or multi- storied structures or any combina- tion thereof. Dye stuff manufacture. X XIS Eating and drinking establishments except drive-ins. X X X X Electrical appliance, manufacture �I and assembly. X X i -Electrical distribution station. X -X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 111 Electric light or power generating I station. - X X I X X X Emery cloth or sandpaper manufacture. X X X Enameling, Japanning, lacquering or the plating or galvanizing of metals. X X X Excavation, simple foundations and utility-. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X �X X Excelsior and fiber manufacture. X X X Explosives, amaunition, fireworks, gunpowder manufacture. X -X Extractive industries. X X X X X X X. Farm machinery assembly, repair and sales. X X. y 1z 519 c D I S T R I C T C t ASS I PIC At I ON L IS T OF USES 0 ° — n Uu� 4 production of fats f �aeering, Is from animal or vegetable E 1s by boiling or distillations, X X and Seedprocessingand cleaning X X X X X d nd seed, farm supply, 1 ----------------------- % % -':its: cattle, swine, poultry. X X X X .s,, livestock. X I � X X :-'facture. X' X _.:. _:r manufacture. - X X r, bulk sales. I X X �- F • and loan companies. . — a X X X X X -cssing, for sale at retail i. >,-mises, but excluding the r.nd dressing of any flesh X X X -.,ducts storage, processing -waging; other than slaughter. .ry Products Processing; Beat ing; Poultry Dressing.) ,ducts manufacture, storage, %ng and packaging of but not g the manufacturing and f_ ng of lard, ,pickles, >at, .sausage or vinegar. X X -+res (retail only and in of 3.000 square feet of or:rea): super market, dell - meat and fish, but �nq the killing and dressing flesh or fowl. % % % -ores (retail only and less ' 00 square feet of floor �T X X X X r roducts processing such as limited to, veneer mills., mills, saw - mil is, plywood and shingle mills. X Plants — 520 D I S T R I C T C I A 5 5 1 F I C A T 1 O N LIS T OF USES n N 9 7 ' N M V u1 •� N M N M O vl b N Foster or Group Homes X X X X X X X X i Foundries or metal fabrication plants using plate and structural shapes. X X ) Frozen foal lockers. X I X �— Fraternity and sorority. houses, provided that the same shall be located within a one half mile _ radius of a college or university. X X X % x Fuel oil, gasoline and petroleum products bulk storage or sale (must comply with applicable fire codes). X X X Fuel oil,, and kerosene for domestic heating purposes in ground containers ([must comply with applicable fire Ix codes). X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Fuel oil and kerosene, the incidental sale at retail of same in can of not over five gallon capacity (must comply with applicable fire codes). X X X X X Funeral parlor. (See Undertaking establishments.) Furnace repair and cleaning, X X Furniture and home furnishing retail sales. X X Furniture manufacture. X X X Furriers, retail sales and storage. X X X Garbage and waste incineration. X X Garbage offal, and animal reduction, or,processing. X X Garden supplies, retail sales. X X X _ Gases or liquified petroleum gases in approved portable metal cylinders for storage or sale, I X X Gasoline station, (See Automobile service station.) Gasoline storage (must comply with t f applicable fire codes). X % X II Glass or glass products manufacture. X XI % 3'19 521 ° c D I S T R I C T C I ASS IFICATION t IS OF USES 0 C V Q Q N or c c c c n d size manufacture. x �• turses. X X X X X% x x x x f driving range and putting course. X X i x x x x II - -l-waters. % X X. X X X X i ._... _ X x X appliances and electrical E .. os, retail sale. i X X I rc, retail sales. f X X % X Ti--rang and blocking. x x x x X % Tx x � '• X x x x x 1 i toy stores. x x i . rpations as defined in • T 1.73 and 6.08. x X X X X X X X X X X x - x14nufacture. X X x x x x x X .-- s, animal. X X X x � x x x .;,not catering to transient :and not carrying on werchan- .; except. that which is inciden- the operation of the hotel -'r the convenience of guests ere 'there is no exterior ::y of merchandise. �. _ cture, storage and sales. X X t X X accessory retail uses I g ,cafeterias, gift or variety soda bars conducted solely 1! . convenience of the employees, f tennonts, patrons or i 522 - C DI5 T R1 CT C L A S S I FICA T ION LIS T O F U SES — — -> a O •- N n v h a M N n v ,n a r n: u a a < oe o: c ae c z visitors on the premises wholly a withinthe principal building and without exterior advertising display. X X X X X X X Industrial chemical manufacture except highly corrosive materials. X X Industry, heavy manufacturing or processing not otherwise named -herein; provided the Zoning Commis- sion finds such industry is similar to other industries in the 1-2 District. X X Industry, light manufacturing or processing not otherwise named herein;, provided no operations are carried on, or are likely to be carried on which will create smoke, fumes, noise, odor., -or dust which will be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare. X X X Insulation material manufacture and 9 sale. X X X ` +� A Jails and penal institutions. Janitor services. X X X Jewelry and clock manufacture.qM X X Jewelry and watch repair and sales. ' X X Junk yards. (See automobile I. wrecking yard.) Kennels, commercial.. X Laboratories for commercial or f y Industrial research and testing. IT X X 8y Land fills, reclamation to improve steep, low or otherwise unusable Ix f land. -- . X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I tt X t X Landf H ls, sanitary for disposal 8 of trash and garbage. X X X x x x Launderette, self service, where individual, Family size equipment is rented for use by the customer. X X X X f X � Laundries: all hand laundries and �'- i any S,:atl paver laundries operated in conjunction with a retail service counter on the premises where not more than 2,000 square feet of floor i 523 ° D I S T R I C T C L A S S I F I C A T I O M 'L 1 S T O F U S E S :0 n � 7:1 V a a a a m m LL 4 00d q s devoted to the laundering l lshing process, provided Che [ii0l perating capacity of all washing machines shall •.'XCvIed WO pounds and no coal- p [ng or smoke producing equipment ed. x x x Sff( rles, steam. - A S x x ry pick-up stations. X X IX X :es, museums and art galleries, i X X x -1 oil, shellac, turpentine, --.,:ture or refining. X .. X .lock feed yards and livestock *..! yards. - x x x I - d gunsmiths. ;Maternal, social organiza- :i,vrded that any such estab- -- "hall not be conducted for gain. x x x x x x x x x j I 1 x X ,;:ion grease manufacturing or ^pounding, x x ai lIs, plywood ml Its or - t I l S. x % i .nrds, building matey{als 1 _:nd sale.. � x x shops. X `� tcol manufacture, x 1 p x x I II !! rocessing, packing and ; ter. x p x ! . _ F Iinic. (Also see Clinics, ` id dental.) �'r X % X X --ication and boiler or s. x i x +C relay SCaCiOnS, x x � X I 1 1 � I � X . �..�....� _ - — — r 524 e - c D15T RI CT C L A851 F I C AT ION l 15 i O F US E 5 - o _^ J Q rt ?d _ - �, c c cc a a Mobile home parks. X f X X X X Monu:.ent manufacture and sales. X I I % iX G t Mortuary. (See Undertaking establish- T ' I Merits.) ITF { Motels and motor hotels. Motorcycle sates and repair. � I X % X 'X I I F ; Museums. - _ I X X X Musical Instrument manufacture. x X Music stores. X X _ News stands. X X X if Nursery, landscape materials. _ - +XX X X !— Office buildings, governmental. I� gggg Office, professional, governmental and private office. X X Offices operated as an incidental home occupation where no contact is made with the general public and } subject to Section 6.08. X X X X X X X X X X Y Office equipment and supplies sales and service. y X JJ Office and secretarial service establishments. X X� ( Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture. X — f Ophthalmologist and optometrist —jI% office. (Also see Clinics, medical f and dental..) — X X x X r3 Optical and scientific instrument manufacture. � i Optical supply shop when operated I X I within a building the primary use of which is for an ophthalmologist or eptcrictrist office. % %Li j Opticians .and optical supplies sales. it X i f I 3"Ib' 525 r; ":.I 1: '", .A o 015TR1 C T CL ASS I F I CATI O N'� 1 LIS T O F USES "^ Tkol� [rK CC K K R' K lL O CI m C C .y' p S x i I I I I x �Gg rnac_.e and charitable institutions, ;.ruvided that no building so used I i i be within 100 feet of any plot % X X X X X X X X X X X :n ,tanufacture and/or storage. X' .nd enamel manufacture. X X sta;l sales. X X X `( i Pulp, cardboard, box, I II piaster or mall board i : ie cure. X X I 1 it i o x x x X x � x x X x x xIx x x x x x x x I x x x a X gQ� I 1 -..i end pctroleun products in f -rued tanks of more than i ''..,ilcns capacity, bulk X X -:s, bird stores and mists. - X X } _cutical products nanufacturingsfff ::tng; packaging and storage, f` - X Ix -. �phic studios. x X X yyI c--i culture establishments. ( X XUJ or sawmT I Is. Xi i i<s manufacture' X � X 7 € ng works X 4 -X i ing and F-eating materials - 1 and service only. X X X( i `• shop and yard. 11 ^+, PC.PCelain and vitreous I I X X ,:.�nufacture. - X ' S 526 c D 1 S T G I C T C l A S S I FICATION Nl • L I S T O P U SES Poultry, killing and dressing for Poultry,-andloring retail. o O)`U 7I R N i T-F i fILX _ A i Prefabricated building materials i assembly and manufacture. - I II�Ii11I fi X% �j ' _ Printing, publishing and reproduction esiablishnents, X X XI i J Produce stands. _ X X X X 1 X {{ � I I L Public transportation shelter I I stations. X I X X X Ix X X Ix I X X I X I X. Ix X X X i X I % I X X Y.. Public utility service installations. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X! ff X XI X i�X 1 i X X Public utility stcrage yards. I X X i Quasi -public buildings, nonprofit _ _ in character. — X X X Radio o;�d television broadcasting stations .and masts. X— X 1 X X I j X X I X f+ Radio and television, retail sales and service. X X [ 11 f Rag, bar and carpet cleaning establishments. - � I + I X X I i 1 -- i Railroad car repairs and manufacture.! I X 1i c Railroad freight yards, terminals or classification yards. i X 1 Railroad rights -of -way. _ - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X% +y i I1 X I X X- I Rapid transit central terminals or storage. X X 1 X X � t' iRiR i I Rapid transit routes and pick-up. stations. -X X X X X % X X X X X%{ X i I X X X X X X X X X —_ Recreational area, ce^amreial3 as I I I defined in Chapter 2. X X _ I t i service stores and yards. I r R lRental X and service industrial t equair and mat.iincr ne Uril — IJl— I XXcyuip:acnt Repair and service of office and I f he usch mold equipment. y .-� � � ��II I , � � � � X I Lx I !I X I 527 a.'. -- n D I S T I C I C L A 5 F I C 1 i 1 0 N ' L i 5 i O F U 5 F S _ 7� i _�_...jj_ ± _I .-..I ' ` I _.� _!�.!_.,-,-..- Y -•-�---i i i C_ ."`e r :un Cs ve d-i-ins.' X �___I— —tlll''-1 `- _ _ x�xjx �_-. x;;-XT- f x � ! -- t_I _ i- IX X�x�x;7. leers•x x x I I ..-i.a, insecticide aaJ mixing plants. jj X . s +, .rafactu re. % 1 I I! I I I d I I % i puSiicnnd pri va Le -ivory, J::nior and Senior Higb ! —� ---- I ' — in=iuding gynnasiva, and . v flails in conjunction I ' € q I % % X X % X X Y. I X X X X � C X i as defined in X X! I ; ,rr or rag starar,e, sortin 1:)en conducted within a I I [LL X � X i jjj _ +>cessing yard, f A3— I X -.and stares, as derined In s. % x ( ' . .:cations. (See fu'mobile I I { i { cat>;:_nt plant. C i nfacture. X I X jY IX -.facture, painting ind- nc_•. i %_I I I I + 1 x 1 ' -_I__ I I I y[, 528 I D 1 5 T R I C T C L AS S IF I CAT I ON L 1 5 T O F U S E S N � 0 UNV V ' N O 0 Q aIc nAe . a a a or refining of alum mum, I J -F copperring copper, tin, zinc, or other metals. X I1 I i I I I 1 i 1 I x Soap, detergent and washing compound manufacture. I X Sporting goods sales. X X X I`X Stables x l% I X I I I III Stone cutting, monument manufacture X and sales.1U-Fi' I I 1 IIj 1 XI X I I( !!! - Storage, within the building of goods Intended for retail sale on I f I jII I { jt the premises. X X I fi Storage warehouses and yards, for I and sale other than on I I I f thepremises the premises, I I{ x x 3 Storage warehouses and yards forX dorzastic purposes. X X X 1 Swimming pools or beaches, public ( _} g or semi -private. X X X X X X X X X X X X i X X Tailors, dressmakers, and milliners. -I x % Tanning, cutting, curing, cleaning or storing of green hides or skins. X % I Tar and water proofing materials - manufacture, treatment and storage. X X Taverns. II Taxstands. x I Taxi stands limited to five taxis. I X X X I Temporary buildings or structures. X X X X X X x X X 1% X X X X X X% j % �% i Ix�x Textile machinery manufacture. 1 1 - x x Textile manufacture. X !Sj x I x Theaters housed in a permanent indoor structure. x x x X Tile manufacturing of all and floor the and related small tile products. X - t I f . .._ jI ...,..LL— I X X LIJ 529 D 1 5 T R I C T C L ASS IFICATION 11 D 1 U F USES = r ..- 7 .... O D. D. capping and retreading.' Ix _ I x II _r-salas areas. X I n � trailer park, ; x I i to rninals, repair shops, �y and storage yards. x 3 x x l ::king eS [ablishmenf5, martu- f homes or parlors. fcanaral e below.) x x X x �ing establishments, mortu- 9 C nral homes or parlors. I M 1 x x ¢ sr lots. , x x -:tones: x x }^ hospitals.X X X x . .. _ x x I r and rags, collection E L- xlxl B '._ ur.ent plants. X X X x x x "age facilities. - - X X X X X X x x x X X X x X I t x X x X X x i ` X Xj 7a and jobbing establishments - I -g -incidental retail outlets j v such. merchandise as is f ne wholesale. X X X , T--ig shops, mill work. 1 _ x x , orpretation of the above P-trmi-tted Uses, where a i y _.^..specifically listed in - its status under this :hall, upon application, be ' cd ;by the Zoning Commission cnae to that listed use, if ch is so liketheuse in purpose, function, r, and effect as to be ; ially similar to said ' lljj I 1 1 I o 1 530 4/a Section 3.05. Bulk and Dimensional Requirements. Within the use districts established in Section 3.02, bulk, dimensional and general requirements are hereby established and set forth in Table 3-2, Bulk, Dimensional and General Requirements. 3-24 531 p r " F z z x ` .� < IC _� Y J S W ' a Y' N LW L i Z 1 W a � 4ao� 2 ; z z z � ` •. LL N � 1� f 2 Z w i 2 x O t ^� llbb •1bb p' J V - l• .Q ; 1 1 ••I.O.O I.1mb •nV V I•Ib b _\ 6 W l 2 1 I 1 • I I 1. • 1 1 I 1 e n I I 1 Q IWY LL N 6 10 O 9 y q L V 9 O V O O 9 O �= 7 • Q LL N 6' LLN6' LLNC 4NK ILLNC LLNY. W � U • N 2 I n1 W O Ory N¢W YUO. w,V4 G O�O O�O N N G GNO O•.1 V O ON G G C 4 y4¢ VV VO N VV Nu0• Yu0 r.p OYN O ry In n us _ M Ye u_i __ ____ m Q 6 f J a 2 O N 443 ^J Y ��J •• t Eq � YW '1 Z i mo n^ ¢ ¢ rvE L^ • L Y o e - Y •NnYYn a p e1•, •.NI o IN•I 9 SOY Y O m YV� Y a Y�u • HOC - ' V 9 N V 9 u J N J t V H Y W V Y m ry� N 2 O N^ O N O O •'yN�ry N O N O O N^ O •O I ` Oq Y TTTpQ[ •j I 1 • 1 y N��N 1 4 N I` I I I I NNO • � 1+ ^ NNN I I I 1 - i G V S V V Y y u yO V O V Y LL N N 6 ••Vi O O O a V LL N N Y N N¢ N N¢ V N N¢ LL N N C LL 6 N N w N N¢ N 2 2 � m y i •I.... O i(( � •". ^ ^ 1 ••1 +� < •i J u 7 i O p O O n Y O ••Os U N N L W O T N n N N A Y � I C i �4 ry C yl-j •f � N N � 9 V •- V 532 Of M1R N N R d p� ON ~ P N 4 W � `� •• �• q � Y � i T I O 1 b\ N y O b N 4 N Z ^ o O T h \ x y y x O N N r O o p D ]• D A D n O $ p v y O rZl.tl o p Y1O'1R^ lO] yOgA'l NOO �• ] � i 3 b O—N; P ONNN NUO�O ��If`11 N N N � NUN�n 11 20 — � d 4 n a_ n P ON NN N R S E p Y � S ~ Y Y .O p Y e • p C l I' y E O •o Y N a : _ r d r R T O. q y d^ N tr^ N ^ O R N O .• ^_ HER 0.+0 \ �nR t«N t^N SO trgN Y•q^ N ; O tr^N Ni h q i 7J N' Nj u0 J19 O 1 n N 1 _ n P�^b PN YI ANT nNT y IDN�I ANT p 1 b 90 `yi 6O 7 p0 b 10 IP%71 PNw ANT PN•^ AN �1 Ty T •O0 16O A'¢ Y00 10.0 1+ 1 tl Y 1 1 1 1 PPW PPW PPO PPO PPO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'1 ^ C r Y PPO PPO PPW P PW PPW _r .,� PPW N Nft N> O y M « M T y ' • O ' � r A fy O p e r W • r 1 r.[ 1pp��Y O R � M M N yl � O N �AX • q O P p P O b C_ • > y O _ b P ]1 r q 4^1 = 1 � i ovc >i T \ � Z ]•�2 q O E L• J_Y ;Z 3-26 x a ,Ro 2 ri Y i Y S s Lam¢ J W L V ' L Ny O Y R K O O S 6 Q%6'R i 2 L O L 6 b Y 9 •O 60 1-2 C�i - 26 Y u� e7Y cau � Y 3 i N N yl '-22 222 1'IWN t7 •p .p YF O u ]C J U 1!• • 1• 1• 1 1! 0 9 ryy NOC LLN6 LLNY b�.NK � LL v z r M oL� ON C,O Cc CO •L' N C 6N u 0 O O U O O W NUj VO Y - O O 4.6p N U' NNi NNS N Vi' N N W J b o q C. 03 L CW LQ 7 O Y J d C O 3 Y Y Y 0 F O ONO O O O O O N O O O NO O p S iv l• 1 1 N N; 1 N• N N N• ryN n O L t j Z Y IYi VO y O V *s m O O V ' y LLNNK LLNNQ 1�NNK LLNN6 �r O.i 2 \ 2 \ S � Ny ~I n 4 T N C 3-27 534 , CHAPTER 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, LIMITATIONS AND PROVISIONS APPLICABLE WITHIN VARICUS DISTRICTS OFF-STREET PARKING, OFF-STREET LOADING AREAS, LAND USE INTENSITY, SIGNS, GREENBELTS AND FLOOD HAZARD AREAS. Section 4.01. Intent. Provisions of this Chapter are of general apple —`cation to one or more of the districts described in Chapter 3. It is the intent of this Chapter to set down provisions for off-street parking, off-street loading, land use intensity, signs, greenbelts and flood hazard areas, to prevent congestions in the streets, promote and protect property values and to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Planning Area. Section 4.02. General Requirements, Off -Street Parking. Except as provided herein, each off-street parking space shall have a net area of not less than 180 square feet, exclusive of driveways or aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition, except single family residential which may utilize driveways. To deter- mine the parking space on a gross area basis, 300 square feet shall be allowed per vehicle. The parking area shall be located entirely on privately owned property. A. Permit. No building permit shall be issued within the , planning area by the Zoning Administrator, for the construc- tion or enlargement of any building or structure; nor shall said permits be issued for the remodeling of an existing residence into a non-residential use within the planning area unless the requirements established by this ordinance regarding off-street parking areas are satisfied. 1. Exception. Commercial uses or businesses located within the B-5 Central Business District are exempt from the provisions of Section 4.02. B. Location. Off-street parking facilities shall be located as here nafter specified, such distance shall be in walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking facility to the nearest point of the lot that such facility is required to serve: 1. For one and two family dwellings: Off-street parking is required on the same lot with the building they are required to serve; 2. For multi -family dwellings: Off-street parking is required within 100 feet from the building they are required to serve; 3. For hospitals, sanitariums, convalescent homes, nursing homes, rest homes, homes for the aged, asylums, retire- ment homes, rooming and boarding houses: Off-street 4-1 535 parking is required within 300 feet from the building they are required to serve; 4. For uses other than those specified above: Off-street parking is required within 500 feet from the building they are required to serve. C. Expansion, Enlargement or Conversion. Whenever any building is enlarged in height or in ground coverage, off-street parking shall be provided for said addition. If any resi- dential building or structure existing on or after the effective date of these regulations is converted to a non- residential use, off-street parking shall be provided. Nothing in these provisions shall be construed to require off-street parking spaces for the portions of such buildings existing at the time of passage of this ordinance. D. Non -conforming Uses. Nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the voluntary establishment of off-street parking facilities to serve any existing use of land or buildings even though non -conforming; provided that all regulations herein governing the location, design and opera- tion of such facilities are adhered to. E. Mixed Occupancies. In the case of mixed uses, the total requirements for the various uses shall be computed separately. ' Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as hereinafter specified for joint use. F. Uses Not Specified. In the case of a use not specifically mentioned in parts below, the requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be determined by the Zoning commis- sion. Such determination shall be based upon the require- ments for the most capable use listed. G. Joint Use. The Zoning Administrator may authorize the joint use of parking facilities for the following uses or activities under conditions specified: 1. Up to 50% of the parking facilities required by this ordinance for primarily "night time" uses such as theaters, bowling alleys, bars, restaurants and related uses, may be supplied by certain other types of buildings or uses herein referred to as "day time" uses such as banks, offices, retail and personal service shops, clothing, food, furniture, manufacturing or wholesale and related uses. 2. Up to 50% of the parking facilities required by this ordinance for primarily "day time" uses may be supplied ' by primarily "night time" uses. 3. Up to 100% of the parking facilities required by this ordinance for a church building or for an assembly 4-2 536 facility incidental to a public or parochial school, may be supplied by the off-street parking facilities provided by uses primarily of a "day time" nature. H. Conditions Required for Joint Use. The building use for which application is being made to utilize the off-street parking facilities provided by another building or use by another building or use shall be located within 500 feet of such parking facilities in addition to which: 1. The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the two buildings or uses for which joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed. 2. The applicant shall present to the Zoning Administrator a properly drawn legal instrument to be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder, executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities and approved as to form and manner of execution by the city attorney; such instrument to be filed with the Zoning Administrator, a copy of which shall be forwarded to the City Council. I. Table of Minimum Standards. Required parking spaces shall be in conformance with Table 4-1 and where alternative standards prevail, the greater applies in conflicting compu- tations; where the total quota results in a fraction, the next highest full unit shall be provided. Parking spaces within a structure, such as carports, garages, parking garages, shall apply toward the total parking space require- ment. USE TABLE 4-1 MINIMUM STANDARDS OFF-STREET PARKING Animal hospital, pound, shelter, commercial kennel Auditoriums and assembly halls Banks, business and professional offices (other than medical and dental offices) with on -site customer service Botanical and zoological gardens 0+, 4-3 PARKING SPACE REQUIRED 1 space per 400 sq. ft. of gross floor space; minimum of 4 spaces. 1 space per 5 fixed.seats or 1 space per 40 sq. ft. of floor area, whichever is greater 1 per 400 sq. ft. gross floor area 1 space per 10,000 sq. ft. of lot area t, I 537 Bowling alleys �hurches Convalescent homes or nursing home ''onvention hall facilities and -meeting rooms ::ive-in restaurants `ood and beverage places with sale and consumption on premises - if less than 4,000 sq. ft. floor area if over 4,000 sq. ft. floor area r.' niture, appliance, hardware, 7.othing, shoe, personal service ..ores A.f courses �_ospitals omes.for the aged, disabled or handicapped otels, motor hotels Elousing for the elderly, housing projects (where 90% of the units are occupied by persons 60 years of age or older) �ibraries, museums and art galleries , 8 per alley 1 per 5 seats or 60 lineal inches of pew or 40 sq. ft. of gross floor area used for assembly purposes 1 per 5 beds plus 1 per each staff member on duty on a maxi- mum shift 1 space per 20 seating capacity 1 per 80 sq. ft. gross floor area with 10 spaces minimum requirement 1 per 100 sq. ft. gross floor area 40 + 1 per 200 sq. ft. gross floor area in excess of 4,000 sq. ft. 1 per 600 sq. ft. floor area 3 spaces per hole of main course. 1 per 2 beds, exluding bassinets, plus 1 per 5 employees on maximum working shift, plus 1 per each staff doctor 1 space per 5 beds for bed -care patients, 1 space per 5 dwell- ing or lodging units for other occupants, plus 1 space for each staff member on duty on a maxi- mum shift 1 per sleeping room plus 1 per each 5 employees .5 per dwelling unit or lodging unit leper each 500 sq. ft. gross floor area 535 Manufacturing uses, research testing and processing, assembling all industries Medical and dental offices Mortuaries Motels Nursery schools offices not providing customer service Other retail - if less than 5,000 sq. ft. floor area if over. 5,000 sq. ft. floor area Private clubs and lodges, special centers, athletic clubs and the like Residential, duplex or multi -family Residential, single family Rooming houses, dormitories, and similar uses Schools, elementary and junior high Schools, high and colleges Service stations Stadiums, sport areas and similar open assemblies 4-5 1 per each 2 employees on maxi- mum shift but not less than 1 per each 800 sq. ft. gross floor area 1 per each 150 gross sq. ft. of floor area 1 per 75 sq. ft. of gross floor area used for assembly 1 per unit, plus 1 for each 5 employees 1 space per 10 children 1 per 4 employees but not less than 1 per 400 sq. ft. of gross floor area 1 per 200 sq. ft.. gross floor area 25 + 1 per each 300 sq. ft. in excess of 5,000 sq. ft. 1 space per 10 seats or 1 space per 100 sq. ft., whichever is greater 1.5 per dwelling unit 2 per dwelling unit 1 per bed 1 per each employee and faculty member, but not less than assembly facility area require- ment of 1 per 4 seats 1 per each 25 students + 1 per each employee and faculty member, but not less than assembly facility area requirement of 1 per 4 seats 3 spaces per service bay 1 per 8 seats plus 1 each per 100 sq. ft. of assembly space without fixed seats 539 T1 T i MINIMUM PARKING LOT REQUIREMLNTS a D e d e } b' c' . MG NGLE 3YXF4++R: SECTIDHISLMK wl TX W5 I %-FIC ABLE CURp LEHGTH R CAR STALL wo SECT RARMHG DRNR O• 30' B' 20' 23' 8' . 35• 56 is, 20' 14.0' 8.5' 49' 14.5' 4C•- 57 18.5 20 13- 8.5' BO' 15 45• 58 19' 20' 12.0 8.5' 51' 15b' 500 59' 19A' 20` I1.1' 8.5' 53' IS.S' 55• 60 20' 20 10.4 8S SS i7.5 T 60• 60' 20' 20' 9b' 8S' SS'17.5' 65• 60' 20' 20' 9.7 BB' �TO• 60' 20' 20' 9B` 9'- 5T 90• 54 20 24 9 9 I.U-- - ONE --WAY -TRAFFIC D b t b' R: RKFiG °�RK�Hv !'ARKIHD'T RAFFIC 4-7 standards, fences, surfacing material, curbs, and railings. 4-6 4Q ■ Section 4.03. General Requirements off -Street Loading. Each off-street loading space shall measure not less than 35 feet by 12 feet and shall have an unobstructed height of 14 feet 6 inches and shall be made permanently available for such purposes, and shall be surfaced, improved and maintained as required in Section 4.02 K, 1 and 6 A. Expansion and Enlargement_. Whenever any building existing on the effective date of this ordinance is subsequently altered to increase floor area by 50% or more, off-street loading spaces shall be provided as indicated. Nothing in these provisions shall be construed to require off-street loading areas for the portions of such buildings existing at the time of passage of this ordinance. B. Table of Minimum Standards. Required off-street loading spaces shall be in conformance with Table 4-2. TABLE 4-2 MINIMUM STANDARDS OFF-STREET LOADING AREAS Department stores, retail or wholesale stores, eating and drinking establishments, warehouses, repair, general ser- vice, manufacturing or industrial establishments. Square Feet of Aggregate Required Number Gross Floor Area of Spaces 10,000 to 19,999 1 20,000 to 39,999 2 40,000 to 59,999 3 each additional 20,000 1 additional Hotels, office buildings, hospitals or similar institutions, auditoriums or similar places of public assembly. Square Feet of Aggregate Gross Floor Area 30,000 to 59,999 60,000 to 89,999 90,000 to 119,999 each additional 60,000 Required Number of Spaces 1 2 3 1 additional Section 4.04. Land Use Intensity (L.U.I.). The purpose of land use intensity is to relate land area, and open space to each other. In applying land use intensity, the floor area ratio creates a maximum use of building in relation to land area and the open space requirements are minimum requirements based upon and computed from the actual floor area developed on a zoning lot. Where accessory or mixed uses are involved, the open space requirements shall be based on floor area, other than that used for commercial purposes. Recreation space (RS) may be a part of living space (LS) and living space a part of open space (OS). E n 541 A. The following is an application of the ratios: 1. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The ratio of floor area (FA) to land area (LA) expressed as a percent or decimal. Floor Area Patio (FAR) X Land Area (LA) = maximum permitted floor area. 2. Open Space Ratio (OSR). The ratio of open space (OS) to Floor Area (FA) that has been developed, expressed as a percent or decimal. Open Space Ratio (OSR) X Floor Area (FA) = minimum required open space. 3. Living Space Ratio (LSR). The ratio of Living Space MS) to Floor Area (FA) that has been developed, expressed as a percent or decimal. Living Space Ratio (LSR) X Floor Area (FA) = minimum required living space which may be part of required Open Space (OS). 4. Recreation Space (RS) expressed Ratio (RSR, tion Space MS). Space Ratio (RSR). The ratio of Recreation to Floor Area (FA) that has been developed is a percent or decimal. Recreation Space I X Floor Area (FA) = minimum required Recrea- which may be part of required Living Space B. In determining land area, floor area and open space, the following method of computation shall be applicable: 1. Land Area. In determining land area, the following shall be included: a. The area of the zoning lot, less any area for which vehicular access has been granted to other properties. b. An area equal to not more than one-half of the abutting right-of-way of any public street or alley to which the zoning lot has vehicular access rights. Said abutting right-of-way shall not include freeways, nor easements or private streets in which vehicular rights -of -way to other properties are granted. On lots abutting intersecting streets, the area shall be determined by the center line extensions of the abutting streets connected with the lot line extensions of the zoning lot or line established by beneficial open space. C. An area equal to not more than one-half of the total area of any permanent open space abutting the zoning lot. C. Floor Area. In determining floor area, the areas of the several floors of a building measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the center line of walls 4-9 542 , separating two buildings and all stairways, balconies and corridors shall be included, but the following areas .shall be excluded: 1. Attic areas with headroom of less than 7 feet. 2. Elevator hoist machinery. 3. Cooling towers. 4. Areas devoted exclusively to central air conditioning; ventilating, and other building machinery and equipment. 5. Parking structures, including accessways on the parking level. D. Open Space. In determining the area of open space, the following shall be included: 1. Land area as determined.under (C) above, less the building area. 2. Usable roof area. 3. One-half of the area of eligible covered open space. E. Living Open Space. In determining the area of living open space, the following shall be included: 1. Zoning lot area less the building area and less the uncovered car area. 2. Usable roof area. 3. Twenty-five percent of eligible covered open space. 4. Off -site permanent recreation space eligible for recre- ation space requirements. F. Recreation Space. In determining the area of recreation space, open areas for both passive and active recreation facilities shall be included, subject, however, to the following conditions: 1. No portion of any open area for passive or active. recreation facilities shall be less than 20 feet mea- sured horizontally from any residential window on the ground floor. 2. If the recreation space requirements is less than 10,000 square feet, the recreation space, other than I roof areas, shall be located in a continguous portion of the zoning lot. 4-10 543 3. If the recreation space requirement is 10,000 square ' feet or more, each separate recreation area shall contain at least 10,000 square feet and shall not be less than 100 feet in least dimensions at any point, except for any space of less than 10,000 square feet constituting the remainder after provision has been made for the 10,000 square foot area or areas. modifi- cation of these area and dimensional requirements shall be allowed if the shape or topography of the site prevents compliance or if the recreation space consists of usable roof area. 4. Off -site permanent recreation space and facilities may be approved as meeting up to one-half of the minimum requirements for countable recreation space, if such off -site space otherwise is in accord with these regu- lations and abuts the residential site. Section 4.05. General Requirements, Greenbelts. A. All sites in a "B" classified district having a common boundary with an "R" or "RA" classified property, shall erect and maintain a view -obscuring fence or dense, conif- erous hedge along such common boundary. Fences shall not be less than six feet nor more than eight feet in height. Hedges shall obtain a height of not less than six feet at maturity. Where the wall of a building is on such common boundary, no separate wall, fence or hedge need be installed along that portion of the boundary occupied by the building. B. All sites in an "I" classified district having a common boundary with an "R" or "RA" classified property shall have planted and maintained along such common boundary a view - obscuring coniferous greenbelt of shrubs and trees not less than eight feet in height at maturity nor less than ten feet in width for screening purposes and controlling access. C. Fence requirements as herein provided shall be complied with within a period of one year from the date of issuance of a building permit. Greenbelts or hedges shall provide substan- tial evidence of compliance with the requirements as herein provided within a period of one year from the date of issuance of a building permit. D. Fences or greenbelts erected as a requirements of this section shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. Failure to comply within thirty (30) days after notification by the Zoning Administration shall be a violation. Section 4.06. General Requirements, Floodway FW District. A. Uses listed in Table 3-1 as permitted uses in the FW dis- trict shall have a low flood damage potential and not obstruct flood flows. Buildings or structures, fill or storage of materials or equipment shall not be allowed. In 4-11 544 addition, no use shall adversely affect the capacity of the channels or floodways of any tributary to the main drainage ditch or any other drainage facility or system. B. Utilities, railroad tracks, roads and bridges within the FW district shall be designed to minimize increases in flood elevations. Protection to the regulatory flood protection elevation shall be provided where failure or interruption of these public facilities would result in danger to the public health or safety or where such facilities are essential to the orderly functioning of the area. Where failure or interruption of service would not endanger life or health, a lesser degree of protection may be provided for minor or auxiliary roads, railroads or utilities. Section 4.07. Single Lot Occupancy. A single lot may not be occupied by more than one building or dwelling except accessory buildings, without prior approval by the Board of Adjustment as a conditional use. 4-12 545 CHAPTER 5 DISTRICTS AND BOUNDARIES THEREOF Section 5.01. The locations and boundaries of the zoning districts shall be as shown on the map or maps entitled, "Official Zoning Map(s)", Planning Area and when approved by the City Council shall be made a part of this ordinance and all notations, refer- ences and amendments thereto, after said approval, shall be as if such information set forth on the map were fully described and set out herein. The Official Zoning Map(s) shall be kept on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator and shall be available for inspection by the public. Section 5.02. Boundary Interpretation. Where uncertainty exists as to boundaries of any district shown on said map, the following rules shall apply: A. Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following street lines, alley lines or lot lines, such lines shall be construed to be such boundaries. B. In subdivided property or where a district boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundary, unless the same is indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the map. Where a district boundary line, as appearing on the Official Zoning Map, divides a lot in single ownership, which is of record at the time of this enactment, the district requirement for the least restricted portion of such lot shall be deemed to apply to the whole thereof, provided that such extension shall not include any part of such lot more than 35 feet beyond the district boundary line. C. Where any street, road or alley is hereafter officially vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to each parcel of abutting property shall apply to that portion of such street, road or alley added to the property by virtue of such vacation or abandonment. D. 1. All land hereafter annexed to the City shall retain the zoning or district classification such land enjoyed while in the County unless changes were made during the annexation procedures. Once the land has been annexed to the City, Section 6.13 shall apply regarding further changes or amend- ments of zoning. 2. If the land to be annexed to the City has not been zoned while in the County, specific zoning classification shall be imposed at the time of annexation after study and public,hearing. 5-1 546 Section 5.03. Application of Ordinance. A. Except as hereinafter provided, no building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered, nor shall any build- ing or land be used, except in compliance with all the district requirements established by this ordinance for the district in which the building or land is located. B. The minimum yards or other open spaces required by this ordinance including those provisions regulating intensity of use, for each and every building hereafter erected or struc- turally altered shall not be encroached upon or considered as meeting the yard or open space requirements or the intensity - of -use provisions for any other building. In the event of any such unlawful encroachment or reduction, such building shall be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of this ordinance and the building permit for such building there- upon shall be null and void. C. Where the lot is formed from part of a lot already occupied by a building, such separation shall be effected in such manner as not to impair any of the requirements of this ordinance with respect to the existing buildings, and all yards and other open spaces in connection therewith, and no building permit shall be issued for the erection of a new building on the new lot thus created unless it complies with the provisions of this ordinance. , Section 5.04. Continuance of Non -Conforming Use of Buildings. Any no orming building or structure may be continued and maintained, provided there is no physical change other than necessary maintenance and repair in such building or structure. Section 5.05. Change of Use. Any part of a building, structure or land occupied by a non -conforming use may be changed to a use which is the same or of a more restricted nature; but where the use of a non -conforming building, or land is hereafter changed to .a more restricted classification, it shall not hereafter be changed to a use of a less restricted classification. Section 5.06. Vacancy: Termination of Non -Conforming Use. Any part of a building, structure, or land occupied by a non -conforming use, which hereafter becomes vacant and remains unoccupied for a continuous period of 90 days shall not thereafter be occupied except by a use which conforms to the use regulations of the district in which it is located. The 90 day time period may be extended by the Board of Adjustment if an application is filed with the Board by the property owner prior to the expiration of said 90-day time period. Only one such extension may be granted and such extension shall not exceed 90 days. Section 5.07. Change of Tenancy or Ownership. There may be a ' change of tenancy, ownership or management of at existing non- conforming use, provided there is no change in the nature or character of such non -conforming use 5-2 547 Section 5.08. Completion of Pending Construction. The adoption of this ordinance ing for which shall not limit the construction of any build- a permit had been obtained or construction had begun prior to its adoption and publication, even though such building does not conform to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 5.09. Maintenance Permitted. A non -conforming building or structure may be repaired and maintained as provided in and as limited by this section. The maintenance of such building or structure shall include only necessary repairs and incidental alterations, which alterations, however, shall not extend the extent or degree of non -conformity of such building or structure, provided that necessary alterations may be made required by other law, ordinances or regulations. Provided, further, that the cost of such work shall not exceed 25 percent of the appraised value of such building or structure at the time such work is done. The appraised value thereof shall be established by the Flathead County Assessor's Office. Section 5.10. Restoration of Damaged Building. A non -conforming building or structure having been damaged or partially destroyed by fire, or other calamity, to an extent not exceeding 50 percent of its real value, exclusive of foundations, at that time, may be restored and its immediately previous occupancy or use existing at the time of such partial destruction, may be continued or be resumed, provided the work of reconstruction is commenced within ' 180 days of the date of such partial destruction. Whenever a non -conforming building or structure is damaged in excess of 50 percent, of its real value, exclusive of foundations, at the time, the repair or reconstruction of such building shall conform to all of the regulations of the district in which it is located and it shall be treated as a new building. Upon application of the owner the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance to restore a building damaged beyond 50 percent. In addition, if such building is moved for any reason for any distance whatever, then in any such event, the said building and the land on which said destruction or moving shall be subject to all regulations speci- fied by this ordinance for the district in which such land and buildings are located. Section 5.11. Additions, Enlargements, Moving. A. A building or structure which is non -conforming as to use regulations, shall not be added to or enlarged in any manner. unless such building or structure, including such additions and enlargements, is made to conform to all regulations of the district in which it is located. B. A building or structure, non -conforming as to height or density regulations, may be added to or enlarged if such ' addition or enlargement conforms to the regulations of the district in which it is located. In such case, such addi- tion or enlargement shall be treated as a separate building or structure in determining conformity to all of the require- ments of this ordinance. 5-3 C. When a building or structure or portion thereof is moved from one district to another or to another location within the same district, it must conform or be made to conform to all of the regulations of the district to which it is moved. Section 5.12. Expansion Prohibited. A non -conforming use of land, a portion of a building or structure, which lands, build- ings, or structures otherwise conforms to the provisions of this ordinance, shall not be extended or expanded into any other portion of such conforming land, building, or structure, nor changed except to a conforming use. if such non -conforming use or portion thereof is discontinued for a 90 day or more period, or changed to a conforming use, any future use of such land, building or portion thereof shall be in conformity to the regu- lations of the district in which such land, building or structure is located. Section 5.13. Continuance of Non -Conforming Use of Land. The non -conforming use of land (where.no building is involved) exist- ing at the date this ordinance becomes effective, may be con- tinued, provided that: A. No such non -conforming use of land shall in any way be expanded or extended either on the same or adjoining prop- erty. Section 5.14. Lot Area Exceptions. The following shall be I exceptions to the required lot .areas: A. Lots, parcels or tracts of land, of record in the Flathead County Clerk & Recorder's office with less than the area required by the use district imposed, which existed prior to the passage of this ordinance. B. Lots or development sites which, as a process of their creation were approved with substandard area by the City Council or County Commissioners. Section 5.15. District Changes. Whenever the boundaries of a district shall be changed so as to transfer an area from one district to another district of a different classification, the foregoing provisions shall also apply to any non -conforming uses existing therein. 5-4 549 CHAPTER 6 ' ADMINISTRATION Section 6.01. Zoning F.dministrator. The Zoning Adminstrator shall be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this ordi- nance. The Zoning Administrator and his authorized representa- tive may enter any building or enter upon any land during the daytime in the course of their duties with the occupants consent and upon showing proper identification and giving reasonable notice. Section 6.02. Records. The Zoning Administrator shall maintain in his office all permits issued by him; a record of each and every identifiable complaint of a violation of any of the provi- sions of this ordinance, the action taken, consequent to any such complaint, which records shall be open to the public for inspection. Section 6.03. Permits Issued Contrary to This Ordinance. Any building permit, or other authorization issued, granted or approved in violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be null and void and of no effect without the necessity of any proceedings for a revocation or nullification thereof. Any work undertaken or use established pursuant to any void building permit or other authorization shall be unlawful and no action may be taken by any ' officer or any employee of the city purporting to validate any such violation. Section 6.04. Building Permit Required. No building or other structure shall be erected, moved, added to or structurally altered without a permit therefore, issued by the building inspec- tor or an authorized assistant. Section 6.05. Board of Adjustment. A Board of Adjustment is hereby established as provided in the Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, Section 11-2707, as amended. The word "Board" when used in this ordinance shall be construed to mean the Board of Adjustment. Said Board shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the mayor and subject to confirmation of the city council. Each of such members shall be appointed to hold office for a period of three (3) years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the mayor subject to confirmation by the city council, and shall be for the unexpired term of the retired member. All of the members of the Board shall be residents of the City and shall serve without compensa- tion; any member may be removed for cause by the mayor subject to the approval of the city council upon written charges made and after a public hearing thereon. Section 6.06. Powers of the Board of Adjustment. ' A. The Board shall hear and decide appeals from any determina- tion made by the Zoning Administrator and applications for conditional use permits and for variances. 6-1 550 0 B. Any decision within the jurisdiction and powera� of Board, as set forth in Section 15 above, made th "$ of Adjustment by a concurring vote of four or Mare o ''ts members, after proper appeal to hearing and deoasiont the Board, may not thereafter be rescinded, reveres or 'fied by action of the city council; a decision-made,Ly t' with fewer than four concurring votes thereon?'y„ :.. written application therefor filed with the ciAt =cl+erk, within ten days after the filing of the minutEft of t3& meeting whereat such decision was made, be revEin—Eed'>1 "°41ae: city council at its next regular meeting. In review of such decision, the council shall` ar the applicant and the appropriate administrative piorsonn&l'.' the city and such other. persons as may be dire l off ed thereby. After hearing such persons and exami4ing sun"' evidence as may properly be presented, the cougeih maYJ ii£ deemed to be in the best interest of the city d u the concurring vote of at least three fourths of tie coun 1 members present and voting, affirm, rescind, rice o modify the decision of the Board of Adjustment4.;.A c i£i.ed copy of the approved minutes of the city council mae g, reflecting such review and decision, shall be 10p"tairied.as part of the records of the Board of Adjustments' Section 6.07. Conditional Uses. A. Application for conditional use permit. A dever1cVer1W, owner or lessee may file with the Zoning Admin.14M t application for a conditional use permit, prow dedl. a •"'the conditional use sought is permitted in the par ' lar :s- trict (Table 3-1) . The applications shall be :rmmgsaa by a plan showing the actual dimensions and shap�=f thga` , the exact sizes and locations on the lot of ex4 t1mg proposed buildings, if any, and the existing aid uses of structures and open areas and by such aaiti 1 information as topography, access and surrounding lan' 'Oses. B. Fees. The applications shall be accompanied b# a deposit of $50.00 to cover the cost of publica+ffon of notice of public hearing. 1r C. Action by Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Adz An3mtrAmIt shall determine whether the proposed condition .IRTSBI xam to the general purpose and intent of the Comp ei'a1e.,3an and of the district in which it proposes to lotftihe_ Zoning Administrator shall transmit his findi-md -- mendations to the Board of Adjustment. s D. Action by the Board. After receiving the repot Df the Zoning Administrator with all pertinent reed the Board shall give notice of and hold a publl�x3ne provided in Section 6.12. Within 30 days aftexAhe the Board shall act upon the proposed condition; u 6-2 ,n% as i.ng, 1 551 granting the application in whole or in part, with or without modifications or denying it. In addition to the general or specificrequirements set forth in this ordinance concerning conditional uses, which shall be considered minimum require- ments with respect to the permit, additional requirements, .conditions and safeguards may be added by the Board as required for the protection of public interest in the specific case. The Board shall have the authority to require and approve a specific plan. E. Compliance, Denials, Approval. 1. If the permit is granted, all conditions required by the Board shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting and also on the certificate on the conditional use permit. 2. In the event of failure to comply with plans approved by or conditions imposed by the Board upon the conditional use permit, the permit shall thereupon immediately lapse and be of no effect; 3. If the permit is denied, the reasons therefore shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting at which the permit is denied; ' 4. If the property for which a conditional use permit is obtained is not utilized for that use within one year from the date of the Board's decision, the conditional use permit shall lapse automatically. The decision of the Board shall be final, subject only to review by the District Court. Section 6.08. General Standards for Conditional Use. A. Compliance with requirements. No conditional use permit shall be issued except upon a finding by the Board that the proposed use conforms to the requirements set forth in this chapter and.that the proposed conditional use will have no more adverse effect on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in the area and will be no more injurious, economically or otherwise, to property or improve- ments in the surrounding area than would any use generally permitted in the district. Among matters to be considered in this connection are traffic flow and control; access to and circulation within the property; off-street parking and loading; refuse and service areas; utilities; screening and buffering; signs, yards and other open spaces; height, bulk and location of structures; location of proposed open space uses; hours and manner or operation; and noise, lights, dust, odor, fumes and vibration. However, an authorized conditional use may not be denied arbitrarily or if no specific adverse effect is found. 6-3 552 Section 6.09. Additional Requirements for Conditional Uses. In addition to the general requirements set forth above, the require- mentsI set forth hereafter shall apply to the respective conditional uses and structures. Section 6.09.1. Animal Hospitals, Pounds, Shelters, Commercial Kennels. A. Except where animals are kept in sound -proof air conditioned buildings no structure or area occupied by such animals whether in animal hospitals, pounds, shelters or commercial kennels shall be kept within 100 feet of the property line of any adjacent lot. Section 6.09.2. Boat Marinas, Boat Buildings and Repair Facilities, Docks and Piers for Pleasure Craft, Public and Private and Sale of Boating Supplies and Fuel. A. Location and Site Requirements. Marinas shall be located as to be accessible from major roads without creating traffic congestion on minor streets. In general, sites shall include at least 300 feet of water frontage and at least two acres in area. These requirements may be increased or decreased in a particular case as indicated by the requirements of subsection "B". B. Operational Requirements. Launching ramps, boat building ' and repair facilities, facilities for sale of boating supplies and fuel, clubhouses and areas for boat storage on land which are open between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. shall be at least 150 feet from the nearest lot line of any lot on which a dwelling is permitted. If any of said areas or functions are open before 8 a.m. after 9 p.m., the distance shall be increased to 300 feet, provided that if parking areas and boat storage areas on land are enclosed by a solid fence at least 6 feet in height, the distance may be reduced to 150 feet. Section 6.09.3. Cemeteries,.Columbariums, Crematories, Mausoleums. A. With respect to cemeteries, columbariums, crematories and mausoleums, a 10 foot landscaped greenbelt shall be provided along the boundaries of the property. In cases where bodies are to be interred to present contamination of ground water, data shall be supplied by the developer indicating depth to the seasonal high water table. Such tests shall be conducted during the peak runoff season. Section 6.09.4. Cluster Developments - Dwellings. Cluster developments shall be subject to the following: A. Minimum area of the development shall be not less than two acres. 6-4 553 B. Types of Buildings. 1. Within the R-1, R-2 and R-3 residential districts, only one -family detached dwellings shall be permitted; 2. Within the R-4 and R-5 residental districts, detached, simi-detached and attached dwellings shall be permitted. C. Minimum Area Per Dwelling Unit. The minimum area per dwell- ing unit, excluding streets and off-street parking areas for three or more automobiles shall be as follows: 1. One acre per dwelling unit for any development within an R-1 residental district; 2. 20,000 square feet per dwelling unit for any development within an R-2 residental district; 3. 9,600 square feet per dwelling unit for any development within an R-3 residential district; 4. 7,200 square feet per dwelling unit for any development within an R-4 residental district; 5. 5,400 square feet per dwelling unit for any development within .an R-5 residental district. ' D. Lot Size. The minimum size of a lot of record within a cluster development shall be as follows: 1. Detached Dwellings. The minimum size of a lot of record within the development for detached dwellings shall be at least 80 percent of the minimum area required per dwelling unit but not less than 4,500 square feet, provided that an area equal to the difference, if any, between the minimum area required per dwelling unit and the size of the lot of record actually provided shall be set aside as common open space. 2. Attached Dwellings. The minimum lot size of a lot of record within the development for attached dwellings shall be 2,500 square feet for one dwelling unit and 5,000 square feet for two dwelling units. Attached dwellings shall not exceed eight dwelling units in one building. The area equal to the difference, if any, between the minimum area required per dwelling unit and the size of the lot of record actually provided shall be set aside as common open space. E. Common Open Space. Common open space, permanently reserved and maintained as landscaped park or recreational space and excluding streets or parking areas shall be provided within the development area in an amount equal to the difference between: 6-5 554 •� 1. The total of the minimum area requirements of individual lots of record, if the land utilized for the cluster development were developed under the district regula- tions; and 2. The total of the area of the lots of record actually provided per dwelling unit of the cluster development. The location, size, nature and topography of the open space areas shall be suitable for use as common areas for park, recreational purposes and buffer areas between groups of homesites and not more than 50 percent of the open space areas resulting from the reduction in lot sizes shall have a slope in excess of twenty percent. F. Yards. Yards abutting the boundaries of cluster developments shall conform to the minimum requirements for the district, provided that landscaped strips at least ten feet in width shall be maintained along the boundaries of the development. Such strips shall not be used as drives or for parking. Where groups of buildings in the development are other than perpendicular to a side or rear boundary of the cluster development and such boundary is not a street or alley, the yard adjacent to such boundary is not a street or alley, the yard adjacent to such boundary shall be thirty feet in least dimension and a ten foot landscaped strip shall be maintained free from drives or parking. G. Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage by all buildings, as specified for the district, shall be applied to the cluster development as a whole and not to individual lots of record within the cluster development. H. Covenants. Adequate provision shall be made for the perpetual maintenance of all open space areas by the inclusion of covenants running with the land in the deeds or other instru- ments of conveyance, delineating such open areas; and 1. obligating purchasers to participate in a homeowners' association and to support maintenance of the open space areas by paying to the association, assessments., sufficient for such maintenance and subjecting their properties to a lien for enforcements of payments of the respective assessments; 2. Obligating such association to the maintenance of open space areas; 3. Empowering the city as well as other purchasers in the development to enforce the covenants in the event of failure of compliance; and 4. Providing for an agreement that if the city is required to perform any maintenance work pursuant to item "3" 6-6 555 above, said purchasers would pay the cost thereof and that the same shall be a lien upon their properties until said cost has been paid, provided that the sub- divider shall be responsible for the formation of the homeowners' association. Assurance that such covenants will be included in the deeds or other instruments of conveyance shall be evidenced by the recording in the County Clerk and Recorder Office of Flathead County, Montana, of a declaration providing for perpetual maintenance of the open space areas, as prescribed herein above and identifying the tract and each lot therein. The declaration shall be included in the deed or other instrument of conveyance of each lot of record and shall be made binding on all purchasers, provided that such declaration may, as to subsequent conveyance other than the initial conveyance of each lot of record, be incorporated by reference in the instrument of conveyance. Section 6.09.5. Drive -In Theaters. A. Minimum area of a drive-in theater site shall be ten acres. B. The site shall be adjacent to a major street and entrances and exits shall be from the major street provided, however, ' that where adjacent minor streets can be used for access to the major street, this arrangement may be permitted. 1 C. Off-street parking or storage lanes for waiting patrons shall be avilable to accommodate not less than twenty percent of the vehicular capacity of the theater. Section 6.09.6. Dwelling, Single Family. In an agricultural AG- 1 zone, single family residental uses will be considered as accessory uses only. A. Single family residental use as an accessory use must be subordinate in area and extend to the principal agricultural use of coipmercial-agricultural production of food, fiber and/or livestock. B. Commercial -agricultural production of food, fiber and/or livestock shall be documented to demonstrate an annual income equal to or greater than the average annual income of Flathead County residents, as established and periodically updated by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Section 6.09.7. Extractive Industries. Requirements contained in th this section shall not exempt the owner or operator of an extractive industry from compliance with Strip Mine Reclamation Act, Chapter 10, shall be in addition to the requirements 6-7 the Montana Open Cut or Title 50, RCM, 1947, but of said Act. Prior to Z.I"lJ the approval by the Board of a conditional use permit, a reclama- tion contract shall be signed and approved by the owner or opera- tor and the appropriate state agency. A. Operational Requirements. The site of an extractive industry shall be of sufficient size and dimensions to accommodate the proposed operations. Consideration shall be given to noise, light, dust, smoke and vibration and how they affect adjoining properties. Blasting operations shall be restricted to Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pockets and stagnant pools of water resulting from surface drainage shall either be: 1. Sprayed to eliminate breeding places for mosquitoes and other insects. Method and chemicals used shall be approved by the Montana State Department of Agriculture; or 2. Drained to prevent such pockets or pools. Off -Street parking areas adequate for all employees' vehicles and trucks shall be provided. B. Plan for Development of the Site. The plan to be submitted with the application for a conditional use permit shall include a plan for development of the subject property which shall consist of two phases: the exploitation phase and the re -use phase. 1. Exploitation Phase. The plan for the exploitation phase shall show the proposed development as planned in relation to surrounding property with 300 feet and shall include topographic surveys and other materials indicating existing conditions, including soil and drainage and the conditions, including drainage, top- ography and soil which shall exist at the end of the exploitation phase. Contour intervals for topography shall be five (5) feet in areas where slope is ten percent or greater and two (2) feet in areas where slope is less than ten percent. The plan for exploitation phase shall demonstrate the feasibility of the operation proposed without creating hazards or causing damage to other properties. This plan shall also show the different stages of exploita- tion, where and how traffic will be handled, where equipment will be operating, the location and dimension of structures, the manner in which safeguards will be provided including those for preventing access by children and other unauthorized persons to dangerous areas. The final stage of this plan shall indicate how the project is to be finished in accordance with the phase for re -use. 557 2. Re -Use Phase. The plan for the re -use phase shall ,indicate how the property is to be left in a form ' suitable for re -use for purposes permissible in the district, relating such re -uses to uses existing or proposed for surrounding properties. Among items to be included in such plan are feasible circulation patterns in and around the site, the treatment of exposed soil or subsoil including measures to be taken to replace topsoil or establish vegetation in excavated areas in order to make the property suitable for the proposed re -use and treatment of slopes to prevent erosion. In such re -use plan, intermittent lakes shall be allowed, provided that such lakes are deep enough to sustain a species of game fish approved by the Montana Fish and Game Department. Such fish should have the capacity of feeding on insects and mosquito larva, thereby eliminating an insect and mosquito breeding area. Section 6.09.8. Land Fills, Sanitary for Disposal of Stumps, Trash and Garbage. A. Sanitary land fills and refuse dumps shall be subject to the following conditions: ' 1. Certificates of approval shall be required from the State Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. 2. No application for a conditional use permit shall be considered unless owners of at least 60 percent of the area within 600 feet of the boundaries of the proposed sanitary land fill shall in writing state that they have no objections to the allowance of such use. 3. A conditional use permit for a sanitary land fill shall be issued for an initial period of five years. Said permit may be renewed after the initial period by the Board for a similar period, upon application provided that such renewal may be refused to a person, firm or corporation who has violated the conditions of the permit during its term or if conditions in the area have changed in such a manner as to justify refusal of the renewal. No fee shall be charged for the renewal permit. Section 6.09.9. Television or Other Broadcasting Stations and Masts. A. Measured from the abutting property line, setbacks from property lines shall be at least equivalent to the height of the structure for television and other broadcasting stations and line -of -sight relay devices. Section 6.10. Variances or Appeals. A. Application for Variances or Appeals, Application for variances or appeals from the ruling of the Zoning Admini- strator concerning the provisions contained within this ordinance may be made by the Board within such time as shall be prescribed by the. Board. The mayor shall appoint the secretary of the Board. B. The secretary shall maintain and be custodian of all records of the minutes of the Board and findings and decisions of the Board. All records shall be open to the public. A1.1 appeals from interpretations and applications for variances shall be in writing on forms prescribed by the Board and shall be accompanied by $25.00 to cover the costs of pro- cessing. Every appeal and application shall refer to the specific provisions of this ordinance involved and shall set forth the interpretation that it claimed, the details of the variance that is applied for and the reasons for which it is claimed that the variance should be granted,as the case may be. C. When any appeal is made to the Board from the decision of the Zoning Administrator, any further findings of the matter shall be stayed until the final determination by the Board of Adjustment. 1. When an appeal is taken to the District Court from any decision of the Board, all proceedings therein shall be stayed until final determination by the District Court. D. Meetings of the Board shall be held at least once a month provided there is business to transact and at such other times as the Chairman of the Board may determine. All regular Board meetings shall be open to the public. The Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure and keep minutes of its proceedings, findings and action in each case and the vote of each member present on each question considered in the proceedings, unless a member disqualifies himself. The presence of four members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum and four affirmative votes shall be necessary for granting a variance. No proxy vote is permissible. Section 6.11. Conditions Governing Variances. The Board of Adjustment shall have the authority to grant a variance from the requirements of this ordinance, after considering the matter at a public meeting duly called. A. Before any variance can be granted, the Board shall make findings of fact based upon evidence produced at a public hearing setting forth and showing that the following circum- stances exist: 6-10 "I 559 1. In considering all proposed variances to this ordinance, ' the Board shall, before making any findings in a speci- fied case, first determine that the proposed variance will not amount to a change in the use of the property to a use which is not permitted within the district; 2. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land such as size, shape, topography or location, not applicable to other lands in the same district and that literal interpretation of the provi- sions of this ordinance would deprive the property owner of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties similarly situated in the same district under the terms of this ordinance; 3. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; 4. That granting the variance requested will not confer a special privilege to subject property that is denied other lands in the same district; 5. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; ' 6. The Board of Adjustment shall further make a finding that the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reason- able use of the.land; 7. The Board of Adjustment shall further make a finding that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or other- wise detrimental to the public welfare; 8. The fact that property may be utilized more profitably will not be the sole element of consideration before the Board of Adjustment. B. In granting any variance, the Board of Adjustment may pre- scribe approximate conditions and safeguards that will ensure that the purpose and intent of this ordinace shall not be violated. Violation of such conditions and safeguards when made part of the terms under which the variance is granted shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance and punishable under Section 6.15, "Violations and Penalties". IC. Variances with respect to uses of land, buildings and other structures may not be granted by the Board. 6-11 560 d Section 6.12. Public Notice and Hearing. No action of the Board shall be taken on any conditional use permit until after proper notice has been given and public hearing has been held. Proper notice of hearing before the Board shall be: A. One publication in a newspaper of genera]. circulation in . the planning area at least fifteen days prior to the date of hearing. B. Posting of copies of the Notice of Hearing at least fifteen days prior to the hearing in a conspicuous place on the property which is the subject matter of the application to the Board. C. Written notice shall be mailed to the owner or reputed owner of the properties within 150 feet of the property which is the subject matter of the application of the Board, which ownership is deemed to be that of the last owner of record in the office of the County Assessor of Flathead County, said notice to be mailed at least fifteen days prior to the date of such proposed hearing. D. The secretary of the. Board shall cause said notices to be mailed and published and the Boards records shall contain statements of such notices. Section 6.13. Amendments to This Ordinance and/or Official I Zoning Map. A. Proposed amendments, supplementations or modifications of the Text of These Regulations or the Official Zoning Map May be Initiated as Follows: 1. By motion of the city council; or 2. By motion of the Zoning Commission or 3. By petition of the owners of fifty percent or more of the area involved in a petition for a change in the zoning map; said petition shall be on forms prescribed by the Commission and accompanied by a filing fee of $50.00 to cover costs of processing. B. proposed amendments, supplementations or modifications of the text of this ordinance or the Official Zoning Map shall be submitted to the city council who shall refer said pro- posed amendments, supplementations to the Zoning Commission. C. The Zoning Commission shall take no action upon a request for a proposed amendment, supplementation or modification of the text of this ordinance or the Official Zoning Map until they have considered all facts relative to the proposal. 6-12 561 The Zoning Commission shall consider said proposed amend- ment, supplementation or modification and shall make its recommendation concerning the matter to the city council. D. The city council shall take no action on the recommendation of the Zoning Commission regarding a proposed amendment, supplementation or modification until a public hearing is held before the council. Notice of the time and place of said hearing shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the planning area at least fifteen days prior to the date of the hearing. After the public hearing the city council. shall consider the recommendation of the Zoning Commission and any public comment and may approve, modify or disapprove the proposed amendment, supplementation or modification, by a majority vote of the city council. However, if a protest against such change, signed by the owners of twenty percent or more either of the area of the lots included in such proposed change, or of those immediately adjacent in the rear thereof extending one hundred and fifty (150) feet therefrom, or of those adjacent on either side thereof within the same block, or of those directly opposite thereof extending one hundred and fifty (150) feet from the street frontage of such opposite lots, such change shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of three -fourths (3/4) of all ' the members of the city council. Section 6.14. Change of Zoning to Planned Unit Development District (PUD). A. General. 1. Initiation. The legal land owner shall submit an application to the Zoning Commisssion for a change of zoning from the existing district to a proposed PUD district. The application shall be accompanied by a preliminary plan containing.the information required in Section 6.14, B.6. In cases where the development will be executed in increments, a schedule showing the time within which each part will be filed and completed shall also be included in the application. 2. Review of Application. Upon submission of the applica- tion and preliminary plan, the Zoning Commission shall review such application and plan based on the following: a. The extent to which the Plan departs from zoning and subdivision regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property, including but not limited to density, bulk and use and the reasons why such departures are or are not deemed to be in the public interest; 6-13 562 b. The nature and extent of the common open space in the planned development project, the reliability of the proposals for maintenance and conservation of the common open space and the adequacy or inadequacy of the amount and function of the open space in terms of the densities and dwelling types proposed in the Plan; C. The mariner in which said Plan does or does not make adequate provision for public services, provide adequate control over vehicular traffic and further the amenities of light or air, recrea- tion and visual enjoyment; d. The relationship, beneficial or adverse, of the planned development project upon the neighborhood in which it is proposed to be established; e. In the case of a Plan which proposes development -over a period of years, the sufficiency of the terms and conditions proposed to protect and maintain the integrity of the Plan which finding shall be made only after consultation with the city attorney; f. Conformity with all applicable provisions of Section 6.14. 3. Action by the Zoning Commission. The Zoning Commission shall review the plans and shall hold a public meeting on the application pursuant to Section 6.13, E. Within thirty days after said application, the Zoning Commission shall submit its recommendations to the city council. The Zoning Commission.may recommend approval in whole or in part, with or without modifications or recommend disapproval. Such recommendations shall include: a. Lot area; b. Floor area; C. Ratios of floor space to land area; d. Area in which structures may be built. ("Buildable area"); e. Open space; f. Setback lines and minimum yards; g. Building separations; h. Height of structures; 6-14 1 563 i. Signs; j. off-street parking and loading space; k. Design standards; 1. Phasing of development. 4. Action by the City Council. The city council shall consider the recommendation of the Zoning Commission and pursuant to a public hearing called by them may affirm, modify or deny the PUD Plan. The applicant shall submit a final plan in accordance with the approval of the city council. When the city council approves the final plan and plat, the area of land involved shall be redesignated as a PUD district by ordinance which shall incorporate the final plan, including any conditions or restrictions that may be imposed by the city council. Each PUD district created shall be numbered consecutively, e.g. PUD-1, PUD-2, etc. 5. Effect of Approval. The final Plan as approved together with the conditions and restrictions imposed shall constitute the zoning for the district. No building permit shall be issued for any structure within the district unless such structure conforms to the provi- sions of the Plan. 6. Abandonment or Expiration. Upon the abandonment of a development authorized under Section 6.14 (abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred when no improvements have been made pursuant to the approved development plan for a period of twelve months or upon the expira- tion of the completion schedule approved as a part of the development plan for a development which has not been completed), the Zoning Commission or city council may initiate an amendement to the official Map so that the land will be rezoned in a category or categories which most nearly approximate its then existing use or such other zoning category or categories which it deems appropriate or into the category or categories it held before being zoned as a PUD District. a. Limitation on Rezoning. The Zoning.Commission shall not initiate any amendments to the Zoning ordinance or Official Map concerning the property involved in a Planned Unit Development before completion of the development as long as develop- ment is in conformity with the approved Detailed Planned Unit Development and proceeding in accord- ance with the time requirements imposed therein. B. Standards for Change of Zoning to Planned Unit Development District (PUD). 6-15 564 1. Establishment of District. PUD districts may be estab- lished only in existing R-2 through R-5 residential and RA-1 through RA-3 residential apartment districts. 2. Location of PUD. A PUD district shall be located in an area where public and private facilities and services are available or are to become available by the time the development reaches the stage where they will be required. 3. Land Area Requirements. The minimum land area required for a change of zoning to PUD shall be five acres and shall be under single ownership. In determining whether minimum area requirements for a PUD district have been met, computations shall include the entire area within the boundaries of the district proposed, including the area of streets.. Lands in such districts may be divided by streets, but shall be so located, dimensioned and arranged as to permit unified planning and develop- ment, to meet all requirements for PUD districts and to provide adequate protection for uses within the district and in surrounding areas. 4. Use Regulations. Within a PUD district, the uses and structures permitted in Table 3-1 shall be allowed with the following exception: a Commercial Uses. 1.) Such establishments and their parking areas shall not occupy more than five percent of the land area of the planned unit development district; 2.) Such establishments shall be limited to trade and service facilities such as stories, coin operated laundry and dry cleaning establish- ments, beauty shops and barber shops. How- ever, service stations and repair garages shall not be permitted as convenience estab- lishments; 3.) Such establishments shall be so located designed and operated as to serve primarily the needs of persons within the district and not persons residing elsewhere; 4.) No building permit for any convenience estab- lishment shall be issued nor may any building be used for a convenience establishment before sixty percent of the dwelling units contemplated in the development plan have been constructed and occupied. 6-16 I 565 1 5. Dwelling Unit Densities. Residential dwelling unit densities within a proposed PUD district shall not exceept the following: a. PUD districts created from R-2 residental districts shall not exceed three dwelling units per acre; b. PUD districts created from R-3 residental districts shall not exceed five dwelling units per acre; C. PUD districts created from R-4 residental districts shall not exceed seven dwelling units per acre; d. PUD districts created from R-5 residental districts shall not exceed ten dwelling units per acre; e. PUD districts created from RA-1 residental apartment districts shall not exceed twenty two dwelling units per acre; f. PUD districts created from RA-2 residental apartment districts shall not exceed thirty- three dwelling units per acre; and g. PUD districts created from RA-3 residental apartment districts shall not exceed forty- four dwelling units per acre. When a plan for a proposed PUD includes commercial areas, the acreage developed to those commercial acres shall not be excluded from the gross acreage when computing total allowable dwelling units. . 6. Preliminary PUD Plan. Three copies of a plan shall be submitted at the time the a change in zoning to PUD is submitted. shall contain the following: preliminary application for Such plan a. Proposed dimensioned layout super -imposed on a 2- 5 foot interval topographic map of the area to a scale not to exceed 1" = 100' of any streets, buildings, open space, lots and other elements basic to the development; b. Proposed locations, amounts, densities and types of residental and non-residental uses and struc- tures within the area proposed to be developed and maximum height of buildings or structures; C. Proposed plan for handling vehicular traffic, parking, sewage disposal, drainage, water supply, 6-17 1 566 site perimeter treatment and other pertinent site development features; , d. Elevation drawings which demonstrate visually the general architectural features of each proposed building or architecturally distinct group or type of buildings and the site perimeter treatment; e. The plan shall show the boundary lines of adjacent subdivided or unsubdivided land and the existing zoning of the area proposed to be changed to PUD as well as the land adjacent thereto; f. An anumeration of covenants in detail proposed to be made a part of the PUD and shall be enforceable by the city council; g. A statement expressing the order and estimated time of development; h. Adequate provision shall be made for a private organization with direct responsibility to, and control by, the property owners involved to provide for the operation and maintenance of all common facilities including private streets jointly shared by such property owners if such facilites are a part of the Planned Unit Development and in , such instance, legal assurances shall be provided which show that the private organization is self- perpetuating and adequately funded to accomplish its purposes; real property taxes of the private streets and common areas shall be assessed and levied pro-rata to all privately owned parcels within the district; i. Adequate provisions shall be made for common facilities which are not dedicated to the public to be maintained to standards assuring continuous and adequate maintenance at a reasonable and non- discriminatory rate of charge to the beneficiaries thereof. Common facilities not dedicated to the public shall be operated and maintained by the private organization and at no expense to any governmental unit; j. All private streets shall be maintained by the aforesaid private organization in such a manner that adequate access is provided at all times to vehicular traffic so that fire, police, health, sanitation and public utility vehicles can serve the properties contiguous or adjacent thereto and I so that said vehicles will have adequate turning area; 567 k. A statement expressing in what manner the proposed development relates both to the purposes of this section to the adopted Comprehensive Development Plan. Section 6.15. Violations and Penalties. A. Any person or corporation, whether owner, lessee, principal agent, employee or otherwise, who violates any of the provi- sions of this ordinance or permits any such violation or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof, or who erects, constructs, reconstructs, alters, enlarges, converts, moves or uses any building or uses any land in violation of any detailed statement or plans submitted by him and approved under the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by.a fine not exceeding $500.00 or imprisonment for a period not to exceed ninety days or both. Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate additional violation. B. In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, converted or maintained, or any building, structure or land is used in violation of this ordinance, the proper legal authorities of the City of Kalispell, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent such unlawful ' erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, conver- sion, maintenance or use, to restrain, correct or abate such violation, to prevent the occupancy of said building, struc- ture or land, or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about such building, structures or land. Section. 6.16. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are severable. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 6.17. When Effective. This ordinance is effective January 1, 1978 and shall apply as follows: A. Upon the effective date it shall apply to any and all territory thereafter annexed to the City of Kalispell. If the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Kalispell in effect at the time this ordinance is adopted is still in effect as provided hereinafter, the city council shall at time of such annexation determine the proper zoning district classifica- tion of such annexed territory or nearly as possible in accordance with Article I, Section 7(b), (c) and (d) of said existing ordinance. B. At any time the city council may by Resolution, apply this ordinance to any property within the city limits at the time this ordiance becomes effective. Before such a resolution 6-19 may be adopted, however, the Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing concerning such resolution and the property to which it shall apply. Such public hearing shall be held only after due notice thereof shall have been published in the city at least once a week for two successive weeks next preceeding such public hearing. Following such public hearing the Zoning Commission shall make recommendations to the city council concerning the zoning districts most adapt- able to said property and in adopting its resolution, the city council shall. consider, but is not bound by such recommendation. C. Until a resolution is passed and adopted making this ordi- nance applicable to a property within the city, the zoning ordinance of the City of. Kalispell in force when this ordi- nance becomes effective shall continue to apply to said property within the city. All property within the city shall be assigned a zone,, trict classification in accord- ance this ordinanr,d whin one year following the effe iv date of thin/ ordi ance. D AND/ADOPTED BY it 28th AY OF NOVEIER, —:=veoged t I I, George Beardslee, City Clerk of the the 12th day of December , 19 in my office, and the sane remained po Is a true and correct copy of the ordi, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL ma Fyg Happ, May( Valfs7byhfefvity ans, do certify e ,the foregoin o a pere days, rd the passeC. ` e 11 1